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What do you consider going too far?

Tom Snyder

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To clarify, i mean things people do to either get back at you, or do something totally off the wall, etc. I'm sorry if i can't think straight, but i am trying.


I consider going too far is when someone goes out of their way to to make your life miserable, and others just defend them like nothing happened. I've had this happen way too often and it annoys the hay out of me so much. 

Edited by Candy Star
  • Brohoof 6


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I'm not certain what context we're talking about here, but for me, going too far is when someone insults/hurts my friends. I can take abuse and rudeness- I feel like I deserve it- but I've kicked at least one person that was once close to me out of my life for suggesting his experiences matters more than theirs, and I'd gladly do it again if someone insulted them even indirectly again.

  • Brohoof 3


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I'm with Senpai~. I don't fully understand the context, but for me, going to far is when you are trying to hurt another person in anyway you can. 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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I have a hard time trying to explain it.

I'll just say, the lengths that relatives have gone to make someone you love feel miserable, let's go with that.

Mine would be when my aunt decided to steal from my mother's bank account, took every bit of money in the savings(our mistake was adding her to it.), she really seemed ticked about something, but she didn't have to go that far to get back at her. 

Edited by Candy Star
  • Brohoof 1


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I have a hard time trying to explain it.

I'll just say, the lengths that relatives have gone to make someone you love feel miserable, let's go with that.

Mine would be when my aunt decided to steal from her bank account, took every bit of money in the savings account, she really seemed ticked about something, but she didn't have to go that far to get back at her. 


Well I don't think I can answer your question then because my family has never had these kinds of internal squabbles. Mom and Dad both met in high school, married after college, had me and my brothers, and they get along with their siblings swimmingly as we do with our cousins.


There was one time when my cousin smacked by brother across the back with a kayak paddle and I punched him out, but that was when we were so young I don't even remember it.

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I have a hard time trying to explain it.

I'll just say, the lengths that relatives have gone to make someone you love feel miserable, let's go with that.

Mine would be when my aunt decided to steal from her bank account, took every bit of money in the savings account, she really seemed ticked about something, but she didn't have to go that far to get back at her. 

There are members of my family who have needlessly made the lives of those I care about more difficult.  People who never seem to recognize their own mistakes or wrongdoing; people who behave as though their actions are always justified.  My aunt's an alcoholic who has had her children taken away from her at least twice.  She always put herself first.

Edited by Ziggy and Angelbaby
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What do I consider going too far? Well it depends on the situation.


-Combat: Killing is regrettable but sometimes necessary, torturing your enemy because they've wronged you is crossing the line.


-Individuality: By far where I draw the line closest. ANY infringement upon individual rights has crossed the line in my book!


-Religion: All faiths have at least some truth or wisdom to them, conversion by the sword isn't crossing the line . . . because at that point you've crossed the line looooooong ago.

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I'd say that insulting someone's ethnic group, culture, style, what so ever would be going a bit too far. Depends on what it is about though, but that's the first thing that comes to mind. Also, using violence when it's not needed.

  • Brohoof 1

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:sunny: I think when they cross the line of being offensive or cruel. Obviously, you would have to be one heartless bro.

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I consider it going to far when someone gets upset because you happen to follow the same J-rockers as they do. This happened to me today, and I'm just like, "Are you serious?". I mean, I have a right to follow whoever I want.

  • Brohoof 1

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 It's hard for me to understand what you mean by going too far. With the example you provided, @, it seems like you are speaking of retaliation. Is this the case?

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Well, I think most retaliation is inappropriate, unless it is a punishment by the state.

I am not speaking of self-defense, but of retaliation after the fact.

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Breaches in morality.

Doing something or saying something to someone that you know will hurt them at a very personal level.

Telling people secrets you have been told .

im not religious but i think putting  an extreme personal interpretation that causes misery to others , such as homaphobia and breach of free speech is going to far

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Relatiionships: Matching outfits


MLP: Having a shrine


Child bearing : Any more than 10


Obesity: Not being able to leave your room


Sandwiches: Mustard AND mayonaisse (What are we,animals?!)


Religon: Protesting at a war veteran's funeral halfway across the country (I'm looking at you West Bourough)


Generalization: All of it.


Making a point: Killing someone


America: 'Murica


Piracy: Going overboard


Swimming: Swimming (I hate swimming)


I really have no idea what context you want, but I have little better to do besides make a satirical list of things that go too far.

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Relatiionships: Matching outfits

MLP: Having a shrine

Child bearing : Any more than 10

Obesity: Not being able to leave your room

Sandwiches: Mustard AND mayonaisse (What are we,animals?!)

Religon: Protesting at a war veteran's funeral halfway across the country (I'm looking at you West Bourough)

Generalization: All of it.

Making a point: Killing someone

America: 'Murica

Piracy: Going overboard

Swimming: Swimming (I hate swimming)

I really have no idea what context you want, but I have little better to do besides make a satirical list of things that go too far.

This made me laugh histerically

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Too far, to me, is when you purposely try to hurt someone, mentally or physically. Say a girl takes a picture of herself, posts it on social media with a comment saying she likes her new hairdo, and you come and call her ugly. You've gone too far. Say a boy likes fashion video games and you call him "gay" or a "fag". You've crossed the line. Lastly, if someone does something and it in no way affects anyone but themselves, don't be a butt-hole about it and make their lives harder because of your views. It's a bad idea, and you're a bad person if that's your mindset.


This is how you go too far.

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Now people are getting it, just state anything you wish to; it won't matter what the context is. If you have your opinion, let's hear it.

Another i consider going too far, is people trying to intentionally tick me off so that i react to it and get angry. Which never works in any way.


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