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open Strange Tales of the Equestrian Idiot RP Thread (See OOC to join!)


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@@xCuddlefish, @@GeneralDirection, @@Windbreaker, @@Orion Caelum, @@Pelate, @@Love, @@Derplight Sperkle, @@Littlecandylulu903,


"Top magicians discover portal to new world!"


"Have we really made contact with aliens?"


"Thaumatologists look for two alien beings -- to bring to Equestria!"


The headlines graced the covers of just about every newspaper in Equestria, sending evrypony into a tizzy about this seemingly impossible news. What did these aliens look like? What was their world like? Did they have magic? Were they dangerous?? If so, then how were they going to be kept in check? So many questions floated from inquiring mouths! Some Ponies were fearful, others couldn't help but be curious and excited at the prospect, and there were still others largely indifferent to this bit of news.


Regardless of what anypony felt, the press kept churning out article after article of this astonishing story, as it filled their coffers and fueled conversations. Clearly, this was THE next big thing! Ponies awaited news from Canterlot with bated breath as the next headline read,


"Alien search begins... By contest sent to their world!"




"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Came Colette's furious roar as she watched her titan get fragged for the nth time. She threw her head back in frustration as a triumphant cackle erupted from her speakers. "That was waaaay too easy, Hypno." The voice said between fits of laughter, "Did you even get the warning to, I dunno, eject??"


"Shut your hole, Ghost!" Colette shouted, growling--then sighing in resignation. "...Do I REALLY have to do it??"


There was the sound of heavy footfalls before her door flew open, revealing another girl who was grinning like a madman. "Yes. Yes you do!" She replied, voice dripping with mischievousness.




"Welcome back, everyone. HypnØticD here. Joining me today is my jackass of a friend, Pail_Ghost!" Colette said, pointing to the second girl, who was now sitting behind her, smiling and waving from her bed. "Hi, everyone! I'm Madison. I'm the jackass who wrecked HypnØ's shit as part of a bet! And now she must submit to my will!" The girl said sweetly.


"Thanks." Colette chimed in bittetly. Since I got my ass handed to me... I have to go to this one site that--" Colette briefly turned to glance over at her friend, who responded, "Bronies." "Bronies, that's right! Anyway, I have to enter a contest that Bronies are going nuts over for some. All Maddie told me beforehand was that there was a shit-ton of pink. Happy. Joy." She said flatly, before she could be seen typing in an address, sighing.




"Oh my God, Cole! It wasn't that bad!" Madison said as she patted Colette's back, laughing once more. Colette, now had her head on her desk, arms limp and and dangling to the floor as she sat there unmoving. "Shut it, Maddie!" That was easily the girliest site I've seen! I think I'm damaged!"


Madison stopped laughing and deadpanned. "...For real?"


There was a brief moment of awkward silence before Madison spoke again. "Well, this episode ended on a weird note! Don't worry folks! Nothing a few SCP entries and Metallica can't fix! Colette'll be back to normal just in time for the next video." Madison then paused thoughtfully, bringing a finger to her chin. "How'd it go again? Oh yeah! Thumbs up for more death by girliness 'cause ya lost a bet! And,~ if you haven't done so already, clickity-clack on that big Ø* in Hypnotic's name to subscribe to Colette's channel. You won't regret it! Later, y'all~!" Madison then waved with one hand, and grabbed one of Colette's arms to force her to do the same.


"Say bye, Cole!" Madison said, her smile returning.

"Rrrrrrrraaaaauuuuggghh... So. Much. Girlness. So. Much. Pink!" Colette moaned, not bothering to lift her head.

"Yeah, she says bye!" Madison said quickly.




"You are EVIL!" Colette said, having finally sat up mere minutes after Madison ended the recording. "Ugh. Maddie, don't make me do that again~!" She added, whining. "Oh, get over it already! You're done!" Madison said, rolling her eyes and plopping down on Colette's bed. "Besides, it's a contest for Bronies! There's gotta be millions entering, so there's virtually no way in hell you'll win. And even if you did, all you'll probably get is some pony merchandise that can easily be sold on eBay or something!"


"Fair point. Now let's go get your drums, so I can piss off the neighbors--with Metallica!" Colette responded, already heading to her door. "Yes, madame. You really need to do something about your aversion to all things feminine!" Madison said, following Colette out the door.


Neither of them knew how just how wrong Maddie was, however...



the "Ø" in Hypnotic's name has several pronunciations, but it's pronounced "zero" in the RP, because reasons!


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Wilhelm snapped shut the newspaper with a sudden and authorative air, the sound of paper smacking paper and then, wood, as it was slammed down onto the dining table, reverberating throughout the room. If there was another pony across from him, they doubtless would have cowered, if not by his behavior, then by the narrow-eyed, angry stare he was giving the opposite wall. One might think it was about to light on fire, then he dropped his gaze down to his tea, idly swirling the liquid with a silver spoon. To no one in particular, he continued his monologue. "And, of course, no one consults me. Sure, they have their advisors in the other sciences, and our dear Princess Twilight is all for the idea (well, of course she is, she's the princess of bloody Friendship), but this is simply reckless behavior, considering humanity's track record!" He smacked the table with one hoof, rather impotently. Wilhelm flicked his eyes to the corner of the room, where he had set up a crude laptop and a router. The screen was still humming its way across Wikipedia, pausing on relevant articles with certain keywords. With a wry grin, the navy-coated pony remarked to himself that the wonder humans called Google was considered common. Although, from what he saw, the humans had a history of taking things for granted. Wilhelm put his head down on the table, between his forelegs. "And, of course, I'm supposed to help teach them about the Equestrian sciences. Dear Celestia." He attempted to pull a smile onto his muzzle and nearly failed, the nervous smile wavering into a grimace. "But at least they aren't changelings, and I've had to deal with those before. Humans aren't nearly that bad, and I doubt they'll be trying to play hoofball with these atomic weapon things." He paused for a brief moment to consider what he was doing. "And, I'm talking to myself." Wilhelm poked the teacup halfheartedly with one hoof, sending it skidding for a few inches across the polished oak surface. "I need some sleep."

  • Brohoof 1
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Fluttershy began her day like every other, waking up to the sounds of her wonderful bird friends. She began her routine as usual, greeting each and every friend around her humble cottage, taking in the fresh air. The animals were calm and took their food with no trouble at all. "What a wonderful day today," Fluttershy said to herself as she gleefully went to meet the mail pony on his run. 


"Good morning Mr. Inkwell, what is new today?" Fluttershy asked the mail pony.


"Oh I have some mail for you Ms. Fluttershy, but I have heard news of some kind of new species from another world! They call themselves humans and they are coming to Equestria soon! Nopony knows what they look like but it will be interesting to see where it goes," Mr. Inkwell replied in a gleeful manner.


Fluttershy seized up suddenly upon hearing the news. New species? From another world? What if they are scary and want to hurt us? Fluttershy rushed inside her cottage and rapidly began to set her locks.


"Wait! Fluttershy! You forgot your mail!" Mr. Inkwell called back to no avail. 


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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"Pssst, Shiny!" Princess Mi Amore Cadenza whispered. The first fingers of dawn were creeping over the Crystal Mountains as Celestia rose the sun for this ordinary day. Or at least so it seemed.

"Mrphmer." Came a sleepy reply from the bed clothes next to her.

"Shiny!" She said more insistently, louder.

"Whugh" another incoherent reply.

"Shiny!" She said one last time, nudging him with her hoof.

"Arugh!" Shining Armor replied, landing in a lump on the floor. "Cadance..." he started, annoyed.

Cadance popped her head over the side of the bed to look at Shining as he untangled himself from the covers which had been dragged with him. "Whoops!" she said lightly with a smile. Maybe she had pushed him a bit harder than she had intended. 

Shining Armor was about to redress her when he saw her smile. He sighed in annoyance. "Do we have to do this every morning?" He asked, dragging his forehoof across his face.

"It's not every morning!" She defended herself.

"You're right," he agreed. "Only mornings when we're both here. Let a stallion sleep for once, huh?O"

"But...I'm leaving today. Soon! I wanted to have breakfast with you before I left." Cadance replied, a bit pouty.

He looked up from his morning stupor. "Where are you...Oh. Right. To Ponyville. Alright. I'm up." He said, finally free of his blanket trap. The two talked idly as they remade the bed and headed for the castle kitchens. There lay a Crystal Empire newspaper, which considering the news was woefully out of date. Cadance wouldn't find out the information the rest of Equestria was avidly discussing until she arrived at the train station, and had boarded, Ponyville bound. 


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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“Ok… Here goes!” A male voice said before a guitar riff played over a montage of explosions and anime characters before finally a screen with the channel name ‘AJVoiceOvers’ was displayed. It faded out to a boy with brown hair looking into a camera while gameplay of Halo 4 played on a larger screen. “Greetings, salutations and all around, what’s up? AJ from AJVoiceOvers here and I have a bit of an announcement that is just kind of killing me inside. See, today is proof that if you are particularly persistent and nag someone long enough, they’ll eventually cave. If only because they can’t reach through the screen to punch you.” He gave the screen a small grin that was likely meant to be played for laughs despite the very real annoyance and anger behind it.


“So, I’ve entered some kind of brony contest, probably a ploy by the bronies to get me to ‘join the herd’. It’s a load of bull and there’s no way in heaven or hell I’m  going to win, but I entered anyway so people will quit bugging me about the girliest website I’d ever seen. Ugh…I had to watch a Michael Bay movie  just to drive it from my mind. That’s what you lot drove me to and I hold the lot of you responsible for the drop in IQ I’ve likely suffered from this endeavour. So, thanks a whole bunch there…” He spoke calmly for the most part, occasionally giving the camera a sarcastic smirk, especially towards the end.


He sighed, timed to when his SPARTAN died. “Anyway, this was basically just an update with some kinda big news, kinda letting you people know that I’m still being pestered to do pony-related things, and just the same old stuff. No Vegeta because I actually value my vocal cords, no ponies until people stop bugging me about them, and no Five Nights at Freddy’s because it’s not cool. It’s not fun, and I will have an aneurysm from trying not to get ticked at the nonsense going on in those games. So, uh, with that said, I’m gonna go record some Battlefield 4 footage for my next song. Ah’m AJ from AJVoiceOvers, signin’ off.” He pointed his finger at the camera like a gun. “Bang…”


A guitar riff played him out as he said his outro.  And AJ leaned back in his seat after playing the video back to see if he missed anything while editing. “My accent had to come out right there, didn’t it?” He asked, a little annoyed since he shared his initials with a pony and the bronies often asked him to play a genderbent version of said pony. His actual name was Alex Jones, but shortened his name to initials for YouTube. “Ah well… Time to work on that song.”

  • Brohoof 1

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@GeneralDirection, @@Windbreaker, @@Love, @@Derplight Sperkle,


Applejack wiped off another few beads of sweat as she finally finished gathering the last bushel of apples for the morning, looking back to inspect her work as her thoughts began to wander.


Yesterday afternoon, she received a visit from Pinkie Pie, who seemed more... Pinkie-ish than normal. She had with her a newspaper that she got from the Cakes, with news of the Magic Professors up in Canterlot discovering something called "Hu-Manes." She didn't get to see much of the article, as Pinkie went on one of her Pinkie rants, starting off with her usual enthusiasm and curiosity, only to dissolve into worry and what AJ could guess was doubt. From what she could make were questions about that supposed aliens weren't directly dangerous, they came from a world that was, but rebounded in a single breath, saying they may be a little weird, but still worth meeting--and maybe she could throw them a welcome party and use her cannon--


Applejack remembered she had to stop Pinkie there. They may be aliens, but that didn't mean that she had to potentially scare 'em!


Applejack wiped off another bead of sweat as her mind returned to the present. She quickly loaded the bushels into a cart and headed back to the barn. She promised Pinkie that she'd pick up Fluttershy and meet her at Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie said she would pick up Rainbow Dash--though to be honest, she had no idea how she was going to go about doing that. Oh well, the point was, they were going to meet up and head to Twilight's castle, and head to the train station. Princess Cadance was a' comin' ta visit again, and AJ would be hard pressed to miss out on greeting the Crystal Princess!




After a quick shower, Applejack was heading down the road to Fluttershy's cottage, wondering if she'd heard the news--hoping that the Pegasus wasn't freaking out too much if she had...

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Vinyl Scratch


The bright morning sun flooded through Vinyl Scratch’s bedroom window, temporarily blinding her until she rolled over in her bed, facing her eyes away from the window and towards her clock, which currently read 9:02 AM. Vinyl groaned and shut her eyes, attempted to resume her wondrous slumber, but her body wouldn’t have it. What am I doing up so early? She thought to herself as she slowly sat up. She quickly ran over the previous day’s events in her mind, only to find that she hadn’t done a show last night, and apparently her body decided that it wanted to catch up on some much-needed sleep. But just when had she passed out? 1 AM, maybe? This was early enough by Vinyl’s standards, usually being awake until 4 or 5. Such were the realities of being a DJ.


Either way, Vinyl saw no point in continuing to dwell on the matter, and slowly hauled herself out of her bedroom and into the kitchen. Much like any other day, the unicorn used her magic to levitate a kettle under the sink faucet, poured some water in, and set it down on the stove. While she waited for it to boil, she trudged to the front door, and used her magic to grab the newspaper that had been pushed through the mail slot in her front door. Back in the kitchen, she set the paper down on the island, and dragged a mug along the counter towards the stove. She absentmindedly stared at the newspaper, not quite fully awake yet, but today’s headline caught her attention: "Alien search begins... By contest sent to their world!"


Well, that’s different.” She though aloud. She sat down on a bar stool in front of the island, and quickly skimmed through the rest of the article. “Equestria has got enough weird ponies as it is; these ‘humans’ should fit right in!” She mused. “I wonder what their music is like. Or if they even have music.” Vinyl hoped that they did have music of some sort; she couldn’t imagine living in a world without it. Although, her not having music would be like a pegasus without its wings. She would be at a total loss. The DJ drifted in her thoughts for a few more minutes, before being brought back to reality by the whistling of her kettle on the stove.


Rainbow Dash


So there really are aliens coming to visit Equestria, huh? Rainbow Dash thought to herself as she flew towards Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie Pie had just, rather rudely, woken her up from napping by yelling at her from the ground below. How her voice traveled so far, Rainbow would never know. She had been rambling on about these “humans” and how the rest of her friends were meeting up to visit Twilight at her castle. Dash figured she would tag along just so didn’t look like a loner, still remaining slightly skeptical about this alien race. However, hearing that Equestria’s top scientists were being brought in to study this supposed portal that was found did give the newspapers some credibility.


She soon arrived at the sweet shop, and headed in to find only Pinkie was present. Rainbow sat down on a bar stool and idly waited for the rest of her friends to show up. As she sat there, she continued to think about the humans. From what the papers were saying, it sounded like these things weren’t capable of flight, so teaching them any of her flying tricks was out of the question. The pegasus silently wondered how she was going to be able to relate to these humans, if then showed up, that is. Hopefully, they would be able to find something in common!


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Aliens? Why must it be ALIENS! Fluttershy's thoughts were firing rapidly as she began locking her numerous locks. All of the animals inside looked at her with confused looks. They had no idea what was going on. All they saw was Fluttershy locking up her cottage in a hurry, which happens every now and then. One the locks were all set, Angel hooped over and tugged at Fluttershy's leg, seeming to ask what each animal had on their minds. 


"Oh it's terrible Angel, there are ALIENS coming to Equestria! We all have to hide!" Fluttershy told all of her friends while shaking profusely. Then she flew straight to the couch and hid under the pillows in fear. Some of the smaller animals followed Fluttershy's reaction and took cover in corners around the cottage. Angel was left all alone in the middle of the floor, and looked around at the empty cottage. He put his paw in his face and began tugging at Fluttershy's tail


"I'm not coming out Angel! We don't know what these humans could do!"




Once Applejack arrives, she will find the cottage uncharacteristically quiet of all animal sounds.


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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@@Derplight Sperkle,


Applejack's brow furrowed as she cane up on Fluttershy's cottage, finding it to be quite... deserted. Applejack sighed. Fluttershy only did this when something really, REALLY frightened her. If she had to guess, it was due to the news of the Canterlot professors seeking out these "Hu-manes."


She found herself looking around at the various animal houses as she made her approach, noting just how eerie it was seeing them so empty like that... everything was just so... quiet!


"Fluttershy?" Applejack began as she knocked on the cottage door. "Fluttershy, Ah know you're in there. Ah'm here ta pick you up so we can head over to Twi's to go meet Princess Cadance at the station, so come on out so we can talk along the way..."

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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Pinkie had been her usual self for most of yesterday. Until news of these aliens, the 'Hu-manes', hit the streets. After that, Pinkie was in high gear all day. She was nervous and excited, then excited and nervous. She'd gone and rambled to Applejack for a while before doing Pinkie things, maybe thinking Pinkie thoughts. And just why wouldn't she be allowed to use the Party Cannon? Hu-manes weren't that skittish, were they?


Today, she'd gone to see Rainbow Dash and tell her about the news and that they were gonna meet up at Twilight's castle later on. She'd been so excited and nervous. Excited and nervous. And sugar might be rushing through her from breakfast. While waiting for the others to arrive, she went back to Sugarcube Corner to do a little baking. Snacks were always good and a meeting without snacks was like peanut butter without jelly. Or so it went in Pinkie's mind. Which was...Pinkie-er than usual.


She spotted Dash walk in just before she went out to the bakery. "Hiya, Dashie! Did I wake you before? I know you like your naps, but this was really exciting! And scary! It was exciting and scary at the same time! What do you think the Hu-manes are gonna be like? Will my Party Cannon scare them?" Pinkie said at a mile a minute, her characteristic motor-mouth running away with her once again.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Rainbow Dash looked up at Pinkie, pushing her internal discussion aside for the time being. She waited until the torrent of words subsided before responding.


"Hey Pinkie! Yea, you did kinda wake me up..." She replied with a bit of a chuckle. "But I guess if everypony else is going to see these 'humans', then I should come along, too."


Come to think of it, I really don't have any desire to meet these aliens. But since the rest of my friends seem to be so excited, I guess the least I can do is try to be supportive. 


"I'm not sure what these new creatures will be like, but from what I've heard, they don't sound all that exciting. I don't think they can fly or do any magic, so what's the big deal?" Dash didn't want to rain on Pinkie Pie's parade, but she just couldn't get on board with all the hype surrounding the humans.


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Fluttershy shuddered underneath her couch pillows. I hope those humans don't show up here. I can't imagine what they look like. I'm sure they are SO scary, Fluttershy thought as Angel kept tugging at her leg. Then a knock at the door sounded through the cottage. Fluttershy jumped at the sound.


"Fluttershy? Fluttershy, Ah know you're in there. Ah'm here ta pick you up so we can head over to Twi's to go meet Princess Cadance at the station, so come on out so we can talk along the way..." 


Fluttershy peeked out of her pillow at the door. Oh it's just Applejack. I could depend on....wait a minute. It could be a human disguising herself as Applejack! I can't trust anypony now, they could be ANYWHERE!  ANYPONY! "Angel, do you think that is Applejack? Or a 'human'?" Fluttershy whispered to her bunny friend. Angel looked at his with a serious face and nodded her head. "Oh ok, Angel. I'm not going to let her in unless I know for sure." Angel put his paw to his face in disbelief.


Fluttershy inched slowly to the door taking every step as carefully and quietly as possible. She soon reached the door. Fluttershy called out through the door as loud as she could, though it sounded very quiet outside the door, "How do I know you are the real Applejack? Not a human in disguise?"

Edited by Derplight Sperkle


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Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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Wilhelm stepped off the train just before Cadance's, whistling a folk tune as he carried his luggage, sretching his wings out in the sun. He had been in the train for several hours on the way from Canterlot, and while he had previously written up a exhaustively analyzed cost/benefit comparison of what he hopes to gain from the (officially listed as a) vacation to Ponyville, he still had a unreasonable amount of trepidation regarding seeing other ponies in such force. As he stepped onto the train platform, wings bearing him into the air slightly as he skipped over the gap, he immediately regretted his decision. The sounds, sights, and smells of Ponyville at large filled the air around him, and Wilhelm fought the urge to clap his hooves over his ears and run as fast as he can to wherever the local library was for the next few days. However, one has to maintain their dignity (as he reminded himself), and so with a deep breath, he hoisted his bags and began walking to his guest accommodations, a rented apartment near the library, reasonably far away from town proper while being able to still get his daily fix of books, paper, ink, and intelligent conversation. As he trotted out of the train station onto the main street, Wilhelm resolved to make the best of his first time in Ponyville- which may or may not include a unscheduled portal inspection at some point, along with the vacation.

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Cadance stepped off the train she had been on, her mind buzzing. When she had first heard about these 'aliens', she had been a bit skeptical. It fell into the realm of sasquatch, the headless horse and humans. Pfft. Humans. Except that it may have turned out that there were humans after all. She shook her head trying to clear her mind of such foolishness and was looking forward to some time with Twilight Sparkle and her Ponyville friends. Things could go back to normal. She sighed with relief and headed towards Twilight's library without thinking much on where she was going, until she saw the empty land where the library had once stood. She felt a pang of guilt for forgetting that there was a new castle in Ponyville, as well as not having been able to help Twilight with the defeat of Tirek. She again shook her head, and headed for the castle, this time paying more attention to where she was going, and trying to banish the intrusive thoughts in her head.

  • Brohoof 1


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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@@Derplight Sperkle,


For the second time, Applejack found herself sighing, this time resisting the urge to facehoof. "It's really me, Fluttershy. Besides, the Hu-Manes ain't here just yet. If'n they were, everypony'd know about it by now." Applejack said, only to frown in thought. Perhaps that wasn't the best thing to say to the already frightened Pegasus. How could she prove herself to her friend?? Oh, that's right!


"Come on, Fluttershy! You've dealt with way scarier than some silly ol' Hu-Manes! Why, you've taken on a full grown dragon on your own, befriended a Manticore, and put a Cockatrice in his place by givin' 'im The Stare. And to top that all off, you're the one who got Discord to turn good see the advantage of having friends!" Applejack said, though she didn't really want to believe that last part. Still, she hoped that would do the trick. "And Ah'm sure those aliens got nothin' on him. So come on out so we can meet up with the others at Sugarcube Corner and get Twi. She's got a sister-in-law ta pick up, and Ah don't wanna keep 'em waiting!"


((As a side note, I forgot that they were meet up at Sugarcube Corner. I blame fatigue.))

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Spellbind was nervous and curious, but still, excited. A visit from supposed aliens was just the thing she needed in her boring, unhappy life. There were so many potential questions to ask, that she thought she wouldn't be able to find the right ones.


Nevertheless, she got off the train and stepped into Ponyville where there was another influx of ponies.

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Fluttershy listened as Applejack said all of her previous accomplishments through the door. I did to those things didn't I? This really is Applejack. She smiled at the thought. The animals started to peak out of their hiding spots as Fluttershy waited a moment next to the door. "Ok Applejack, I will come out. Just give me a moment."


Fluttershy began to unlock all of her locks at her cottage door. Angel looked on impatiently as the locks were finally undone. After the last lock was undone, the door slowly opened to reveal Fluttershy's head peeking through. She looked around to make sure there were no humans to be sure. "Ok Applejack, I'm ready to go," Fluttershy said as she slowly exited her cottage.


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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@@Derplight Sperkle,


Applejack shifted her hooves as she heard what seemed to her, to be at least several dozen clicks emanate from Fluttershy's cottage, before the door finally opened to reveal her friend's head.


"Ok Applejack, I'm ready to go."


"Just how many locks do you have, sugarcube?" AJ asked as Fluttershy stepped out of her cottage. By the off chance those hu-manes really wanted to break into Fluttershy's cottage specifically, Applejack was sure they'd be hard pressed to do so!


She stayed by her friend's side as they made their way to Sugarcube Corner, when the cowpony spoke again. "Truth be told, Ah'm a little nervous about those aliens coming to Equestria. Who knows what they can and can't do." Remembering her company, she quickly added, "But Ah'm a might curious, too. Maybe they'll be friendly? Maybe they'll tell us about their world and what it's like... Maybe they'll have magic and princesses just like us!"


Applejack fell silent for a moment as she and Fluttershy continued to make their way to the bakery, thinking of what else to say. "Well, on the subject of princesses, Cadance will be at the train station at any moment, so we best hurry if'n we're gonna get ta Sugarcube Corner in time, so we can pick up Twi!"

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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"Ummmm, I have about six," Fluttershy responded to Applejack's first question. Fluttershy then turned back and said goodbye to her animal friends, who were emerging from their hiding spots as she closed the door behind her. She then joined her friend as they headed to town.


"Truth be told, Ah'm a little nervous about those aliens coming to Equestria. Who knows what they can and can't do." When Fluttershy heard those words, her face lit up in fear. If Applejack is nervous....what could those humans do? Are they going to eat us up in one bite? What if they are ten feet tall and stomp all over us? What if- Fluttershy's thoughts were cut off by Applejack's next statement. Fluttershy then meekly responded, "I hope they are friendly. I hope they won't be mean to us and I hope they are not scary." Fluttershy winced at the utterance of the word.


When Applejack mentioned that Cadance would be in town, Fluttershy's ears perked up. "We get to see Princess Cadance? Oh that will be a lot of fun. What is she in town for?"


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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Wilhelm was nearly at his rented house when he felt his stomach rumble. He stopped on the sidewalk to try and remember the last time he ate, and dimly recalled a daisy and mustardseed sandwich several hours ago. His stomach rumbled again, and he grudgingly pulled a map from the depths of his rumpled tweed coat. "Sugarcube Corner..." A small smile curved the edges of his mouth. If Pinkie Pie's reputation was to be believed, his belly would soon be thanking him (though his doctor would be cursing the day she ever let him within a hundred kilometers). Folding the map into neat quarters and placing it back into his right pocket, he trotted off towards the palace of confectionary delights, still trailing his luggage behind him.

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Aspen Swift could not believe what he had read.  Humans?  In Equestria!?  This was beyond the realm of belief, beyond the realm of even consideration.  He thought about what would happen to Ponyville, and the drastic changes sure to come following the crowd of onlookers to watch as the first humans set foot on Equestrian soil.  Of course, everypony knows that they will be just the first. If everything goes well, floods of humans will be brought in to observe the new-found trans-dimensional neighbors.  Ponyville will grow, sure, but is that Aspen really wanted?  The population in Ponyville was just where Aspen wanted it currently; not a booming metropolis, but a nice, charming town with friendly citizens and interesting ponies to talk to.  But as a result of this undeniable growth in popularity, the once-peaceful town will be spreading. Quiet forests will become noisy streets.  And, Aspen thought with a shudder, maybe his beloved orchard will be affected. His orchard, passed down through hundreds of years of hard-working hooves, stripped from it's newest owner in a matter of moons.  If the mayor of Ponyville wants a skyscraper built in the middle of the orchard, there's nothing Aspen could do about it.  Industry will always trump history.

Aspen carefully folded the article in the newspaper and placed it back on the worn oak table.  He had made up his mind about two things: One, that he would greet the newcomers in town, and two, that he would do anything in his power to keep the hordes of the humans back in their native land.

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Spike was walking on air, literally, as her unicorn goddess stood in the clouds across from him. He closed his eyes and marched across in Rarity's direction, only opening them when he stood before her. Spike puckered his lips and felt himself rise up to her face. Before he knew it, Spike was kissing her marshmallow-like lips and felt her face, both of which surprisingly felt like a pillowcase...


"Eww!" Spike spat, wiping the drool off his pillow. "As much as I like Rarity, I wish I could have her in more than my dreams!"


He looked around from his basket and saw the position of the sun through the windows. The sunbeams glimmered though the stained glass windows and had just began their crawl across the floor. Spike hated oversleeping so when he noticed how late in the day it was, he started to panic. He looked all around his room for any sign of the Princess of Friendship but found no sign of her.


"Twilight?" he called, hoping the alicorn would answer. "Hey, Twilight! Where are you?"

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@@Love, @@Derplight Sperkle,


Six locks?! "Fluttershy, Ah know you live near the Everfree an' all, but don't you think that's a bit excessive??" Applejack asked as the Pegasus waved goodbye to all of her critter friends, before she admitted her own trepidation and curiosity as the duo made their way into Ponyville.


"I hope they are friendly. I hope they won't be mean to us and I hope they are not scary."


"Ah hope they're not scary, either, sugar cube!" AJ concurred, before changing the subject to that of picking up Cadance, which seemed to instantly lift Fluttershy's mood.


"We get to see Princess Cadance? Oh that will be a lot of fun. What is she in town for?"


"Ah dunno. Maybe she got wind of the news, too? Or, she could just come here to spend time with 'er sister-in-law! Either way, it'll be great ta see 'er again, so let's...!"


Applejack's words died in her throat at having spotted the aforementioned princess, not too far ahead of them, and already heading for Twilight's castle if her guess was correct. "Speak of the devil!" AJ gasped. Either that train arrived earlier than expected, or she spent too much time retrieving Fluttershy! But if either scenario were the case, then where the others?! They knew about the princess' arrival, too!


"Come on, Fluttershy!" she said already picking up the pace to a canter. "Princess Cadance!" Applejack called out, slowing down to a trot, then a jog once she was close enough to their guest. "So sorry nopony picked you up!" she said, stopping to bow. "And we knew you were comin', too! Were ya headin' ta see Twi--er-Princess Twilight? Fluttershy and Ah were gonna get Pinkie and RD from Sugarcube Corner before meetin' with 'er." Applejack said, realizing she was rambling. "Care ta come with us?" Applejack added, flashing the princess a nervous grin. "We can all get Twilight together!

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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Spellbind was minding her own business, a bit absent-minded. This caused her to bump into a pony.


She started to move aside. "My apolog-" She then noticed who it had been that she had collided with: none other than Princess Cadance.


"Oh my... um... I should've... been more careful... eep."

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Aliens, Rarity thought, coming to our country. She put down the tabloid she had been reading on top of the stack of magazines on her coffee table. All her recent issues concerned the same subject: the arrival of entirely foreign creatures into Equestria. They each took a different stance of the subject; some were inflammatory, others suspicious, but all were scandalous, and none were entirely accurate. Rarity knew this, of course, but . . . Rarity shrugged. A little harmless gossip never hurt anyone, I suppose. Except that one time.


Just as Rarity was about to pick up another magazine and continue her reading, she heard a distinctive and loud voice echo in the distance. Pinkie, Rarity thought as he put a hoof to her head. How she heard her voice from inside the boutique and however far away Pinkie was, Rarity would never know. She did, however, glean that Pinkie was yelling that all their mutual friends would be meeting up at Twilight's castle soon. That includes me, I suppose. Thought I wonder why nopony thought to inform me of this beforehoof.


Rarity got up off her lounge chair and stretched for a few moments before donning her saddlebags and walking out the door of her boutique at a leisurely pace, Twilight's castle her destination.

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