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planning Ponyfinder: Age of Adventure (Updated) [Full]


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Well If I choose a Druid I'll go Earth pony, If Bard then unicorn. I'm still creating the new pony and his/her backstory.
Just wondering how is the party set up so far?

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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I'm a bit dissapointed kensai (Spell swords) are noot among the possible choices, since well it fits so nicely (And it's one of my favourite classes)

Anyway, i can be either a Unicorn Wizard, the class i have a few years of expirience in playing (So, that mightbe a bit OP)

A past-paladin melee class archtype (No, i'm not going on any kinds of boats in a plate armor, thank you very much)

Or a unicorn gunslinger. 

I also can be a cleric,but i'd rather kill stuff not heal stuff.


Also http://www.trovetokens.com/pathfinder.html       <--- i advise using this, even if it has some feets which are not included in the rulebook, it's way more simple to then just you know, tyep a million things yourself.

Edited by Spell Shock

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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I'm a bit dissapointed kensai (Spell swords) are noot among the possible choices, since well it fits so nicely (And it's one of my favourite classes)

Refluff the Kensai for MLP:FiM, partly by either by having it connected with Nieghpon or removing the archetype connection to Japan completely, then PM it to me.


If you do I'll let you play it.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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As far as i remember Kensai were a sub-class of Fighter in Baldur's Gate. They couldn't wear any armor but could strike for max dmg for 10 secs. Dual classing them with Fighter and getting the "Use Any Item" perk made them the best backstabbers that could solo the game. Took a lot of time sure... but awesome class.

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... can we keeps things a bit less complicated when it comes to party dynamics? We may already have to change things, one possibly being a paladin if certain actions are taken by the player. In addition I believe there's another paladin as well.


Having an undead pony I don't believe will work.


Honestly I'm waiting for people to take on the three core races, particularly the earth pony.


This brings to my attention I better look through the bloodlines so as to make a list of which will be allowed and which will not.



We are playing the core classes, but I am allowing the MCArchetype classes to those willing to go to the additional work of adapting them into MLP:FiM setting.



Could I play an earth pony druid who studied under zecora or something like that?

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Could I play an earth pony druid who studied under zecora or something like that?

Yes and no: yes you may play an earth pony druid, no they can't have Zecora as a mentor... but I can allow one of two things, maybe both.


I can allow but your character was trained by a zebra and/or aspires to have Zecora as a mentor.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Yes and no: yes you may play an earth pony druid, no they can't have Zecora as a mentor... but I can allow one of two things, maybe both.


I can allow but your character was trained by a zebra and/or aspires to have Zecora as a mentor.

Okay. That works fine with me. I just thought that training under a zebra would fit the druid theme

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it would seem there are few things I need to plan out since we're mixing Pathfinder with MLP:FiM. As it be seen in the show, Equestia is a very magical place with talking candy colored ponies and super powered baddies . Yet when compared to D&D/Pathfinder it is a very much a low magic setting. There's very few magical artifacts or high-level casters are all but unheard. There is Starswirl the Bearded who we actually know very little about apart from seeming to be the father of magic essentially (though there is the fan theory that Discord is Starswirl). Then there is Twilight Sparkle who is shown to be the most magically gifted unicorn, though she's no longer a unicorn, and perhaps knows maybe 20-30 spells of any real power level at most.


The point being D&D/Pathfinder wizards are too powerful for this setting, and arguably they've been more powerful then they should ever since 3rd edition allowed them to be put on the same experience scale as fighters. Originally becoming high level wizards was a lot harder, it took time, but on streamlining the experience scale it made for a much more powerful class. Pathfinder makes this worse by throwing out forbidden schools and all around, even though they nerfed a few spells, making wizard more powerful.



Now it is for all the above reasons I have been considering using the Midnight setting for their magic game mechanics, what having spells, feats, skills and pretty much everything else taken from Pathfinder. I want the magic to be more in line with the show and do such there will need to be changes to the magic. I know there are those that won't like this idea, they may leave, but I do request they stick around at least to see what I'm offering instead for alternatives... Thought to give more options I may just go to 3.5 Edition as there's not much resources for Pathfinder and for situation like this I do want to give as many choices to players possible.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Considering the fact that I am playing as a Paladin (A changeling one at that) this doesn't really affect me at all and I'm more then happy to continue on.


I know this was brought up briefly already, but on the off chance that one of the pony paladins decides to take on a holy mount when they get to that level, would it be just a normal horse or is it much like the ponies themselves, able to talk and all that?

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This is Midnight campaign setting. Midnight campaign setting doesnt have paladins. Why? Magic changes.


Due to the magic changes in the game, Midnight does not have the monkranger, or paladin character classes.

Edited by Spell Shock

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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Considering the fact that I am playing as a Paladin (A changeling one at that) this doesn't really affect me at all and I'm more then happy to continue on.


I know this was brought up briefly already, but on the off chance that one of the pony paladins decides to take on a holy mount when they get to that level, would it be just a normal horse or is it much like the ponies themselves, able to talk and all that?

Actually it does affect you... because the nature of the setting they're technically aren't any paladins at all. I'm now currently looking for solution for this.


You see when it comes to magic this setting does everything I wanted to, even giving an answer to Summon Monster spells, expect for a single spell being lost that I will need to add back in (teleport). Yet because Midnight also happens to be a setting where evil has won, that though the dark god was inprisoned he was able to cast one last bit if magic to bar the other deities from the realm and it from the planes.


The only clerics are called legates, servents of the dark god and there are no paladins. There is a PrC called the lightbringer, and with the Heroic Path Guardian one can mimic the abilities of paladin as well as have the channeling of a cleric.



These are two things I will need to remedy before we start.



Also no pony on horse, I was planning on giving an alternative to the holy mount or just require the 'blessed weapon' to be taken.



This is Midnight campaign setting. Midnight campaign setting doesnt have paladins. Why? Magic changes.


Due to the magic changes in the game, Midnight does not have the monk, ranger, or paladin

Actually alternatives are given for the monk and ranger in the form of the defender and fellhunter... the defender actually being a perfect class for Rainbow Dash and by giving her the Speed heroic path can actually go a 100+ miles an hour. This is the closest I've ever gotten with D&D/Pathfinder rules on being able to mimic Rainbow Dash's speed.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Whirlwind- A Pegasus dancer who fights using his natural speed to his advantage. He made his living on the streets performing elaborate dances for audiences that were enamored with his unusual dexterity for being a pony. With a flashy cloak he would keep people entranced. Of course, that just made it easier to pick their pockets.
You had to get the daily bread in some way or another. You just had to learn to use your talents. Whirlwind had luckily never been caught. He knew the penalties for being caught, but nothing beat the thrill of the pickpocket. He had even played around with locks, as a few valuables donated would help. Of course, he knew fate would catch up to him eventually. But if he moved fast enough it would be already too late.


Edit after thought of something better. A pegasus rogue

Edited by The Pink Knight
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No because of the lack of completed material, we're going to use normal Pathfinder rules. I apologize for the confusion that came with considering different rule mechanics but then decided it wouldn't be worth the change. Paladins and rangers can be used as normal.


We will also be starting at 5th level.

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Hmm... no I don't believe there will be any small races I can think of, but if you show me the class maybe we can figure something out.


Honestly apart from Griffins and Dragons possibly there wont be any large playable races either, though I may be able to work out dragons by size (small, medium, or large).

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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I would be very interested in joining, if I'm not too late. I've played lots of 3.5, but I'm relatively new to pathfinder, only having played it a couple times. Seeing as swordsage is not available, I'm not quite sure to go with, maybe a sorcerer, cleric, or a bard, but I can change if the party wants. unless you do end up using that midnight campaign, in which case I'll look it up first. Should I just put it on a standard character sheet or what?


Are only the classes in the first post available?

Edited by Brosparkles



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Honestly I feel a swordsage would fit nicely, especially if a unicorn but any of the main races could work for such, as giving up armour to pursue knowledge would be what many fighters could choose to be in such peaceful times (also I am a fan of the swordsage myself).


Also no, if your taking about the "Ponies and the Many Classes" bit that simply gives an overview of how ponies would or would not work being the core/main classes. For example the fact that apart from unicorns, and even then, most ponies would not give the gunslinger a second glance because of the disadvantage of being such would be without hands.


I am still working out the details and until I get my computer progress in putting together all the information (and creating races) will be slow. I will even be cheating a bit with some races such as deer, drakelings, and a rat-like (possibly/likely NPC) race... these will take from the elf, kobold, and goblin race likely almost whole-cloth.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Honestly I feel a swordsage would fit nicely , especially if a unicorn but any of the main races could work for such, as giving up armour to pursue knowledge would be what many fighters could choose to be in such peaceful times (also I am a fan of the swordsage myself).


Also no, if your taking about the "Ponies and the Many Classes" bit that simply gives an overview of how ponies would or would not work being the core/main classes. For example the fact that apart from unicorns, and even then, most ponies would not give the gunslinger a second glance because of the disadvantage of being such would be without hands.


I am still working out the details and until I get my computer progress in putting together all the information (and creating races) will be slow. I will even be cheating a bit with some races such as deer, drakelings, and a rat-like (possibly/likely NPC) race... these will take from the elf, kobold, and goblin race likely almost whole-cloth.

Ah, great! Swordsage(Edit: Magus) it is then. I'll start the basics of a character, but wait to fill in more stuff till I get info about money, stats, etc.

Edited by Brosparkles



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