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Wilhelm's smile faltered slightly as Annette began to cry, worried he had done something horribly wrong, but when he saw the smile, he decided that the best course of action was to simply get up, head to Annette's side of the table, and wrap her in a tight hug.


"It's okay. It'll always be okay... you have my word, it will be okay as long as I live."He let her go for a brief moment to wipe away her tears, and leaned over to kiss her once, tenderly, on the forehead. "As long as I live."

Edited by Orion Caelum
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Rainbow Dash couldn't contain herself; she was spinning like a sawblade as she moved towards the forest. One-third of the way to the forest, and two third's to go.


She happened to check back over her shoulder, and was surprised to see Lightning Strike actually catching up with her.


"You weren't joking when you said you said you were fast! That's some serious speed!" She called out over her shoulder. She then put on a little extra burst of speed, clearing the gap by an extra five feet.


Not fast enough, she thought with a smile.




@Orion Caelum

The tears had stopped, and now Anette was only left with a feeling of incredible happiness as she felt Wilhelm's lips touch her forehead.


"Just do what you can, Wilhelm," she said, looking into his eyes and feeling her heart race again. It was at this point, however, that the waiter showed up with the food, bringing the procession to a slow halt.


"Foods here. Go ahead, tell me how yours tastes." she said with a smile, lightly breaking the hug. She took a sideways glance at salad, and couldn't help but stare for a second. It looked a little odd...

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Night Tracer agreed with Celestia and her words, but he still feared his past would eventually catch up to him but he also was a firm believer in not letting it get to him, "I understand, as I share your standpoint... but the fear is still present. Especially for ponies like Luna. There opinion matters to me more than you could ponder." He explained before asking his next question, "One thing you're looking forward to in life?" He inquired. 


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The mare with the leafy green mane and tail was still dreaming; it was the same dream she always had. A sky, black and dead and without colors, or lights, or sounds. Just silence, endless silence, and two ponies. One dark as night, and one who burned like the sun...


Suddenly, the mare wasn't dreaming. She was screaming. The sound echoed through the dark forest with alarming volume, disturbing everything that lived there.

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As Ice was reading his grandfather's book, he was still thinking about Rarity and what he had planned with her tomorrow. He was excited, and tried to fight going to sleep, but he knew that he wanted to be at his best the next day when he sparred with Rarity. So, he put his book on his bedside dresser, and turned off the lights.


He got under his covers, and started to think to himself, "Ooh, can't wait for tomorrow!"


And when he drifted off to sleep, he started to dream. It was the most beautiful dream he could ever have: Walking along with Rarity in a field of flowers and Rarity kissing him on his lips as they sat there together.


As Ice slept however, the spirits of his clan elders left his body, and put themselves within Ice's grandfather's book, enchanting it....sorta.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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“Something like that.” Calibur admitted, pocketing the picture. “He’s a criminal by the name of Gunpowder Fuse, I’ve been hunting him for some time now. Wanted for Arson, racketeering and murder.”


Calibur’s tone betrayed his personal stake in the matter, it was obvious that Fuse was not simply another mark for him. “So what about you? What makes a mare like yourself almost kill herself on some machine?”

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Celestia's brow furrowed as she mulled the question over. Was their anything to look forward to? Personally? Outside of herself, there were plenty of things; new students and their rise to maturity, the birth of children, the thoughts of her kingdom maintaining its long standing peace. But, none of that applied to her personally, which left her without an answer, all things considered.


"I suppose..." she began, drawing out the sentence out of her reluctance to admit what she was about to say. 


"It's something i've passed as nothing more than a dream, but... retiring. At least, I look forward to the day when my ponies are grown up enough to where they do not need a princess over their head, barking orders at them. This is my hope; material things mean little to me after thousands of years. But, like a parent with a child, to see the ones you raised rise up and be able to take care of themselves would be a gift greater than anything I could hope for. I would gladly step off of the throne at that point."


She finished, feeling rather guilty because of the implications. It's not that she wanted to cut and run; what she said she said purely out of love. She hoped Night Tracer would understand that.




@Star Saber

"That's a long rap sheet," Sleight Mist admitted. Not quite as long as hers, though, or probably several of the other competitors at this arena. She didn't have to look into the books to know that eveypony's past here was probably checkered in some way or another.


She also laughed internally when he talked about the machine- it wasn't half of what her employers might do to her if they found out that she broke her deal with them. But she deal with that when the time came. Possibly violently.


"Anyways," she said, turning back to the topic at hand, "I came here to blow off steam, like I said before. I got my partner drunk, and ruined a good night. I also might have possibly got fired from work," she said, laughing internally yet again, "but that's not important. Point is, I was pissed. used this machine for a work out, and it got a bit out of hand. That's... pretty much it," she said, concluding the story with a shrug. That was really hard to do with three legs.

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Lightning Dust bolted out like Lighting Strike and Dash, but she was smarter than the other two as she didn't go full speed ahead. She fell behind both of them, 15 feet behind Rainbow and 10 behind Lighting; she knew she was faster than Rainbow, that was already proven back at the academy. So, throttling wouldn't be much of an issue, passing her, less of one. Depending on how Lightning Dust timed her breakaway. 


"Watch out Dashie, the real Wonderbolt is coming through," she muttered, while pciking up speed, rapidly. 




Vinyl nodded and smiled before beginning some hoof motions towards Rune, but half way through explaining Rune seemed a little lost so she smiled and nodded her head in a "no," motion, before looking up at Rune, "I said," she spoke with a chuckle, "You bet it was, but watch out. Octavia has a piece she's going to do later that she's been working on for a while, she won't disappoint. And Night Tracer is closing, if it's his original work he'll knock it out of the park." She explained while the bartender brought her a shot, she slid one down to Rune and knocked one back herself. "This is the only on you get, I know Octavia won't let your perform tipsy; I can't vouch for you when you're drunk." She laughed.


Her face then became more soft, and a bit more serious as she apologized, "I'm sorry... about Octavia, she can be a real stick in the mud but it's only because she's afraid that one of the labels won't approve of her if she lets stuff like that happen. It's just her being her, but as much as I wish she'd loosen up. I wouldn't have her any other way. She's just so passionate about her music and herself that it impairs her senses." Vinyl explained before looking down at her shot glass a little disappointed before reaching for a peanut on the counter, She cracked it and turned to Rune, "Catch." She said while hurling the panut in the air and to his mouth. 




Fluttershy was a bit taken back by Kevin's comment as it contradicted by what she just said, but of course; she didn't attempt to assert her position. She just repeated the one she had loftily claimed, "Um, no, as I said, There aren't any dangerous animals, perhaps to mean people but animals, are loving and caring just like ponies. You just have to believe they are, you'll find the gentle side in them." She smiled, symbolizing that she thoroughly believed everyword that she spoke.

Edited by Not Safe For Woona


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"Dangit" she said quietly to herself. 'Cmon lightning strike, you gotta win this, or...at least be close to winning'. She closed her eyes and imagined she was flying down to the ground at top speed, 'fly as fast as that....fly as fast as that....' She kept telling herself, doing this caused her to gain more speed, catching up to RD yet again. 'Cmon, you can do this' she reassured herself, then she got another burst of speed, getting her closer to RD, 'YES' she though to herself, smiling. "ya know, if I get to 88 mph you'll see my other trick ;)" she said loudly over the wind

Edited by sonicdashie
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zenru was still looking, intent on finding her. then he heard the scream, and muttering 'stage 5' under his breath, he was racing along, looking for the sound.


he was getting closer, and closer.




rune blinked, listening intently to what vinyl was saying. "so, if im hearing this right, then Octavia and night'll perform, and you say they'll do a damn good job to each to their own. cant really say i can compare, after all, musics only a hobby of mine."


he grinned, and then splashed the shot into a plant next to him when vinyl drank hers. he always hated the taste of alcohol. but he didnt wanna say 'no' flat out.


"and its okay, about Octavia. dont worry about it, i make friends with everyone, eventually. ill give her a talk."


he stuck out his tongue, and caught the peanut on it, then he ate it. "but...im wondering about what song i should sing...vinyl? anything up-beat that octavia'll be okay with?" he grinned, "maybe...i dunno. but you need to be able to nyan dance to it."


his eyes sparkled. "wait, nevermind, i got it."


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As Blizzard was sleeping peacefully in his bed, a sudden crash of his window, startled him, "Ah!" he shouted after a seemingly harmless rock crashed through Ice's window. He got up from his bed, and yawned as he picked up the rock, "What the buck?" he thought as he looked out the window. When he looked out, he saw a shadow of a pony practically disappear into the night. Or maybe it was Blizzard's mind playing tricks on him, and he needed sleep. Either way, he decided to go out and investigate what that was....

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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The sword and axe blades clashed, sending a cascade of sparks flying as the two warriors faced each other down. Both had fire in their eyes and passion in their hearts.


Indeed, this was proving to be the toughest fight of her life, but she was enjoying it too much to want to stop!

She smirked determinedly, and attempted another swing at Lorec's face.

Seeing as how Tyra had gone for Lorec's face on multiple occasions during the fight, the Minotaur had wisened to her old tactic. Bringing the zweihander back from it's previous swing, Lorec met the axe with a downward diagonal slash that he had put all of his weight into, beginning a deadlock of strength, slowly trying to push her back.


" I would've killed you by now if this were truly to the death! If you refuse to evolve in your tactics, you may as well lay your head in a guillotine's bosom and beg for your own execution with a shit-eating grin on your face!"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Seeing as how Tyra had gone for Lorec's face on multiple occasions during the fight, the Minotaur had wisened to her old tactic. Bringing the zweihander back from it's previous swing, Lorec met the axe with a downward diagonal slash that he had put all of his weight into, beginning a deadlock of strength, slowly trying to push her back.


" I would've killed you by now if this were truly to the death! If you refuse to evolve in your tactics, you may as well lay your head in a guillotine's bosom and beg for your own execution with a shit-eating grin on your face!"


Tyra grunted as her axe collided with Lorec's sword, and it became a test of might between the two fighters.

He was right; she had to change her strategy, he was wising up to it.


He was putting all his strength down this direction...so what if...


Swiftly, and without warning, she positioned her right hooves and spun out of the clash. If it went the way she hoped, Lorec would stumble forward and be open for a slash to the side, which she'd attempt using the momentum picked up from the spin.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Ice Blizzard had left his apartment to investigate who threw that rock through his window. Although, since he was half asleep, he was also half focused. "Wh-what's going on out here..?" Hello? Anyone?" He couldn't see nor hear anyone, so he decided to go back, "Ugh, it's useless..wait..."


There it was again. That shadow of a pony. It fled in the direction of the residential area of town, and Ice couldn't help but follow, "Hold up! Get back here!" Ice started to run after the shadow, however, since he was tired, in combination with the bit of alcohol he had earlier, he had to slow down to a walk. "Ugh...feeling...numb...."


Blizzard was definitely feeling out of it, and started to turn back after not finding who messed up his window, "Eh, probably little foals. I better get back. Ugh...my stomach is aching..." His stomach started to cause him pain as he sat down for a moment to gather himself.


Suddenly, the rain started to get a LOT heavier, and Blizzard was forced to take shelter somewhere nearby until morning, due to the fact that he could hardly move, AND the rain was pouring. "Gotta...find....somewhere.."


He felt a doorknob on his hoof, and entered the door. Fortunately, he was safe from the rain inside, a storage room to a business. Unfortunately, he'd be stuck there until morning. So he made the most of it, and slept there.



Kevin nodded, "So you apparently have a gift with animals. Interesting. Where I come from, everyone always feared wild animals. But then again, nopony's was that open-minded where I came from either. How many animals do you know how to handle?"


"The rain is starting to pour harder outside. Something's definitely off around here. But it's messed up how no one is paying attention to the obvious. Oh well, when they get what's coming to them, they'll realize when it's time to focus...."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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“Well, I guess you’ll just have to kick their ass in the morning for ruining your night.” Calibur joked. He paused for a moment and seemed to stare at Sleight’s face rather intensely before he turned away; looking towards a nearby window. “It’s really pouring out there tonight; you going to be alright now?”

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@@Star Saber,


"Sorry, Ashie. Guess I got carried away..." Pinkie Pie slowed down and hushed up for the first few miles of the trip. The Canterhorn Mountain wasn't all too far away, so it wouldn't take them more than two days to get to theCanterlot where the could pelenish there supplies... that they never got...


"Hey Ashie, why didn't we take the train to Canterlot instead?" She inquired, assuming Ash had chosen to walk for a specific purpose, or perhaps he didn't even know about the train. She didn't know.  



"...But, like a parent with a child..." Celestia said. The words leaving a bitter taste in Night Tracer's mouth. He knew what a parent should do, act like, their job, their responsibilities, but he didn't understand fully as he never had real parents. 


He curled his lip and lightly spoke, "Yeah..." he trailed off, not wanting to nitpick anything or give her any hints as he knew what she meant and what he recieved were two different things. So he pushed his feelings to the side and moved on to think about the question he'd asked Celestia, "I suppose after a thousand years you'd not have much else to do..." He snickered, "If there is one more thing I want more than anything else... It's a family," he dreamed longingly, "Never really had much of one if I were to be honest..." 


He decided he'd give Celestia that, he couldn't straight up lie about his past. He just wouldn't get in depth with it as there was no need and he wasn't comfortable in doing so. Never was, and seemingly, he never would be. 


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Electron Wave Storm was handling the weather conditions outside. He had to keep the hard downpour of rain going, and it seemed like an actual storm was brewing, "Ok...and lightning crash in 3...2...1....BAM!" He said as a lightning bolt struck the ground. He then started more lightning to cause massive thunder, "Here's the rolling thunder!" And with that, massive rumbling could be heard all over the city as the thunderstorm rolled in, along with the pounding sound of raindrops of the ground.


Meanwhile, Ice Blizzard was still stuck in a storage room. However what he didn't know was that he was in the storage room to the spa! It's gonna be a challenge to escape from there in the morning.....

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"You may be tough, Lightning Strike," Rainbow Dash shouted back towards her new friend," but you're not taking me down!"


two-thirds of the way there, and Rainbow Dash was still in the lead, like she should have been. She was pumped, though, and continued to feel the energy and excitement build up as she kept racing. This was amazing, there was no other word for it; hanging side by side with Lightning Strike in an almost dead heat... putting one over on Lightning Dust... the thrill put energy into her like a battery, and Rainbow Dash started to feel that familiar tingle. It moved down her body, starting from the head and ending at the tail, and then hitting everything in between. Like a wave of pure awesome.


The tingle had reached her chest. Once it hit her tail...






If Ice Blizzard thought he was the only pony in the spa storage room, he was wrong. Diamond Tiara had been there first. Diamond Tiara was always first.


Her blue eyes glared at him from the darkness of where he lay. She had ducked into this storage room because her schedule had been messed up. she had been heading back to her room when some stupid pegasus or something screwed up on their job, dumping what felt like an ocean's worth of rain on her. Wet, freezing and caught outside. She had thought this would be a safe spot to tide the storm over until she could walk home safely, but apparently not. Apparently, they let all of the riff-raff in here.


"Hey!" she said rudely, shouting at the squatter who had moved in after her. "You think you can put one over because you're bigger than me? Well, think again! I was here first!"




@Star Saber

"Rain? Rain is a good day for me," Sleight Mist said with a grin. Water streamed in from the outside suddenly, guided by her magic. Floating a little above her head, it formed itself into a multi pointed star, which rippled beautifully in the training room. She then flash froze it, because she could, forming a very sharp, very large bladed weapon that hung above her head.


"Water is my specialty." she said as she drove the weapon point end in the ground, pinning it to the floor. "I think i'll be fine." She began to walk off, the water outside already starting to part for her as she headed outside.




The mare with the leafy green mane and tail was sweating hard. She didn't know why, though, since it seemed she had this dream every night. She should be used to the terror by now.


Once she stopped gasping for breath, she became acutely aware of the fact that that scream would have woken up everything around her. Not an issue for her if there were only animals out here, but there was more than that out here, and she knew that know.


She started to get up... only to fall back on her haunches. It didn't take her too long to figure out that she still hadn't recovered from her long trek. She needed more time to rest.


But she wouldn't sleep, not after what she'd just dreamed. She just stood under the tree, then looking up at the stars while the rain poured down around her.




Celestia didn't know if it was the right move to make, what with Night Tracer being so sensitive and all, but she thought she could be of at least a little comfort in this area. She knew Night Tracer deserved it.


She drooped her wing over Night Tracer, looked into his eyes, and smiled, bright and brilliant as the sun.


"Night Tracer, no matter the circumstances of your past, know that you i'll be there by your side for as long as you need me to be. You will always find a family in me." she assured him with absolute confidence. She took the wing back, though the smile never left her; it was just as bright and brilliant as always.

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Blizzard looked up to see a pink filly. "Hm? Oh, sorry. Hope you don't mind if I stay here. I'm hiding out from the storm. Don't worry though, once the storm lets up a bit, then I'll go." He recognized her from seeing her walk around Ponyville with Filthy Rich, "Heey, you're the daughter of that rich guy, Filthy. Oops, uh, 'Mr. Rich'. How are you doing? I'm Icesius Blizzard, icebending earth pony. What's your name?" he said with a smile as he put out his hoof to shake.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Night Tracer returned the smile; Celestia had put his troubles at ease. One of the things he had found in Bangcolt was an oppurtunity with family. Something he hadn't experienced in a while and never even fully was blessed to enjoy. "Thank you," he praised; "I believe it's your question?" 


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"I'm not really trying to beat you, this race is just for fun, and it's the practice race, remember?" She said, speeding up a little more. "It would be really awesome if we both did our sonic booms at the same time don't ya think?, there could be a possibility of them kind of combining" she said excidetly. She was picturing it in her head, a multicolored sonic boom with lightning sparks dancing around it

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Diamond Tiara stared at Ice Blizzard blankly, before her eyes slowly traveled down to his hoof. His dirty, soaking wet hoof.


"Right..." she said, with all the casual dismissal of someone of who had just found an insect on the floor. There was no way she was shaking hooves with him; he might have something. Instead, she looked up at him expectantly.


"I'm Diamond Tiara." she said, giving him the minimum standard social interaction Question answered, she decided to move straight forward, to ask the obvious.


"So, are you going to leave, or...?"



Night Tracer was right; it was Celestia's turn to answer. She figured she might as well go with a positive question, and one that might reveal something important, if Night Tracer was willing to be honest.


"Night Tracer, what do you cherish most in this world? Outside Luna." she said with a smile. She knew he had probably thought of that answer already, and she wasn't going to give him an easy way out.

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Ice looked out the storage room window. I was still pouring very hard outside. So much so, that is sounded like falling metal scraps, "Well, I was planning on staying here for a bit until the storm lets up. I won't cause any trouble for you."


Unaware of the filly's personality, Ice did what he did best, act friendly, "So, are you ok? That's some nasty storm outside. Heh, what a way to end a night of hanging out," he paused, "Speaking of hanging out, how'd you get here? Did your friends ditch you or something?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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He wasn't leaving. Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes in exasperation, but she also stayed. For now, at least, talking to this stallion was preferable to being caught out in the rain and lightning. Slightly.


She decided to answer his question."No, my friend didn't ditch me." she said with a venomous edge, also putting emphasis on the word "friend". She only had one. "I just had to stay in late in order to wrap up when I was done with work. I run the local newspaper here, and it was a late night," she added, regrettably continuing the conversation.

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Blizzard nodded, "Newspaper huh? That sounds pretty cool. I like reading the newspapers. But I hate it when mixups happen but you look like a smart little filly. I'm pretty sure you'll set things right with your production team."


He thought for a moment and got an idea, "Hey, Diamond Tiara, you wanna see something cool?" he said with a smile.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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