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general Have you ever been in a fight?


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Now, this topic isn't exclusively for malicious fights, this also includes fights within an institution or in martial arts of any kind. As unpleasant as fighting is, there's no denying that it's a vital part of nature for all species. Heh, trust us humans to make sport out of it, eh? :laugh: 

Having had a background in boxing, I've seen myself being in a few fights throughout the years, incidentally (and unfortunately) some of which ending up being outside of the ring. :adorkable:

How about you? Have you had any backgrounds in any kind of martial art, or have you been in any fights full-stop?

(For the record, I do not condone violence by any means, this topic is purely for discussion, k? :mlp_bedeyes:



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Yes, only once that I can recall. Was during high school when some kid was bullying me. He got into my face and punched him square in the jaw. After that he punched me in the nose but was too weak to actually cause any real damage.

  • Brohoof 2
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I've never been in a fight because it's impossible to offend me, I also have common sense, and most things can be solved by talking it through.


Think For Yourself.

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Yep, once. It happened my junior year of high school after being bullied for months. One day when he started up, I threw my arm behind me and attempted to punch him. I missed, and even if I hadn't I wouldn't have done any damage. Then he pinned me down and hit me a couple of times. Of course because of the really counter-productive way that the rules worked. Let's just say I got suspended for three days and he got off scot-free. I mean the principal said his hands were tied, but still I think that was a little off.

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I've gotten into one fight. Back in Grade 9, I accompanied my friend to confront the person who was bullying him. Let's just say that it didn't go well and the bully ended up attacking him. I stepped in and got into the scuffle, ending with me throwing him to the ground. Looking back on it, I probably could've handled the situation much better.

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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I've been in a few altercations during my school years. I can't remember the really early ones all that well due to them occurring when I was young but there's one I remember that was because I thought someone was taking away the only true friend I had ever had.

  • Brohoof 1


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I may have been in more, but I only remember a few. All of them were when I was in school. The first one I remember was between me and this kid a grade higher than me, and I won. The second one I remember was between me and this kid who despised me. (We were in the same grade.) I hate to admit that I lost that one. It wasn't really much of a fight though because we only hit each other once. The next one was when I was in middle school and this kid kept calling me gay, so I punched him in the face. Several times, and I won. (It was less of a fight than the one I lost though because my opponent didn't fight back.) The other one I had was between me and this annoying kid. Like the last one, he didn't fight back, so I guess I technically won. I got in huge trouble in the last couple of fights I got in though. I've never been in another fight since.

  • Brohoof 1


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I generally don't like fighting. The closest thing to a fight was when I shoulder rammed a bully (same grade) who had trapped someone in their locker. Well, it wasn't really a shoulder ram, it was more like a very strong shove.

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I'm a pretty non-violent individual. You'd have to really set me off in order for me to feel like I would have to fight you. I have never been a physcial altercation but I have seen a few back in high school.

  • Brohoof 1
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I went to school in England during the '70s and early '80s. Got bullied a lot-3 or 4 of them would wait for me after school, then pound the crap out of me. My parents and the teachers did nothing-I ended up having to learn boxing by secretly going to a gym down the road from me. Learned how to move and punch-got one good smack in on the biggest guy and that was it. I went on to study Goju-Ryu and MMA before it was popular-worked as a bouncer for many years and had countless altercations with drunks. I still work security, but haven't had a fight in 20 + years at this point.


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I’ve changed a lot of the years and don’t put up with BS anymore but a word to the wise know yourself and pick your fights wisely. To cut to the chase... no haven’t been in a physical fight but I’m feeling these days if necessary I’m not afraid to put myself in to protect those I love. 



I’m kinda a weasel in sense :-P like Dax


  • Brohoof 1
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Yes I have. I used to be a lot angrier when I was younger. I got into a fist fight in an arcade, and I got in a fist fight with a woman who called me a f*ggot, among other insults, just because she didn't like me.

Just to note, she threw the first punch, and I believe in gender equality so, you come at me, male or female, I'm gong to defend myself. And I did. I'm going to get hell on here for saying that, but I'm not going to "not hit a woman" because their a woman if they attack me first. Because in doing that, you're saying that they are too weak to get hit. Women are in the military, they can be tough, so this woman wanted to throw down with me, and come at me. Fine. You want a fight, you got one.

When I was in high school I got in a fist fight with a friend and we threw each other against the lockers, the teachers had to come break us up. I would suppose I wasn't your average "gay kid". I was willing to fight. It probably came from the fact that I grew up in the South, and people finding out you were gay was basically a death sentence, so you had to learn how to defend yourself. Against anyone.

Nowadays, I don't get in fights as often. The only time I do, is when I am pushed to that point and it takes a lot. For instance, I have defended my husband from people who have disliked his sexuality, and oh boy, did I beat that guys arse. We never got bothered again. That's a very common mistake people (mostly straight men) make, is that we gay guys can't/won't fight. Then they find out they are sorely mistaken.


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I never went around picking fights because I'm simply not equipped for them. I'm not very big or strong so it wouldn't do much good to break into fisticuffs with anyone. I was hit and picked on plenty of times in school, but I usually had someone bigger and stronger to do any retaliatory strikes that were needed. If I didn't have backup I usually went with verbal abuse toward anyone giving me a hard time. That's where I did my best work since the bully mentality, by nature, isn't very intelligent. It was easy to make them feel like the insignificant bugs they were.

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I don't remember being in a fight or punching someone, nonetheless. There was some bullying in a couple of the class I was, but most of the fights were occasional and outside of the middle school, and they were usually between "canis". I just tried to ignore them.

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