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general Have you ever been in a fight?


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I've been in many fights. I don't take a lot of crap from people and I have a confrontational attitude as it is. I'm trying to curb that aspect of my personality but if someone pushes me I'll most likely push back.

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  • 4 months later...

In my younger years yeh. But I figure it’s not worth losing my self-worth over stupid things with people. 

  • Brohoof 1



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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  • 4 weeks later...

Verbal fights, yes. Physical fights, no. Well, If it constitutes as a fight: I threw a punch at a kid once because he kicked me in the dick. It wasn't even warranted, we were just screwing around and well, the rest is history. And yes, the kick was on purpose.



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Yes. I had lost a few when young, but not all. After I became a shodan in Aikido, never lost again. In fact, I avoided more because I knew what to do to win before things got physical.

Edited by Mirage


“Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing you have received--only what you have given.”
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  • 3 years later...

No, I was the only one within my martial arts class who did not participate in combat. Actually, I avoided it at all coast. And combat was never a requirement to ascend to the next belt in my dojo. So...

But there was this time one of the temporary replacements for our master insisted on me fighting, and I was obliged, unfortunately. And one of my friends, who was the best in the dojo, was just covering his eyes and grinning before the fight began. Which is the friend who always recommended all the other bigger and badder guys who didn't know me, not to fight with me. I was never very social, because of anxiety.
And the substitute gave the signal. It was so fast. Just one kick that I didn't even see myself. The fight hadn't even started and the professor was already on the ground tending to this poor guy who had the bad luck of going against me. And my body looks like I have anorexia because of many other psychological issues that have my electrochemical system disregulated. So, people never expect that I am actually a brute. Just one that happens to look like an anorexic.

But I did get in fights outside our academy. To defend a friend who was being bullied by a guy who was stronger than him, and he was just getting boxed against a wall in one the corridors of my college after everyone was back in class. It was sad. Because the bully was also faster, with better reflexes and skill. He was actually very skilled. Especially with how to block and counter. And my friend tried to fight back, but he was being pummeled and punished after every bad punch he threw.
And I just enter the hallway and see it, because I was always late to classroom, and immediately the adrenaline hits me like a bucket of cold water. And everything goes black in my view, except for the silhouette of this guy.
I lost control. Turns out, I was even faster than the bully. And this guy was like a cheetah in human form. He won every single race, and was the best football player in our college.
Before I knew it, I was already next to him, and he tries to block me, but I break his defense punching directly into his arm, and then comes my right fist just under his ribs, and I sink it in with pleasure. And I can see him wince and stammer back. And he looks back at me, with a face full of surprise and pain. And starts walking backwards without taking his eyes from me, and dissapears. He had a medical leave, that day. Also, he never talked about it again. And we all pretended as if it didn't happen. One of the few dents on that pride of him, I imagine.

Another time, we were with a group of friends at the central park during late hours of the night. Not your central park. But the one here in mendoza, argentina. And this group of individuals starts approaching us, and you could tell their social background just by the way they looked from the distance. Clothing, demeanor, it was like seeing a bunch monkeys dressed in human clothes. The same manners, too.
They first asked us for the time, but we were all silent. And then my friend politely tells them that we have no phone or watch on us. And they took it as an offense, because they knew my friend had assumed they were gonna try to rob us. And the argument started escalating, as they began to taunt us with their colorful language because they were feeling discriminated. And I was holding my friend back, which is the same guy who was top class in our dojo. But he couldn't take it the moment they insulted his mother, and just went at it. And I lost control, once again. And got one of their teeth stuck on my knee during the brawl, as I catched one of them right in mouth, while he was getting off the ground.
So, my knee connected directly with his upper row of teeth. And one of his canines goes right into my kneecap, and the roots fracture like the head of a spear losing its shaft. I didn't realize I had a tooth stuck on my leg, long after the fights had ended.

And it didn't seem to have an end. Like, they were beaten down badly and bloody, but they wanted more, and they just kept insulting us and pushing for conflict, because their damaged egos were worth more than their physical health, apparently. And my friend was getting ready for another round. And I just wanted it to end, because all my issues become channeled through violence, which is why I avoided combat on the dojo. Until a group of police officers luckily happen to get the attention from a bystander who was watching all this happen, and these guys see the police and start running, probably because they had a criminal record, already.
If it wasn't because of this, that fight could have ended very badly. Because they just didn't care anymore. Their shame was too great to accept they had lost the fight. They were hurting, and they were tearing up, and seeing their own friends with their clothes all bloodied, but their pride wouldn't let them let go. I can understand.
But I will never know if they just wanted to know the time, or if they really intended to rob us. I mean, they didn't have a gun, and maybe they just ran away because of their social background. I've seen how some police officers treat people who look like them. Very poor, in both ways. Just because the way they look. They assume a certain profile, and many times they are correct. But not always.

And other times I fought because of foolish people who likes mocking others. They are hurting and looking to externalize that pain by psychologically harassing other individuals who are unlikely to fight back. And they see someone who is introverted as an easy prey. And I am introverted myself. But when they are on the ground with a bloodied face, crying "psycho!". Because they did not expect such overreaction, without understanding I was already in pain because of the violence back at home, and they just added to an already full glass.

The stupidity of a youth raised by absent parents and the internet. It is always the same. You are the crazy one, but they are the ones resulting to bullying, because this behaviour is completely "normal". And I've seen teachers not bat an eye when other children were being bullied in front of them. And then I realize that my friends know this guy.
Also, this guy grew up watching south park, and his parents were mostly absent during his upbringing, and he believed social norms existed to be exploited. It didn't work too well for him in the end. Because south park apparently didn't teach him that society is a mutual compromise, between people who agree to cooperate for a common goal. It is not an obligation. Much less for me.
Also, in his defense, society is exploitable. Some cops and the owners of the restaurant in my street corner are narcs, because the father of the owner is the deputy from the local police department. So, you can imagine how profitable is their cooperation in violating the law they are supposed to uphold in name of society. And it gets worse the deeper you go. Especially, when you get into family matters.

But yeah. Every fight has been like that for me. I always avoided conflict because I am already in conflict.

Edited by They call me Loyalty
  • Brohoof 1
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Fortunately, I haven’t been in a physical altercation. I got close to getting in one in high school, but the guy who started it lost his nerve and backed down (I have been told over the years that I have an intimidating appearance). I try to stay physically strong by going to the gym, and while I am not a bodybuilder by any means, I am strong enough to the point where the “Average Joe” isn’t going to dare to cross me. 

Nowadays, I have high situational awareness, and I practice conflict avoidance and deescalation. This is because I carry a firearm as a last resort (I have a valid permit and training, so I am not violating any laws) for defense, and the first legal “pillar” is being a reluctant participant in the conflict in my state.

Edited by Gun Metal Zebra
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I mostly avoid fights, but when my older brother is getting too physically intrusive or aggressive, I tend to go for a grip on the neck or a bite on the arm that won't pierce the skin if he won't let me go. No real fights though.

The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Violence should ONLY be conducted to protect yourself, to protect someone or something else, or to silence sadistic psychopathic narcissistic bullies that persist to think they can not be touched because they think their mouth can solve all their problems, NO your mouth is what is CAUSING you problems. You should always stand up for those that can't stand for themselves, but you should NEVER let ppl walk over you. Yeah I have some physical experiences, I don't need to sing my own accolades but when it comes to the "moral high ground" I don't lose. Training/experience isn't a pedestrian quality, most ppl just imagine themselves beating up ppl they don't like bc reality is harder and power delusions are easy. Reality is not comforting and some ppl LITERALLY have NO CONCEPT of the reality of violence or any form of serious harm.


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On 2018-12-01 at 5:08 PM, Prometheus said:

How about you? Have you had any backgrounds in any kind of martial art, or have you been in any fights full-stop?

I got pick on a lot in middle school so Yeah , around 18-50 in my time in school.  I have some martial arts training but never used it in the ring. Was in a gun fight in real life one time:eww: did not like that.  Now i see fighting as something that i have to do if needed not something i want to do.  Really when you have been trained how to kill and you know you could very easy end someone, you try not to get into fights. 

why do you work for Queen Chrysalis? A samurai duty is to serve his master, regardless of the kind of person she is .


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  • 9 months later...

Only once and that was in high school. One of my friends was being choked and I didn't have time to think about a way to defuse the situation, so I stepped in. Like most people, I don't like fighting, especially when you realise that nobody really wins from it. :rarity:

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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