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Scariest/ Most intense thing you've done or had happen to you


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So, I couldn't find a similar topic like this or else the search function didn't work for me.


Basically this topic is describing the scariest or most intense thing you have ever done, or had happen to you.


Naturally I'll start.


Summer 2010.


A couple of Navy Seals were kidnapped in Kabul, Afghanistan, and we had received some intel that they had been transported to a village about 30 kilometers from our remote fire base. We knew that we had to act on the intel before they could be killed, so we contacted Division Aviation for a ride, since walking would have given them plenty of time to see us coming, and driving there would have been suicide. Well, enough excuses, we ended up with three chinook's coming in and picking up pretty much everyone who could carry a rifle or a machine gun. Honestly, it was just two scout platoons and my MP squad that went, the artillery and support guys were left behind to defend the base. So we board the birds. About 20 minutes later, we were in the trail bird while 1 was going in to land, so we took up high orbit. Orbit is basically just that, while another bird picks up overwatch and does a smaller orbital circle, we would fly at a pretty high speed in a giant loop while waiting for the first bird to drop off it's troops. Bird 1 goes in, no problem. Bird 2 goes in, we pick up the over watch and bird 1 goes into the high orbit. Again, goes off without a snap. Well, when bird 2 starts taking off we drop in to set down at a different location, however, this time, the Taliban spring their trap. We were about 30 feet off the ground when the RPG's and RPK fire started up. I remember seeing green and red tracers coming up as well as seeing the smoke trail from two rockets streak past. The pilots made the decision to have us jump off the helicopter rather than risk all of us get killed if the bird got hit. I remember, looking off the back ramp at this 30 foot drop and sporadic small arms fire coming up at us. I immediately bitch out, because, 1, I'm wearing about 120 pounds worth of gear, with armor, ammo, weapon and my pack on, and 2, we were freaking being shot at. It was the most hopeless feeling in the world, basically staring at what you thought was your death, and remember thinking, man, I'm just 19, is this truly the end? Next thing I know, I feel a boot connect with my back, and I'm falling. I instinctively I tuck my head and start rolling forward, and somehow managed to do an awkward somersault landing on my assault pack, I had the wind knocked out of me, but I was alright. When our last guy hit the ground, it was eerily quiet once more, with just the sounds of the chinooks flying away, and the radio chatter from the other two platoons searching for who ever shot at us. Sounds easy right? Wrong, overseas there is an AK behind every door in every house, and you couldn't look for shell casings either, because the children would run in during firefights and pick up the brass. Not because of loyalty to the taliban, but they could sell it to the junk dealers for enough to buy some candy. Anyway, long story short, complete mission failure, we only ended up apprehending two guys and only finding one of the Seals backpacks. We found out two weeks later that they had been moved to a different location about a day or two before we raided the village. Sadly, they had been executed. 


As for me, I can't stand flying anymore, and roller coasters aren't all that entertaining either. Especially with fireworks going off. 


We all have our stories, some of us have experienced bad, some of us have experienced good. I know there are pony's out there who have experienced the thunderous roar of a cheering crowd after a performance, others have managed to make the series winning catch, others have been nominated as the top student in their school/academy, share your moment everypony. 

  • Brohoof 2
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This happened in Lahore, Pakistan.


I was drinking water during breaktime and there was this huge explosion that came from the other side of the road my school was on. It was enough to knock the cup of water out of my hands and shatter a few windows too. I looked at the source of the explosion and I just see a fireball.


School was prepared though and we had a pretty good security staff consisting of ex-army soldiers and we all went into the corner of the school farthest from the blast but we could stll see the fire and smoke and hear all emergency sirens.


I was about 8-9 years old back then and most of my classmates were crying. They cried harder when a second explosion happened.


It was a suicide attack on the Pakistan Navy College which was walking distance from our school and there had been two suicide bombers. I actually saw a face, like LITERALLY just the skin a human has on his face lying on the road bloodied when I got out after my parents came to pick me up. It was like someone put a huge piece of meat on the road with C4 inside it and detonated it.



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So, I couldn't find a similar topic like this or else the search function didn't work for me.



No worries, we now allow new topics to be created even if one exists elsewhere. We used to merge and lock duplicate topics, but we have taken a different approach based on member feedback. Mega-Threads will still be merged with new topics, but outside of that ... your fine.



The most intense moment in my life that I will share will likely be my wife's pregnancy with my youngest daughter. Early on we were advised that the pregnancy would not be one that would come to term. A bad ultrasound made her OBGYN think she was carrying an ectopic pregnancy. They went in to operate and realized they were wrong and backed out. Turns out that just that mistake increased my wife's chance of a miscarriage and that was the prognosis. Luckily ... they were wrong. a little over 14 and a half years later that daughter is getting ready to enter high school. That said ... longest pregnancy ever. 

  • Brohoof 1



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I told a girl I loved her once.

Played some video games all night. Jumped off a cliff. Got in a fight. Joined the military Air Force. That's about it.

  • Brohoof 1


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I told a girl I loved her once.

Played some video games all night. Jumped off a cliff. Got in a fight. Joined the military Air Force. That's about it.

Surely something intense happened to you. Your mti not put the fear of god in you?

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Well, not anything truly frightening or intense has ever happened to me, but sometimes, when I think about the the things I do that my parents are oblivious to, and how steamed they'd be to find out, I'm like, "lol, what am I doing?"

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Telling my heavily pregnant wife that I had been made redundant at work was pretty scary. I don't really scare easily although i was in a park once and had a large Alsatian dog snarling and snapping at my arms and legs kind of freaked me out , it seemed very surreal at the time. 

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If you guys ever had a break in, then you know where this is going. First, this was at my old house before i moved into the apartment. So i'm usually up during the nighttime hours playing one of my games, and i hear this loud bang that startles me(nearly shit myself, no joke). I thought maybe one of the boxes in the attic had fallen over, we have many of them which were there to begin with; never really checked them out because of my spider phobia. So i shrug it off and continue playing, then it comes again; this time more aggressive. 


Now i know what you're thinking: "why would you ignore the first one?"


First off all, the boxes always seem to be falling over; so the banging when they hit against the ceiling was normal. The good thing was that i had taken Kajukenbo classes and completed them; i even have the robe to prove it. So i hid behind my door and waited for whoever was coming to enter. As they did, i gave them one solid kick to the back and they hit the floor; before they get up i give one final strike to knock them out.


Now what's scary about this isn't that it was a robber, but turns out it was my brother who had forgotten the keys to the house; and was forced to make an entry. I was cursing myself for my stupidity, but could you blame me for it? I'm not willing to be shot or anything of that nature. But i just felt terrible about what i did, but he's forgiven me after i told him what happened. But now i try to hold off attacking unless i'm for sure its not a family member.


So far we haven't had a single break-in, but moved anyway after seeing how easy it was to bust down the doors to out house. And also the ridiculous 5k bills we had to pay. 


//// My persona and OC: Candy Star //// Ask me anything: Ask Candy Star //// My Music ////


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When I was a kid we couldn't afford to go to a children's dentist so I had to see my parent's dentist, he was rather old and ready to retire, and because of that he wasn't patient with children. I got so scared and nervous I physically made myself sick, and wound up seeing a children's dentist for quite a while. Now thankfully I am over my fear of dentists and I see a adult dentist that also sees my parents.


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A semi hauling gas crashed less than a mile from my house and exploded. The fire from the incident turned the sky orange and really all you could hear was everything burning and people yelling out to each other amid that roar of the fire. One person ran into someone's house, and jumped into their tub because the sudden explosion of heat had ignited the man's belly fat. Another person was blown into a tree from the explosion. My dad found the man's boot and learned that the guy propped against the tree was dead and missing a foot. Another person was just blown in half and was laying in the flames burning. My town's fire department didn't put him out as they all stood there in shock at the scorched Earth despite my dad yelling at them to put the guy out at least, but that is when they tried to save what masculinity they had and started telling all of the civilians to get out of the scene and to stop helping because they now had it under control. I didn't get to see much after that. I remember just standing up the road just staring at the orange sky and the pillars of smoke coming from the scene.

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Surely something intense happened to you. Your mti not put the fear of god in you?

I joined the Air Force. They're not allowed to do that. They can only reprimand harshly. My parents did that for my whole life XD


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I once had a lung inflammation so bad I coughed up blood because of tears in my throat, 41c fever... It was pretty scary :I


And another pretty scary thing was when a girl got stabbed in the throat in the apartment under ours...


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

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Having a seizure to be honest.

Oh my god, I'm extremely sorry that happened to you, I can sort of relate because our last dog we had, Grace, would have seizures when she was older due to brain tumors. Seeing her have seizures scared me more than anything.


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Oh my god, I'm extremely sorry that happened to you, I can sort of relate because our last dog we had, Grace, would have seizures when she was older due to brain tumors. Seeing her have seizures scared me more than anything.

It is scary :/ I have epilepsy.  Sorry about your dog. :/

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The brakes on my truck went out and a split-second usage of the emergency brake spared me from plummeting into a bluff at almost forty miles an hour. Most quick and intense ten seconds of my life.


Word of advice, if the 'Brakes' light illuminates on your dashboard, you'd better fucking acknowledge it.

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Driving 125 MPH on the interstate late at night one time. That was a few months back and I a ton of stuff on my mind that night.  I decided to take a long drive and got a bit into it. 

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I got done working for my friend's stepdad and we were going to go off on a shopping spree with our money we earned.... on our way there we got rammed pretty damn hard by another car.... I hit my head on the seat ahead of me while my friend nearly snapped his neck and had to be hospitalized..... I suffered a concussion but I lied to the paramedics and my friends stepdad telling them I was fine when they asked if I hit my head.... I lied for two reasons one I didn't want to be hospitalized and I wanted my friend to get to the hospital.... he was in a lot of pain.... I then watched my friend get taken off in the ambulance.... in the end he made a full recovery.... but I haven't spoken to him since then.....



there is also the time I woke up at three in the morning to my mom shouting "OUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE" surely enough it was.... if it hadn't been for her I most likely would of died that night....



I don't have many stories that happened to me outside of the video game world.... (those first two really did happen).... but I'm sure that will change especially with the career path I have chosen


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Well...It was me and three friends and we were just walking and all of a sudden we hear sirens and cops everyone panicked. We all split up and ran in different directions. The cops all went ahead and followed ME F*CKING ME so I hopped a wall into some dudes backyard and made my way to his front yard. As luck would have it I managed to jump a fence into a gated community. I spent 3 hours running and hiding from cops dogs and people who lived in the community. I made my way to the Front gate. The long journey there was a long and F*cked up experience. When I got there cars were blocking the community. I managed to make my way to behind a car listening and waiting for my opportune moment to run hop a fence and sprint the 3 miles home. I found out later that one of my friends stole some expensive phone and the cops thought I was him.

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I was doing my last dive during our HAZMAT module in dive school and I was a standby (safety) diver that day. My deepest depth was around 62fsw (basically feet) and I was to make sure our team of 4 divers, not including myself and another standby, were alright. They were working on a midwater flange project that we were supposed to have finished by the end of the day and we pretty much has 0 visibility the entire time.


I remember having my flashlight pointed at what I could see of the dive team's above me when I took a step back and fell into a hole! I regained my senses and equalized my ear pressure before I climbed out of the hole, only to find that could no longer see the dive team. I walked a few feet forward but I still couldn't find anyone, even the flange project which was huge! My flashlight I had with me ended up dying while I was searching for the project so I had to tell topside to lead me back to my down line to get my bearings.


Next thing I know, something big rubs up against my bailout bottle (basically a SCUBA cylinder) on my back, pushing me forward a bit, and made me jump out my skin! I quickly turned around and couldn't see anything so I turned my flashlight on with whatever battery I could get out of it and got about 7 seconds out of it, but there was nothing behind me. I know it was just a fish but knowing that it had to be pretty big to be able to push me with all of my weight AND the fact that it was dark with no vis was made that very creepy to me.

Edited by The Diver

"I could have been happy above if I'd never donned the copper carapace and dipped my head beneath the waves to hear the muddled man-made sounds. Distorted and dreamlike droning. The whir and thrashing of a distant propeller, the tumultuous thundering thud of fogbound freighters. Mud underfoot, no sights, except the grasp of a diver's trained hand, dreaming of distant lands knowing all the while this is what I love, not the blue skies and wondering faces above. Canvas, rubber, brass, copper, and glass. Leather and lead, mud and sweat, heaving around in dark, damp depths seldom seen by most yet talked about by all. As if a sunny, happy place where mermaids and seahorses play and chests of gold are lain bare, untarnished by salt and time for all to grasp who are bold enough to go below..." -"Deep Sea Diver", Steven L. Waterman



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Last weekend when I was in Toronto on vacation, I went on one of those haunted house tours. You walk around the city and the guide (dressed in a black cape and lantern) gives you the ghost stories of the buildings. We were crossing a street when we were almost hit by a turning fire engine that forgot to signal. It barely slowed down to give us time to back up.


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