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Tirek vs every other villain. Can they stop him?


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I don't think Tirek could beat Discord and the other villains, this is because he can not start out with full power (since the other villains still have it, including the ponies of equestria).


In one line most of you might've missed is a line Celestia said as Tirek was sucking the power from ponies with Discord. "He then 'had enough' power to drain the power of flight", this was a little before the Pegasi scene.


This means that depending on his power level, he can only suck the magic of certain ponies. I doubt he'd be able to get the magic from Discord or any of the other villains.


Also, since this is a vs thing, Discord would know he has to stop Tirek. Instead of letting Tirek go and drain energy like in the show, he'd teleport to him and stop him immediately with the power of sensing power imbalances before he has the chance to gain any power at all.


Discord alone could defeat the other villains. The only known thing that can defeat Discord are the Elements of Harmony, so defeating him is out of the question, maybe winning a battle, but never winning the war.


Even with the power of all the ponies in equestria for Tirek, (besides Discord and the other villains), he wouldn't be able to defeat a villain who has limitless power instead of power only gain able from other life forms.


Though on the other hand, Discord's fetish for messing with everybody and never finishing the battle could gain him a loss, but I doubt he'd go against every other villain and Tirek, the one who betrayed him, unserious. He'd be unstoppable if he were serious for once.

  • Brohoof 2
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Hmm... We don't actually know exactly how powerful Sombra is, do we? He was stopped before he was back to full strength, right? Discord could win if he doesn't fall for Tireks trick like in the show. The other ones don't stand a chance, even working together because they would probably fight among themselves. 

Edited by McDude
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Tirek is like a hard carry in DOTA. he only got as far as he did because he was being babysat by discord who was constantly ferrying him around and practically spoonfeeding him. Without Discord's aid, he wouldn't get up to NEARLY that level of power before he's noticed, since he's not able to teleport or travel discreetly on his own.


Even at his strongest, Tirek is basically a giant magical beatstick. he can punch you, shoot lasers, and drain you.  Discord can warp reality itself, and if He hadn't been standing there like an idiot and let himself get grabbed, he probably could still have beat Tirek by virtue of being able to do ANYTHING with his magic.

Think of it like a Batman wizard in D&D vs. someone with a 100d20 laser and massive damage reduction and spell resistance.
Daunting, yes, but its possible for the batman wizard to find a way to beat him if he just stops and thinks for a second.

  • Brohoof 1
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Chrysalis & Nightmare are confirmed to be Alicorn levels of power. 

Tirek couldn't even get past the defenses of one alicorn with a full day or two of effort. 

3 dazzlings were mopped by one alicorn and 6 humans


Tirek equaled the combined strength of 4 alicorn princesses. All 6 villains combined do not match that. 

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I would have included Discord and Sunset Shimmer, but they're good now, and that would make it to easy to count former villains


Tirek by the way is full powered as when he fought Twilight. 


Just recapping part of the OP's post since a lot of people aren't taking this stuff into account anymore.


Under these conditions, Tirek could defeat any of his rivals.


Nightmare Moon was very powerful but still only one alicorn.  Tirek has consumed the lifeforce of every pony in Equestria.  Even with the power of 4 alicorns at her disposal, Twilight only had a moderate advantage over Tirek in terms of brute force.  He held his own against her for some time, standing up to her until he thought of a better strategy.  So a single alicorn, even if she is Nightmare Moon, wouldn't be able to match strength with Tirek.


Queen Chrysalis was only able to defeat Celestia after feeding on the love of Shining Armor for an extended period of time.  Even at her strongest she wouldn't have been much more powerful than an alicorn.  Again, the combined strength of 4 alicorns couldn't get the job done so even working with Nightmare Moon, Chrysalis wouldn't have made much of a difference.  It's possible she might have been able to dupe Tirek and beat him without having to resort to violence but Tirek's betrayal of Discord an disdain for his own brother proves that he isn't very trusting of anyone.  It's highly unlikely Chrysalis could have gotten close enough to Tirek to take him out of the fight before it started.


King Sombra is a total wild card.  Nobody knows the true extent of his power so it's hard to gauge his chances one way or the other.  But, if fan canon counts for anything, I believe his strength to be on par with that of an alicorn's.  I can see him doing the most damage and even slowing Tirek down for a time.  But I doubt all of his illusions and carefully laid traps would be able to stop a force of nature like Tirek for very long.  Sombra has the strength and cunning to survive the battle, but not to emerge from it as the victor.


The Dazzlings...yeah, there'd be plenty of hostility for them to feed off of and assume their true forms.  But what would they do with them?  Their physical attacks in RR did little more than knock a group of teenage girls on their butts.  That'd be like a shift in the wind against a powerhouse like Tirek.  It's possible they could use their songs to put him under their control but I don't think Tirek would be in much of a mood to listen to them.  


Now, that's how all of the villains in this conflict stack up individually against Tirek.  If all of them began cooperating in a combined effort, they might stand a chance.  Nightmare Moon, Chrysalis (at her strongest) and Sombra could match the strength of three alicorns, putting their team at a reasonably high level of strength.  Plus they have a lot of options to play around with.  Sombra might be able to weaken Tirek with his black crystals long enough for the Sirens to put him under their spell.  


But none of the villains seem like team players to me.  I can't see them working together with enough cohesion to vanquish Tirek before he squashes all of them.  Again, it's possible for the team of villains to win but I wouldn't place any wagers on them.

Edited by J. Brony
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If all of the villains teamed up against Tirek I could maybe see them outnumbering him and defeating him.

That is if he wasn't at full power/ hadn't absorb enough magic yet.

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So, let's do this, but I'm counting Discord, sorry :please:


In raw power, Tirek (VS Twilight Sparkle Mode) is superior to every other villain in MLP (not counting the ''ordinary ones") : To Nightmare Moon, who is equal or just a tiny bit stronger than Celestia; to Discord, who's Chaos magic doesn't seem to work on someone stronger than him in raw power, and I consider his equal to Celestia's; to Sombra, even though his banishment necessitated the intervention of two alicorns, doesn't mean he's as strong, just hard to beat; and finally, to Chrysalis who, in raw power during her battle against Celestia, may be the strongest one of the villains (I consider Discord equal to Celestia, she just doesn't know how to beat him on her own) besides Tirek. As for the Dazzlings, well... I can' tell; they're not powerful, but their magic is dangerous. They're sirens, after all. But can their song affect Tirek? He's already full of anger and hate, and their power may not affect him, I don't know. Maybe the magic they used to put Twilight and the others to their knees can be useful?


But what happens when they're together? So, let's get this: One Dark Alicorn, One Draconequus who's I consider raw power equal to One alicorn, One hard-to-beat Unicorn (not far from one Alicorn) and A Changeling equal to, let's say, two alicorns (Celestia and Luna). That makes 4,5 or 4,6 Celestias in raw power against 4 or 4,2 Celestias in raw power; I mean Tirek. Okay, so in Raw power, the other villains beat him. 


Then, comes battle experience: Chrysalis, according to the comics, is good in magic beams, but not in BIG magic beams, and her spells doesn't seems to be very useful in battle; so, let's say she flies and doges, and fires magic beams, that's what we know about her. Discord has chaos magic, but he doesn't seems like he can use it on someone more powerful than him, or he would have stopped Tirek when he betrayed him. However, he may use it in magic attacks, we don't know, or can alter the environnement around Tirek to the group's advantage.Then comes Sombra; he's not as strong as an alicorn, but I'd put him, in raw power, at more of a half of an Alicorn. His dark magic can generate dangerous crystals and se certainly can shoot magic beams like Twilight; not as powerful, but like them. He also can turn into a shadow, and as for now, we don't know a way to hit him when he's in that form. Finally, I'll take Nightmare Moon, which is a... single Alicorn, alone she wouldn't do a lot of things, or else Luna would have beat Tirek on her own. Then again come the Dazzlings, who don't seem to know how to fight directly, the only thing we know that may cause harm directly is the thing they used to bring the elements to their knees (before Sunset Shimmer), but then, it only pushed them; maybe they can try to distract Tirek, that could work.

Then comes Tirek's fighting style: shields, powerful and destructive magic beams, and important physical strength; he's capable of jumping between long distances, can throw at an important range... he's the more destructive of all, he's really dangerous, his magic seems to concentrate on destroying the enemy, we don't know if he can use difficult spells or not, we're not so sure.



So, to summarize: against the principal villains (minus Starlight Glimmer), and the Dazzlings Tirek is weaker in Raw power, but more destructive and can cause big damage on his own; Sombra and Chrysalis may be the most capable threats against him, the Dazzlings aren't that much of a threat, Nightmare Moon too, and Discord can try to alter the environment to the group's advantage.


So, that's it :P I have to sleep, now >.>

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  • 5 years later...
On 5/29/2015 at 3:57 PM, Freikorpist Jonas said:

I do think Sombra would stand a fair chance, considering he had to be killed to be defeated :T. Then again, Tirek could always just steal Sombra's immense dark magic and use it, so yeah :T. Pretty clear who will win :T. 

We don't know if Tirek can drain dark magic from sombra and I think sombra would win because he not a pony he is a shadow that took a pony like form

On 5/29/2015 at 9:25 PM, Asbel Lhant said:

Hell no they couldn't stop him...He would just eat their magic...

Even Discord lost to Tirek and he's virtually omnipotent...

we don't even know if Tirek can drain dark magic from sombra or if Tirek a lot of magic from unicornhe could has defeated sombra or if Tirek was in his weakest form sombra win

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  • 1 month later...

Tirek is not losing to anyone bar Twilight after absorbing discord. With Twilight power... he not losing to anyone except friendship bull.

Discord is a bit of a enigma... If it's raw power... i don't think he's much more powerful than Twilight and the other alicorns. Cadance was able to block his spells... (While I will admit that she can also block King Sombre from entering a whole city for days without resting so it only makes sense she could block him). Twilight as a unicorn is able to block him when he first appeared. He can do quite a lot though.

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