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FB Pony Admins... Am ah alone?


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Well ah was wonderin if any a ya'll ponies were also on FB? Ah got ma own page! Ah play ma self on FB! ((this will explain to ya'll why ah talk like ah do. Be warned, i stay seriously IC)) If ya'll are, Who are ya? anyone els playin me out their? Ah aint gona post a link because ah'm sure that aint ool with the admins of MLPforums. Just wonderin if ya'll are FB ponies too :D

applejack is my favorite pony ever! i love her :3

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My kind mare your accent is most admirable! But, not at the moment to answer your question, for I am royally barred from using FaceBookian resources and pages. But I would also be delighted to see other Facebookian ponies.

I'm the Son of Celestia And when i'm King who else did you think would be Queen?


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I found Apple Bloom (the admin) by accident.


Also, something you might enjoy https://www.facebook.com/ponyhoof


Ah already got it ^^


My kind mare your accent is most admirable! But, not at the moment to answer your question, for I am royally barred from using FaceBookian resources and pages. But I would also be delighted to see other Facebookian ponies.


Thank ya kindly, sugarcube.

applejack is my favorite pony ever! i love her :3

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