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Shade stared at her and said, "Don't enjoy being shot at? Sister, you are in the wrong business if you hate being shot at. But lucky you, you have me to take the fire for you. I guess the hacking would probably be more important than a shield for me to avoid some pain."


"But this healing came at a cost. I'm not exactly the best looking guy around, thanks to those scientists and I barely remember life before the experiments. So I have no clue what my past was, besides being in the military. Otherwise, yea it's a pretty cool not worry about losing a limb or life threatening injuries," he replied.


Shade head turned back to the road and a blue sign appeared on the side of the road as they drove by. "On a lighter note, the place seems to be close, the sign that we just passed says it's in one mile."


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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Paging @Derplight Sperkle

Silver sighs, "Sorry you went through that... Some scientists aren't exactly ethical with their experiments, not that I can speak exactly, seeing as I experimented on myself in order to try and make things better, but it just wound up doing this to me..." She shakes her head, "Enough self pity though, I do have to say that I can't even imagine what you went through, but if you want me to help you out I could try and help you recover your memory." She looks at the sign, "Either way, I guess it's time to focus up and get ready to strike a blow for freedom against whoever these guys are..."

On the other hand, do I really want to get close to someone who may wind up getting contracted to kill me? She asks herself silently, pondering the idea.

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@@Mars Orbit


The van was driving towards the Police Station, upon reaching it, the van drove around the block





 He saw the black van drive by their vehicle,


@@Drago Ryder,


Little did he know he was being followed, by an ordinary figure, however he knew was something different about tempest




"I dont know him...but yes, there other psychics, but they werent ready for the visions and nightmares, so many have taken leave to get away from this case" 



Edited by Skullbuster

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Aurora arrives at the game store and looks around. She plans to get her game. She heads inside hoping nothing bad is happening.


Seeing noone at the counter making a perchase, she walks to the counter and says, "Hello, I am here for my reserved game. It should be under the name Midnight Aurora."


Aurora awaits the clerk's reply.

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Shade pulled up a side road near the initial guard checkpoint. "Right, let's get this show on the road. We need to start by getting some explosives planted here to distract the guards. Then after we go a safe distance, blow 'em and we will high tail it in after the coast is clear."


Shade then turned to Silver suddenly afterwards, "You know, getting my memory would be a good thing one day. No matter now, should we plant some C4 or your chemical explosive?"


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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Paging @Derplight Sperkle

Silver nods, "CL20 is definitely an earthmoving explosive, so I'll place a bit of it here, and we can mix it with the C4 you brought to take down the building later..."


She closes her eyes and concentrates for a minute or so, at which time a small mound of crystals begins to spread in front of her till it's a cylinder the size of a dinner plate, about 4 inches tall. To this mass of crystals she attaches a small radio transmission detonator to it, then turns to Shade, "Alright, we're all wired up, this'll wake up the whole damn city..." she says with a smile, backing away from the explosive quickly.

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"Okay then, so you can be a walking explosive, I will keep that in mind," Shade says as he backs away slowly as Silver makes the explosives. When she turned to hand Shade the detonator, he made sure to handle it with extreme exaggerated care.


"Wake the whole city? Damn that be powerful explosives. Let's hope it doesn't attract too much attention, don't want many supes swooping in on our operation." Shade gets back in the car and waits for Silver to get in the passenger seat.


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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Paging @Derplight Sperkle

Silver shakes her head, "I need a lot of focus to synthesize the stuff without winding up blowing myself sky high..." she sits back in the passenger seat, "It's not the power of the blast, but the type. It's an extremely high speed explosive, so it'll probably shatter windows for a couple of blocks, and it'll be heard for a mile or so, farther if the street acts like a focuser... It'll definitely make sure people are paying attention to it and not us, but this Hill will not be here when the dust settles. "she smiles," You said you wanted big, I brought big. "

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"Do you know any now that may be following up the investigation?" Lilith was still curious about the sudden appearance of the strange man, however that always came with the territory. Lilith leaned back down next to the chalk outline and looked deeply at it. "Did anyone know this man? What kind of person was he?"



signature by Pucksterv

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"Oh I just love big explosions!  I just hope that everyone will concentrate on that explosion and not on us infiltrating the labs. Alright, let's get into position." 


Shade pulled off the hill and headed closer to the guardhouse. He drove past it and stopped about 500 meters away from it. "I say this is far enough. let's get this party started," Shade said and then he pulled out the detonator and flipped the switch.


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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Paging @Derplight Sperkle

Silver winces as Shade presses the detonator. There are a few seconds of wait time before she whispers, "It usually goes off by-" She's cut off by an earth-shaking bang from the hill where they planted the explosive. The Shockwave of the blast shatters glass for blocks around, and even manages to push the heavy car a bit off of the road as a massive plume of smoke is kicked up. The guards in the lab begin to rush out to survey the surroundings, having no idea what could have possibly happened.

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The white chalk outline seemingly turned to blood, Jane sighed "He was an average person, 42, smoker, construction worker, reports say he was hanging out with friends,...who are the other two outlines you see here, the bar they came from is across the street"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Blitz noticed that someone was following him but decided not to confront the character just yet. Instead, he simply sat on a bench and waited to see if he would try anything. The hero was ready to fight if it was needed, but he wouldn't be able to use most of his abilities in such a public space.

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"Now the fun begins." Shade snapped out of his seat and was out the door. An assault rifle materialized into his hands as he took aim and began to open fire on any guard that remained. The automatic fire was surprisingly suppressed despite it not using a silencer. When Shade's clip had run out, every guard that stayed behind were slumped over or collapsed on the ground. He quickly reloaded and beckoned Silver to follow.


"Don't worry, it was loaded with tranqs. They should be out for the next, oh I don't know, 4 hours? I put an extra one in each to ensure that," Shade smiled underneath his mask and began to head toward the building.


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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Paging @Derplight Sperkle

Silver watches the guards drop, then nods, "Let's get this over quickly and cleanly then..." She says as the two advance toward the lobby of the building. Mercury labs's building is incredibly modern-looking, with an all glass and steel design that was noted in many design magazines as incredibly impractical but strikingly beautiful. Many of the civilians in the building are already at work, and the lobby worker doesn't question the masked man and his hooded companion as they approach the elevator.

Edited by FractalMoon
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The golem rushed as always creating explosions everywhere and leaving the place they were fighting in ruins more and more the longer they fought, It attacked on instinct whenever it saw an opening or when it couldn't do anything else.


Sheroe had been blocking and deflecting attacks barely getting on the offensive yet ''He hasn't gotten control of it yet...'' he said to himself before the sound form he ad made started to vibrate '...My form's almost up... Ill end it with this' he thought before raising his hand and a heavenly voice that could be heard as a whisper to anyone nearby or even far away, when he spoke it was like an Angel was speaking directly to the people. This is what was said ''As the sound master before me and the one who will come after me, i pray and hope for the people who has vanished from this world by these hands. I pray that they find salvation in the special hell they all share...'' after he finished the words he took a short pause before his voice became extremly devoid of emotions, soul and got distorted as if something worse than a devil was speaking ''The hell that i create and sunder. The worlds that i plunder. I bring death and destruction to everything before me... This attack whose name shall forever be. Space Speaker!'' as he finished his 'chant' to use his ability a black orb causing sounds that shook the air around them creating immense air pressure on everything close by, the orb also twisted the light around it absorbing it to get even bigger. When it was finally at the size of a watermelon it was shot away by a paralyzed Neri, paralyzed from fear his golem form stood there not moving an inch. The sound created when the orb was shot was so loud that ever if you would be across the city it would have been heard. The blastwave was so intense that the dust from the ground spread out and once the orb reached Neri it went straight through him then hitting the building behind him before dissolving into nothingness.


When he finally snapped out of his paralyzed state of fear he saw the orb flying towards him but before he couldn't dodge it. It hit him leaving a hole right above a disc shaped object that was vertically alinged in his body. The object was covered in a thick layer of yellow looking thing that Sheroe couldn't penetrate even with the immense power of something that fractured space and time in a single point of space. The form which Neri had taken after going berserk started disapearing however. It shrunk down to the size of Sheroe and looked ever more menacing as it took on a human form which had long spiky 'hair' and a muscular body. It then imploded on itself not being able to sustain the form leaving a Neri formed body or how he looked before turning into the golem but all green and sound wavey. It then slowly regenerated the human form as it zapped away into Neri's room and bed.


Sheroe looked at the event unfolding before him before going into his normal form and having visible ripples in his transformation showing his red under. He quickly fled into the shadows to rest in an alley somewhere leaving a green inhuman blood like substance covered in it. Along with smaller but noticeable crimson red colour of the same substance.


(...Not sure if something that bends space would make a noise if it was launched at something or someone but... Here you go!)

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Draco sighed to himself as he looked at the 250 mil with a shake of his head. "She has her ways of dealing with her guilt," Draco stated as he watched the news about the gold he stole was returned. "A fair game," Draco stated as he had checked any of his equipment for tracers. Yet he was excited. "The virgin child makes a wish," Draco sang slightly as he planned his next heist. This bank had bigger payout. Of course he had destroyed the van it was recognizable  now. He destroyed it with thermite near drug smuggler's areas he was a thief but that drug peddling bull was seriously cutting into his profits.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@FractalMoon,@@Derplight Sperkle,


Emile was at home, minding his own business, when he heard a massive explosion. He quickly checked his cameras and saw that they were all broken near where Mercury Labs was. He suited up and grabbed some new contacts he had been working on, labeled "Detective Vision." He quickly put them in and activated them. They seemed to work, but not completely. While he could see heat signatures through the walls, he couldn't detect their heart beats or make out any things of note, such as trace chemicals, blood, or weapons. He proceeded to Mercury Labs and saw a large hole in the side of the building, and saw two people about to enter an elevator. He snuck in and hid behind the front desk, looking at them using his Detective Vision. 'Screwing over corporations is my thing,' he thought, 'Who are these clowns? They should know better than to blow a hole in the side of a building that's being used by a corporation as important to the government as Mercury.'


(OOC: I am busy with travel and such, so I won't be able to respond super quickly to things, sorry in advance. Also, Emile doesn't recognize the two from before due to Detective Vision not picking up details that specific.)


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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 Before him stood a caped figure in a suit and tie, he had a silver featureless mask "What have you to report?" he was the villian Rollen the Sorcerer


@@Drago Ryder


The figure continued following tempest through the park, not even attempting to hide it now

The game clerk looked around "Ah here you go" he hands her the game
It is 2:50pm 

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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*Sasha stood up from her seat and dropped the blob of darkness she had been playing with back to its place.*

"King can take care of himself, spending time grieving for a man who I don't believe is dead will do naught but lessen the light in me. Its a bit cheesy, but King used to call me a 'light among darkness'. He always pulled out 'The Star' when he was talking to others about me, and if I don't live up to that I'll get a damn good lecturing when he gets back."

*Sasha turned to look at Casimir with a smirk.*

"Besides, no matter what he encounters, his use of 'The Chariot' will be able to get him out of any sticky situations."

*Sasha's grin dropped as her stomach audibly growled.*

"But I suppose that's enough encouraging speech for now, because I am starving and I'm sure you must be hungry as well. If I'm right, is there anything in particular you are hungry for?"


Casimir smirked at the mention of The Chariot. One of the many facets of King's abilities, this particular one was very powerful in its potential and was essentially the embodiment of willpower. Looks like both of them could rest a bit easier now... except for the fact that they were both still hungry. Very hungry apparently.


"Hell yeah, I haven't eaten actual food in ages!"


That was a bit of an exaggeration. Casimir had eaten consistently in his time away from Earth, but it was... well... it was the gruesome menu befitting of a demon.


"Up for some pizza? I'm pretty sure I could eat 10 whole boxes of it right now."


Casimir began to feel slightly uneasy as he felt a mysterious power emerge in Tollopolis. He couldn't quite tell what it was, but it was familiar somehow....

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@@Jellal Fernandes@@FractalMoon 


((We actually didn't blow the side of the building, just an area that wasn't far from it as a distraction.))


As the pair rushed inside, Shade decided to slow down for a second as they approached the lobby clerk. "Oh don't worry, we have an appointment. No need to ring us in..." Shade finished by shooting the clerk in the chest with a tranq. The two entered the elevator and Shade pressed to button to the proper floor.


A panel came up and asked for authorization. Shade looked to his partner and remarked, "I don't know about you, but I didn't bring my Mercury Labs ID. You want to use some of your techy magic?"


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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Blitz sighed at the fact that the stranger wasn't leaving and stood before turning towards him. He knew he was in a corner so he would have to take this head on. "I see you've been following me for quite some time. Can I help you?" He asked. His tone was a bit guarded and his body was visibly tense.

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"Same. Using those power boosts really takes a toll. Remember the first time I went Supernova when The Rocketeer was training me and then once all the dust had settled and I was conscious again I just completely cleared out all the food in his hideout? That was ridiculous."

*She picked her cell phone up off the counter and dialed the number of a local family pizza place. Upon getting an answer she ordered four pizzas. Two for herself and two for Cas. When the order was completed she put her phone down and took money out of her wallet and set it on the counter for when the food was delivered.*

"Even if we don't finish it all, we can have leftovers later. Which also I'll add, since its been seven years since you've been around you probably don't have your own place, thus you are formally invited to crash on that couch for as long as you need."




*A deep dark dungeon with a single prisoner tied up inside. A high up window shining a thin light on the prisoner's face. He grunted as the light broke him out of his beaten sleep. He heaved as he tried to get into a seated position, only causing him to crash back to the ground, slamming his head against the stone flooring, knocking him back into unconsciousness.*

(So with this posted, I am going to start work on King's character bio.)


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Paging @Derplight Sperkle, @Jellal Fernandes

Silver sighs when she sees the clerk slump over, "You do know we're going to have to pull her out before we blow the building right? Should have just left her there." As they walk into the elevator she examines the panel and chuckles, "Class 5 biometric and passcoded lock. These guys aren't messing around... They say these are uncrackable..." She cracks her knuckles and places a hand against the panel, which flashes for a moment before showing that the password was accepted, "They obviously haven't met me." She taps floor 6 and the elevator slowly drops.


They reach sub-floor 6 and Silver looks at Shade, "I'm going to take their security system, you go find the package. Feel free to grab anything else you see that's interesting, you never know what you'll find when you dig around these places..." She walks off, commanding the elevator to return to the top floor and open so anyone else here may be able to enter.


Sub-floor 6 is a twisting maze of labs after labs, each labelled with a number. The security room is to the right, and their objective to the left.

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@@FractalMoon,@@Jellal Fernandes


"She could have pulled an alarm and defeated the purpose of our distraction upstairs. Nonetheless, she should be an easy carry." Shade watched as Silver worked her hacking magic and the elevator soon dropped to the proper level. He exited the elevator as Silver closed it.


Shade listened to her plan and nodded. "You security, me package. Got it. Just make sure you keep those alarms off. I don't feel like engaging cops on the way out." Shade headed off toward the objective at a decent pace, making sure nobody was in his way.


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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