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The Narwhal Muffin

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@,@@Drago Ryder, @@Child Of Darkness,


I honestly can't tell if she's serious.

"Is she serious? Honestly, are you serious!"

I put my sword away and approach the dark elf.

"You attack us and expect us to just forgive you and let you in?!"

I laugh,

"She's worse than that Hugo guy."

I go serious again, not that anyone could tell, the full face mask and the whole thing about not having a face.

"Tell us, Elf, why are you after this Neko and why shouldn't I zap you right now for hurting Midnight Star?"

I cross my arms,

"I'm waiting."





Midnight turns towards Gale, "I do appreciate it, you are the nicest dragon I have ever met.

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Kyubi shrugged slightly, as if she wasn't surprised to see a floating set of armor. "You mean aside from the fact that should you pass through territory owned by the dark elves, I could help you and get back into my society for bringing Blitzy to them. Your own guess is as good as mine when it comes to why they would want him, though. As for your little pony, he merely got in the way. The neko over there was my original target Just be glad I didn't put any enchantments on the arrow and that I need Blitz alive."

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Kyubi grit her teeth as she was thrown back and barely managed to not fall over when the other neko used magic on her. "Funny thing is, I wasn't sent to kill you. Someone from my home wants to see you and I can't exactly return without you." She said, glancing at the three in the clearing. The dark elf knew she was beaten, and it pained her to put away her dagger. "So, you're a band of traveling adventures on some random quest. Mind if I join you?"

"You attacked Master, albeit without intent to kill, but still hurtful intent. If anyone hurts him they feel my wrath. Don't let my size fool you. I quite mean when it comes to combat. So why should we even let you come near master or even our group after the way you introduced yourself? And why I should not just mortally wound you right now?"

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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Blitz facepalmed and felt a bit of anger grow at Kyubi's nickname for him. The neko then realized something and looked at the dark elf dead in the eyes. "How do you know my name, and while we're at it, who in the name of whatever god there is are you?"


Gale smiled slightly and would've blushed if she could. "Thanks. Most people can't see past the black scales and 'intimidating' demeanor." She said.

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What does she mean, floating? I am not floating, nor have I ever floated.

"You are by far the most arrogant dark elf I have ever seen, you really propagate the evil stereotype of your race."

I turn to the rest of the group in the field.

"I would say that we leave her, but she's too dangerous to leave alone. We may have to kill her to keep other from coming after you too Blitz. If we let her go she could just return with more forces, we were lucky this time but we may not be so lucky again."

I turn back to the dark elf,

"Regardless, I don't want her in our party."




"I know a few things about being intimidating, the last place we were, I was one of the tallest people there by a whole half meter. That plus my armor, made for a very intimidating figure."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Kyubi glanced at Shanallot and simply shrugged. "I already gave a reason as to how I could be useful." She said, before turning her attention to Blitz. "Oh, you honestly didn't expect those who want you to not give me a name and basic description of you, and I apologize for my lack of foresight as to not give you my name. You may call me Kyubi Yamato, the shadow hunter, or simply Kyubi will do." The dark elf then turned to the dark knight. "Or, you could just let me in your group and we could just simply head for dark elf territory. As for being arrogant, I'm merely stating the options given at this point and not all dark elves are evil, just like all dragons aren't giant flesh eating brutes. I'll leave you to decide, but I'll be watching." The dark elf then laughed as her hand began to give off a dark light. Smoke then filled a six yard radius and Kyubi jumped into the air and through the trees.

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The smoke does nothing to impair my vision, so I see her leap into the air.

"Nope, you won't get away that easily."

I prepare my limited magic.

"Fulgur Percusserit!" 

I call down a bolt of lightning to try and hit the Dark Elf

I pull out my greatsword to prepare for a counter attack.

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Gale smiled slightly and gave a light purr. She hadn't really found anyone who understood her like Midnight, even if Blitz did sympathize with her.


Blitz coughed as he tried to clear the smoke, and knew that the elf had struck a nerve with the comment on her own race. "If the dark elves are interested in me, then there are bound to be others." He thought to himself. "She isn't leaving us with many options either. We can pay a visit to her homeland as a member of our party or she could just as easily kidnap me and do the same thing. The only difference is that the others wouldn't be there to help should things go wrong."

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Kyubi was surprised to say the least and she barely managed to dodged the attack. "Are you seriously trying to burn the forest down. And I thought my kind hated nature." She yelled. The dark elf then decided it would be best to hide and chose to do so in the canopy of leaves and branches above the forest floor.

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@@Drago Ryder,

I turn towards Blitz

"IF we must go to the land of the Dark Elves, we may not have to go there at all."

I turn towards the dark elf's yelling

"You guys ought to get back to the tower, If more are coming for you there are few places safer."

I start marching into the forest after the dark elf.

"Don't worry about me, I can handle this Dark Elf myself, she will pay for what she did to Midnight Star. No one gets away with attacking My party."




"We should probably move inside, it's safer in there."

He stands, with some pain.

"Do you think you can help me get to the door? You still don't have to go in if you don't want to."

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Yoshikupo@@Illiad Easle@@Drago Ryder@@@clockwork24@@Child Of Darkness@,


Agravain, was lost in his trance, when all of a sudden, there appeared glowing, light blue symbols similar to tattoos that covered his body, so bright they shone through his cloak. His eyes started glowing the same color, and he started levitating. He started speaking in two languages at once somehow, the ancient language and the common tongue, both the translation and the original being spoken at the same time in a voice so loud, it could be heard by all. It seemed to be coming from the heavens, and seemed strong enough to split the earth, "This world is approaching it's end, the sins of man, his desire for power, his love of chaos, his hatred of his brothers has doomed this world to eternal torment and suffering. The Dark Lord comes, and when he arrives, all is lost. Only those who possess the strength and protection of all the gods have any hope of stopping him and his army of darkness," the being in possession of Agravain's body then looked to them "If you fail, all shall perish." Immediately after the final line, the glowing stopped, Agravain's eyes closed, and he fell to the ground.

Edited by Jellal Fernandes


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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@@Yoshikupo, @@Illiad Easle, @@Drago Ryder, @, @@clockwork24, @@Child Of Darkness, @,


Agravain, was lost in his trance, when all of a sudden, there appeared glowing, light blue symbols similar to tattoos that covered his body, so bright they shone through his cloak. His eyes started glowing the same color, and he started levitating. He started speaking in two languages at once somehow, the ancient language and the common tongue, both the translation and the original being spoken at the same time in a voice so loud, it could be heard by all. It seemed to be coming from the heavens, and seemed strong enough to split the earth, "This world is approaching it's end, the sins of man, his desire for power, his love of chaos, his hatred of his brothers has doomed this world to eternal torment and suffering. The Dark Lord comes, and when he arrives, all is lost. Only those who possess the strength and protection of all the gods have any hope of stopping him and his army of darkness," the being in possession of Agravain's body then looked to them "If you fail, all shall perish." Immediately after the final line, the glowing stopped, Agravain's eyes closed, and he fell to the ground.

Shanallot approached Agravain as he laid on the ground. Confused at what just happened to him. "Their is only one cure for people who talk in stupid riddles. And it just so happens to help with possession." Shanallot hit Agravain over the head with her staff, putting it a moderate amount of force into the swing. "Stop talking like an idiot."

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Blitz sighed and nodded. He wanted to find out more about the dark elf, but he figured that that would have to wait. The Neko then headed back to the tower and noticed Agravisn on the ground. "What happened here?"


Gale nodded slightly and positioned herself so Midnight could lean on her. "It's ok. I got you." She whispered.

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Chain: "whoa what the heck?" he said out loud seeing Agravain say and do what he did "Banner I just started on the weapon's could you please take care of that"

Banner: "yeah yeah I'm on it" she said going to Agravain then sat down next to him "wake up" she said slapping him a few times


(I changed what I said on page 8 about the magic stuff so I got a buff because Jellal who wanted to nerf him self)

Edited by Yoshikupo
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Once the others had left I reached out with my scepter senses, thick black tendrils extending once more from my back and through my cape as I fall to one knee, feeling the subtle changes in the air. all the scents in the air, even the breathing of nearby animals I felt. but I did not yet feel the Dark elf. I start to move in the direction of her prior yell, my tendrils floating in the darkness of the forest.

"Where are you..."




@@Drago Ryder

"Thanks, I really appreciate it, I'm not used to being injured like this, usually sir doesn't miss with his lightning. I wonder who it was that shot me, if sir finds them before he calms down... I hope that doesn't happen."

We make our way to the door.

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Kyubi sighed as she watched from the csnoopy and laid on the branch she was on. "They wouldn't understand what my life's like. I've had everything ripped away from me. My home, my family, my life." The dark elf's body then shuddered as a tear rolled down her cheek. "I can't do anything right."

Edited by Dire Miralis
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I heard the Dark Elf's words, they resonated with me.

Everything ripped away? Home, yes. Family? all but my horse. Life? Well, a change of worlds and species tends to do that to you. Maybe there is more to this Elf than meets the eye.

I retract my tendrils and proceed to the Dark Elf's tree.

"I heard what you've said, and I can give you a second chance. You see, I realize that we may not be as different as I once thought."

I extend my hand up to her.

"If I am going to trust you enough to allow you into this party, your going to have to speak to me my way."

"Take my hand if you want to talk, otherwise, I will let you flee, I wont go after you."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Gale nodded slightly as every muscle in her body tensed as she approached the door. The dragoness was still nervous about going into the ruins, but the need to help Midnight outweighed her fear.


Blitz sighed as he overheard what Midnight said. "I might as well go make sure everything is alright." He thought as he headed back into the forest. The neko wouldn't be able to help with Agravian and Midnight seemed to be taken care of.

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Kyubi was surprised that the one who she thought wouldn't hesitate to kill was giving her a second chance. "Maybe they could help me." She thought, as she slowly made her way down the tree. The dark elf then cautiously took the armor's hand in her own and waited. She didn't know what was going to happen, but she figured that it was worth a shot.

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I repeat the process that I used with Chain, only slightly different. This time neither of us would be able to lie, but either of us could break the connection, it was weaker but would prove if she could be trusted.

My eyes dimmed to black as the connection was formed, a small black tendril emerges from my hand to grasp the Dark Elf's hand.

The same white room appeared and I was once again the same English nobleman waiting for the Dark Elf's mind to decide it's own appearance.

"Here you can see, That not everything is as it seems. In this room neither of us will be able to lie and we can both break the connection if we so choose."

A lever marked 'Break' appears on all sides of the room.

"My name in here is Prince Edward the third, outside I am the Black Knight and will respond to no other names."

"So, Let's start with the obvious question, Who sent you to retrieve the Neko Blitz?"

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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When Kyubi appeared in the room, she looked like herself but wore a black dress with gold highlights and her short hair was longer and tied into a braid that trailed down her back. "I am still Kyubi Yamato. It is a pleasure to meet you, Edward." She said, blushing slightly. She wasn't exactly used to such formalities, but figured that she could at least try. As he asked the first question, the dark elf knew that there was no going back. "At my trial, if you could call it that, Governor Heinrich banished me until I could bring back Blitz. He said that that alone would give me the privilege of returning to my home and that Blitz would help our people in ways I wouldn't be able to comprehend. As for who Heinrich is, he's basically the advisor of our king."

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"Indeed? That is interesting. Why didn't you just ask Blitz to come with you then?"

I knew better than to ask why she was on trial, some things deserve to remain hidden.

"What advantage did you think to gain by attempting to attack and abduct him?"

Chairs appeared behind us both, I sat down and motioned for her to do the same.




@@Jellal Fernandes, @@Yoshikupo

As Midnight and Gale passed through the opening He noticed Agravain passed out on the floor, bruises forming on his head.

"Alright, what happened in here? And why are you slapping him Banner?"

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Kyubi nodded and sat in the chair opposite of Edward, happy that he didn't press for information on the trial. That was something she wanted to forget. "I wasn't expecting all of you to be with him, and the fact that dark elves aren't exactly reputable didn't help." She said, looking down. She was telling the truth, but she didn't know if the man in front of her would accept it. "I was intending to knock all of you out and take Blitz somewhere where I could explain the situation to him. I didn't anticipate his reaction, though.

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When Blitz caught sight of Kyubi and the dark knight, he was surprised to see them holding hands and seemingly in a trance. "Well, this is a surprise." He thought to himself. The neko then sighed and decided that he could talk to either of them later, before walking back to the tower.


Gale wasn't expecting to see Agravian on the ground, but she didn't leave Midnight for fear of him getting hurt.

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Banner: "I'm trying to wake him up, but this isn't working does anyone have any water at all?" she asked stopping her slapping "I may have done it to hard" she says looking at the bruises forming on Agravain "I saw Shanallot hit him with her staff, I thought I could hit him to wake him up to" she tried to explain   

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