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The Narwhal Muffin

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Blitz nodded slightly and smiled. "Ok. I'll see you soon." He said. After quickly petting Shana's head, he headed towards the market and looked at his blades. They weren't exactly in good condition and that was his own fault most likely. "I guess I could see what the blacksmith has for sale." With that, the neko headed towards the nearest forge. He was a bit curious as to what Shana would be doing at the springs.

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@@Drago Ryder,@@Illiad Easle,  


He'd look down at the towers structure. 


"Wasn't invisible to me... so, your wards might have been misplaced, or the ones the mages put on this place earlier broke, or maybe I'm just special.  " 


He'd answer very calmly, still arrow steady to make a move if needed. 


"And as for you, Knight. Because, I didn't know you, and you practically tried sneaking up on me. "


As another person would enter he'd sigh.


"Oh joy, another one.... well... at least one normal person who isn't some dragon or annoying knight. "


He'd put his bow down, arrow going back into his quiver.


"And I thought the next thing I was going to see was an evil pixie with a broadsword.." The ranger would chuckle. "Anyway, I can clearly see neither of you are the leader of this big group... or at least leader material.. so, I'd like to speak to him, or her. And if you try anything, I actually do have explosive wards on the tower... "   

Edited by SerPounceWhiskers


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Leaving town through the western gate, Shana went down pathways the took her away from the main road and deeper into the forest. After a short walk, she came across the springs that she had been looking for. It was a healing spring, the water was enchanted that simply touching it would heal several wounds and wash away stress. Making sure that no one was around to see her, she set down her bags, removed her clothes and got into the Water. But keeping her Staff next to her at all times. "Ahh. I'm going to miss this Water. It's a shame I'll have to leave it behind. *sigh*." She just sat in the water, enjoying the powers of the healing spring.

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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Gale rolled her eyes and seemed to calm down visibly. In truth, she was ready to blast the half elf with her flames if needed. "To be quite honest, we don't really have a set leader for the group. I guess if we did, one of them wouldn't really be here." She said.


Blitz walked up to the nearest forge and looked over many of the swords on sale. He couldn't really see any that caught his eye, which disappointed him a good bit.


"Need help with anything?" The smith who owned the store asked, walking up to the neko. "Or are you just gonna steal somthin' "


Blitz glanced at the smith and noticed the Nordic accent. "I'm looking for a pair of dual swords. Is this all you have." He asked, looking around a bit. The neko then noticed a pair of dual swords in a glass case that he hadn't noticed before and walked up to the display. One of the blades was as black as night while the other glowed as if light was constantly being released from the weapon. Both had a weird engraving on the flat of the blade, meaning that they were either enchanted or named "What about those two?"


The smith took one look at the swords and then back at Blitz, before laughing. "Boy, I've been trying to get those things sold for over a year, but no one is able to hold them, let alone fight with them. I didn't even make them. They just happened to appear inside that case one day and I can't get them out. If you can at least hold them though, I'll give 'em to you for five hundred gold." The man then opened the case and walked back to the forge. "Just close it when you're done, not that anyone could steal them if they wanted to."


The neko smirked and knew that he had more than enough gold and was honestly impressed with how well the smith was selling these. Blitz then wrapped his fingers around the hilt of each sword, feeling a weird sensation spread throughout his body, and lifted them. After a few practice swings, the neko walked back to the smith with the swords in their sheathes and dropped a bag of gold on the counter.


It's safe to say the smith's jaw basically dropped to the floor and he looked back at Blitz. "Pleasure doing business with you." He said, with a smile. He wasn't kidding when he said that no one could lift the swords and to see this scrawny kid do so was a relief. When he looked in the bag, he noticed it had more than five hundred gold in it, but Blitz was already out of the store when he looked up.


"Wonder what else I can get." Blitz thought to himself as he walked down towards the inn, passing through the market on the way. He also wanted to get Shana something, but he didn't know if she would like what he had in mind.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Kyubi grit her teeth in anger. She didn't know if the half elf was ignoring her or just hadn't noticed her, but she was assumed that it was the latter. "Sorry, he isn't here right now. Maybe you can leave a message or maybe come back later." She said in a sarcastic tone.

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Left alone with nothing but her thoughts, Shana begins to think. She tries thinking about several different topics but her Master keeps popping Into her mind. "Why can't I stop thinking about him? He's just my Master. What makes him different than any other adventurer I have served before? I'll admit he is a lot nicer than most, a large number of people care not for a little neko like me. *tsk* Humans always exploit everyone to get the advantage in life. I hate humans. I've served elves, Dwarves and other nekos before in the past, so why is this master different? This was meant to be a relaxing time to bathe alone. I had to ruin this for me." She looks to the sun to get a guess at the time. She had only been in for a short time. "I still have a while before I need to go back. Might as well make the most of my time alone."

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As Blitz began to walk through he streets of the city, he began to think about Shana. She was the first person he had come into contact with outside of Gale that he could remember and had tried her best to help him regain his memories. This also troubled the neko. "What if I was involved with someone before all of this? What if they're worrying about me right now?" He thought to himself. Paranoia then took hold and caused a headache to surface. Blitz then pushed the thought back, hoping it wasn't true. The neko then purchased what  he hoped Shana would take as a gift and hid it in a compartment in his armor, before heading back to the inn.

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"Alright guys, I say we oust him, this is the second time he has threatened you guys with explosive demise, though I highly doubt that he actually has the magic capability."

"So, lets vote on it. And for your information, Half-Elf, I have led nations before."

Midnight, "I agree, this guy has gotten more suspicious by the minute, I don't trust him."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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" You lead nations? I can see you did a great job with that" *He'd snicker* 


"And as for my magic capabilities, I do not think you wish to take the risk of finding out? Am I not right, Ser Knight? " 


He'd smile, keeping his distance from the group, giving out an aura around him that he is under control, and that he is unpredictable. 


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Gale nodded in agreement. "To be quite honest, this guy is pretty delusional and we already have a large group, so he's pretty much gone." She said. The dragoness then got ready to attack should the half elf decided to attack anyone. She wasn't about to see one of her friends get hurt.

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Kyubi nodded in agreement, before turning her attention back to the half elf. "Insulting one of us isn't going to improve your chances of even coming near us again," She said, not dropping her aim. The dark elf then glanced at Edward and nodded. "As far as I'm concerned, he's gone."

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Shana was done with the springs. It had nothing left to offer her right now, so no point in wasting time just lingering around. She dried off using magic and put her clothing back on. Picking up her backpack, she headed back to the town.


The walk was short and did not take very long. She was also back a bit earlier than what she had said she would be. Making her was through the crowded streets, she arrived at the inn she would be staying at that night. Heading inside, she took a seat and ordered a drink. Nothing to do now but wait for Master.

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Chain: "I know Banner would say no and I will too, this guy needs to leave now" he said to everyone "I have work to do and this guy is getting in my way" he added thinking that they should just have the group they had  "we don't need another trigger happy person, Banner can fill that in easy and she can also sneak quite well" 

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"Well, That is a majority of our group."

I lower my javelin.

"You've got 30 seconds to get out of our sight, we will kill you if we see you again."

I turn and move to enter the tower.

"Oh, and about my leading nations, I'd like to see you do better when the armies of hell are sweeping across your lands, and slaughtering your people." 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Blitz arrived at the inn with minimal traffic and sighed when he noticed that Shan wasn't outside. "Hopefully I'm not to late." He thought to himself as he entered. He soon noticed said neko sitting at a bar and smiled slightly, before approaching her. "Hey. Sorry to keep you waiting."

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Blitz arrived at the inn with minimal traffic and sighed when he noticed that Shan wasn't outside. "Hopefully I'm not to late." He thought to himself as he entered. He soon noticed said neko sitting at a bar and smiled slightly, before approaching her. "Hey. Sorry to keep you waiting."

"Don't think anything of it. I got hear earlier then what I expected, so your technically still on time. So... what did you get up to while I left you alone?" Shana had been drinking alcohol and was not very good at holding her liquor. Because of this, she get somewhat drunk very easily. This was one situation where she was on the bordering between tipsy and Drunk. She had no intention of slowing down either.

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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@@Illiad Easle, @@@@Yoshikupo,


Agravain had already removed his cloak and started putting his armor on when he heard the commotion coming from the top of the tower. He had only gotten the legs on when he grabbed his sword and headed upstairs to see what was going on. Without his cloak, he was unrecognizable, as no one in the party had actually seen his face. His exposed chest was highly toned, revealing a six-pack and what appeared to be a large, black scar all the way from his right shoulder to his left hip. It appeared that there were roots coming out of the scar, and it looked like some sort of infection. It was a Dark Mark, left by a powerful demon. It only took a scratch from a demon or their weapon to leave a scar, and they could curse it, slowly draining your life away until you're an empty husk of your former self. It would spread throughout the body, turning the skin black, and then killing you. There is no known cure.


(OOC: Since no one recognizes him, he could be considered an enemy.)

Edited by Jellal Fernandes


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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Blitz noticed Shana's current state, but didn't know if he should say anything. The Neko decided not to and smiled a bit. "Oh, just a bit of shopping for things we may need and a bit extra." He said, getting his own drink and a light blush. "How were the springs?"

Gale noticed Agravian's scent, but wasn't to concerned about it. As far as she knew, the half elf posed more of a threat.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Chain: looked at what looked like a fit human with a black scare from his shoulder to his hip "how are you and what are you doing here? and why do you have that kind of magical aura?" he asked sensing the man's aura that felt like Agravian's and that was a unique.. did this man steal his magic? or is he Agravain without his cloak because he had never seen him without it Chain thought asking him self questions. "Agravian?" he questioned the man   

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Blitz noticed Shana's current state, but didn't know if he should say anything. The Neko decided not to and smiled a bit. "Oh, just a bit of shopping for things we may need and a bit extra." He said, getting his own drink and a light blush. "How were the springs?"


Gale noticed Agravian's scent, but wasn't to concerned about it. As far as she knew, the half elf posed more of a threat.

"*giggle* The springs are like always. Fantastic, it's one of the best places to relax. There was one problem though, and that's that you weren't there with me. It can get lonely bathing alone. I wanted you to come with me, but you didn't. You didn't even try to peep on me. What kind of man doesn't take the opportunity to see his beautiful companion naked? I'm disappointed in you." She leaned over to Blitz and wrapped her arms around his waist, looking up at him with a mischievous grin. "Well now you're trapped. I'm not gonna let you go without me Master. ~Meow *giggle*"

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Bltz's blush deepened and he didn't really know what to do. He didn't want to make her feel like he was taking advantage of her in drunken state. The neko then petted Shana on the head. "I'm sorry." He said, not really sure what to do at the time. "I promise I won't leave you like that again. We should probably get a room, though. It's getting late."

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"A single room. How forward of you Master. Well I'm not going to be complaining about that one little bit. Sleeping in the same room as master will be good, now it depends if we're going to be sharing a bed? *evil giggle*. I hope you're not trying to take advantage of me Master while I'm like this, or maybe I'll enjoy it if you do. *near hysterical laugh*." She tightened her grip around him and started to rub her face into his chest. "You can't escape me now."

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Blitz's face was beet red at this point. "No, I'm not." He said. "It's just that you seem a bit tired and I don't want to carry you, not that I would be complaining. Now, come on." With that, Blitz moved away from his companion and picked her up and walked towards the front counter to get a room. "Comfortable, milady?"


Gale looked around a bit before turning her attention back to the others. "Hey guys, where are Blitz and Shanallot?"

Edited by Drago Ryder
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"Very. Thanks for carrying me." Being picked up let Shana relax, and as she did, the fatigue she had been ignoring caught up with her and she get very tired very fast. "*Yawn* ~Meow. I love this. Don't ever go away master. I'd be sad if you did. *Yawn*." She was letting herself drift of to sleep, but was determined to stay awake as much as she could.

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Blitz smiled gently and kissed Shana on the forehead. "I have no intention of doing that." He said. After getting a room on the second floor the neko headed up. He managed to get the door open after a clever balancing act with Shana's upper body being supported by his leg, and walked in with her in his arms. The neko noticed that there was only one bed and sighed. "Looks like I'm sleeping on the floor."

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