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The Narwhal Muffin

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Kyubi glanced at Midnight and wasn't really that worried about the answer she would give. "He already moved on to the next city. He said he would be able to transport us to where we need to go next and that would be my home, Faerun." She said. The dark elf then realized something and sighed. "The laws and the culture of my people are a bit different than other nations, but that shouldn't be to much of a problem."

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Blitz nodded slightly and thought for a second. He didn't know if his brother would've told the others what he had experienced at Uxion, but it wouldn't hurt to find out. "Did my brother say anything else?" He asked, looked at the other members of the group. The neko didn't know if it was a good idea to bring the kids along, even if it was temporary. He then picked Shana up and positioned her so that she was hanging off of his back.

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"he did and...Chain your better at this stuff" she said nudging him

he was a bit mad that Banner forced it on him "he told us about that burning city, you have had quite a past...anyway we should get going, these kids need somewhere to go"

even though it had been a few minutes now and both the children and Chain had now stopped being exhausted, she was still, she couldn't even speak because she was out of breath

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Blitz felt like he had been punched in the gut and felt his muslces tense, as if he were preparing to run. "If he told you everything, then I didn't have any other choice." He muttered, his voice holding next to no emotion. His whole body was sore for some reason. The neko then began to head for the next town.

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Kyubi noticed Blitz's current state of mind and put a hand on his shoulder. "Blitz, it's ok. We won't judge you just for defending yourself." She said. "As for the fact that you were once a human, that's a bit hard to explain. I've been studying magic since I was ten and I have yet to come across a spell that could change the caster's species."

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Shana woke up, flailing about violently and fell off of Blitz with a thud. "Ouch. That hurt." She groaned as she got up and stood at Blitz's side. "Ugh, what did I miss? The town was attacked, we escaped. It looks like we're all still intact. And we have some kids with us now. Am I missing anything important?"

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I lift Agravain onto Midnight's back, his armor is surprisingly light yet durable, much like my own.

I wasn't paying much attention to the conversations of the group, as none had addressed me and my own comments had little to add to the situation. I guess I will walk to the next town.




Midnight turns towards Shana, "That's pretty much it."

He turns towards the rest of the group, "Well, we best get a move on before we get attacked again, I get the feeling that this could become a regular occurrence until our mission is complete."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Kyubi moved away as Shana fell and decided it would be best not to tell her of Blitz's past. "She should probably hear it from him. To be honest, it'll be harder the longer he puts it off." She thought to herself.


Apollo nodded slightly and looked at Shana. "Aside from me joining the group and the town being ransacked by ghosts, nothing much." He said. "I can carry the kids if they get tired." He muttered in a quiet tone.

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Gale looked at Apollo and didn't really expect him to volunteer himself like that. "Maybe he has changed." She thought to herself. The dragoness then moved a bit closer to Blitz and Shana.


Blitz glanced at Shana and sighed. He wanted to tell her about what had happened when he was in a coma, but he didn't know how she would react. Of course, everything that had happened over the course of their time together made him believe that he was able to trust her with anything. "Can... I talk to you? About what happened when I stormed off."

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"OK untill the kids eventually get tired, you will be guiding them" Banner said "I think they trust you more and the Dryad...doesn't look to good"

"fine...wait what?" Chain looks at the Dryad seeing something he feared would happen "she needs mana, now"

"I" she gulped "I can keep going" she said then started walking like a drunk person

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Gale looked at Apollo and didn't really expect him to volunteer himself like that. "Maybe he has changed." She thought to herself. The dragoness then moved a bit closer to Blitz and Shana.


Blitz glanced at Shana and sighed. He wanted to tell her about what had happened when he was in a coma, but he didn't know how she would react. Of course, everything that had happened over the course of their time together made him believe that he was able to trust her with anything. "Can... I talk to you? About what happened when I stormed off."

Shana had a feeling that told her what Blitz was about to say would not be very pleasant. And she could see that it was hurting him in some way. Now more then ever, she had to be here for him. "Of course. You can tell me anything." She took hold of his hand as they walked together, looking up into Blitz's eyes, her own full of worry.

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Blitz smiled slightly, but he wasn't really feeling joy right now. He was scared of what might happen should Shana learn what had happened at Uxion. Of course, he couldn't really back out of doing that now, since he had already started down this path. "When I was younger, my home city was attacked. The invaders burned any trace of knowledge that could even be remotely interpreted as a affront to what I assume would be their religion. Innocents were killed and while I wandered through the city...." The neko stopped there, trying to regain his composure. His emotional state was barely holding on and his mental state wasn't doing so well either. "One of the invaders, a big man wearing a set of armor that I couldn't even recognize at the time charged at me. I picked up a sword, but fell back. The man lunged and I barely managed to bring it up, knocking his own sword away. He fell on top of me, and... I killed him. I was maybe five years old at the time and I took a life."


(By the way, Miralis and I have something planned for when we do reach the dark elf territory.)

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Blitz smiled slightly, but he wasn't really feeling joy right now. He was scared of what might happen should Shana learn what had happened at Uxion. Of course, he couldn't really back out of doing that now, since he had already started down this path. "When I was younger, my home city was attacked. The invaders burned any trace of knowledge that could even be remotely interpreted as a affront to what I assume would be their religion. Innocents were killed and while I wandered through the city...." The neko stopped there, trying to regain his composure. His emotional state was barely holding on and his mental state wasn't doing so well either. "One of the invaders, a big man wearing a set of armor that I couldn't even recognize at the time charged at me. I picked up a sword, but fell back. The man lunged and I barely managed to bring it up, knocking his own sword away. He fell on top of me, and... I killed him. I was maybe five years old at the time and I took a life."


(By the way, Miralis and I have something planned for when we do reach the dark elf territory.)

Shana was speechless. Something like this happening to someone so young at the time. She didn't know how to respond to that.


"I didn't know you experienced something like that at such a young age. I don't really know how to respond to that actually. Wow. Well, I guess we could say that it's all in the past now. You really shouldn't try to dwell on it all too much. I know that's hard, I still have grudges from when I was 4 years old. But that's beside the point. I'm here with you Master. No matter what, past present or future will change that. No one should ever be forced to live through that."

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Blitz smiled slightly and brought Shana into a hug. A tear slid down his cheek, but he didn't really care that much. "Thank you. You have no idea how much that means to me." He whispered.


Gale smiled slightly and sighed. She knew she didn't tell the whole truth to Blitz when they first met, but she didn't want him to be caught up on his past.

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Kyubi smiled slightly at the scene with Blitz and Shana, before clearing her throat. "We should be getting to the next town midday tomorrow. We should probably get going."


Apollo looked at Gale, and gently nuzzled her, being careful not to scratch her with the spikes on the back of his head. "He's in good hands, Gale." He whispered, making sure only the dragoness could hear.

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"y-yes lets go" she says walking some more trying to straiten her self out

Chain was a bit worried about a lot of things going on "this whole adventure is way more complicated then I would ever think, lets go before we all die from some random thing that comes from no where" Chain says walking with the kids how look sad behind him as well as Banner next to him

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Gale glanced at Apollo and nodded slightly. She still felt a bit uneasy, but everything would hopefully work itself out in the end. "I'll scout ahead and see if anything comes our way." She said. With that, the dragoness flew into the air and eventually began to simply glide on the wind.

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Blitz smiled slightly and brought Shana into a hug. A tear slid down his cheek, but he didn't really care that much. "Thank you. You have no idea how much that means to me." He whispered.


Gale smiled slightly and sighed. She knew she didn't tell the whole truth to Blitz when they first met, but she didn't want him to be caught up on his past.

"No need to thank me. It's obvious that I'm going to be here for you. Why wouldn't I be?" She returned Blitz's hug and smiled up at him. "But like the others say, come on. Let's got moving. This town is going to come to us anytime soon, but God knows what could be following us." She grabbed his hand and started to drag him along.

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Blitz sighed slightly and was a bit relieved. He then began to walk next to Shana and looked at Gale. He felt a tingling at the back of his mind, and he was worried for a moment that he would black out again. When that didn't happen, he continued on the path.




(Might as well use this to get you into the rp.)


A man sat at a table covered in books and scrolls. He had been looking through the myths and legends of gods and their near infinite power. He wasn't rich. He didn't rule over anything, but he did have knowledge and the king's hand, a organization that remained mostly within the shadows and had a hand in most aspects of politics. Of course, no one said that they were the good guys and any ulterior motives that they had were a mystery to the lower ranks of their own group. A knock on his office door brought his attention away from his readings and he sighed. "Come in."


A woman walked in and she gave a slight bow. She had been the man's assistant for some time and they respected each other as equals. "I apologize for the interruption, Drago, but there is someone here to see you about... him."


Drago gave a slight nod and pinched the bridge of his nose. His search wasn't going to well and he knew there were others. "Fine, send him in." He said, before standing and looking out a window overlooking a large city. "Where are you, Blitz."

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Banner was in her mind like she was most of the time in this dimension, she also hasn't done a lot to show how useful she was, maybe stories of me and Chains adventures would be good to pass the time "you guys want to hear some stories?"

The Dryad felt tired still but kept on until Nature started talking to her again about a deal "I can survive, just keep the mana going...I know you cant send all your power because of the others but that's ok" she realized she wasn't even moving anymore but was now leaning on a tree

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@@Yoshikupo @@Illiad Easle


Kyubi glanced at Banner and shrugged. "I don't see why not." She said. To be honest, the silence, aside from Blitz and Shana's interaction, seemed a bit awkward to put it lightly. "Might as well focus on something other than the destruction of a town." She thought to herself.


Apollo glanced at Banner and shrugged, giving only a low growl, before glancing at the black knight. "I'm a bit interested as to someone like you came into being, and I'm probably not the only one." The dragon then glanced slightly at Kyubi, before returning his aze to the suit of armor.

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"to be honest we have not had adventures like this one but mostly one shot places, or places that had absolutely nothing to do in them" Chain looked at her "you gonna tell them about how we became dimension travelers?" "it doesn't really matter does it? we are half pony right now, I bet they have been wondering" she says pointing at her feet...hooves "any way we come from a place called Equestria, if it sounds corny trust me you should hear what the city's and towns are called"


(lets say that Banner was tells them what she told the black knight)

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Blitz was slightly surprised by Banner's story, even though he wasn't entirely paying attention for the first part. "I guess you guys have been through a lot." He said.


Gale could see a port town in the distance and felt a bit relieved. "I guess that must be where we're going." She thought. The dragoness didn't know if she and Apollo should go into the town with the others.

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I wasn't paying attention to the idle conversation going about the group, partially due to my Righteous Fury towards the slaughter of the scepters, but also due to the fact that I am now technically a father figure, monarch of my own swarm, it is interesting to say the least.

The baby scepter is growing nicely, now that it is being well taken care of. I think I'll call him Slendy. Yes, that works.

I was pulled from my thoughts by Apollo's question. What does he know? Does he suspect that I orchestrated the attack on the town?

"Well, I was born some time ago in the same way most mammals are born if that's what you're getting at."

If I could I would grin smugly.

"However I assume that isn't what you wanted to know, I was cursed by a great evil in my birth world.

Perfect, a small amount of info that doesn't convey much but will see if he is actually interested in knowing.




Agravain is quite heavy, much heavier than Sir, especially since he is just draped over Midnight, not in any sort of comfortable riding stance. Midnight noticed the interactions between Gale and Apollo, they seemed to be getting close. First he was irritated, but then he was just sad. Of course, how could I think to be a better companion for a dragon than another dragon. It would be better for her anyway, to be with someone with a similar lifespan. Besides, I'll live forever, even her long life will run out, and then where will I be? alone, again. Such is my life.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Gale noticdd that Midnight was sad and decided to ask him why. She didn't see any immediate threats and she had been flying for sometime now. The dragoness then landed next to said pony and looked at him. "Is something wrong?" She asked, slightly worried.

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