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open Casual Baltimare RP Reboot #2


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Percy made his way, somewhat aimlessly, through the city. Passing a group of ponies, one with a guitar, he almost wanted to see what it was about, but he was busy. The thought of asking for directions was nagging at him, but he continued to fight it, as usual.

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 While she fiddled with her guitar, waiting for the mare's response another pony came up to her to say that they liked her playing. A stallion this time. She smiled again. "Oh, I leaned how to play from my dad. But mostly blues music. I got into rock, metal and anything that sounded heavy and fast. Which I taught myself by ear from the bands I've listened to."




 Devil's ear perked up when she heard the mare talk again. "I'm glad you like it. I like a pit of punk myself. I also know a few songs. But I like metal a little better. Mostly because of it's diversity. It's not just one soun-"  @@Littlecandylulu903, While shew was talking she felt something hit her. She looked down to see a bit. SHe picked it up and look where it was thrown. She saw a mare near her case.


Devil Chord  raised an eyebrow. "Uh, thanks?" She gave a light shrug and tossed the bit in her case before turning back to the others.


Blaze listened intently as the girl explains how she learned to play the guitar "That's actually really skillful" Commented Blaze "Oh, and excuse my manners, the name is Blazedtime, and i was wondering if you wanted to play for a crowd of ponies miss...?" Asked Blaze

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Hurricane was caught off guard by the coin hitting Devil Chord. She didn't have time to do anything about it before Blazed Time began talking. Hurricane wanted to respond to him out loud, but in her head she replied, That's kinda why she was here.


Hurricane was getting slightly annoyed. She didn't plan on talking to an entire group of ponies, she really only wanted to speak to Devil Chord. She had also forgotten her muffin she set on top of the lamp post she was previously on. Hurricane just decided to stay just to see where the conversation would go.

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"Uh, Devil Chord.  And I kinda already do that. And sometimes when a local band needs someone to fill in for their guitarist they usually stumble upon me. It pays alright but I really like playing for others." She tuned her guitar a little and started playing a tune. Sometimes when she holds her guitar for too long without playing her hooves kinda start moving on their own. 


"But I wouldn't mind a record deal as well." She chuckled before looking back at Hurricane."By the way, I didn't get your name." She said giving her a smile.

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((Ugh, I wrote a reply quite some time ago, but it appears that it never sent. So, here we go again.))

The twins waved a friendly goodbye to the mare with the cart, then turned to Aquamarine.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Aquamarine Amphora," Winter replied. "I'm Wintergreen, and this is my twin sister, Evergreen. As for how long we're staying, we're only here for about a week."

((Again, no colors due to being on mobile))

Edited by Mint Drop
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@ @Mint Drop


"Only a week?" Aqua pulled the lollipop from her mouth. "Well that's hardly any time at all! Please, drop by my shop some time, I'll be more than happy to help you see as much of Baltimare that's worth seeing in your time here. Oh, and please, just call me Aqua, my family had a thing for longer names, it's a bit unweildly for casual conversation."

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Remix stopped abruptly, her nose lifted to the air as she sniffed deeply a couple of times. Almost instantly, Jazz noticed the way her face shifted, and she facehoofed. She almost pinpointed the moment when the unicorn turned to her with eyes sparkling, her mouth quite noticeably watering. “Jazzy. Do you smell that amazing, beautiful, delicious scent?” she asked, taking a step closer with each word while Jazz took a matching step back.


“Uh… No.” Jazz answered, brutally honest. She had the sharper hearing of the two, and the sharper eyesight, but Remix definitely had the sharper nose.


“What?! How can you not? It smells like a dream!” she exclaimed, an expression of pure horror crossing her face. “We have to locate it! If it tastes almost half as good as it smells, I can die happy.”


Jazz simply sighed. “Lead the way.” She murmured, her voice defeated as she gestured with a hoof. Immediately, Remix dashed off, winding between ponies and through crowds before sliding to a screeching halt in front of a small food stand.





“I FOUND IT!” she cheered, the simple sight of the wares making her stomach growl. Jazz walked up not long after, nodding to the owner before letting Remix do the talking. “Heya! Gotta ask: What are you selling? It looks amazing!”

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Remix gasped loudly, a look of disbelief and shock crossing her face. Even Jazz’s eyes widened ever so slightly as the duo surveyed the wares. “You made all of this by yourself? I have to buy something then!” the unicorn quickly exclaimed.



She turned her eyes to the foods on display, deliberating for a long moment before finally lifting up a pie, glancing mournfully at the others. “I’d like a cherry pie please! Man, if only I had an endless stomach. I’d totally buy everything here and eat it all!” she chattered away, almost forgetting what she was doing. “Oh! Right. You want anything Jazzy?” she asked, turning to her companion.


Unbeknownst to her, Jazz had taken the perfect chance while she was blabbering away to select 2 skewers – one of berries drizzled in chocolate and one of cherries. She silently placed them next to Remix’s pie. “How much is this all gonna be?” Remix asked, understanding Jazz’s question without her having to say anything.

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Cherry Bloom smiled happily. " that'll be 4 bits my dears if you please. " she said softly. She held out her hoof to them. " I hope you enjoy them I always work really hard to make the very best treats for my customers. " she said with a bright proud smile. " let me know what you think. "


Come Check out my Channel on Equestria TV! http://equestria.tv/r/Cherry_Blooms_Cottage

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Remix smiled happily, nodding as she placed the bits on the table before tacking on an extra one. Jazz placed her two down as well, before nodding to Remix. "Keep it! A tip from both of us." she explained, Jazz simply bowing her head in acknowledgement. "I'm sure we will, you can rest assured we won't leave a bite behind! We'll definitely come back and report on the taste." she continued, about to ramble on before Jazz gave her a sharp nudge to the ribs. "Oh! Right! Don't want it getting cold. Thanks again!" Remix said, picking up the pie with her magic and trotting off to a small table located nearby. Jazz picked up one skewer each in her wings, and followed dutifully after.

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" I guess my talent is pretty self explanatory." She chuckled. "And my name's Devil Chord. But you can call me DC if you want." She told the mare, mainly focusing on her for some reason. She kept playing the tune as she talked to her. Without thinking she looked her over a little. Her eyes went from Hurricane's very pretty eyes, to her mane and to her wings.


As she stared at the dark feathers a song popped in her head. "Would you mind if I played you something? The song just popped in my head for some reason." Not waiting for an answer she started making tweaks to her guitar to get the sound right before playing. "It's called little wing."

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"Seems like too long for me..." Evergreen muttered, before Winter continued talking. She was usually the slightly less social of the two but Ever wasn't entirely her upbeat self at the moment. She really hated cities.
"Well, it's nice to meet you, Aqua," she amended, chuckling. "You're free to call us Winter and Ever, respectively, if you like. Anyhow, we'd be happy to come to your shop sometime. We'll definitely make a point of stopping in."

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Before Hurricane could respond, Devil Chord started strumming her guitar. Hurricane just sat back and listed to the beautiful music she played. It soothed her and she could feel herself becoming more relaxed. After Devil Chord had finished, Hurricane spoke up. "Wow, Devil Chord, that was really nice." she said. She was very impressed, but spoke rather cooly. "You can really play."

Edited by Hurricane
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@@Hurricane, ((I ain't getting your mentions for some reason.)) 


Devil Chord chuckled and scratched behind her head with her eyes closed, blushing a little. "Thanks. I don't know what came over me. When I saw your wings the song just came to me and I had to play it. It happens sometimes. I think it's because I'm always, always listening to music. And when I see something that reminds me of a song I just have to listen to the song or play it. But I usually wait for a good time too.


But for some reason I couldn't control myself. You're wings are really beautiful." As her mind processed over what she just said her face got brighter. She quickly covered it with her hooves. "Oh damn, why did I say that?!"

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Cherry Bloom yawned and looked around at every pony. *It seems every pony is busy with performing or watching performers...* she sighed softly her ears lowering. "If only I had a talent that other ponies appreciated.,.. or at least something that could catch every ponies attention." She Looked back at the cherry covered lollipop cutie mark on her flank and sighed deeply. She shook her head and packed up her cart then hitched it to her back and started to leave heading for home.


Come Check out my Channel on Equestria TV! http://equestria.tv/r/Cherry_Blooms_Cottage

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@@Gloomfury, ((Maybe its because I'm typing on BB Code Mode, but that's the only way I can include mentions.))


Hurricane smiled at Devil Chord's compliment. Most ponies saw her as thieving, good for nothing street rat. "Thanks." she said sitting up straighter and puffing out her chest slightly. She opened her wings. They were larger that normal ponies, but fit her body well as she was slightly taller that most ponies. "These babies give me the power I need to do what I do." she said before folding them back in. "You have great style by the way." Hurricane tried to give a compliment back.

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 After a sew breaths she removed her hooves from her face, though it was still a little red. "Thanks, it's kinda like one of the many uniforms of the rockers/metal-heads. But it's mostly comfortable. And though they hurt a little getting them I really like my earrings." He wiggled her ears a little. "But your mane looks way better them mine."

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Percy hated to do this, mainly cause he hated seeming helpless, but he approached a mare with a cart, hoping to find where he needed to go. "Uh...hey you." The Griffon awkwardly spat out. "I uhm, I need help with something. Directions." He let out an annoyed sigh at himself.

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Aqua eventually made her way back to her shop, opening it again, and eventually entertaining an earth pony couple that was looking to decorate their home garden of their recently purchased estate. They had opted for a blue and white urn they though would look wonderful near the entrance. The garden was basically their grandmother's little retreat in the afternoon when she felt like walking, and so the two of them poured their free time into improving it. They were a sweet couple, doting kisses on one another as they browsed. Aqua was feeling a few pangs of envy by the time they had opted to buy something, but she maintained her own sweet tone as she passed them through the register and wished them enjoy their purchase.


She eventually pulled out the pamphlet for the music festival at the park that night. It was a fair bit more casual than most evenings she spent, which meant she wouldn't be needing to decide on a gown. "I wonder who I'll meet there tonight," she thought out loud.

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Hurricane admired Devil Chord's earings. She gave a confused look when Devil Chord complimented her mane. "My mane?" she asked to make sure she heard correctly. "Thanks. Nopony has ever complimented my mane before." she brought it up to her face. "It's usually messy and windblown like this. Not all straight and put together like most ponies'"

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