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private The Deminsional War

Scare Effect

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The moon shines brightly as it highlighted the path of Iron Hoof, Chief Justice in the courts of Manehatten, as he walked home in the dead of the night. turning a corner he nearly ran into a purple unicorn, stopping to apologize but when he looked at her he saw an evil look in her eyes. turning to run he nearly ran into a pony who wore a thick black robe. Through the robe he saw a kilowatt smile that glowed in the moon light right before he could scream the robed pony stabbed him up through the jaw to his brain killing him.



Later that same night,


a pony in a white trench coat walked toward the crime scene stopping before an officer pony, showing the officer pony a badge. the officer let the pony into the crime scene.

"What is the scene like?" the pony asked calmly.

"The chief justice Iron Hoof has a twelve inch knife embedded in his skull, entering his jaw and straight to his brain." The Officer said to the pony.

"any suspects?"

"The last pony to come into contact with him was his assistant but she was asleep half way across town." the Officer answered as they stopped in front of the victim. The pony lowered their head to get a closer look at the scene taking note of every little thing.

"You might as well back off detective this is a police crime scene and your kind is not welcome here." Said a large stallion that had a cigar in his mouth. Then he approached the pony and recognizes the detective."ahh i knew you looked familiar your that new detective who moved here recently, Scare Effect i believe you call yourself."

Scare looked at him with a smile,"yeah that's me, and i take it you want me to leave fine, but if you need help with this case just call." Scare turned and left the scene.


once out of sight her smile fades into rage as she walked down the street stopping at an office building, reaching into her pocket pulling out a key she unlocks the door, and walks in closing and locking the door behind her. once inside she grabs some cider and sits down on a couch. and drifted off to sleep.


the dream


She was in a the desert talking to somepony that she couldn't figure out who she was, then the pony turned towards her and said something she couldn't make out anything. then a loud bang went off and startled Scare awake. after which she went to the local club to rid herself of the memory of the dream.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"its been a year, Banner you have to move on" "I have moved on I just got reminded again" "that's the 5th day in a row you made that excuse" Chain sighed "if I can't get it out of you normally then...come with me and the guys to that club around here" "its called the dragon's dance" "you memorized the name I knew you've been drinking there" Banner sighed "fine lets just go, I just hope that that murderer around here doesn't find us" "why because they took your knifes away when I sent you to therapy?" "don't remind me" 


a few minutes later


Chain got into a drinking competition with his friends while Banner stayed at the bar counter "give me something light" "really Banner? you never said that before" "somepony has to walk Chain home" I still don't know how to tell him I have been secretly trying to find and catch those murderers, he would worry to much Banner thought


(I have a good reason why they are still in Mainhatten)  

Edited by Yoshikupo
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Scare walked into the Club not bothering to look at it's name or even bother to learn it. To her left was a group of stallions having a drinking contest walking passed them and sat down at the bar counter. "Excuse me, can i have a bottle of your strongest cider?" Scare asked in a sad tone.


"Sure thing." the bartender said as he pulled a big bottle of hard cider, uncorking it and handed it to Scare. Scare sat there drinking the drink completely oblivious to her surroundings.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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I still remember her banner thought powerful, adventurous, and getting drunk beside me wait what?! Banner looked to her side in disbelief "uh are you Scare Effect? or am I even a biger light weight than I thought?' she asked the pony next to her scanning her head to hoof 

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Fracture is walking through Manehattan, where he now lives, to the store to get some oats and small other things. Normally, he would go with his roommate, Sinusoid, as they both enjoy the night very much, but he seemed to be too intent on working on some sudden musical inspiration that Fracture decided to go alone. As he walks beside some buildings, he notices some pony being suspiciously approached by two others; he stops to watch, hidden by his dark coat color, and watches in terror as the pony is murdered by being stabbed in the brain through his jaw. Fracture slowly backs away to avoid being noticed and likely killed too, and as soon as he goes around a corner, he begins galloping back to his apartment.

Fracture hastily opens and slams his room's door, making Sinusoid startledly jump up from the mellotron that he is playing, and he simply asks, "What?"

Fracture replies in slight panic; "I've just witnessed a murder; some pony was stabbed in the brain through his jaw."

"How is that even possible? The bottom wall of the cranium separates the brain from the lower part of the skull..." Sinusoid stops, realizing that Fracture's terror is completely genuine, and he begins to quiver. "I... I don't know how to react to that."

"I saw it happen, undoubtedly." Fracture says, his eyes wetting slightly.

Sinusoid walks over, gives a brief hug, and says, "We need to report this immediately; telegraph the police."

The two run down to the lobby and to the telegraph, where, after planning what to send, Fracture begins transmitting in the calmest manner possible.

"Manehattan Police Department;

I am reporting a murder as a witness, commited about ten minutes ago, near seventh street..."

I wrote this thing.

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Scare put her drink on the counter turning and answered The question."yes that's me, Scare Effect." Scare looked at the pony in front of her she looked kinda familiar but Scare could not remember if she met this pony before or not. "now my turn who are you?"


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"what? you don't remember me? I'm Banner the girl how confessed her feeling to you when me, you, fracture, Buzz, and your sisters saved the world a year ago, well actually you saved the world...but I thought you were dead but your alive!" she said with a big smile on her face "oh uh look I do what you do now and carry marshmallows with me, its the same brand to" she hugged Scare "i'm just so happy to see you! I wonder if we could contact the others"


(exposition to all how need it!)

Edited by Yoshikupo
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Scare froze at the contact of Banner, thinking about what she said closing her eyes she recalled her dream the pony talking to her was this pony called Banner, " i am sorry i have no recollection of these events happening, but i do believe they likely happened since i cant remember anything before six months ago, so maybe we can spend sometime together so you can tell me more about what happened in the desert." Scare told Banner as she returned the hug awkwardly.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"oh sorry that must have been really awkward" she let go of Scare "so what's happened to you? you look like a detective...are you one? are you also trying to solve the recent murders?" she asked then remembered she said what happened in the desert her vague description of what happened didn't include the desert "so you have fuzzy memories of what happened? that's better than not knowing anything at all"   

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Rave was walking past a club after finishing his shift of being a guide for tourists in Manehattan. His coworker was trying to pester him to join him for a few drinks. "Come on Rave, come on, just one drink. Come on, it will be fun. We will have a lot of fun". Rave had had enough of him. He was so tired of hearing that same voice every day. "I. Said. NOOOOOO!!!!" he used his magic to pick him up and threw him at the wall at the club. He could hear bones shattering and the pony fell down unconscious. Rave then perceived to continue walking. He was not afraid of getting sued as the pony knew who he was and it was no use. The pony was one of Scar's henchponies, so he would not rat him out. He continued walking in the direction of his apartment. 

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The shadow slipped out of the darkness next to the club.  It moved to the side of the fallen pony left in Rave's wake.  There was movement, a quick flash of green, and a hoof carefully placed under the unconscious pony's muzzle.


Breathing... good.  Not gone yet.


Emerald green eyes slid up to watch Rave as he made his way down the street.  The shadow melted back into the darkness, staying well behind the unicorn, and began following slowly.

=====  ( 0=====


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Murder...it was uncommon to say the least. Equestria was one of those peaceful little safe havens the ponies there want you to believe. Sure mythical monstrosities lingered nearby, but they hardly imposed a true threat. The true threat lies in those you wouldn't expect, your fellow pony. I tucked my badge into my trench coat as I walked out of my temporary apartment in downtown Manehatten. The rumor of murder rippled through Manehatten as fast as one would suspect. One phone call and I was out to meet my partner whom I recently began working with. Truth be told she hadn't known I acknowledged her location. Let's just say I was wary of her presence weither she liked it or not. I walked into the bar, my nose immediately filled with the strong scent of alcohol. After a brief scan I found my partner, albeit with unexpected company. This pony seemed nostalgic even if my partner didn't seem to think so. I walked up to them to introduce myself, "I apologize if I'm intruding on your conversation. But me and miss Scare have a few things toalk about."

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Rave opened the door to his apartment and then slammed the door shut. He was angry. He was tired. A year guiding rich stupid tourists who were too lazy to buy a map and try to find their own way around. Instead of putting any effort into it, they hire ponies to take them around, so they don't have to do the work themselves. Rave threw his saddlebags into the wall and then crashed into the bed, closing his eyes. Could this not just end? He was already training hard with his dark magic, it was one of the few things keeping him going.... besides Cookie Caramel.

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Buzz now stood in-front of a door, frozen. He didn't want to knock, but knew he had to. He put his hoof to the door and knocked 3 times. He still had a few seconds: he could run, flu to the ceiling and hide, jump out the window at the end of the corridor, anything but face the horror on the other side of the door that was now open. "Buzz!" an excited voice said as Buzz was tackled to the ground. "How are you? What is it like in Applewood? Have you met anyone special yet? Hows the food? Are you eating over there cause you look skinny?" the questions just kept coming, several kisses to the forehead in-between each one. He knew this had to stop. "Hey Mom" Buzz let out in the gaps where the mare on top of him didn't make a sound. "Clean! Get out here and see who's at the door" the mare yelled into the apartment Clean then came out from around the corner. He was a grey unicorn, with a black mane and tail, however his tail had one line of white going along the top. "Come on in, we were just sitting down for supper" the mare said as she got off of Buzz and skipped into the apartment. Clean then walked over to Buzz and offered him a hoof to help him up. Buzz accepted. "Good to have you back son" He said, putting one of his front legs around Buzz. Buzz did the same. "Great to be back." They all sat around the table eating supper. "So what are you doing here?" asked the mare. "I'm sorry mom, but i can't tell you that." Buzz said, tacking a sip from his coffee. "Oh. I see." the purple mare said, her lavender hair falling over her face to make her look upset. "I guess you don't love me enough to trust me." "Mom" "Not this again Lavender" "The mare that carried you inside of her for almost a year, who went to hospital in serious pain so you could be born, who had to sit there for hours pushing and....." "OK, ok. If i tell you will you stop telling us that story?" Lavender sat with her head resting on her hooves to signal yes. Clean just sat on his chair and rolled his eyes at how his wife's tactics worked every time. "Well, the department have asked me and a few others to help find the culprit of the recent murders. However, with my unit being trained to work undercover no one can know we are here!" "Not even the old crew?" Buzz's eyes opened up. "Especially the old crew!" Buzz then sat back in his chair, remembered the old times he had with 'the crew' and took another sip from his coffee.




In a club, on the other side of town, two mares sat at the bar taking shots. "I gotta say Hits, this seems like a new you, like the old you. If that makes sense." Said a red, female pegasus with an orange and red mane. She was drunk, but was nothing compared to her friend. "No, no, I tottttaaaalllly get what you mean Tackle" Said Hits, drunk out of her mind. "Thanks for inviting me here to.... wherever we are." Both mares bursting into laughter at the end of that sentence. "Come on, the night is still young and it doesn't finish till you have a stallion to take home!" said Tackle as she dragged her friend towards the dance floor.


"Whats wrong with being different, sometimes standing out from the crowd is a good thing. That, and you know you love it!"- Me


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The dark shadow across the street watched as the lights went out in Rave's place.  A sigh escaped it, and it uttered a few words into the wet air:


"I need a drink."


Turning, the form moved along the sidewalk, back in the direction it came from.  Stepping lightly, the pony moved through the blanket of night, picked out only occasionally by the street lanterns.  


Another night done, another pony hurt.  Not dead, but hurt badly.  This isn't good - not at all.  Has it consumed him already?  Can't be; not yet.  He wasn't-


"Spare a bit, mister?"  The homeless pony on the sidewalk looked up pitifully, his only cover against the rain was a garbage can lid balanced precariously on his head.  "I'm awful hungry."


The shadow paused.  There was movement, and a smooth, fresh green apple dropped into the vagrant's lap.


"Don't spend it all in one place," he said softly.  


"Th-... thank you.  Thank you!"  The sound of a crisp apple crunching followed the stallion through the rain.  He went back to his thoughts.


He wasn't all vile-looking, not yet.  If that form showed up again, it'll be bad news.  Bad news indeed.  Okay, then - a quick drink, then back to the stall again.  


He stopped.  The place where the wounded pony from earlier had been was now clear; no sign.  The form shrugged, then looked at the club's sign: The Dragon's Dance, it said.


Good as anyplace else, I guess.


He went in, trying to slick as much rainwater off his jacket as he could.

=====  ( 0=====


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Rave was having another dream.  A very large unicorn, more than twice his size, larger than his own brother that was considered to be a large monster, was standing in front of him. His eyes gleaming red, with a wide grin revealing rows of sharp teeth. His coat was grey and his hair was black. His teeth seemed to be dripping red. "You have done well today my apprentice, your studies in the dark arts furthers. You allow your hate and rage to consume you more and more. You do know why that is?". "Because I have been dealt a lot of injustice in this world and so have my loved ones. I have been pushed and beaten, hurt and humiliated, hunted and prosecuted..... all because of a family name. I am the monster that everypony wants me to be, I am what they want me to be, I can be just that for them. I will kill every single one of THEM". He breaths rapidly. The dark looming figure's grin widens. "Personal hate and anger, personal grief and loss, is what we feed off. No room for happiness, no room for weak spots. You must purge yourself clean, if you are to get revenge on them and all those that have hurt you without any justice". I will, I will do that. They will all burn in the fires of my wrath, each and everyone of them". The dark looming figure seemed to get larger and Rave seemed to get a bit weaker and smaller. "We will get our revenge... Blackforest". The figure stomped his hoofs and Rave was sent crashing down his bed onto the floor, breathing rapidly and sweating. 


"Damn that pony". He looked around. "I could as well go for a drink now". He put on a cloak to cover himself completely up and then exited his apartment. 

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Yennefer was roaming the streets in the dark, Fallowed by two large unicorn stallions in steel armor adorned with red silk. She was tired, Slightly irritated and needed a drink.


"Could ya' spare a bit miss?" A homeless pony on the side of the street said, Yennefer kept walking trying to ignore him. "Please!", She stopped stared at him with a piercing look in her eyes, Then kept walking leaving the homless stallion terrefied.


She spotted a sign further down the street, "The dragons dance". She looked at the sign for a while and then sighed, "Leave, Both of you" she said to the stallions "Are you sure?" "If I wasen't sure I woulden't have said it, Now leave before I get angry".


The stallions left and she  entered the club, She looked around "Ugh, So many ponies" She though to her self, "It will have to do though"


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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The interior was filled with sound: music, idle chatting & drunken whoops of joy.  The black & green stallion made his way through the din, all the while he had his mind in his thoughts, next to completely unaware of his surroundings.  He bellied up to the bar, sat down heavily & thumped his head onto the sticky surface.  When the bartender came around, he didn't look up - he just raised a hoof and said three words:


"Green.  Apple.  Cider."


As the bartender moved to get the drink in question, the pony slowly lifted his head & idly glanced around.  He saw ponies drinking, ponies dancing & ponies talking.  Normally, he didn't care much for being around this many ponies in one place - too much of a chance to be recognized as a member of the notorious Blackwater family - but it had been a long night.  A long week.  Heck, a long month.


He'd been watching Rave during most days, and reading up on the Darkmane family most nights.  He'd had very little sleep recently, as his particular "pony of interest" had become more active as of late.  Maybe he's been training less, he ruminated.  Or maybe he's almost done with it.  He shivered, contemplating the form he'd seen Rave take about a year ago.


I can't let it go, though... or, can I?  Am I trying too much?  I mean, I know Rave's got this thing about dark magic, but maybe... maybe I'm just a fool for following him all this while... maybe I'm too dense to see the truth... maybe... oh, heck - I have no idea what I'm doing here.  If there was just a sign; a single sign that I'm doing the right thing here...


He took the mug offered to him by the 'tender, laid the appropriate bits on the counter & began to drink.

=====  ( 0=====


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Rave was within after about some time had passed, he had already blended with most of the ponies, not being noticed. However, he did stick out as he was wearing his cloak over him still, not taking it off. The red eyes of the Darkmanes was familiar in Manehattan, so he would be more easily recognized if he was seen.


He received a glass filled with liquor in it. The waiter was walking away. "Hey, I did not order anything". The waiter turned his head and looked at the unicorn. "It is on the house" he pointed to a big balcony peaking out of the second floor. He saw a beautiful Earth Pony mare there wave her hooves. Rave chuckled. "Might have known that you would be here sister". He took up the glass and drained it's liquid. 

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Yennefer sat down by the bar, She looked around carefully inspecting the ponies surrounding her.


As she turned around to order the bartender was already standing infront of her looking very distrustfully at her. "Give me something strong." The bartender kept looking at her for a bit before turning around to get her a drink. He carefully put the drink in front of her, Still looking very wary at her, Just when he was about to say something to her he got called over to some other pony further down the bar. Before walking down to the pony he looked at Yennefer and whispered something to himself.

Edited by Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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About an hour after Fracture witnessed the murder, he is still nervously sitting on his couch, unable to relax. Sinusoid walks into the room and, seeing this, says, "You should relax; I know that I sound like a hypocrite for saying that, but there is not much more that we can do now, and you will probably be questioned later. Let's eat food to stop thinking about this."

Fracture replies, "We don't have any food; I never got to the store."

"Then let's go to the store."

"It might still be dangerous."

"We can take a different route."

"That's fine."

With that, Fracture stands up and follows Sinusoid out through the door.

At some time during their walk, they stop outside of a club when an apparently homeless pony asks, "Can you spare a bit?"

Sinusoid says, "Yes, I can." He pulls two bits out of one of his vest pockets and gives them to the stallion.

While that happens, Fracture glances into the club and suddenly turns to Sinusoid; "I think that I just saw Scare and Banner."

"The ponies that you helped destroy that death machine?" "Yes; they're in the club."

"Then we should go inside."

They walk into the club, Fracture sits down next to them, and addresses, "Scare? Banner?"

I wrote this thing.

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The mug clomped down onto the bar, and the black & green stallion wiped his muzzle.  He counted the cups... one... two... three.  Three mugs.  He shook his head, wondering what the heck possessed him to drink like this.  He'd had a sip or two - but not three whole mugs.  He shrugged his shoulders, letting a small smile slip onto his face for the first time in a long, long time.  He looked at the bartender and, motioning him over, put several more bits on the counter.


"Here," he muttered, the smile replaced by a somewhat depressive stare at the counter, "for being a good shport."  The bartender took the bits, nodded & went off to another customer.  The stallion turned around and, allowing his customary frown settle into its accustomed place, he leaned back against the bar.  He looked around at the other ponies, but paid very little attention to any of them.


"Gotta find a way... gotta find... a way..." 

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Scare looked at scrambled and sighed, "well Banner duty calls. we will have to meet up again real soon." Scare said smiling, then she heard somepony call her and Banner, looking at him."Hello there do I know you?" Scare asked




in an abandon alley way, there was a bright flash that revealed Chaotic, who spread her wings and flew off.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"oh Fracture what a coincidence that you just happened to come to the same club were in" banner looked a Fracture "yeah Scares alive isn't that amazing! also she's a detective now and..." she looked at the pony calling Scare away "this pony is her partner" Chain walks up to the ponies "I won Bi#%&!" he said before fainting "I don't think he won, well not in the long run"

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Fracture replies to scare, "You should know me. I met and last saw you almost exactly one year ago, when you and a few others stopped this pony named Fear from destroying Equestria. Actually, Banner was there too; that's an absolutely incredible coincidence."

As Chain faints near him, Sinusoid jumps back slightly and says, "This is why I don't drink alcohol."

Edited by Sinusoid

I wrote this thing.

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