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Bust A Rhyme!


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My name is Rallo, and don't you ever forget it

'cus I bet 5 thousand coins in bit that

When I get on the mic, you can't step up to me

Like the end of Macbeth, it's like a killing spree


And now I'm changing up my verse in the hearse

Carrying your coffin to your grave - it's a curse

You only made it worse by challenging me

Unlike Moses, I don't split the $@#&$*% C


I'm making a change, and I'm getting it right

Screw the princess, just being a knight's a delight

This is my kingdom, kid, and I demand you yield

Or I will wreck you so bad you can only kneel


Like they told Michael Jackson,

"Just give it up, man" 

But you're not the J5

You're a beached whale stuck in sand


So lose that extra tummy,

You'll be better off, honey

While you're scathed and bloody

I'll be bathin' in money


Go back to school, kid, maybe write this down:

I'm not the type to leave my raps on a frown

I'm a man of my word, if I honestly confess

How many times I shrekt you will be on your math test.


Class dismissed.

Edited by ARagY
  • Brohoof 2

To each their own

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Well it seems I can't sleep, so I may as well rhyme

Such a waste counting sheep when I could have a good time

I don't fancy myself a great scholar or poet

But just give me a chance and I'll try to not blow it


So how should I do this to not make it lamer?

I got it, I'll switch up the style

For those people that know me you know I'm a gamer

So I'll rhyme about that for a while


Actually no I won't 'cause there's really no point

And besides, I can't think of rhyme

Im quite bad at this stuff, why'd I use the word "point"?

So I'm sorry for wasting your time


So I guess I'll just lay here and go back to sleep

I'll leave you to your play and to myself I'll keep

  • Brohoof 1

Signature made by @Sparklefan1234 (Thank you!)

Want to know something? Ask me, Nyx, Lyra, or Roseluck anything.

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Sunshine and Rainbows


Another day in Equestria

It seems to be a year or two,

Since that mare entered the pod

And the whole sky turned blue.

Two centuries the equines waited

Hopefuls dwindled to few

Who knew this land's hero

Would be her from Stable 2?

Years ago I fought the war

Against the Enclave in restless strife

I hoped it was the final day

I spilled blood of innocent lives.

They say the memories of the past

Cut deeper than wounds from knives,

Only you can't see the pain

When the scars are in your mind.

Now I am one of the Knights

Repairing what my ancestors have done.

No longer a sad story

After the darkness has gone.

Edited by Sealand
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why do people always have to swear in their rhyme?

don't they know the dictionary has words like 'devine'?

I'm really disappointed that someone like me

who is a foreigner has a wider vocabulary.

  • Brohoof 1


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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Hey little bro
I made you some soup
Here, have a little scoop
It says "get a damn job" you waste of space
Do somethin with your life
And quit bein a disgrace 
You lay about here 
You whine about there
you use our parent's 
You suck at hair 
What ARE you good at?
Please, I'd like to know. 
So I can buck your flank there
And you can make some Dough. 
I don't want you here
I barely wanted a visit
If you gotta problem with that
i'll tell ya where to kiss it
You annoy me bro
With that smug little smirk
Bitch you don't even work! 
I love ya bro
But you're getting me PEEVED
and when I get mad 
Even dragons concede 
that I'm the BADDEST damn mare that they ever did see.
You listening to me?
I stared down a cockatrice bro
All it could do was Flee! 
Flipped a bear on its face
All it said was thanks 
Got the Lord o' Chaos on speed dial 
Cause he likes my flanks
What I'm saying here bro,
Is Get a life
Cause I got mine
And its quite nice
And I'm not gonna put my life on hold
Just cause my little bro don't like to do what he's told
And if you say you can't 
That you're just out of luck?
Well too bad Bro,


Edited by Buck Testa
  • Brohoof 4
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Welcome to the lyrical arena; not long shall I see ya

When I tear you down like a Prohibition-era cantina

I've learned from my mistakes; no more shall you hold my rightful place

Better sit down lest you be cast into space


Because I'm coming back fly, never gonna die

Think you can beat me? Must be high; I'm shooting for the sky

Drop rap bombs like clockwork; make you all hurt

Precisely calibrated rhymes delivered curt, knock you into the dirt


I don't have any patience for raps delivered from one's anus

Nor those simply too heinous; it's demeaning to my greatness

Petrify weak rappers like a statue; while money's what I accrue

While you're making a 2 + 2 breakthrough, I'm bringing you low with my crew


I don't use profanity -- cleanest; yet I spit diamonds -- meanest

I'm a genius, writing my thesis, while you work all day like a grubby machinist

You struggle for your rhymes, and what you say is a litany of crimes

Mine are perfect like primes; break it down like enzymes


Finally and in conclusion, I tear away your delusion

For your state of confusion, I offer a simple allusion

Like a infant playing at prosecution, rap is what you always lose in

As the denouement's execution, your cred undergoes dissolution


So come at me attempting retribution, and I'll smack you down again with my elocution.

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"My Name is Jafar

I come from afar

I got a bomb in my car

Allahu Akbar!"


That was awful

"There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends"


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I'm coming to you to tell you that love is not a possession

It is unpredictable and not used to your own discretion

I know, because I was that fool

Thinking that love was simple, but I was played like a tool

I was the target of jealousy, their toxin was cruel

Tore through my body as they severed my soul, just like a torture test mule

I was cast to a void, one of eternal shade

Thought I could escape, but the pain was so terrible that I forgot that I stayed

I once thought someone will enter my life and cast away this suffering

Except every passing moment was like a video who continues to be buffering

My pain wishes it will wash away at the sight of true love

Except I would be wishing for white dove

And my wishful thinking has gotten in more trouble than becoming magic

And to make matters worse, the irony has still gotten me looking for love, it's tragic

Maybe that's what you get when you've become part of your own nightmare

Just know that love is a virtue, and can never be took'n

Because I will never stop look'n

My heart is broken, but I will fix it

Though I might need another heart and a set of hands to mix it

I will never stop searching

For that white dove is looking, on that tree it always stays perching




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I really like to rhyme,

Cause I do it all the time.

Don't really have to try,

And I just do not know why!

Edited by Damien & Tem

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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My words are hard

Pure granite, the boldest among us

I'll battle the whole planet from oldest to youngest

Sure plan it, because mars' flows'll be growin like fungus


My words be droppin men

With words that you can comprehend

Scribbled down on a napkin with a pocket pen,

If you aren't good at rappin you should drop it then

And if I wasn't captain at clappin I would've stopped at 10


I'm like a black hole

Because I'll take your shine away

Most rhymes in my time are dry like steak made with a microwave

And the way these kids spit, explicit, makes people just shy away,

But I stay on it I'm ready to battle at any time a day


I'm saying rhymes on the fly again

Because the best of me is two seperate entities, Hydra, Leviathan,

No thought, no time to spend, too busy sending weak emcees to go cry again

Burying bad rhymes so they'll never see sky again


Most of the words only prove you're irrelevance

My rhymes are frowned upon like a circus' usage of elephants

Your rhymes are useless like disproving the elements

And the kids who try to use big words only show their psuedo-intelligence.

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You kids are rhyming "rhyme" and "time"-

It's elementary.

To be honest this ain't me-

But you rapper disasters are embarrassing.

I haven't done this but for centuries,

But you've got to be kidding me.

So sit down in a circle and just listen to me.


So maybe I'm not clean,

But I'm the Queen,

So bow down, Princess, I'm clearly lyrically supreme.

So it's time to back up, b*tches-

Little princess-


Hold on to your skirt or you'll miss this.

Edited by KatieBelle
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Katiebelle is it? Get a load of this.


You call yourself a princess

but your pony avatar has been in more crap like incest

I'm king, by now everyone should be respected

but what is this junk that you seemed to have erected

Where's the love, my tenacious little beauty

I could pinch your cheek, you're nothing much but a cutie

In this club it's rap or be out rapped

And I think you should reconsider before you get out snapped

Your words are magic, mine are considered uni-VERSE-al

Stand down from from your ranks, and be dumbfounded by my words of uni-UNMERCIF-al

I'm... asinine, maybe like mass aligned, get wrek't cause my influence is so divine, you'll wish that you can spit out these bars of mine, I can rap 'till the end of time, and you'll suffer from my awesomeness, cause it's too sublime, you going to need to see an eye doctor after this bind, because after reading this, your eyes go blind, and you'll burn away because I BLEW your mind.

Now I know I just entered a new type of reality

But look inside me, and you'll see my harsher side of my mentality

One look, and it may just be my final attack



Edited by RootedWisdom
  • Brohoof 1
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Rooted "wisdom" you say?

You are lacking it.

The only load I've heard from you is a load of sh*t-

Take a load of this!

No- f*ck this.

I'm killing it.

I'm doing nothing but wasting my time on you, kid,

Jealous, b*tch?

This is my niche.

Why don't you run back to daddy-

It's time for me to split.

*drops mic*

Edited by KatieBelle
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Rap battle, eh?

Bring it!


Wasting your time

Ha, I had better battles than this one, your rap is calm like the noise of a windchime

My battles are choatic, and they seek destruction

Your spirit will become broken, and your reputation will need reconstruction

Time for you to split, yeah that would be your head

Cause anymore of this sh*t and your going to be dead

Bow down before your rightful king

Because the voice is gone, and you can't sing

So go back to that awful lonely ditch

Or crawl into a ball, and become...My Little B*tch!

  • Brohoof 1
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It's time to say,

That this was fun,

It's time to split, at least we had a good run.

What funny is, that though all this,

You were battling a rookie and you didn't know it, yet.

And I owned it, b*tch!

That's right, my friend, this rapping thing began and came to and end,


You gotta say, I f*cking slayed,

At least I can say that you'll remember my name,

I wasn't born into throne, but at least I'm free,

I'm not a slave

at least it's known,

This b*tch won't bow to no one-

Yeah, I'm f*cking royalty.

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Katiebelle, gg. So here me out.


Take this into consideration, you play it real mean

and I respect that, you wipe this battle clean

Thanks for the challenge, and let's become friends

Bros for life, for our combined bars can break the very fabrics of reality to it's very ends

Simple and Clean is the way to rise

Because it's playing Victory FanFare at my demise



  • Brohoof 1
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Do you ever thought the world is without emotion

For no one seems to care about all the world's commotion

Shredded by racism, war, crime, and simple degenerative depromotion

No, for the Lord is standing by our sides

Though we cannot see him, it's our hearts in where he resides.

I saw a young man, just about in his late twenties, beaten and scarred by the misery that they thrust upon him

To forcibly assimilate him into their own little dimension, where they can torture and degrade him

To become a soldier of hate, not knowing of what's around us

and finally realize it when we're in the prison bus

But to have the Lord guide us in the right direction

And take the path that has little to no misdirection

To savor the world in the way the way the Lord has meant us

and cherish and not destroy the gifts that he sent us

To hear the cries the angels have wept for

To see the broader scale the world so it would have the benefit of what it meant more

To rejoice for the people who have loved and protected you

To start a adventure, with around every corner...a memory that always stay anew

Love him, praise him, for he is there for you, even during the dark times

He will always love you, for rest of the rhyme and during the passing of a old mind



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  • 3 months later...

warning very repetitive and a bit sh*t ¦D




First I start by saying I don-no what i'm i'm doing so i'll just start spitting some rhymes dun dun dun dun dun dun dun


But then I kept on going till everyone is saying that I just started blowing there mind dun dun dun dun dun dun dun


So now the crowd is crazy, my rhythms getting lazy but I just won't give up this time dun dun dun dun dun dun dun


waiting for a repeat, but it is just to early so i'll just have to give you a lie dun dun dun dun dun dun dun


Now it's getting closer, so 1 plus 1 is zero and the truth I have just left behind dun dun dun dun dun dun dun


Repetitions getting started, and i will star by saying that i'm just gonna spit out more rhymes dun dun dun dun dun dun dun


But then I'll keep on going till everyone is saying that I just started numbing there mind dun dun dun dun dun dun dun


So the crowd is getting angry, my rhythms getting hazy so I think I will give up next time dun dun dun dun dun dun dun


There will be no repeat, as it is not so early so this is just the end of the line dun dun dun dun dun dun dun


Now it is the closer, and no one is remaining so i will leave my singing behind dun dun dun dun dun dun dun



  • Brohoof 2

img-36235-1-img-36235-1-img-36235-1-img-  points from 42 =139 and 2 coupons 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Eternal Nature's back!


Make way, it's about to wild

I make all other parties seem a lil too mild.

lights, camera, action is all on scene

and what's with this party, it's way to obscene!

This party guy was M.I.A, this party will be K.I.A!

Word to the wise, last word of demise

Party is just started, get the dj a beat

as I knock you all away, right from your seats.

  • Brohoof 2
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Money is what Hillary Clinton wants without being abrupt,

How can she get it without seeming corrupt?

You see being a criminal means dealing with sleaze,

Bribes sound much nicer when you call them speaking fees.


If thats not enough create the Clinton Foundation,

A thing that can steal from any nation.

Always say it operates with the utmost clarity,

who cares if it's a totally fake charity


I'm not with her 

Edited by Captain Whirlwind
  • Brohoof 1

"There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends"


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hearth's Warming is already getting nearer,

and I can't wait to see snow, so crystally and clearer.

Carols by the dozen, full of Hearth's Warming cheer,

as cider and eggnog is passed afar and near.

Come, my ponies of winter and snow, 

as we dance away to this snowy show.

As presents are stacked underneath the tree,

foals will sleep as the Moon will see,

the naughty foals who stalk the halls,

unaware as they are guided by the walls.

Marry Hearth's Warming to which it may come, 

and a true spectacle to watch by some,

Edited by Eternal Nature
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  • 2 weeks later...

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