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Uhh.. Hi

Hazy Skies

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Hai there everypony :D


Thought now was a good a time as any to join the forums..

It'd be good to be among other who also love this show as much as i do ;)

(As well as help pass the time as we wait anxiously for the next episode to some out xD)


That poll about "Your favorite mane 6 pony" is way too hard to answer.. I don't really have a favorite.. I have favorites xD


Let's see.. "Tell us about yourself!"..


Well.. My hobbies are as of now: Animating and rendering in Blender, making art with Krita and Inkscape (I'm fairly new to both), playing games like Minecraft, Starbound and Star Citizen..


My "OC pony" is a blue unicorn pony, i haven't really thought of a name that suits his talent too well, but i'll keep it as Aura ;)

I'll also keep his skills a mystery as i'm still working on it, however one of his developed powers, as Aura calls it, is named "Burst magic"


Oh.. and incase you hadn't noticed already, I tend to express myself a lot in the text I type by using emoticons frequently xD


But yeah.. that's me in a nutshell xD



Edited by AURAequine
  • Brohoof 10
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Hello YAY =)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=) I like using emoticons too =)=)=)=)=))==)=)=)=)=)=)=) YAY =)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=) Welcome here on the happy site of MLP Ponies and happy fun time in this community =)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=) I hope you can have great and happy times here in the forums =)=)=)=)=))=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=) meeting many of them pony friends =)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=) and enjoying the happy time with all ponies here =)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=) If you have any questions feel free to ask =)==)=)


YAY =)=)=)=)

  • Brohoof 8
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Hi and welcome to the MLP forums! It's great to have you here in this awesome community of lovely ponies! :squee: I hope you enjoy and have a wonderful time here and get to make some nice friends and have a little fun while you're here. :pinkie: If you want, feel free to message any member here at any time. :kindness:


Ooh, I use Blender and Inkscape myself. :fluttershy:

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Hehe, "Blank Flank" is quite fitting as my OC pony doesn't have his mark yet xD


I do have 1 question though.. how could i write my emoticons in its normal text format?


Not that i don't like the pony emoticons, they're fine.. It's just i'd prefer what i'm used to and in addition to the fact that ones like this: :D (which i use frequently) Is bigger and different from ones like this: xD (which i also use frequently :P)

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Hello and welcome, I hope you enjoy your time here with us all - and I'll be looking forward to seeing you around the forums :D


I'm afraid that I'm not sure if you can write the emoticons in their native text format, but hey - things could be worse than having colourful equines dotted around in your text :D 


Still, feel free to PM me, or anyone else on here for that matter, if you have any questions or just fancy a chat (same goes for adding us as friends: new friends = yay  :fluttershy: )


As you don't have a favourite of the mane six, why not have them all :D 



  • Brohoof 8
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Hello there and welcome to the forums. It is great to have you here     :). I hope you have a wonderful time here and make a lot of friends     :squee: 



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Hey there AURA, and how do you do? :3 Welcome to the forums! :yay: It's great to have you here, and everypony would be happy to show you around or help with whatever if you wish~ :kindness: I hope you enjoy your stay in this friendly community, and feel free to PM/comment on somepony's Profile Feed, or befriend anypony posting here if you'd like! :squee:



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Hey there and welcome in!


Its cool you make animations, and maybe we will see some of them around soon.


A lot of people (including myself) am open to PM's regarding anything. So feel free to ask.

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Its cool you make animations, and maybe we will see some of them around soon.


Well.. It's not so much animatiing that i focus on.. i prefer to do still renders, just because it's much easier and effective to set up for an image than for a full animation..

When i do do animation i prefer them short.. loopable and in .gif format so i can use them on any site.. and most often they're either funny or cool..


Here are some good ones i made..


Like a walk cycle with my MC character: (recent)



This gem exploding: (very recent)



Or a looping animation with a Tails model i found: (little old)



But yeah.. when i do use Blender I usually i do normal still renders either because:

A: i was bored..

B: I though of something funny and make a render of it.. or

C: As a response image to something someone else said.. Like this one..



But yeah..

Edited by AURAequine
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Helloooo! I'm pretty new to too, but everyone is really nice so I'm sure you'll make a ton of awesome friends! It's always nice greeting a new member of this community :D Amazing animations and render by the way, I looove the exploding gem :)

Edited by Wolves
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You kinda have a fluttershy vibe to ya... thats my favorite pony so you cool in my book!! welcome to the herd


Maybe it's because of all the spacing between words :P

But you'd be right to think i'm sorta like Fluttershy xD


I'm gentle and don't like the idea of hurting others intentionally, not emotionally and definitely not physically.. I'm fairly shy around those i don't know (Applies more Irl, far less shy on the nets.. except when introducing..) often avoiding eye contact.. Love many animals, especially dogs and other creatures that are similar to canines.. I tend to keep to myself..


Wow.. I'm a LOT like Fluttershy xD


Though there are some parts of my personality that are not like her.. but yeah..

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Maybe it's because of all the spacing between words :P

But you'd be right to think i'm sorta like Fluttershy xD


I'm gentle and don't like the idea of hurting others intentionally, not emotionally and definitely not physically.. I'm fairly shy around those i don't know (Applies more Irl, far less shy on the nets.. except when introducing..) often avoiding eye contact.. Love many animals, especially dogs and other creatures that are similar to canines.. I tend to keep to myself..


Wow.. I'm a LOT like Fluttershy xD


Though there are some parts of my personality that are not like her.. but yeah..

Well i foster animals and i cant stand to see animals in pain or without a home, especially cats. 

Though i have a little of fluttershy's awkwardness depending on the situation, i definitely have pinkie pies crazy ADHD like Energy lol


But i lover her so much i put this design on the shirt im currently wearing


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