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open Fallout Equestria: Endeavor (Reboot)

Defender of Tomorrow

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With the door opened, Solar immediately opened fire. Her laser rifle blasts went straight for the raiders, one striking one in the leg and another two in the chest.


She lifted her hoof over her unprotected mouth, which knocked her aim off a bit when she took shots into her armour.

She dived behind the desk next to Ellieum, doing a quick injury check before reloading her rifle. Her heart was pounding in her chest; she was in her first real combat situation, and with a group! It was so exciting!


"How're you holding up?" She asked the other mare, reloading her rifle.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Leaf scrambled behind what cover she could find, and curled up behind it and shut her eyes tightly. Actual fighting...she never liked it. She knew what came of it. Death and misery. She had seen many wounded ponies before, even in her Stable. Her medical knowledge let her treat the injuries the best she could, but she had done what she could to avoid it ever since she left.


She felt sick to her stomach as the gunfire rang around her, as the bullets whizzed by, but she had to do something...


Mustering as much courage as she could, she reached into her bag and pulled out a glass bottle, filled to the brim with dirty brown water.


Here goes...


She quickly peeked her head out to see where the intruders were, and flung the small bottle towards them. With any luck it would hit one, and while it probably wouldn't do much damage, it would at least provide a sufficient distraction and give her companions a moment to retaliate.


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"I'll live.." she grunted to Solar as she finished loading her weapon, she slowly peeked over the table to see the raider's taking cover behind some metal barrels and crates. She was surprised to see that the raiders had survived the laser shots, however upon further inspection she saw black marks over their armor pieces, Solar hadn't hit their heads. "Shit.." she muttered under her breath, typically ponies in Power armor were suppose to be great shots, but now she had reason to believe that Solar hadn't gotten into many firefights. 


She looked over to her side to see Leaf tossing a glass bottle, unfortunately for her it didn't land on any of the raiders and merely shattered near one of the crates. Now she was really getting worried, two of the four of them had no weapons whatsoever, and Solar was inexperienced in combat. Ellieum's horn glowed a darker red as she cast the weak ward over each of them, this greatly taxed her body despite the spell being very basic. [END -2] "This isn't looking so good..." she said to Solar as she sat behind the table, perhaps her casting the spell while she was shot wasn't the best idea as her face grew more pale. 

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When the Raiders took their cover, the leftmost one would feel a tap on his shoulder. He would turn to see a smiling Zebra, before a hoof with the force of a sledgehammer would collide with his snout, knocking him out.


Ezekiel had managed to scuttle his way out the door during the exchange of lead and laser. Now he was in his effective range and could do some damage to the enemy.

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"Hang in there," Solar muttered to Ellieum, noticing she was becoming physically taxed, "that shot wasn't my best, but I'm a trained soldier. Practically made for this!"


She hopped up, leaning her forehooves over the desk and aimed her laser rifle again. She took aim at two of the raiders and opened fire. "Say cheese!"


The first shot aimed for the raider's head, managing to strike dead on this time, while the other hit the next raider in the chest.


"Boom!" She cackled, and returned below cover again.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Unbeknownst to the group of raiders nor the group of wastelanders inside the room, there was another mare inside the facility, keeping her plasma pistol ready and aiming at every corner she trotted by. It was a bit dark inside; she had hoped that the lights would work, but she had tried all the light switches, even searching for the electrical grid, but it was all beyond repair due to two hundred years of wear and something – or someone – cut off the wires.

Needless to say, this didn't please Allegory. She was used to scavenging in the dark, but the dark hindered her vision regardless, and she had heard some commotion as she entered the facility, which either meant robots or ponies. Allie wanted to avoid both, if she can, and get the Sisters out of there. She would have a hard time searching for parts to repair her – clank! The unicorn hesitated for a moment, then crouched down in panic, turning left and right for the source of the noise...before looking down and noticing a scimitar, laying there on the ground.


Well, looks like there are others here...and judging by the quality of the weapon, I'll say it's recent or current, she assumed before levitating up the weapon. It was impressive, to say at the least, the blade being surprisingly light despite its length. Which meant it was something she could carry without compromising her speed, and which also meant that she could sell this to a merchant for some good money. Maybe have enough to buy a few parts to repair her weapon herself.


Allegory twitched her ears. Gunshots. From upstairs, she presumed. "Looks like it's time to go..." she mutters, standing up and trotting off; she kept her stance in case she met with anyone.

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Flamestreak had been walking around in the wasteland for a while now, Flame didn't have a plan other than to find somewhere with food, weapons and ammo, and suitable a bed so he could sleep for the night. Maybe he could find ponies to help him, but his experience with ponies up to now was very less than desirable. He didn't even have much with him, all he had was two pistols and a gray hoodie. Both of which he had taken from some pony he found dead on the ground, He also had a pip-buck, but he didn't really use it outside of basic reasons. It might come as a surprise to know that Flamestreak had been in the wasteland for a little more than a year now, however, he still was unprepared, unequipped, and unskilled. It could be considered, No, it was a miracle (or a curse) that he was still alive

That wasn't his fault though, almost as soon as he left his stable, he was captured by a group of slavers and quickly was thrown into a camp, From there it was for the lack of a better word: hell. Being sold day in and day out, being whipped every day for being "disobedient' (slavers are very strict on what is considered disobedient), to save a longer story short just very intensive bodily harm. Luckily and thankfully a few ponies saved him and most of the other slaves he was locked up with only a week ago, but the scars still remained and also a slave collar. Inactive but it was still a very sick and cruel reminder of where he once was.

After walking (and flying) a good distance he came across a building, "The... Ironshod firearms?" He said checking his pip-buck. "Firearms...." He looked at his two pistols, both only had one full clip of ammo left. "I definitely need more firearms and weapons, But what if there's slavers inside I absolutely can't take the risk of being captured again." He said. "Although I don't have any other means of defense other then these guns... and maybe unarmed combat, but I can't rely on either for much longer, and I also have a better chance of being captured out here anyway. *Sigh* I might as well go inside" He said and with that he entered the building. there wasn't much to see upon entering, as he trotted through the building, however he spotted a pony. He practically jumped out his fur when he saw her, although she didn't look like a slaver he was still shaking in his boots.


"Wh..w..who....who a....are....y.y.yo.yo....you!" he said absolutely terrified. He took his guns out "I'm.....no...n..not afr...a..afraid ta..ta...to..sh...sh..shoot!" he said, you could see his nose growing. He couldn't keep his eye focused on much that is until he saw the massive(kinda) knife she was levitating. He practically had a heart attack at the sight of it, he even dropped one of his guns because of it. "Stay calm flame.... Stay calm." He thought. Apparently the rest of his body didn't get that memo

Edited by KingF1@m31990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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I remembered the conversation I had with Maple when I departed from Fillydelphia with my team of six. The war with Red eye's industrial empire was getting worse for my contingent, with guerrilla tactics being the most viable and only option laid out for us. It was clear that if we didn't retreat we would eventually be routed and destroyed, finding a new base to set up took priority. " Don't worry about us love we got the more then enough munitions to fight off an entire army, don't take too long you know how your daughters get." Maple's words echoed throughout my mind for the many days I've traveled and its distracted me more times then I would have liked. I sighed as I tried to refocus my attention to the current task at hoof, securing technologies and getting an assessment of the current powers in the area. I scanned ahead and spotted the ironshod facility that still stood strong to this day, oh what treasures would I find?


I quickly made my way to the pre-war factory, making sure to check my weaponry as I've learned to do over the years. Ranger battlesaddles could hold many impressive armaments, with high caliber weaponry and explosives being the norm. I grunted in annoyance as I remembered the encounter with a talon merc that left me with a malfunctioning missile pod and another death caused by my hooves. The sounds of screaming and gunfire close by took my attention from my grief as I closed in on the facility. "Bunch of savages," I muttered to myself as I swerved past the firefight and to the rear portion of the building. Letting the ponies fight would have been a safer and less costly endeavor then getting in the fight myself. After a quick search I found an entrance to the facility and made my way inside. It was dark, a minor hurdle but one that wasn't important, the red blips on my E.F.S however was another story. 


Two ponies filled my sights each wearing makeshift barding and dirty scarred covered hides, there eyes although barely visible were clearly bloodshot. I opened fire, sending a rifle round slamming into the closest ones shoulder sending him sprawling to the floor and gawking in surprise. The second raider only noticed the muzzle flash of my weapon before he was down and choking on his own blood due to a round hitting the base of his collar. Grunting in disgust I took a closer look at the poor sap laying on the floor holding his shoulder, before I could put him down the supposedly injured raider shot up from his position brandishing a combat knife. I flinched in surprise and activated S.A.T.S right before the tip of the blade made contact with the lighter armor were my head connected with my neck. I targeted his head and watched as the raiders head burst like a watermelon spraying a few droops of blood on my armor. 


I gritted my teeth as I steeled myself over making such a rookie mistake. Activating my helmet light I prepared myself before I continued my search of the facility. Everything in this building probably heard my gunfire, and wearing a metal suit of power armor didn't help in the stealth factor. I checked the state of my armor and weapons as I walked. My light machine gun still had around 90 rounds left, enough to last me for a few fire fights. My armor was in decent shape only taking a few small caliber rounds and a few larger rounds hitting the heavier chest plate. I took a look at my missile pod and remembered the fight with the talon merc. " I wonder how Maple is doing," I said to myself worrying about the Rangers back in Fillydelphia.

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Ellieum heard Solar fire off her lasers again, and judging by her laughter she could tell she had killed at least one raider. However, once she saw he return back to hide behind cover she heard the sound of another weapon fire off, it definitely wasn't a laser or plasma weapon, but it was loud as all hell, could it be a machine gun? "What was that..?" she asked to Solar, she hadn't been too familiar with heavier weapons as she had never really encountered them. 


Sneaking a peek over the desk, she saw the raiders pulling away from the battle, they were smarter than they looked. "They must be re-grouping.." she thought to herself as she watched them fire off to the side as they ran for the stairs, and judging by how carelessly and eagerly they fired their weapons off, she concluded that somepony, maybe a ranger was in their midst. "Someone else is here with us, and by the looks of it they must be dealing with some heavy armor and weaponry." she said to Solar as she loaded her magnum with armor piercing rounds, this surely would sway anyone from taking advantage of them. "Hey Leaf, think you could patch me up?" she whispered over to their new medic. 

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While the Raiders were distracted, Ezekiel was able to take advantage of their weapons turned out of his general direction. With a fore hoof spring, he flew into their midst, "landing" his hind hooves on to one of their heads. A sickening crunch lead him to conclude he had crushed the raider's skull and brain. For confirmation though, his other sense told him what he needed to know, he could feel the life slipping away from the Raider.


Still surrounded by his buddies though, Ezekiel stood on one forehoof and spun himself around with the other, extending his hind legs out in both directions as he twirled.


Spinning Phoenix kick.


Before they could recover and shoot him, Ezekiel rolled and ducked behind some old machinery.

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Solar's ears twitched as she too heard the boom of a machine gun.

"Sounds like one of those huge battlesaddle guns," She muttered to Ellieum, to answer her question, then smirked, "I should know, I've had a good few of them fired at me."


She peeked over the desk with the other mare, and watched the Raiders retreating. Somepony else must've gotten their attention.

She nodded in response to her ally's deduction. "Yeah, sounds like they're really packin'."


She watched in wide-eyed amazement as Ezekiel practically crushed a raider's skull by springboarding off him with his hind hooves, and spun on the ground on his forehoof.

"Damn!" She gasped, and nudged the unicorn, "D'you see that?! Zeke's got some moves!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Leaf's ears perked up upon hearing her name. Before jumping out from her hiding place immediately, she peeked over again instead, catching a glimpse at the retreating enemies.


​With an audible sigh of relief Leaf managed a small smile.


Huh? How bad is it?


She stood up and turned her attention to Ellieum as she trot over carefully, her expression turning from one of relief to a stern seriousness.


I do not have many supplies left, and I have not been able to find much, but if it is not too bad I am sure I can manage.


The pegasus dropped her bags on the floor next to her comrade, and reached out a hoof to check her for injuries.


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Allegory raised an ear; she had heard and seen the stallion first in the dark, though she had only tried to move out before she was noticed...which made her all the more surprised when the stallion noticed her, and stopped in her tracks. The light shone where he approached from, and she levitated her plasma pistol up as well, the faint illumination of her horn revealing her face in more detail. She also took the liberty of looking at his face as well, raising an eye.


"You're not going to hit me, I'll hit you first," she responded, hearing more gunfire and staring back at the stallion. She presumed him to some poor scavenger trotting around here, and a cowardly one at that. She decided to throw a quick lie to throw him off guard. "You hear those shots? They're definitely not friendly, and if you want us both alive, you better stay back...and your safety's on."

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*Gear Head lay about half a mile out from Ironshod. She had heard of it from the Ironshod magazines she read like bedtime stories. She floats out the pieces of Isabella. Her custom 50mg recoiless Anti-Material rifle. Putting it together, she looks through the scope.* 'Raiders......why always raiders? Oh well......they arnt ponies anyhoof......' *She thought. Takeing aim at ones chest. The great thing about her rifle. Is even a grazing wound can be fatal. The silencer on it makes it sound like a shotgun as she fires. The raiders chest suddenly haveing a hole in it, tearing out his left shoulder* 'thirty two' *She thought, keeping mental not on every raider she put down.*

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Allegory raised an ear; she had heard and seen the stallion first in the dark, though she had only tried to move out before she was noticed...which made her all the more surprised when the stallion noticed her, and stopped in her tracks. The light shone where he approached from, and she levitated her plasma pistol up as well, the faint illumination of her horn revealing her face in more detail. She also took the liberty of looking at his face as well, raising an eye.


"You're not going to hit me, I'll hit you first," she responded, hearing more gunfire and staring back at the stallion. She presumed him to some poor scavenger trotting around here, and a cowardly one at that. She decided to throw a quick lie to throw him off guard. "You hear those shots? They're definitely not friendly, and if you want us both alive, you better stay back...and your safety's on."

  "Look I don't want trouble I...I....I just." He cried. Flame had tears coming from his eye's, He thought about what the mare said for a moment and sighed, He wiped the tears from his face and put on a stern look. He had been through too much to be crying now. He gathered his thoughts and continued , "*sigh* Look I don't want any trouble ok?" Flamestreak Proclaimed putting his guns down to empathize his point. "I used to be a slave until I was saved by two amazingly brave ponies not long ago. I just needed a place to stay for the night and this was the only place I saw, I'm not scavenger, a raider or Celestia-forbid a slaver. I'm.....I'm just a very unlucky pony trying to survive out here. Now if you are one of those things....then. The Red Pony Remarked picking his guns back up and pointing them at the mare. "Just kill me now I've had enough of your shit Im not going to be your slave again." The Pegasus hissed

Edited by KingFl@me1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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I grunted in annoyance as I continued wandering the halls of the facility, making sure to peak into every office room I could find. But as expected from one of the middle floors there was no major working technology to be found besides broken terminals I promptly looted. Recalling the firefight I avoided near the entrance of the building I tried to piece together the faces of those involved. The raiders were the most easily recognizable and I swear I saw black power armor, but it was most likely my imagination running wild in the moment. It was looking fairly once sided so I'll probably have to deal with those wastelanders myself but until that happens it'd be best not to stress about it.


As I walked I could faintly hear the sounds of shouting faintly echoing through the halls of the ancient facility. Probably the loser of the firefight from earlier. Taking a deep breath I trudged forwards with the gut feeling the fighting would eventually make its way to my direction and that I'd probably kill more then two miscreants. Not long after hearing the faint sounds something more audible came to ear. Looking down at my E.F.S I saw two yellow blips both fairly close to my current position down past a corridor. Hugging the wall I slowly crept towards the position listening in to all I could. I had to admit them not shooting each other was start, a start that I could take advantage of. Turning on my head lamp I readied my weapon and rounded the corner, "Freeze, hold your fire!" I promptly shouted as I faced the two individuals. 

Edited by Ranger22
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Needless to say, Allegory considered just ditching the emotional and possibly post-traumatically unstable — she smiled slightly when she realized tht a word she learned from her dad — slave stallion. But the curiosity got the best of her, and she stayed behind the office desk with her plasma pistol pointed ahead. At least he wasn't the "shoot first, ask questions later" kind of pony.


Though he was pretty much an idiot to her.


"...Sisters, do I look like a slaver to you? If that was the case, I would have shot you already, collared your neck, and maybe have a few of my friends with me, but you don't see any of those, don't you?" she retorted with some irritation. "Now stop being a paranoid dumbass and stay away so I can get the Sisters out of here before the other ponies in the building find —"


Allie raised her ears and suddenly jumped up and ran toward the door; having the better ears and sight — though anyone who had a bit of their five senses would have heard the heavy hoofsteps down the hall — she had already moved back and kicked the other door open, moving off.


She took a short glimpse of the newly arrived pony, only able to identify the power armor he was wearing and the massive auto-launcher he had with him. ...What's a Steel Ranger doing here? she thought. ...Probably here to grab our loot when he has the chance. The stallion's power armor was definitely going to slow him down, which gave her a lot of time, and in a tight space, the massive weapons on him would be useless without collapsing the building on itself. Glancing back for only a short moment, she snaked past the hallway, hoping to find the exit.

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Ellieum shifted uncomfortably as Leaf set up her almost non-existent supplies next to her, this surely wasn't a good sign for her. "Well do what you can to stop me from bleeding out." She said as she grunted again, the shifting wasn't good for the bullet wound that she sustained in the small battle. 


"I wonder who unloaded that loud weapon earlier, I'd ask for you to check out Solar, but I think it's best for us to stay together. Which brings me to say, where is our Zebra friend?" she said whilst peeking over the table, trying to look for his striped body. 


"Can someone tell me why the Fuck a Steel Ranger is here?" One of the raiders, presumably the leader asked between breathes as he gasped for air. He looked at the remainder of his party, he had lost three ponies in the short exchange of gunfire and groaned. "Do none of you fucks have any idea why a Ranger was in this building? I thought you boys scouted the area before we came here, but I guess none of you have the brains to do that right." He retorted to the silence his raider companions gave him and continued walking up the stairs. "We need to re-group with the squads in the upper floors, we may not have the large weapons that tin fuck has, but we have enough ponies and weapons to take him out." He said as he trotted up the stairs and flung open the door to the second floor. 


As he flung open the door, a single cloaked pony stood before him, he had unusually ornate clothing and a staff. "You've gotten yourself in quite the predicament." He stated as he watched the Raider leader recoil from surprise, his weapon and the weapon's of his raider companions were quickly aimed at the newcomer. "Oh don't bother with such primitive weapons, it won't do you any good." He said as he waved his staff over himself, creating a faint mist around himself. "It doesn't matter who I am, all that you need to know is that I can help you with getting rid of those pests that have ruined your supply run."


After a long pause, the raider leader and his companions lowered their weapons and the leader spoke. "Well I was going to have my boys shoot your ass full of led, but you say you can help us with the Ranger and the pests, right? Just tell us what we have to do." The leader said with a wry smile on his face. 

Edited by Defender of Tomorrow
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"I wonder who unloaded that loud weapon earlier, I'd ask for you to check out Solar, but I think it's best for us to stay together. Which brings me to say, where is our Zebra friend?" she said whilst peeking over the table, trying to look for his striped body. 


"Well, whoever they were," Solar answered, sitting down on her haunches next to Ellieum and ruffling her wings, "They're really packin' heat! Sounded like one of those...Gatling laser rifles, but with bullets." She said carefully with a shrug. "I dunno what you guys call 'em, I can never stop to ask since ponies're too busy firing them at me."


She peeked over the desk, and indeed there was no sign of Ezekiel. She cocked an eyebrow.

"Maybe he's gone after those raiders...or Gatling-Bullet Guy. I'll go take a peek."


She hopped over the desk and unfolded her wings, fluttering to the door and poking her head out, looking left to right in the hallway.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Said Zebra friend was taking cover against a hail of gunfire. Bullets plinking off of the machinery and shrapnel spiraling everywhere, Ezekiel did what might seem incredibly stupid, he closed his eyes and breathed carefully. The sounds around him dimmed, his thoughts calmed like a storm coming to an end. When he opened his eyes again, he quickly took in all that was around him. The machine he had taken cover behind had a kind of pipe or vent running straight up atop it.


Employing one of the passed down techniques of his Rising Sun style, namely apple bucking, Ezekiel started slamming his hooves into his cover. The pipe above shook. With a few more bucks, it came loose and fell into the midst of the shooters. Ezekiel couldn't see if this vanquished one or not but it did provide enough of a distraction to close in.


He leapt above the machinery and ran along the fallen pipe and he double buck drop kicked two raiders.

Edited by Steel Accord
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"Paranoid Dumbass..." Those words ran marathons through his head. He wanted to jab back with an insult of his own but he couldn't deny, She wasn't wrong he kept his muzzle shut. Flame turned his attention to the pony that entered the room, The red Pegasus examined the ponies unique steel armor and excessive amount of weaponry. He simply gave a nod and calmly trotted towards the hallway after noticing allegory's disappearance. The Pegasus spotted her scrambling to find an exit as he approached her slowly.


"you know for someone who seemingly likes to call ponies dumbasses , This isn't a very smart hiding spot. Look I'll cut right to chase I need help getting out of here, I only have two guns and..." Flame stopped to check to his jacket for anything, as he was feeling around in his pockets he felt a something sharp cut through his hoof causing him to bleed. He quickly pulled his hoof out of his pockets and grabbed the object . "...and a knife apparently." The stallion stated with a surprised tone while wiping the blood of his hooves. "Needless to say I'm

visibility unequipped if the pony from the other room decides to attack us for whatever reason, I might as well start digging my grave. So please I need your help after that I'll leave you alone do we have a deal?" Flame asked holding out his hoof.

Edited by KingFl@me1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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My standard procedure for greeting strangers usually involved explosives then a whole lot of gunfire, any other way usually cost me a soldier's well being. Yellow blips can immediately turn red at a moments notice, forcing me to be cautious regardless of the possible outcomes least I risk my life. My light brightened the way for my eyes to see the forms of two ponies, one of which was already out of my sight as soon as my voice was raised. The other one however caught my interest and caused me to skip a heart beat. Wings...a pegasus, down in the wasteland? Many thoughts flowed through my mind with curiosity and rage to guide their construction. Equestria, our home which was ravaged by war was abandoned by the arrogant pegasi race. Those who turned their backs on their homeland did not deserve to ever touch a single patch of its soil ever again no matter how polluted it was. In that brief moment emotion clouded my judgement. Somepony had to answer for the actions of the pegasi, and in that moment of blindness and prejudicial fury the winged individual was the only target.


The red pegasus gave off a quick nod before hurrying off after his companion. The would be friendly notion only seemed like egotistical mockery to my eyes in my current state. Moments passed before I clenched my teeth and snarled as I gave chase to the red pony firing snapshots from my machine gun as I ran. The sounds from my gunfire and hasty movement rang throughout the building, unfortunately for the three of us it didn't matter to me at the moment. Looking at my E.F.S I barely noticed a turn in the halls of the ancient facility, noticing my error just in time I slammed my armored hooves into the ancient floor crushing,cracking, and sending old tiles scattering as I caught myself. As I got closer to the blips on my E.F.S I grew eager enough to shout, " Come and face me pegasi, do not defile a ministry's hall with your traitorous touch!"

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Flame stopped dead in his tracks his heart starting to beat heavily. The Pegasus was consumed with shock he lost his balance falling hard to ground, He was breathing heavily as the room started to fading to black. Flamestreak forced his body awake refusing to let go of consciousness, his started gingerly trotting towards the armored pony, he didn't even bother pulling out his pistols the bullets would simply bounce of the ranger high-tech steel armor. Flame might as well have brought a water gun to the fight, He stared grievously at the Steel ranger a bit before talking. "Well this a interesting way to go out isn't? But before you kill me...why me?" Flame asked seemingly excepting his fate.

Edited by KingFl@me1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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I will do what I can.

Leaf pushed up her glasses with a hoof as she felt around Ellieum's wound carefully.


She adjusted her gaze to her saddlebags, and fished around inside for something, anything really. Pretty much everywhere she had been since she left her Stable had been picked clean and had barely anything to offer in the way of medicine, and she was only able to take a few things from her old home when she left, most of which was already used.

With a thoughtful "hmmm" the pegasus managed to pull out a small strip of relatively clean cloth, from what appeared to be an old Stable uniform.


I suppose this will have to do until we can find some better supplies. It should at least keep you from losing too much blood. Sorry they aren't real bandages.


With her hooves and teeth, Leaf did her best to tie the cloth tightly around the wounded mare, being a bit rough to get it to stay in place, but not so much as to cause any more damage.


Oh, and here..this should help.


After tying off the makeshift bandage, Leaf produced a small glass jar from her bags with a mostly torn off label and barely a sip left of an unspecified redish liquid in the bottom. She held it out to Ellieum with a smile.


It is not much, but it is all I have left of a potion I made. It is not instant like most brews, but it is a lot faster than just letting it heal normally. I figure I can always make more potions should I run across the materials, but for now it is best if you use the rest.


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Allegory grumbled; a paranoid idiot aiming his weapons at her was enough, but said idiot asking her to basically foalsit him was just ridiculous. "Now, I don't have much of a choice in hiding...not to mention that was never my original intent," Why am I stopping to ask him questions? He's being the annoying and illogical one! "If you didn't notice...Steel Rangers have this thing called E.F.S, Eyes Forward Sparkle, which makes hiding difficult if not downright impossible without certain equipment, so your best bet is running off before he can catch you, or fool his E.F.S."


The shouts reminded her to go, and she glanced back at the pegasus. "Follow me or don't," she mutters, trotting off again and not bothering to look back. She heard the sound of the pegasus tripping on the floor, and without delay she swerved toward another direction, hoping to find a way outside.

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