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searching Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) -OOC- (Never closed)


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So, how do you guys decide all this, you have like a PM or something or is this something I shouldn't ask?


Bro, it's not the end of the world. There's other Rp's out there

I'm not going to drag this out in fear of being banned. Just know that they kicked a guy who had been worthless since the beginning, and will continue to be worthless for the rest of his life.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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I will be responding to Fractured's post soon, but I've found myself quite busy over the last few weeks, and I've just returned from a week-long competition. However, I shall not let this distract myself from my duties to pone and my fellow humans.


"There are lies, damned lies, and Orion's posting schedule."

  • Brohoof 1
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Hey, this is Fractured, one of the DM's of this RP. First things first, love your backstory; just had to say that, since OC's with them are often hard to come by. Having said that, though, I was looking it over, and noticed that his actual abilities outside the levitation/ jet propulsion are never stated, nor are their limits. In keeping with the fairness to the rest of the players, that's something that we need to know beforehand, so we can accurately judge where your character fits in Bangcolt. Which doesn't require edits, mind you; just let me or J.R. know in some capacity or another. Thanks!
  • Brohoof 2
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I would like to take part in this with my OC Damien if that's okay with you.



I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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I'm not a DM, but I do have a few things to say about your character. Fractured has already mentioned one of my two points, so I shall simply state the other.

What's with his personality? He has no flaws whatsoever, and generally seems like an entirely awesome guy who can do no wrong. (Unless it's justified, in which case he's "merciless.") I would accept that slightly more if his personality was more than a list of words with no reasoning behind them, but as it is, I can't imagine Kronos having a functional personality as a character. He seems one-dimensional at the moment.


Does he have some sort of crippling phobia? Is he selfish, or greedy? Does he have too short a temper? Heck, does he even not like to get up early? Add some quirks; make him individual, someone with his own life.


But that's just my $2.

I would like to take part in this with my OC Damien if that's okay with you.




...Are you serious?

Please tell me that is a troll character. Red and black "Alicorn Prince of Bravery?" Cliche dark side copied from Nightmare Moon? No personality flaws whatsoever? Red and black alicorn?! Magical sword that turns into a rifle? Nonsensical, edgy backstory? Red and black alicorn?!


I'm sorry if I'm coming off too harsh or strict, but your character makes no sense whatsoever. Random, explanation-less alicorns are one of the worst things to be possibly make into an OC, and the addition of the edgy gunblade, the "dark side," the color composition...

It's like you looked at a MLP rulebook for how not to make an OC, and took it as advice on how to make an OC. The only thing that could possibly make this character worse is the inclusion of rainbows, a canon romantic relationship, or being the son of one of the princesses.


Again, sorry if I'm coming off too harshly, but Celestia above, this is some Discord-approved, S-grade what.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm not a DM, but I do have a few things to say about your character. Fractured has already mentioned one of my two points, so I shall simply state the other.

What's with his personality? He has no flaws whatsoever, and generally seems like an entirely awesome guy who can do no wrong. (Unless it's justified, in which case he's "merciless.") I would accept that slightly more if his personality was more than a list of words with no reasoning behind them, but as it is, I can't imagine Kronos having a functional personality as a character. He seems one-dimensional at the moment.

Does he have some sort of crippling phobia? Is he selfish, or greedy? Does he have too short a temper? Heck, does he even not like to get up early? Add some quirks; make him individual, someone with his own life.

But that's just my $2.



...Are you serious?

Please tell me that is a troll character. Red and black "Alicorn Prince of Bravery?" Cliche dark side copied from Nightmare Moon? No personality flaws whatsoever? Red and black alicorn?! Magical sword that turns into a rifle? Nonsensical, edgy backstory? Red and black alicorn?!

I'm sorry if I'm coming off too harsh or strict, but your character makes no sense whatsoever. Random, explanation-less alicorns are one of the worst things to be possibly make into an OC, and the addition of the edgy gunblade, the "dark side," the color composition...

It's like you looked at a MLP rulebook for how not to make an OC, and took it as advice on how to make an OC. The only thing that could possibly make this character worse is the inclusion of rainbows, a canon romantic relationship, or being the son of one of the princesses.

Again, sorry if I'm coming off too harshly, but Celestia above, this is some Discord-approved, S-grade what.

I have absolutely no respect for what you just said.


First, he is NOT red and black, he is GREY and red.


Second, Ragnarok is NOT a copy of Nightmare Moon, he is a unique character that shares some resemblance. And his origin is completely original.


Third, the sword is NOT magical. It is based off of the weapon designs from RWBY by Rooster Teth.


And finally, the backstory is NOT 'edgy nonsense'. The original story I had provided was complete s**t so I decided to re-write it and I am currently still working on it.


I'm so sorry if you don't like my OC, but you're not one of the DM's so what you say doesn't matter.


And with that I bid you good day.

Edited by Damien & Tem

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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I have absolutely no respect for what you just said.


First, he is NOT red and black, he is GREY and red.


Second, Ragnarok is NOT a copy of Nightmare Moon, he is a unique character that shares some resemblance. And his origin is completely original.


Third, the sword is NOT magical. It is based off of the weapon designs from RWBY by Rooster Teth.


And finally, the backstory is NOT 'edgy nonsense'. The original story I had provided was complete s**t so I decided to re-write it and I am currently still working on it.


So I'm so sorry if you don't like my OC, but you're not one of the DM's so what you say doesn't matter.


And with that I bid you good day.


Hm. Your own choice. 

1) Okay, he's a desaturated red-and-black alicorn.


2) Quoting directly from your character's profile:

"Ragnarok: A pure black Alicorn with a mane, tail and wings made of fire. His Cutie Mark (If it could be called that) is the world on fire. He has orange-red eyes the same color as the fire that is his mane, tale, and wings, that also have a red and black mist coming out of them. He has a silver version of Nightmare Moon's armor and fangs as well."

Okay, so. Nightmare Moon: Pure black. Ragnarok: Pure black.

Nightmare Moon: Mane and tail made of the night sky. Ragnarok: Mane and tail made out of fire, plus wings. (??)

NM: NM's armor. R: "silver version of NM's armor."

NM: Exaggerated canines/fangs. R: Fangs.

Furthermore, Ragnarok's origin story is that Sombra, for... some reason... put a "piece of himself" inside Damien. As Sombra was getting his haunches roundly kicked by two alicorn princesses at once. And while Damien was...  off doing something? You devote a total of one sentence to his actual origin, with the rest being random exposition about Ragnarok's appearance and 1337 pow3rs. I can hardly call half a sentence an origin story, nor can I evaluate the originality of half a sentence.


3: Oh my God. You're using weapons from RWBY? The one show where the creators stated that they deliberately make weapons to be the more ridiculous, the better? Where the general community consensus is that such weapons are impossible to create in real life? I at least allowed that you could create such a weapon with magic, but that it'd be impractical, reeking of anime tropes, and edgy as all Tartarus. And then you go and say that the sword isn't magical?


4: Allow me to quote a snippet of the "backstory" as Exhibit 1a: "Damien's Backstory" and Exhibit 1b: "Damien & Tem's Writing Skill."


"-It was a beautiful day like any other, the sky was a clear blue, dotted here and there with fluffy white clouds, and the sun was shining a bright yellow. I was trotting down the cobbled crystal streets, running some errands for my adoptive parents, who were at home throwing my fifteenth birthday party, unbeknownst to me of course. They didn't know my actual birthday, they just celebrated it the day they'd found me.


[Oh, so he's an orphan as well? Great.]


I was a normal unicorn at the time, well, as normal as I could be in a place solely inhabited by crystal ponies. Because I was just a plain ol' unicorn, no shiny crystal-ness for me. I was the oddball, the one pony nobody wanted to be associated with. But I didn't mind, the loneliness gave me reason to find true friends, ones who wouldn't judge me by my looks, or anything else, friends who would like me for who I was. And I found them. Four true friends whom I could trust with every secret, and whom I could always count on if the need arose. They were:


[snipped by Orion.]


Emerald, a deep green stallion of a slightly smaller than average build with a lighter green mane, pale gold eyes, and a light dusting of freckles on his muzzle. He was the brains of the bunch, he was also somewhat of an introvert, the only reason the others and I met him is because he was being bullied by some of the meaner ponies at school. And you probably know how much I HATE bullies, so I stopped them, and over time, we became pretty good friends.


And last there was Jade, she was... Beautiful. She was the same color as her name, with an aquamarine mane and eyes of the same color. She was kind, caring, and an all around wonderful pony to be with. Also, I kinda have a crush on her... But please don't tell anyone, I'd like to keep it a secret.


Now, where was I? Oh, right, I was just walking down the street, taking in the smells of freshly baked bread as the bakers tried to keep up with the morning rush. And then, IT happened.


[Drama intensifies. "IT." I must admit, I chuckled a little.]


The sky went dark, black clouds obscuring the sun and casting a large shadow over everything. Then I heard a voice, speaking in a menacing tone, and it seemed to come from everywhere.


"HAHAHAHAHA!!! Your pathetic Princess Amore is gone now! The Crystal Empire is mine! AHAHAHAHAHA!!!"


[Oh boy. We're getting into "menacing villain dialogue" already? Jesus, Sombra isn't an Austin Powers villain.]


But after it finished speaking, everything went back to normal, like it had never happened. Because it hadn't. I'd had a vision, and what I realized after a moment was something bad was coming, and it was coming soon.


["And so, naturally, I don't tell anyone! I don't tell the Princess, I don't tell the Guards, I don't even tell my friends! I mean, then the Crystal Empire was enslaved, many ponies were likely killed, and I had to start a resistance to overthrow the guy I could have thwarted in the first place, but trust me! This was a great plan!" -Damien]


While I was having the vision, I had failed to notice my friends coming up the street towards me. After the vision had ended I was slightly shocked and a tad confused. I turned around to look at my friends and Amethyst spoke first.


"Damien, you alright buddy? You look like you've seen a ghost."


"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." I replied, even though I wasn't. "Just, lost in thought for a moment, that's all."


"I'm glad to hear that." Jade chimed in, cheery as ever. " 'Cause we've got a surprise for you."


[snipped by Orion. The rest is irrelevant.]


"Well son," My father, Onyx said. "I was your age when my father passed this down to me, and his father to him, and so on. And seeing that your siblings have shown skill with other weapons, your mother and I thought it fitting that you should receive it."

I opened the box, inside was something that had been sitting on our mantle for as long as I could remember. The Obsidian Wrath. A powerful sword that, if wielded by the right pony, could wreak untold destruction. Father had shown me many times how it worked, so I pulled down on the guard and it slid forward, allowing it to be held like a firearm. It was a one-of-a-kind weapon, once shifted into its second form, it could be used like a gun and would fire shards of crystal (Mainly obsidian due to its name) at high velocity.


["Let's keep a weapon that could wreak untold destruction on our mantle, and then let's give it to our children to use before they even pass the age of majority! It's not like one of them could end up killing themselves or others, right?" -Onyx. Furthermore, you do realize how brittle obsidian is, right? Minecraft was totally wrong; I could snap a sword made of obsidian with my bare hand. Of course, I wouldn't want to -- obsidian is still sharp -- but not only is obsidian brittle and weak, it'll also shatter on contact with any armor whatsoever.]"


So, go ahead. Disregard what I say. The next phase is the rant, I'm reasonably sure. Or you could just not respond, which I would greatly prefer.


I hereby present this evidence to the DMs of the roleplay for why Damien Bolt should not be allowed to participate in the Bangcolt Arena roleplay, and if the DMs deem this evidence insufficient in their wisdom, I plead for a brief probationary period or required edits to Damien's profile.

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Hm. Your own choice. 

1) Okay, he's a desaturated red-and-black alicorn.


2) Quoting directly from your character's profile:

"Ragnarok: A pure black Alicorn with a mane, tail and wings made of fire. His Cutie Mark (If it could be called that) is the world on fire. He has orange-red eyes the same color as the fire that is his mane, tale, and wings, that also have a red and black mist coming out of them. He has a silver version of Nightmare Moon's armor and fangs as well."[/size]

Okay, so. Nightmare Moon: Pure black. Ragnarok: Pure black.

Nightmare Moon: Mane and tail made of the night sky. Ragnarok: Mane and tail made out of fire, plus wings. (??)

NM: NM's armor. R: "silver version of NM's armor."

NM: Exaggerated canines/fangs. R: Fangs.

Furthermore, Ragnarok's origin story is that Sombra, for... some reason... put a "piece of himself" inside Damien. As Sombra was getting his haunches roundly kicked by two alicorn princesses at once. And while Damien was...  off doing something? You devote a total of one sentence to his actual origin, with the rest being random exposition about Ragnarok's appearance and 1337 pow3rs. I can hardly call half a sentence an origin story, nor can I evaluate the originality of half a sentence.


3: Oh my God. You're using weapons from RWBY? The one show where the creators stated that they deliberately make weapons to be the more ridiculous, the better? Where the general community consensus is that such weapons are impossible to create in real life? I at least allowed that you could create such a weapon with magic, but that it'd be impractical, reeking of anime tropes, and edgy as all Tartarus. And then you go and say that the sword isn't magical?


4: Allow me to quote a snippet of the "backstory" as Exhibit 1a: "Damien's Backstory" and Exhibit 1b: "Damien & Tem's Writing Skill."


"-It was a beautiful day like any other, the sky was a clear blue, dotted here and there with fluffy white clouds, and the sun was shining a bright yellow. I was trotting down the cobbled crystal streets, running some errands for my adoptive parents, who were at home throwing my fifteenth birthday party, unbeknownst to me of course. They didn't know my actual birthday, they just celebrated it the day they'd found me.


[Oh, so he's an orphan as well? Great.]I was a normal unicorn at the time, well, as normal as I could be in a place solely inhabited by crystal ponies. Because I was just a plain ol' unicorn, no shiny crystal-ness for me. I was the oddball, the one pony nobody wanted to be associated with. But I didn't mind, the loneliness gave me reason to find true friends, ones who wouldn't judge me by my looks, or anything else, friends who would like me for who I was. And I found them. Four true friends whom I could trust with every secret, and whom I could always count on if the need arose. They were:


[snipped by Orion.]Emerald, a deep green stallion of a slightly smaller than average build with a lighter green mane, pale gold eyes, and a light dusting of freckles on his muzzle. He was the brains of the bunch, he was also somewhat of an introvert, the only reason the others and I met him is because he was being bullied by some of the meaner ponies at school. And you probably know how much I HATE bullies, so I stopped them, and over time, we became pretty good friends.And last there was Jade, she was... Beautiful. She was the same color as her name, with an aquamarine mane and eyes of the same color. She was kind, caring, and an all around wonderful pony to be with. Also, I kinda have a crush on her... But please don't tell anyone, I'd like to keep it a secret.


Now, where was I? Oh, right, I was just walking down the street, taking in the smells of freshly baked bread as the bakers tried to keep up with the morning rush. And then, IT happened.


[Drama intensifies. "IT." I must admit, I chuckled a little.]The sky went dark, black clouds obscuring the sun and casting a large shadow over everything. Then I heard a voice, speaking in a menacing tone, and it seemed to come from everywhere."HAHAHAHAHA!!! Your pathetic Princess Amore is gone now! The Crystal Empire is mine! AHAHAHAHAHA!!!"


[Oh boy. We're getting into "menacing villain dialogue" already? Jesus, Sombra isn't an Austin Powers villain.]But after it finished speaking, everything went back to normal, like it had never happened. Because it hadn't. I'd had a vision, and what I realized after a moment was something bad was coming, and it was coming soon.


["And so, naturally, I don't tell anyone! I don't tell the Princess, I don't tell the Guards, I don't even tell my friends! I mean, then the Crystal Empire was enslaved, many ponies were likely killed, and I had to start a resistance to overthrow the guy I could have thwarted in the first place, but trust me! This was a great plan!" -Damien]While I was having the vision, I had failed to notice my friends coming up the street towards me. After the vision had ended I was slightly shocked and a tad confused. I turned around to look at my friends and Amethyst spoke first."Damien, you alright buddy? You look like you've seen a ghost.""Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." I replied, even though I wasn't. "Just, lost in thought for a moment, that's all."


"I'm glad to hear that." Jade chimed in, cheery as ever. " 'Cause we've got a surprise for you."


[snipped by Orion. The rest is irrelevant.]


"Well son," My father, Onyx said. "I was your age when my father passed this down to me, and his father to him, and so on. And seeing that your siblings have shown skill with other weapons, your mother and I thought it fitting that you should receive it."

I opened the box, inside was something that had been sitting on our mantle for as long as I could remember. The Obsidian Wrath. A powerful sword that, if wielded by the right pony, could wreak untold destruction. Father had shown me many times how it worked, so I pulled down on the guard and it slid forward, allowing it to be held like a firearm. It was a one-of-a-kind weapon, once shifted into its second form, it could be used like a gun and would fire shards of crystal (Mainly obsidian due to its name) at high velocity.


["Let's keep a weapon that could wreak untold destruction on our mantle, and then let's give it to our children to use before they even pass the age of majority! It's not like one of them could end up killing themselves or others, right?" -Onyx. Furthermore, you do realize how brittle obsidian is, right? Minecraft was totally wrong; I could snap a sword made of obsidian with my bare hand. Of course, I wouldn't want to -- obsidian is still sharp -- but not only is obsidian brittle and weak, it'll also shatter on contact with any armor whatsoever.]"


So, go ahead. Disregard what I say. The next phase is the rant, I'm reasonably sure. Or you could just not respond, which I would greatly prefer.


I hereby present this evidence to the DMs of the roleplay for why Damien Bolt should not be allowed to participate in the Bangcolt Arena roleplay, and if the DMs deem this evidence insufficient in their wisdom, I plead for a brief probationary period or required edits to Damien's profile.

I take back what I said before, your opinions make valid points. I hereby resign my submission to this RP. I'm sorry if I was rude or out of my place...

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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I take back what I said before, your opinions make valid points. I hereby resign my submission to this RP. I'm sorry if I was rude or out of my place...


You were not rude or out of place, and I will admit I was rather harsh. You also need not resign your submission. However, I would like for you to simply make some edits to your profile regarding the issues that I brought up, and you can take my criticism on your fanfic as a free half-review highlighting the issues with that, as well.


Again, it is up to the DMs in their wisdom, and I just wish for you to make some small edits to your character. Flesh out his personality, fix some details of his gun (change its ammunition, make it a magical weapon; perhaps some sort of semi-magical construct to account for its "shifting" abilities?), and add some more detail to Ragnarok's origin.

Furthermore, you may wish to look at Damien's innate abilities as they relate to Ragnarok and revise those. (The ones Damien possesses himself without Ragnarok's influence are fine.)


I apologize if I was too harsh, but I have a bit of a temper. (Not to make excuses, of course, but... well, there's a reason I do Rage Reviews on Fimfiction.)

  • Brohoof 1
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You were not rude or out of place, and I will admit I was rather harsh. You also need not resign your submission. However, I would like for you to simply make some edits to your profile regarding the issues that I brought up, and you can take my criticism on your fanfic as a free half-review highlighting the issues with that, as well.


Again, it is up to the DMs in their wisdom, and I just wish for you to make some small edits to your character. Flesh out his personality, fix some details of his gun (change its ammunition, make it a magical weapon; perhaps some sort of semi-magical construct to account for its "shifting" abilities?), and add some more detail to Ragnarok's origin.

Furthermore, you may wish to look at Damien's innate abilities as they relate to Ragnarok and revise those. (The ones Damien possesses himself without Ragnarok's influence are fine.)


I apologize if I was too harsh, but I have a bit of a temper. (Not to make excuses, of course, but... well, there's a reason I do Rage Reviews on Fimfiction.)

I also understand your criticism of Ragnarok, in order for you to understand why he's even there in the first place, I'd need to basically finish my entire fan fiction.


And thinking back on it, he does seem a little to similar to Nightmare Moon, but I kind of like him that way.


And as for everything else, I'll be sure to take that into account upon Damien's revision. Thanks.

Edited by Damien & Tem

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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Hey, this is Fractured, one of the DM's of this RP. First things first, love your backstory; just had to say that, since OC's with them are often hard to come by. Having said that, though, I was looking it over, and noticed that his actual abilities outside the levitation/ jet propulsion are never stated, nor are their limits. In keeping with the fairness to the rest of the players, that's something that we need to know beforehand, so we can accurately judge where your character fits in Bangcolt. Which doesn't require edits, mind you; just let me or J.R. know in some capacity or another. Thanks!

Okay, I understand that this is mostly my fault in that there's really not much detail to his abilities, just his backstory. Well, if you must know, here are his abilities in the simplest ways I can put it:


Jet Propulsion: They can only lift his dense body so high up without losing control. That and they're vulnerable to being broken by the silliest means possible. A dislodged rock can cause it to malfunction.


His telekinesis: It's done by a device implanted behind his ear. If someone manages to cut off his ear or send an electrical pulse to his head, his artificial telekinesis would be disabled.


In terms of strength: He has very powerful physical strength, however the momentum of some of his most frequently used physical attacks often send him flying in one single direction. Plus, his physical power attacks are very predictable because he has to wind up his mechanical arms to perform the attack.


In terms of endurance: He'll brush off physical attacks easily because he feels little to no pain whatsoever. However, with enough blows dealt to him and if his cybernetic implants are stressed enough, his internal mechanical systems can lock up for an "emergency repair protocol", during which he's completely vulnerable. Basically, if he tries too hard, he may end up "tiring out".


Close Quarters Combat: No one really stands a chance against him unless they are quick enough to dodge his attacks.


Melee Combat: Kronos has a tendency to "wind up" his melee attack before landing a blow. That's usually when he's most vulnerable.



Does that kind of balance it out?

I'm not a DM, but I do have a few things to say about your character. Fractured has already mentioned one of my two points, so I shall simply state the other.

What's with his personality? He has no flaws whatsoever, and generally seems like an entirely awesome guy who can do no wrong. (Unless it's justified, in which case he's "merciless.") I would accept that slightly more if his personality was more than a list of words with no reasoning behind them, but as it is, I can't imagine Kronos having a functional personality as a character. He seems one-dimensional at the moment.


Does he have some sort of crippling phobia? Is he selfish, or greedy? Does he have too short a temper? Heck, does he even not like to get up early? Add some quirks; make him individual, someone with his own life.


But that's just my $2.

You want me to add more personality traits to him? Alright, I guess I can use some of the virtues that I've built up from other RPs to add to his current character. Let's see, what's there to add. Oh, how 'bout these:


He's a desperate flirt. He'll constantly flirt with any mare he sees, which could prove distracting in the arena. However, he understands social boundaries as in, if a mare has a coltfriend/marefriend, he'll back off and leave the mare alone.


His battle style is rather interesting: He scent of blood drives him into a frenzy, often causing him to go berserk and charge into things without thinking. He also has a tendency to bite his opponents.


He's very protective of ponies he's friends with, even if it means it'll get him into trouble.


He tends to get very attached to those he's close with. That being said, if he makes friends with one of the gladiators and they end up getting killed or he ends up having to fight them, well, let's just say things can get pretty ugly in his head.


He's schizophrenic. In a setting like this, his schizophrenia can talk him into sparing his opponents and leaving himself completely vulnerable.


He has multiple personalities: He has three personalities: One that is all for justice, named Gabriel, and he's always being merciful to those around him and showing forgiveness. One is all for blood, named Krux, who changes his fighting style as he takes blows from his opponent. One of them is known as Big Daddy who's a big, lumbering tank of a fighter who can take a lot punishment, but don't expect him to move around much in the arena.


Is that good for you, sir?

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Alright, I've been seeing this pop up forever, so I think I'll throw Redwood into the ring: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/redwood-r9305


I think she'll fit nicely. :D


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Okay, I understand that this is mostly my fault in that there's really not much detail to his abilities, just his backstory. Well, if you must know, here are his abilities in the simplest ways I can put it:


Jet Propulsion: They can only lift his dense body so high up without losing control. That and they're vulnerable to being broken by the silliest means possible. A dislodged rock can cause it to malfunction.


His telekinesis: It's done by a device implanted behind his ear. If someone manages to cut off his ear or send an electrical pulse to his head, his artificial telekinesis would be disabled.


In terms of strength: He has very powerful physical strength, however the momentum of some of his most frequently used physical attacks often send him flying in one single direction. Plus, his physical power attacks are very predictable because he has to wind up his mechanical arms to perform the attack.


In terms of endurance: He'll brush off physical attacks easily because he feels little to no pain whatsoever. However, with enough blows dealt to him and if his cybernetic implants are stressed enough, his internal mechanical systems can lock up for an "emergency repair protocol", during which he's completely vulnerable. Basically, if he tries too hard, he may end up "tiring out".


Close Quarters Combat: No one really stands a chance against him unless they are quick enough to dodge his attacks.


Melee Combat: Kronos has a tendency to "wind up" his melee attack before landing a blow. That's usually when he's most vulnerable.



Does that kind of balance it out?

You want me to add more personality traits to him? Alright, I guess I can use some of the virtues that I've built up from other RPs to add to his current character. Let's see, what's there to add. Oh, how 'bout these:


He's a desperate flirt. He'll constantly flirt with any mare he sees, which could prove distracting in the arena. However, he understands social boundaries as in, if a mare has a coltfriend/marefriend, he'll back off and leave the mare alone.


His battle style is rather interesting: He scent of blood drives him into a frenzy, often causing him to go berserk and charge into things without thinking. He also has a tendency to bite his opponents.


He's very protective of ponies he's friends with, even if it means it'll get him into trouble.


He tends to get very attached to those he's close with. That being said, if he makes friends with one of the gladiators and they end up getting killed or he ends up having to fight them, well, let's just say things can get pretty ugly in his head.


He's schizophrenic. In a setting like this, his schizophrenia can talk him into sparing his opponents and leaving himself completely vulnerable.


He has multiple personalities: He has three personalities: One that is all for justice, named Gabriel, and he's always being merciful to those around him and showing forgiveness. One is all for blood, named Krux, who changes his fighting style as he takes blows from his opponent. One of them is known as Big Daddy who's a big, lumbering tank of a fighter who can take a lot punishment, but don't expect him to move around much in the arena.


Is that good for you, sir?


Bah. Don't call me "sir." 

Yes, this is very good. Some traits leave me a touch suspicious, but only because I have seen worse writers do them badly. I have faith that you will be able to pull them off, and if not... well, Bangcolt doesn't require absolute perfection.


Wait on the DMs' opinion, but I'd say your character is fine, esp. with the abilities list from earlier.

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I will need some time to finish putting together a character, but I would be interested in joining. I will probably use either Mr. Edgemaster who desperately needs updating and will probably more resemble a dimensional wanderer than... well, what he is. The name alone will probably enrage Orion, he's one of my super old characters who needs updating. I'm gonna do that, but I figure I'd pitch the idea over here anyways.


The alternate option is Tsor'ekoh, a bad guy who cares for exactly one person- the magical amalgamation known as Mockingbird. Still, he's an objectively bad guy, so I understand if he gets shut down as well.


Consider this the initial pitch, before I overhaul Agririon and make him into something better.


(To be honest, I'm pitching this because I want Mr. Edgemaster, updated or not, to finally be able to get into a fight with Raze. I've known Mask a long time now and it really really needs to happen.)

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