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Her profile needs some work, but she is more than ready to cause the fuss in this world I know only she can. Submitting for your consideration, the glorious Miss Ivory Star:


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So, I'm gonna explain some things about my post:


Raze has been to the Far East for a LONG time. Over there, he found a school where they taught him about the spiritual side of martial arts, and taught him two things, called Sacred Arts and Forbidden Arts, both of which have to do with the manipulation of the spiritual/life energy of the body, or ki. With Sacred/Forbidden Arts, one can manipulate their ki to perform non-magic "spells" similar to that of unicorn spells, and they can be used with both weapons and your bare hooves. These Arts were discovered and created by martial arts masters (all of which were earth ponies) a long time ago. Among these arts, a few exist whose purpose is to seal off the magic of magic users, mainly by transferring ki into the caster's body by some means. The ponies of the Far East believed that both magic and ki flow through the body the same way, through these vein-like paths that exist in the pony's spirit. Among these paths, exist these big spots which they refer to as "intersections", where ki and magic can be redirected to different parts of the body where it is needed. What the sealing Arts do is spread ki to these veins and intersections, effectively clogging up both so that magic cannot get to where it needs to go. Ergo, the caster cannot use magic.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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I should probably mention a few things to, to help clarify for further matches.


The princesses actually have three different forms of power that they can access within this RP:


1st form: Sealed. This is the form that they go around in, are in when they normally interact with, etc. While they're in this form, their power is pretty minimal, though it's still stronger than at least a couple magically proficient unicorns, in raw magic. Not to factor raw skill in, of course.


2nd form: Natural. This is them when they access their normally suppressed alicorn magic, and use it to fight. It's a form most characterized by white eyes (ala Twilight Sparkle's magical shenanigans), and a sickly pressure, like gravity is increasing. This form is... powerful. Easily a few dozen times the first, and the limits of their power, naturally speaking.


3rd form: Unnatural. This is where they channel the power of the sun and moon, and use it for the purposes of war. This state is... insane, to say the least. I can give you exact limits and details, if anyone wants them but they're pretty terrifying, in all honesty. ^_^  Needless to say, this is a form they don't use often. It burns out their magical limits for a bit, and carries some nasty side effects to the body, as well something far concerning altogether, if they use too much.


And... that's it, for now. I'm probably missing something, and i'd in throw more details, but i'm in a bit of rush, so if you need them, ask. But for now, toodles. :D

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To sum up the last six weeks...


If you're fighting a princess and you're winning. You're doing it wrong, or you're OP and unrealistic. G'day m8s





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#YouDon'tWinAgainstThePrincesses   #YouJustGetALittleBetterEveryTime


Precisely. Luckily for us though, that hasn't been happening here...






Not at all...


Hey look! It's a wild lion. Oh--nevermind the dentist shot it. I'm going to have to file a lot of paper work for this one... 

Edited by Robin Hood


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Since I'm fighting Celestia, if she ever uses her unnatural powers, I would like to know about it.  Copper might be able to handle it, given his defense is about the same as hers.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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*is just sitting here wondering how someone with 'some' alicorn essence inside him can even begin to match up against an elder Alicorn thats been training for millennia, and to top it off, can use the sun's power to multiply her natural power*


call me a buzzkill, but Copper by no means should be as powerful. XD


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Try to train at the most intense level you can imagine for months after learning how to transform at will with everything, from fighting with your fore-hooves, to magic, to swords.  And to top it off, he can improve and grow in natural fighting, like he did against Luna.   :proud:

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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Try to train at the most intense level you can imagine for months after learning how to transform at will with everything, from fighting with your fore-hooves, to magic, to swords.  And to top it off, he can improve and grow in natural fighting, like he did against Luna.   :proud:


See, thing is, my OC Caliber is a lot like that. He trains under x7+ gravity all day, spends over half every day sparring with 2.0 until its just plain unhealthy, working around the clock to improve his spells, swordplay, and most of all, the will to go on once he's been cornered. 


He's a very adaptable pony, in combat, commonly thinking of outside-the-box methods of fighting, and demonstrating odd ways to fight, in the past. 


He fought Celestia, once. He pushed her into her true form, and lost in promptly seven seconds flat. Not counting the time he spent trying to stand up, due to the overwhelming amount of pressure in the air.


He's a powerful OC in his own right.




But you know what the difference between him and Copper, and by extension, me and you is?



You roleplay to win. I roleplay to write.

 In case that was too vague, I'm basically saying 'try to be realistic about your OC's limitations, and don't write for the sole sake of challenging the strongest.' Write to make an epic story, rather then...Whatever you've been doing. :D



Edited by P-Jay


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I "roleplay to win?"


I think I see where you're going.






I did show the limitations of Copper's Super state.  Well, not all of it, but I'm pretty sure the obvious limits are there.  He doesn't have strong magic skills, other than what he knows, which fits his adaptation of fighting with his hooves.  His super form ALONE is a weakness, to which, as you saw, if the time runs out, he has veins threatening to come out of his body.  On top of ALL THAT, though, is what Luna did when Copper lost.  She healed him, which, and Copper doesn't know it yet, allows him to use 50% more power than what he's used to at the same amount of time.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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I "roleplay to win?"


I think I see where you're going.






I did show the limitations of Copper's Super state.  Well, not all of it, but I'm pretty sure the obvious limits are there.  He doesn't have strong magic skills, other than what he knows, which fits his adaptation of fighting with his hooves.  His super form ALONE is a weakness, to which, as you saw, if the time runs out, he has veins threatening to come out of his body.  On top of ALL THAT, though, is what Luna did when Copper lost.  She healed him, which, and Copper doesn't know it yet, allows him to use 50% more power than what he's used to at the same amount of time.


I agree that Copper's super-form is a powerful tool to use in battle, and isn't easily defeated...




Keep in mind what Copper's alicorn-form is supposed to stimulate the power of an alicorn, no?




Lets look at this analytically, yes? :umad:



>Has been training intensely for years, oh wait...What's that? *Looks up*


Try to train at the most intense level you can imagine for months


>Check that...months.

>Has a form to mimic an alicorn's power, to likely increase his power by several-fold. Grants flight, magic, and earth-pony-level strength.

>Has some past in fighting.


This is the limit of Copper's power. Which, while it may be enough to fight fairly against Celestia or Luna's base forms...When they activate their true forms, is where this starts to blur.


Celestia is, who I would like to refer to as, an 'Elder Alicorn.' Meaning, even by Alicorn standards, she is rather powerful, due to her connection with the sun...Of course, we've never even seen another Alicorn fight, with the exception of Celestia vs. Nightmare Moon, which in turn is excepted, due to the fact Celestia used the Elements of Harmony to banish her.


This is what we know of Celestia:


>Over a thousand years old, possibly over two thousand. At least a quarter of which has been spent training. This results in at the very least, 250-500 years of honing her power, and sharpening her skills. (Making her hundreds of times more skilled then Copper, in terms of...Well, everything.)

>As an Alicorn that has lived with her power for millennia, she is far more capable of managing said power, as well, increasing her ability to maintain it. (Making her superior to Copper in terms of being able to continuously output power.)

>As an Alicorn that has a connection to the sun, and probably improved on said connection for centuries, she has learned how to harness it's power, for her 'unnatural form.' Which at the very least, multiplies her power by two. (Meaning, even if Copper's alicorn form were to somehow propel him to on par with Celestia's true form, even though Celestia has had centuries more training then the former, then Celestia's unnatural form would be all but basically leagues above anything Copper can put out.)

>Experience in tactics, strategy, and warfare. Because what kind of ruler doesn't at least read 'The Art of War'?


But I don't know if you can still understand this, so, seeing as Copper's super-form was...Probably inspired by a certain anime character, I'll put it in terms you can understand.


Copper = Teen Gohan, right after learning how to go Super Saiyan.

Celestia = Goku, who can already transcend to Super Saiyan 2 at this point.


By all means.


Copper isn't supposed to be able to be on par with Celestia. Maybe keep up with her true form, for a time. But not be able to keep up with her unnatural form.


Then again.


What do I know.


I'm jus' some rookie roleplayer.  :orly:


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The super form came a little over a year ago in the RP timeline, so he had a time before learning to transform at will.  Besides, months of the most intense training for Copper can equal about 3 years worth.


And are you seriously talking smack with me on his power?  I might pull a Gohan and make him go beyond a super pony now, maybe a super pony 2.  :umad:


I kid, I kid.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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The super form came a little over a year ago in the RP timeline, so he had a time before learning to transform at will.  Besides, months of the most intense training for Copper can equal about 3 years worth.


And are you seriously talking smack with me on his power?  I might pull a Gohan and make him go beyond a super pony now, maybe a super pony 2.   :umad:


I kid, I kid.

even if you did, that form would be unstable due to not knowing how to properly control it; you'd still lose.  :umad:


but in all honesty, if he got the form a year ago, even if a year is equal to three year's worth training time...


Celestia's still kinda got 100+ years of solid training on him. + sun buff. XD im not talkin' smack....jus' speakin' the truth.  :proud:


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I see.  I guess we'll find out how this goes between experience from centuries and experience on the fly.  Copper doesn't give up until he knows he had enough, and even then, he might push himself a bit.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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I see.  I guess we'll find out how this goes between experience from centuries and experience on the fly.  Copper doesn't give up until he knows he had enough, and even then, he might push himself a bit.

all im saying is, know when your oc is gonna lose, y'know? 


*casts side-glance at Manikin Mask*


...because not everyone can see when its time to say 'okay my oc lost'.


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I can't believe this was even being discussed. As was said, if you think you can keep up with Celestia in a non-strict RP setting (Not EQE where rules are stricter and fights happen like, never?), you are not right.

Edited by bronislav84

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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As Dust fled the stands, she would feel as if she were being watched...


Should she take note of her surroundings, she would see a cloaked pony, following her every movement, with unnerving attention...

just ah, putting this out there

He might not give up so easily against Celestia, though.   :blink:


see, thats the thing though.


it doesnt matter if he's determined to win, and not back down.


if you're weaker then someone, you're weaker then someone. XD nothing changes that, once you're in the ring with that person.


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