Inactive01 5,299 April 24, 2013 Share April 24, 2013 This is very odd, but I've never had a single pony dream the entire time I've watched this show. Most of my dreams were more about football or my crush haha. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainblow H. Ash 5,091 April 24, 2013 Share April 24, 2013 This is very odd, but I've never had a single pony dream the entire time I've watched this show. Most of my dreams were more about football or my crush haha. Glad I'm not the only one! But it's really funny, because when I first became a Brony, I marathoned episodes every night before I went to bed, and I didn't have a pony dream then either... What must poor folks like us to do dream of the ponies? And there's only one way to improve upon your dreams... dream that you're playing football in a team of ponies and your crush is cheering for you from the stands! #bringbackmerriwetherwillaims Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shawn Parks 1,798 April 25, 2013 Share April 25, 2013 Yeah, but my point is that I have been pretty darn obsessed with the show for a long time and not once have I had a dream with ponies in it. I am in the same situation. I never seem to have dreams about the things I would choose to dream. At least I never really have nightmares either. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DR Leper Lupinstein 410 April 25, 2013 Share April 25, 2013 (edited) hmmm i can recal seeing princess Luna in a dream outside of Canterlot castle. why i was there? i'll never know. i only remember images of that dream i can't recall what was said. still it stands princess luna in my dream... which is kinda wierd considering she's supposed to see inside every ponies dream. has anypony else had this occurence? Edited April 25, 2013 by punxundead hXc i ain't like you and i don't wantyour love and i don't need your respect!!!! hXc ^ - BLOOD FOR BLOOD/OUTLAW ANTHEMS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrashy 2,800 April 25, 2013 Share April 25, 2013 What must poor folks like us to do dream of the ponies? I am in the same situation. I never seem to have dreams about the things I would choose to dream. You could give dream programming a shot. Basically, think heavily about what you want to dream about before going to bed, and before you try to go to sleep, repeat to yourself the phrase "I'm going to have a dream about ___." a few times. Principally, the power of suggestion can help you induce a dream involving whatever you want it to...just note that it's not fool-proof. It worked for me a couple times in the past, but not always. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainblow H. Ash 5,091 April 25, 2013 Share April 25, 2013 You could give dream programming a shot. Basically, think heavily about what you want to dream about before going to bed, and before you try to go to sleep, repeat to yourself the phrase "I'm going to have a dream about ___." a few times. Principally, the power of suggestion can help you induce a dream involving whatever you want it to...just note that it's not fool-proof. It worked for me a couple times in the past, but not always. Yeah, I tried that recently a week ago for about three nights, and it didn't work at all. Funnily enough, last night I had dream about me posting some weird stuff on these forums, so I guess that slightly relates to ponies, but certainly not in the way I was hoping! I will try again soon though. Perhaps putting on some headphones and listening to the episodes quietly as I go to sleep will help. I dunno, just spitballing ideas here. 1 #bringbackmerriwetherwillaims Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrashy 2,800 April 25, 2013 Share April 25, 2013 Yeah, I tried that recently a week ago for about three nights, and it didn't work at all. Funnily enough, last night I had dream about me posting some weird stuff on these forums, so I guess that slightly relates to ponies, but certainly not in the way I was hoping! I will try again soon though. Perhaps putting on some headphones and listening to the episodes quietly as I go to sleep will help. I dunno, just spitballing ideas here. Yeah, I figured I'd give it a try last night, myself. I do remember having some kind of pony-related dream this morning, but my level of dream recall has been absolutely wretched ever since I stopped keeping an active dream log, so I can't remember a thing...although I guess the fact that I hit 'snooze' about a thousand times this morning didn't help matters, either. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainblow H. Ash 5,091 April 25, 2013 Share April 25, 2013 Yeah, I figured I'd give it a try last night, myself. I do remember having some kind of pony-related dream this morning, but my level of dream recall has been absolutely wretched ever since I stopped keeping an active dream log, so I can't remember a thing...although I guess the fact that I hit 'snooze' about a thousand times this morning didn't help matters, either. You know, I need to start keeping a dream log again too. I did it for a while and it actually really helps, but recently I haven't been doing it, mostly because I got lazy, but also because my ability to recall dreams has been getting spottier and spottier. I wonder if stress plays a part in that... I have been more stressed out recently, so perhaps dream recall also relies on you being relaxed both before, during, and after sleep. #bringbackmerriwetherwillaims Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrashy 2,800 April 25, 2013 Share April 25, 2013 You know, I need to start keeping a dream log again too. I did it for a while and it actually really helps, but recently I haven't been doing it, mostly because I got lazy, but also because my ability to recall dreams has been getting spottier and spottier. I wonder if stress plays a part in that... I have been more stressed out recently, so perhaps dream recall also relies on you being relaxed both before, during, and after sleep. Makes sense that one should be relaxed upon waking, as I remember reading once that it's best to lie perfectly still upon waking and, without falling back asleep, focus on remembering the details of the dream. Of course, this becomes more difficult for people who have to get ready for work/school and all that jazz, but another thing I found that works for me is to use my iPod's voice memo feature so that I can record myself speaking my dream out loud as I start to remember more and more. It's a little faster than waiting for my computer to boot up so that I can type it out, like I always used to do... Good luck getting back into the dream log routine. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainblow H. Ash 5,091 April 25, 2013 Share April 25, 2013 Makes sense that one should be relaxed upon waking, as I remember reading once that it's best to lie perfectly still upon waking and, without falling back asleep, focus on remembering the details of the dream. Of course, this becomes more difficult for people who have to get ready for work/school and all that jazz, but another thing I found that works for me is to use my iPod's voice memo feature so that I can record myself speaking my dream out loud as I start to remember more and more. It's a little faster than waiting for my computer to boot up so that I can type it out, like I always used to do... Good luck getting back into the dream log routine. Wow, that's not a bad idea... perhaps I should record myself talking about my dream instead of simply trying to write it down quickly. And thanks! I hope it'll help me out. 1 #bringbackmerriwetherwillaims Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NavelColt 22,882 May 2, 2013 Share May 2, 2013 The following topics have been merged together: >'Yet another MLP dream last night' >'My dream last night' >'I had my first Pony dream last night. (a little embarrassing)' >'I've been having weird dreams lately' >'Post Your Pony Dreams Here!' >'Want a My Little Pony dream?' >'Pony Dreams' They've been renamed 'MLP Dream Experiences & Discussion'. -- No :U I never remember my dreams 98.9% of the time, and when I do, they're boring and not pony related. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mazaarhead 4 May 2, 2013 Share May 2, 2013 If I told you the kinds of dreams I have on a regular basis, your stomache would reverse itself and your temple would spurt blood. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tm2dragon 12 May 2, 2013 Share May 2, 2013 I had a weird one last night! Kinda of a G1 that never was, movie form. For some reason, Lyra was in it........ she was all self-conscious because she was raised be squirrels. brain is a weird place. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Feather Spiral 1,892 May 2, 2013 Share May 2, 2013 (edited) If I told you the kinds of dreams I have on a regular basis, your stomache would reverse itself and your temple would spurt blood.I'm pretty sure I wouldn't.I get the weirdest and scariest dreams at times. In fact, I just had one such dream early this morning. Does any one of you knows the Tumblr blog askpitchpatch? It's an OC ask blog with Butcher and Pitchpatch, the former being an unethical scientist, and the latter his "assistant" bound by Stockholm Syndrome. Recently, there was an interesting plot twist: needing new subjects, Butcher came across an old homeless pony named Vagabond. Being a retired scientist and knowing he wouldn't survive long in the cold outside, Vagabond agreed to be the subject if Butcher shared his results with him. So, last night, I dreamed of an Askpitchpatch-Saw crossover. We were all in human form, but the characters were exactly the same as in the ask blog. I was charged with some crime that I forgot, and Butch somehow got his hands on me. He was injecting shit into my blood, while I cried out my innocence. He kept trying to get me to confess the wrongdoing, going as far as grabbing me by the throat while he made the injections. But then I looked him square in the eye and said again, crying, that it wasn't me. That's when he saw I was telling the truth. To make up for his mistake, he injected something to counter the other chemical's effects. Vagabond then accompanied me outside - a kind of deserted park with high metal-woven fences, rather than the pony Butcher's place. But I could barely walk, even with his help, with my spinning head and sick stomach. When we reached the gate, I had to put my hands onto a kind of cage to hold me up while I tried to recover from the dizziness. Funny part is, I remember there being girls, Butcher apparently being a kind of pimp. I guess I was influenced by a song of which I was writing a parody...? Edited May 2, 2013 by Feather Spiral I take writing commissions. "Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017 "That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paianis 489 May 3, 2013 Share May 3, 2013 Okay, I had one last night! At least, kinda of. It was set in my house, in my bedroom, except the latter is so much bigger than what exists in real life. Much longer, with a boardroom style table and a TV at one end. It appears I had invited a select number of other bronies (about 10-15) to watch the latest episode live (probably MMC, might have been Double Rainboom though). I can recall the events of me waiting for everyone to arrive at the table, which seemed really weird because it was quiet, very little conversation going on. I don't seem to remember anything concerning the actual viewing of the episode. However, afterwards was really weird: I was called upstairs by my mum for a quick serious chat sort of thing, but when I came back to my bedroom, absolutely everyone had vanished. Gone. Very mysterious, but also kinda saddening. And that, my friends, is my first memorised MLP-related dream Vimeo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azteca 20 May 9, 2013 Share May 9, 2013 So this morning (working nightshift this week) I had a very vivid quite strange MLP dream. It started out as I was with the mane six in Canterlot Castle with Princess Celestia and Luna and they were giving us grave information about a dark new power that had arrisen in Equestria. The whole land was being taken over by a dark shadow and everything it touched it consumed. All of a sudden while speaking to us Celestia's eyes started to shimmer and glow and a cruel smirk spread across her face. She then began to laugh hysterically, frightening all the ponies about especially Luna. Then in a silky deep voice she began to warn us that the Shadow Queen had come to Equestria and even our precious Celestia wasn't safe from her power and was now under her complete control. As Celestia began to laugh hysterically again we all ran to the windows to see shadows slinking across the land from tree to tree, pony to pony and up from the depths of one of the shadows a tall dark unicorn arose and headed straight towards the castle. All of the shadows eminated from her. Just as I and the mane six began to ready ourselves for battle my cat jumped on my chest and woke me up This is the first MLP dream I've had and I was a bit surprised at how detailed and vivid it was. I don't remember dreaming that I was a pony but I don't think I was in human form either. Which finally leads me to the point of this post Has anyone ever had a dream about their ponysona or pony oc and how detailed are the dreams that you have had? What did you do? Who did you meet? I've had quite a few dreams about not being human (dragon, wolf, Cthulhu-esque alien etc) so I imagine it is only a matter of time till I dream of Equestria again and honestly it may seem silly but I am quite excited about what ponysona I might take on in my dream Below is a pic that somewhat conveys the image I had in my dream of Crimson Shadow who called herself the Shadow Queen. Though while whispy and fly away similar to Celestia's her hair was also much like Crysalis' in that it hung down over her face. I guess she is a personification of watching the episodes with Crysalis and King Sombra too many times, next to Nightmare Moon they are my favourite villains. And next to that is a pic of the Queen of the black puddle from Courage the Cowardly Dog. If anyone has seen this episode the way she moves is the same way Crimson Shadow was moving, slinking around never picking up her feet and the shadows fell around her in a way that it covered her hooves giving her that floating feel and she rose and sank from the shadows much like the queen did. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NavelColt 22,882 May 9, 2013 Share May 9, 2013 I've merged your topic, 'Dreaming in Equestria: MLP Dream Experiences You've Had' with 'MLP Dream Experiences & Discussion', which covers all MLP dreams that someone has, and where they're free to share them, no matter what they're about :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azteca 20 May 9, 2013 Share May 9, 2013 I've merged your topic, 'Dreaming in Equestria: MLP Dream Experiences You've Had' with 'MLP Dream Experiences & Discussion', which covers all MLP dreams that someone has, and where they're free to share them, no matter what they're about :3 Thank you. I thought there might be another dream topic already made (seems like a pretty popular thing) but I didn't find this one. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightOwl 912 May 9, 2013 Share May 9, 2013 I had an MLP dream last night I was in Canterlot and I was drinking a cup of tea with Princess Cadence she seemed really cool to talk to . Signature by me avatar by Azura. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainblow H. Ash 5,091 May 9, 2013 Share May 9, 2013 Darn it all... I had a dream last night, and it finally had ponies in it, but for the life of me I can't remember what the hay happened. I just remembered it had something to do with Rainbow Dash, which is freaking awesome, but it's not awesome at all because I can't freaking remember what happened! I tried to wake up and put it down in my dream journal, but... it was gone by the time I did, save for my memory of talking to Rainbow Dash. Oh well, at least it's progress. 2 #bringbackmerriwetherwillaims Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrashy 2,800 May 9, 2013 Share May 9, 2013 Darn it all... I had a dream last night, and it finally had ponies in it, but for the life of me I can't remember what the hay happened. I just remembered it had something to do with Rainbow Dash, which is freaking awesome, but it's not awesome at all because I can't freaking remember what happened! I tried to wake up and put it down in my dream journal, but... it was gone by the time I did, save for my memory of talking to Rainbow Dash. Oh well, at least it's progress. Yesterday morning after my alarm clock woke me, I immediately opened up the voice memo app on my phone and started spitting out whatever I could remember. The more I talked, the more details I started to wasn't a pony dream, but still, it worked like a charm. Tried to do it this morning, but I got lazy and hit 'snooze' a bunch of times. I vaguely remember it was about meeting one of my friends' moms for the first time, but she was totally insane and kept insisting on trying to repair one of my bass guitars...random, I know. I think there was a pony dream in there somewhere, but it's gone now. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Justin ZW 396 May 9, 2013 Share May 9, 2013 I've had a pony dream once, I believe. It involved Twilight and Rainbow Dash, but it was too long ago to remember what happened. I think they were just doing general pony stuff. Twilight doing something science-y and Rainbow being bored and calling her an egghead every five minutes. A Whovian Administrator of Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainblow H. Ash 5,091 May 9, 2013 Share May 9, 2013 Yesterday morning after my alarm clock woke me, I immediately opened up the voice memo app on my phone and started spitting out whatever I could remember. The more I talked, the more details I started to wasn't a pony dream, but still, it worked like a charm. Tried to do it this morning, but I got lazy and hit 'snooze' a bunch of times. I vaguely remember it was about meeting one of my friends' moms for the first time, but she was totally insane and kept insisting on trying to repair one of my bass guitars...random, I know. I think there was a pony dream in there somewhere, but it's gone now. That's what muddled up my dream as well; I woke up and hit the snooze button one time, and then flipped back over. As I went over the dream in my mind, it seemed really messy. I know the whole dream wasn't about ponies, as I could remember me walking through a dark house and a store at one point, but then I remember toward the end talking to Rainbow Dash. That I can remember; what I can't remember is what was said. Hopefully Rainbow and I can have another chat soon, and this time I'll actually remember everything. 1 #bringbackmerriwetherwillaims Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RollingPony 100 May 19, 2013 Share May 19, 2013 (edited) Today I had the most amazing dream with Ponies ever! I dreamed that I wore Solid Snakes suited from MGS 4 it all was in the world of Bioshock Infinite and everything was like a giant crossover with MLP! It was so AWESOME The mane 6 were there too ! Edited May 19, 2013 by RollingPony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Persian 46 May 19, 2013 Share May 19, 2013 Don't judge me! I can't control my dreams much! I dreamed that I was transformed into a pony and magically transported to Equestria. While I was very happy, I was still wondering why it happened so I decided to investigate. Apparently, It was Celestia's doing, because I was Discord's soulmate and with me by his side, he would have little to no chances of going back to his old ways... And then, I started to date Discord and eventually, the dream became NSFW... My OC: Smiley Bookpony You have questions? Ask Smiley Bookpony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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