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Long read ahead, so brace yourselves!!





So I watched the new episodes, and saw all the Royal Guard everywhere, and it seemed to me like there were TOO MANY of them.


I did a little research on the matter, and some questions arose.


First off, the MLP wiki on Royal Guards says: "The guards... their cutie marks are obscured by their uniforms."




The My Little Pony wiki page on Cutie Marks says that: "The My Little Pony franchise is famous for cutie marks, unique symbols located on the ponies' flank or haunch." Unique. This means different, original, not like others, etc.


This brings to mind a certain question. If cutie marks are usually different, then how are there so many Royal Guards? They surely can't all have the same cutie mark, as they are unique.


Also, since they cannot all have the same cutie mark, and their uniforms cover the area where a cutie mark is located, what if the Guards don't have cutie marks at all? Does this mean that all ponies without cutie marks must join the Royal Guard?


But, also, the same MLP wiki page on cutie marks states that: "The cutie marks are obtained when ponies discover a unique characteristic that sets themselves apart from others" so does this mean that the Guards actually DO have cutie marks? Wrong! "A unique characteristic" Guards all do the same thing, so no outlying differences there. "sets themselves apart from others" Guards, once again, all do the same thing.


This brings an altogether different question forth: How does a Royal Guard become a Royal Guard?


Are they, as I stated above, simply cutie-mark-less ponies, or is there something else in play?


Maybe the Guards aren't ponies at all, but Magical beings conjured by Celestia and Luna? Or maybe there was only one or two Royal Guards to begin with, and they were cloned to make more?


Also, since the Head Guard is Twilight's brother, does this mean that all Head Guards are actual ponies, who are controlling the other Guards? Does this mean that the Head Guard knows the secret of the actual Guards?



I'm just throwing ideas out there, and I have no idea what could be true. (Although the cloning thing might make for a good fan-fic) Please tell me if you've got a plausible solution for the matter?





TL:DR - Royal Guards aren't real ponies.

  • Brohoof 6


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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I don't know, I think there's enough guard/army/combat/defense items and symbols that each guard could have as a cutie mark. Among those, I bet a shield is the most common lol.

Edited by Doctor XFizzle
  • Brohoof 5

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
~*Traveling Timelord Nonpareil*~
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Among those, I bet a shield is the most common lol.


Allow me to propose a rebuttal, quoted from my original post.


The My Little Pony wiki page on Cutie Marks says that: "The My Little Pony franchise is famous for cutie marks, unique symbols located on the ponies' flank or haunch." Unique. This means different, original, not like others, etc.


Edited by Parties like Pinkie


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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I believe that the Royal Guards all have special talents that are in some way useful for being a Royal Guard, toughness, intelligence, martial arts, some type of magical or flight ability, tenacity, et cetera. I would assume that they have different cutie marks, but they're obscured by the uniform to make the guards themselves much more uniform.


I theorize that being an on-duty Royal Guard probably requires the pony in question dye his coat a specific color as a part of some military dress code.

  • Brohoof 5
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Allow me to propose a rebuttal, quoted from my original post.


To clarify my response, a good number of guards could have a cutie mark that involves a shield, yet somehow each one is still unique in a way. One guard could have a striped shield with his family colors, another could have a shield with stars surrounding it, another could have a shield with wings protruding from it, etc.

  • Brohoof 3

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
~*Traveling Timelord Nonpareil*~
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Guards all do the same thing, so no outlying differences there. "sets themselves apart from others" Guards, once again, all do the same thing.


So? The cutie mark symbolizes their special talent in life. It's not a job descriptor. As I mentioned before, it's logical to believe that they each have similar abilities that are useful for Royal Guardness.


Besides, there are plenty of people in real life that do the same kind of job (like, say, firefighting), despite everyone having unique DNA.

  • Brohoof 3
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I believe that the Royal Guards all have special talents that are in some way useful for being a Royal Guard, toughness, intelligence, martial arts, some type of magical or flight ability, tenacity, et cetera. I would assume that they have different cutie marks, but they're obscured by the uniform to make the guards themselves much more uniform.


Right, but the with the amount of Guards as seen in the latest episode, you'd have to imagine they'd run out of ideas. Plus, since the talents are not endless, it means the number of Guards are not endless. Meaning that, once all the Guards die out, (If ponies can die) there will be no more Royal Guards.


I theorize that being an on-duty Royal Guard probably requires the pony in question dye his coat a specific color as a part of some military dress code.


I don't think I've ever seen a coat-dying shop in Equestria, so unless it's a "behind-the-scenes" thing, they could all just be the same color, which reverts back to my original statements of Magical Beings or Cloning.


To clarify my response, a good number of guards could have a cutie mark that involves a shield, yet somehow each one is still unique in a way. One guard could have a striped shield with his family colors, another could have a shield with stars surrounding it, another could have a shield with wings protruding from it, etc.


Right, but do you have a specific talent to go with that cutie mark besides "Protection" "Shielding" or "Force"?


Besides, there are plenty of people in real life that do the same kind of job (like, say, firefighting), despite everyone having unique DNA.


But this is Equestria we're talking about, not Earth!!! :3


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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It's entirely possible that there can be multiple ponies with near-identical abilities out there. You're putting far far too much weight in the MLP wiki's words.


I don't think I've ever seen a coat-dying shop in Equestria, so unless it's a "behind-the-scenes" thing, they could all just be the same color, which reverts back to my original statements of Magical Beings or Cloning.


Just because something's not shown on screen, doesn't automatically mean that it doesn't exist in their universe. My theory still stands.
  • Brohoof 2
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It could always just be an occupational thing, not with guarding being their special talent but their actual talent makes them a good candidate.

Electrobolt: "You watch your back... You just watch your back..."


Coal: "Pfffft, my back needs no watching."

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Right, but do you have a specific talent to go with that cutie mark besides "Protection" "Shielding" or "Force"?


Their special talent is protection, whether its protecting siblings, family, others, animals with their physicality (if earth) or magic (if unicorn) or flying (if pegasi) or some other trait. They're resilient and unflappable. That being said, you can also say that the guards might not have any other talents if their cutie mark defaults to a vague/broad ideal such as protection lol.

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
~*Traveling Timelord Nonpareil*~
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*Clever rebuttal concerning the statements of your arguments*


Yea, i'm just in a "controversial, debatable, skeptical, etc." kinda mood today, and it just hit me, so I thought, what the hay, why not?


you've gotta admit, though, even if some of it clicks, not all of it does.


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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New theory: they're robots.


Robot Unicorns? Now if they start attacking we'll really be in some uncharted territory.

Electrobolt: "You watch your back... You just watch your back..."


Coal: "Pfffft, my back needs no watching."

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Robot Unicorns? Now if they start attacking we'll really be in some uncharted territory.


Not to mention Robot Pegasi:




Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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Insert Long Post Here

First of all, the MLP Wiki is not Canon. And I don't recall it ever being mentioned in the show that cutie marks themselves were unique, as opposed to their special talents themselves. Besides, there are a few ponies in the show that have identical cutie marks (Dr. Whooves and Colgate) though this is a Rarity. And hey, even if they were absolutely unique, there are almost an infinite amount of variations you can do with a simple shield cutie mark. One is a round sheild. One is a diamond. One is blue, one is green, one is blue green, one is green blue, one is 2 pixels to the left, one is two pixels to the lower right, etc.


Also, a cutie mark doesn't define a pony's role in society. Pinkie Pie's talent is throwing parties, and making ponies smile. Yet she is a baker. Rainbow Dash loves flying and racing, yet she's a weather mare.


I don't think I've ever seen a coat-dying shop in Equestria, so unless it's a "behind-the-scenes" thing, they could all just be the same color, which reverts back to my original statements of Magical Beings or Cloning.

Actually, Twilight mentioned Rarity dying her coat in the first episode. Coat dying is canon. Not to mention Trixie using Magic to turn Rarity's mane green. So I'd assume if there was to be a uniform color for each member of the Royal Guard, they could easily change each pony's color.

  • Brohoof 4


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Insert long post here


As I said earlier, its just my state of mentality working.


I'll be back to normal by tomorrow probably, but until then:


Posted Image


about MLP.


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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In real life all military soldiers are required to have crew cuts and no long hair.They all wear the same uniform and pretty much look the same.


Let's look at some data so far gathered in this thread


Coat-dying:It's cannon because it's been mentioned in the show so that covers the same appearance part


Cutie Marks:A lot of them might have swords,shields and even crossbows (One filly was seen with that as a cutie mark.She was one of cheerilee's students if I remember correctly).Now what do they do when their off-duty?Maybe some of them play sports so they have a basketball or baseball bat as a cutie mark because it's what their good at.And you have to be athletic to play sports and you have to be athletic to be a royal guard as well.


How do they join?:Well same way you join any army or paramilitary force.You sign up,take a test and if your accepted,you go through vigorous training until your all ready for the battlefield or in this case escorting the princesses around while being total badasses.

  • Brohoof 2



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Long read ahead, so brace yourselves!!





So I watched the new episodes, and saw all the Royal Guard everywhere, and it seemed to me like there were TOO MANY of them.


I did a little research on the matter, and some questions arose.


First off, the MLP wiki on Royal Guards says: "The guards... their cutie marks are obscured by their uniforms."




The My Little Pony wiki page on Cutie Marks says that: "The My Little Pony franchise is famous for cutie marks, unique symbols located on the ponies' flank or haunch." Unique. This means different, original, not like others, etc.


This brings to mind a certain question. If cutie marks are usually different, then how are there so many Royal Guards? They surely can't all have the same cutie mark, as they are unique.


Also, since they cannot all have the same cutie mark, and their uniforms cover the area where a cutie mark is located, what if the Guards don't have cutie marks at all? Does this mean that all ponies without cutie marks must join the Royal Guard?


But, also, the same MLP wiki page on cutie marks states that: "The cutie marks are obtained when ponies discover a unique characteristic that sets themselves apart from others" so does this mean that the Guards actually DO have cutie marks? Wrong! "A unique characteristic" Guards all do the same thing, so no outlying differences there. "sets themselves apart from others" Guards, once again, all do the same thing.


This brings an altogether different question forth: How does a Royal Guard become a Royal Guard?


Are they, as I stated above, simply cutie-mark-less ponies, or is there something else in play?


Maybe the Guards aren't ponies at all, but Magical beings conjured by Celestia and Luna? Or maybe there was only one or two Royal Guards to begin with, and they were cloned to make more?


Also, since the Head Guard is Twilight's brother, does this mean that all Head Guards are actual ponies, who are controlling the other Guards? Does this mean that the Head Guard knows the secret of the actual Guards?



I'm just throwing ideas out there, and I have no idea what could be true. (Although the cloning thing might make for a good fan-fic) Please tell me if you've got a plausible solution for the matter?





TL:DR - Royal Guards aren't real ponies.


I just figured out what TL:DR stands for. I was always to embarrised to ask about what it meant. AS for your theories I just say this: its magic you dont got to explain it.

Everything will be ok in the end, if its not ok, then its not the end - anonymous


A good friend, like a good book, is something that will last forever - Twilight Sparkle

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I just figured out what TL:DR stands for. I was always to embarrised to ask about what it meant. AS for your theories I just say this: its magic you dont got to explain it.


I'm not explaining it, i'm just simply questioning the physics behind a cartoon show based around those of equine nature.

  • Brohoof 1


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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Well, if no pony can have the same cutie mark, it would be safe to say that their cutie marks would be SIMILAR at best. One obviously has to be well versed in combat and rule-enforcing in order to be a royal guard, so why not have combat related cutie marks? Sure, somepony could have a shield on their flank, but it could be crossed with different types of weaponry, like swords... hammers... axes... that sort of thing! This sectional difference also supports why it is called the ROYAL guard, you don't see any drafting, which shows you NEED experience: your designated cutie mark.

Great adventuring for great treasures!....Except when I'm hurt...


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:3 I had forgot about this thread.




-_- I seem to question things alot when i'm not myself.



That awkward moment when I get a notification saying a moderator deleted one of my posts from this thread, and all my posts are still here (I think)

Edited by Parties like Pinkie


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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