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Would you enjoy the show if it became the Mane 5?


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Im curious to know what your view on the show would be if one of the Mane six was taken off the show, or never existed to begin with. Would you enjoy it with just a Mane 5? Personally, I don't think It would be the same without any of them. And taking away Fluttershy would just be awful.

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I think it would've been about the same honestly; while it's hard to imagine one of the mane characters not existing, if they never existed to begin with it would be hard to do so with six. Same if you went from seven to the six we have now: it'd be hard to imagine, and chances are people wouldn't think it'd be quite as good missing out on Moonlight, or Pearl, or...


I dunno. If there were 5, chances are they could still bring on the tone of the show, keep a lot of the good qualities, and have good chemistry with the 5. Same as if there were 7.  :)

  • Brohoof 1
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An obvious one would be Rarity. No Rarity would mean no Spike/Rarity episodes and the writers would have to do something else with him. The Mane having to get clothes for specifics events would require no focus.

Edited by Singe
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I think the notion is viable to an extent.


For example, in Equestria Girls, the Mane 6's leader, rather than being Twilight, had become Sunset Shimmer. This was a perfectly reasonable choice, as both Twilight and Sunset Shimmer had both developed leadership qualities as well as the experience of redemption; Twi through learning friendship, and Sunset Shimmer by also learning the value of friendship.


The most appropriate notion would be to retire Rarity, however. One can assume that as an entrepreneur one must sacrifice personal life and friendships to an extent in order to expand business and succeed where one hasn't prospered before.

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If Antony leaves, it's going to be Rarity. I doubt they would do it, but she's the easiest to get rid of. Rainbow is an iconic figure, the others have no reason to leave, and Rarity isn't very popular anyways.


Sounds weird coming from such a Rarity fan, but I guess it's true.


My own thought on the matter is either her or Fluttershy. Even though the latter is very popular in the fandom, I just find the writers are really limiting her character growth. She has no future ambitions to strive for, and the central trait of her character is her shyness which annoys me as she can't grow like that. Rarity from a sensical standpoint, because she can be busier with her fashion career.

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If they had to take out any character from the mane six it would probably be AppleJack or Flutters because they are the most backgrounded of all of the mane six... In my point of view that is

~My life is a bunch of Discord~
Yes, the pun was intended


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Sounds weird coming from such a Rarity fan, but I guess it's true.


My own thought on the matter is either her or Fluttershy. Even though the latter is very popular in the fandom, I just find the writers are really limiting her character growth. She has no future ambitions to strive for, and the central trait of her character is her shyness which annoys me as she can't grow like that. Rarity from a sensical standpoint, because she can be busier with her fashion career.

Rarity's dreams is one of the reasons she is most likely to leave. Fluttershy would have no reason to leave. Not only is she popular in the fandom, there is no in-show reason to have her leave. Rarity may have to focus on her business more and can't socialize. That would either put her as a side character who appears on occasion or have her written out completely. I would not want Rarity to leave. I would probably no longer watch the show. Rarity is the biggest reason I watch it. I would go to Littlest Pet Shop where a fashionista and diva like Zoe is still a protagonist. 

  • Brohoof 1


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Remove twilight at this point. Prior to S3's end this would be very impropable, but following S3 she'd kind of had her story dead end and she tends to be an obstacle to alot of plots (See how the maps been deliberately snubbing her for missions because she's become so magically powerful that she could clap her hooves and solve the problems outright without getting to the "true" problem at hand, where S1 and S2 she had a much more comical "screw up mage" side to her as her spells would often not work).


Given that AJ and RD have shown a decent leadership side since S1 I think they could promote one of those two without outright adding another substitute for twilight, though I'd reccomend AJ for that role if so.


Ironically, twilight has the least intergroup Chemistry of the mane six. AJ, rarity and RD have some really obvious character chemistry when they're together, RD has chemistry with virtually everyone, Pinkie does too due to her comic relief status, but all Twilight's role tends to be now is to be the cyclops of the group without the payoff that the others have together. As such, the group continues chugging if you pull her out, just like in rainbow rocks.

  • Brohoof 1
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An obvious one would be Rarity. No Rarity would mean no Spike/Rarity episodes and the writers would have to do something else with him. The Mane having to get clothes for specifics events would require no focus.


Rarity is practically the most unique character the show has. She's a character designed to subvert her own archetype in a way none of the others are. And the writers don't seem to be anywhere near running out of ideas for her. Losing her would be a huge loss.


And speaking of Spike, would you really rather have more Spikes at Your Service and Princess Spikes over more Inspiration Manifestations and Secret of My Excess? Cause from my vantage point Spikes episodes with Rarity tend to be his best.


Anyway the only character the writers seem to be running out of real ideas for is Fluttershy, look at Season 4, gimmicks galore for Fluttershy, And then Season 5, less focus episodes AND less supporting roles than any other pony. So she would be the logical choice. 


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Anyway the only character the writers seem to be running out of real ideas for is Fluttershy, look at Season 4, gimmicks galore for Fluttershy, And then Season 5, less focus episodes AND less supporting roles than any other pony. So she would be the logical choice.


Hm. So some of you think Fluttershy leaving the cast would be a good thing. I feel as if Fluttershy is moving forward in a slow, yet satisfying way towards conquering her insecurities. Especially in season 5 with in the Cutie Map, Tanks for the Memories, and Scare Master. She could remind us introverted people that we cant overcome our insecurities over night. Only with time and patience.


So taking her out would be quite disappointing.

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Hm. So some of you think Fluttershy leaving the cast would be a good thing. I feel as if Fluttershy is moving forward in a slow, yet satisfying way towards conquering her insecurities. Especially in season 5 with in the Cutie Map, Tanks for the Memories, and Scare Master. She could remind us introverted people that we cant overcome our insecurities over night. Only with time and patience.


So taking her out would be quite disappointing.

Im not saying it'd be a good thing. Obviously none of the mane 6 should leave, there's an established dynamic there. IM saying she's the one the writers struggle the most with for ideas that don't involve gimmicks propping them up. So she's the logical option if one had to go.


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Im not saying it'd be a good thing. Obviously none of the mane 6 should leave, there's an established dynamic there. IM saying she's the one the writers struggle the most with for ideas that don't involve gimmicks propping them up. So she's the logical option if one had to go.

That's true. The gimmicks do get a bit annoying at times.

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And speaking of Spike, would you really rather have more Spikes at Your Service and Princess Spikes over more Inspiration Manifestations and Secret of My Excess? Cause from my vantage point Spikes episodes with Rarity tend to be his best.


Or Spike could just crush on another pony and have episodes based on that. If Spike wasn't so involved with Rarity, there is a strong impression that he could be around Fluttershy based on the first episode meeting.

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I find it a bit unfair to suggest Rarity should be the one to leave just because of what both the writers and the fandom have done with the whole "SpikexxRarity" thing. We have so many characters like Spike in kids show and even movies everywhere. It's quite normal for kid crushes to be in the show business....it's the fandom that pretty much took the kid crush waaaaay too far and it's the teasing from the episodes that makes the fandom go crazy for it AND against it. 


Losing Rarity...would be a huge loss. She isn't my best pony, but aside from Fluttershy, Rarity might be the most misunderstood and misused character out of the others. I agree that her goals for a booming business are acceptable reasons for her to stray away from the group, but from what we've seen throughout the series, we cannot say that is an inevitable outcome. In fact, what I admire, and perhaps only admire when it comes to Rarity episodes, is how the writers are able to integrate her friends whenever she is pursuing something to have a successful career. You cannot deny that in Rarity episodes focusing on her business, that the Mane 5 aren't just "there". No...they contribute and at times they serve as a key to help her get closer to what she is trying to achieve. Rarity may have moments where she is stuck in her own vanity, but not once has she every truly chosen her business over her friends and she seems to always find a way to allow them to be A PART of what she loves the most: and that's fashion. 


Plus, without Rarity, Applejack wouldn't be much of an interest anymore. Rarity and Applejack are alike just as much they are different. Both are hardworkers in their field and both are willing to make sacrifices in what they do or have done for the sake of someone else. We've witness this plenty of times. Both are also stubborn to a T. Their only difference is how one is more family oriented than the other. But what sets Rarity above Applejack for me, is that she actually pursues something while Applejack's only interest is to keep the farm going for both Ponyville and her family. I'm not saying this is bad, but the mere fact that we are watching Rarity slowly but surely get from point A to point B says something about her intentions and ambitions. And to be frankly honest, had it not been for the hilarious interactions between Apple and Rare......Apple wouldn't be deemed a funny character and even an interesting one. Sometimes one cannot do well without the other.....like Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck.


I've rambled long enough.....I just wanted to point out my reasons why losing Rarity will be a loss, and how it's pretty much already been proven that Rarity can function with having a business and being a key member of the Mane 6.


To be honest, I don't think losing a mane member would do any good at all. Regardless of who is least likely to be needed, losing ANY of them would be their downfall. But if I HAAAAD to choose if one really did have to go? It would be Applejack.  

Edited by Princess Sunset
  • Brohoof 1




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If a main character is taken out, the stories would be different from what they are now. Traits and roles could be added to existing characters to expand them.


For example, if Fluttershy was out then Applejack could gain the role of dealing with the wild from experience like with the chimera. Twilight's knowledge would also be more prominent.

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If a main character is taken out, the stories would be different from what they are now. Traits and roles could be added to existing characters to expand them.


For example, if Fluttershy was out then Applejack could gain the role of dealing with the wild from experience like with the chimera. Twilight's knowledge would also be more prominent.

That is certainly true and perhaps the best way to handle it if a mane member is removed, but at that point, the remaining mane members will be all over the place. The writers struggles with the mane 6 as they are already without being expanded upon. It could also clash into the characteristics they already possess.


For example, when you mentioned if Fluttershy was removed, Applejack would be the one to gain the role of dealing with wildlife. But I find that a mistake. Sure she dealt with the Chimera, but only because she gained the experience with fighting it just to deliver pies. Everything Applejack does deals with what she put a most of her labor and heart into: and that's the farm. She has never been shown any interests to explore beyond Equestria which is important if you are to gain experience with wildlife. Fluttershy does it and it takes a lot of investment in wildlife to obtain the knowledge she has. Applejack wouldn't be. ..Applejack by this point. Plus so far, we've seen her jump straight to "getting rid" of wildlife when it comes to it harming her orchard.


So your solution is a good solution, but it'll lead to changing the characters drastically and give even more for the writers to struggle with

Edited by Princess Sunset




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Fluttershy is the one that could most easily be written out of the show.


It's just a hypothetical and is never going to happen, but if it did, I'd vote Fluttershy off the island first.

But if you take out Fluttershy, you lose discord too.


AJ would have the least ripples IMO.

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I wouldn't advocate for taking any one character off because they're all strong, well-developed characters. However, the writers seem to have trouble working with such a wide cast and I think the better solution would be for them to write episodes where one or more of the Mane 6 is away or even replaced by other characters. One of the biggest problems that seems to arise is characterization when a main character becomes a minor character for a scene or episode and acts like a Flanderized semblance of themselves. You see this when Rainbow Dash can't sit still or stop talking about how awesome she is, how Pinkie Pie says random things and doesn't shut up, Rarity plays her drama queen tendencies and passion for aesthetics up when they're not logically welcome, etc. Basically, these characters have nuances that clash with their visible core personalities and the writers are hoist with their own petard; the characters are strong as leads but don't normally play well as secondaries (these things are not mutually exclusive, but it happens with this show a lot).


I wouldn't axe one specific character, but I would consider more episodes that changed the roster up, setting the main characters up in pairs, groups of three or four, and having them interact more with secondary and background characters.

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If you lose AJ, you lose Granny Smith, Big Mac, Applebloom and the whole Apple farm, not to mention the extended Apple family. 


Fluttershy has no family to speak of. Discord is the only character directly associated with her. Three's a Crowd showed what he would do if she was gone.  

  • Brohoof 1


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