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Princess Luna in this world?

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I once had a dream where I was watching Princess Luna walking through a grass valley while I was on top of a short mountain in the distance. I saw her walking in all sorts of different angles to a futuristic looking house. When she got there, I was standing not to far behind her and I saw her fade away. In her place was a yellow backpack. When I opened it, another unrelated dream began.


Wish I could have talked to her... Oh well. There's always next time.


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Well...I'm not sure how to respond to this. I have no way of knowing whether this happened. I've had my unusual experiences too, but this just seems...a bit out there.


I do think the multiverse concept is rather fascinating though, and we can't really disprove it, so the possibilities are always open.

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Oh, there's something else that anyone who's getting into this kind of thing should be aware of. There ARE evil spirits out there who will try to trick you. That's why you have to be really, really careful with this. And you need to learn to recognize when something is too out there. It isn't healthy to believe in something ridiculous. I'm not saying that the idea of MLP being real is ridiculous. But I saw some people talking about this on YouTube. They were talking about ponies BESIDES Luna visiting them in their dreams, but that doesn't make sense because only Luna can dream walk. And Luna visiting you in your dreams doesn't make sense either. She has to be somewhere near you to go into your dreams. How would she even get to our world? I know a girl who says that most concepts exist somewhere but not usually the characters and events, but it's still extremely unlikely that the writers would just happen to create a story that turned out to be true. You really need to think about these kinds of things rationally. Be careful.

And even if the show is real in another universe, why would they contact us?

You also need to think about WHY you believe. Many digimon believers believe in digimon as a coping method. One girl I knew convinced herself that she was talking to her digimon partner before going to bed and sometimes she thought she saw him. Deep down inside she knew it was all just a coping method because something terrible happened to her. It was originally a coping method for me too. But it isn't a healthy coping method. If you have serious problems in your life that are causing you lots of pain, you should get counseling. Believing in MLP won't really help, but counseling will.

Oh, I forgot to mention a major thing the MLP believers I found on YouTube said! They noticed that each of them has a different Equestria in their dreams. They think that means that there are different versions of Equestria. That's not logical at all. What that actually means is that their dreams aren't real.



As messed up as things are today I can't really blame the lost for wanting to be. Allow me to blow your mind with a crazy theory. What if everything we've seen in our minds, whether fictional or otherwise isn't? What if, because we see them, the words fictional and any other "fake" meaning words lose definition, as have words like peace and good will? What if the answer to our questions about the universe are actually in our unconsciousness and imaginations? Those two mental faculties acting like a tv satelite dish broadcasting the universe to our minds. Add in time/space theories and multiverse theories and suddenly a lot of sense is made. A plane for each person, from their point of view, where the slightest change in anything is a plane unto itself. Infinite bubbles connected to each person and each other by what each has in common with others. Each person's infinite planes connecting to others by commonalities or interactions the people have with others. What if that was what made up the universe? Not just the plane we live and breath in but for each slight variation that is connected with an alternate plane, each version of us following the same variant plane formula? 





Also how and why luna would cross planes to visit people here? What if it isn't always a physical trip but a spiritual one? I'mma quote a fanfic by the name of Knight In Faded Armor; Dream Sky. My interpretation from the story was of a spiritual plane where balls of light symbolized a living being, similar to twilight princess wolf link's view of the twilight hyrule. We all know she controls the moon, who's not to say her connection to both the celestial body and the dreamscape do not allow her to see into other planes? Ad if so who's to say she won't feel a connection, through her duty, to any dreamers she encounters through interplaner travel, or become curious as to how their minds work/think, or about the dreamer's world/species/etc in general? 

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As messed up as things are today I can't really blame the lost for wanting to be. Allow me to blow your mind with a crazy theory. What if everything we've seen in our minds, whether fictional or otherwise isn't? What if, because we see them, the words fictional and any other "fake" meaning words lose definition, as have words like peace and good will? What if the answer to our questions about the universe are actually in our unconsciousness and imaginations? Those two mental faculties acting like a tv satelite dish broadcasting the universe to our minds. Add in time/space theories and multiverse theories and suddenly a lot of sense is made. A plane for each person, from their point of view, where the slightest change in anything is a plane unto itself. Infinite bubbles connected to each person and each other by what each has in common with others. Each person's infinite planes connecting to others by commonalities or interactions the people have with others. What if that was what made up the universe? Not just the plane we live and breath in but for each slight variation that is connected with an alternate plane, each version of us following the same variant plane formula? 





Also how and why luna would cross planes to visit people here? What if it isn't always a physical trip but a spiritual one? I'mma quote a fanfic by the name of Knight In Faded Armor; Dream Sky. My interpretation from the story was of a spiritual plane where balls of light symbolized a living being, similar to twilight princess wolf link's view of the twilight hyrule. We all know she controls the moon, who's not to say her connection to both the celestial body and the dreamscape do not allow her to see into other planes? Ad if so who's to say she won't feel a connection, through her duty, to any dreamers she encounters through interplaner travel, or become curious as to how their minds work/think, or about the dreamer's world/species/etc in general? 

There is a major problem with the idea of everything we imagine actually being true. That would mean there's a world where there's one god who created all worlds (not just one group of worlds, ALL worlds), while in other worlds there is no god. That's completely impossible.

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Add in time/space theories and multiverse theories and suddenly a lot of sense is made.
You mean those theories that makes no sense at all?  




What if that was what made up the universe?
It would be cool and all that, but it's not true. There's no scientific fact that supports this theory and I doubt that that will change.
  • Brohoof 1


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You mean those theories that makes no sense at all?  




It would be cool and all that, but it's not true. There's no scientific fact that supports this theory and I doubt that that will change.



There is a major problem with the idea of everything we imagine actually being true. That would mean there's a world where there's one god who created all worlds (not just one group of worlds, ALL worlds), while in other worlds there is no god. That's completely impossible.



I'm just going to go out and say it; You two remind me of a teacher I once had. She was the best as training us for the meaningless jobs that'd be fun for zombies or the emotionless. Always boosting our confidence with things like "Adults don't have imaginations", "Everything revolves around jobs, not things you want to do", and the ever popular "you dream of doing this? That's unrealistic, you need to find a real job". She was a fun one.


You two sound like a couple of government paid rocket scientists.. or cat's with decent sized cardboard cubes (There is enough space so I'll occupy it)..... Anywho, I agree that my theories among others make no sense. That's not a problem though, that's the solution. Some of the greatest problems have the most obvious/simple solutions. Think about it this way' adding all the theories together more or less states that anything can and will happen. Maybe that's because anything does happen, but in ways so mundane on attention deflecting that it's near impossible for us to realize everything that goes on, especially counting the amount of information that would be added to our mind at a near instant rate. Something like that happening would make "mind blowing" impossibly literal. We discover facts slowly for a reason; self preservation. 


Take premonitory dreams for example. The info in them is often sketchy, the vividness often unnerving. Sometimes one will contain a story about one person, informing about another, and it won't be realized until events happen, whether or not related to the info presented in the dream. Others will be too straight forward, enough so that the dreaming is forced into either action, deniability through fear. or loss of sanity. Sometimes one will believe and things will go as seen. Other times dreamers berate themselves for not paying more attention. This goes especially for anyone the dreamer may tell. 





As for making sense, that's more akin to paranormal research. Things have happened that no one can explain, stuff moving, people knowing about things they couldn't otherwise, etc. Just because it's illogical, or without proof doesn't mean it isn't possible or true. 

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cat's with decent sized cardboard cubes
 I have no idea if this is a insult or not. 




Think about it this way' adding all the theories together more or less states that anything can and will happen. Maybe that's because anything does happen,
So your theories is correct because your theories is correct? Sorry, but you will need better proof if you want to convince anybody.




Just because it's illogical, or without proof doesn't mean it isn't possible or true.  Brohoof This Quote MultiQuote Blog This
. Sure, It's possible but when something makes no sense and lacks proof the chance is so small that it's pretty safe to assume that it's incorrect.  


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 I have no idea if this is a insult or not. 




So your theories is correct because your theories is correct? Sorry, but you will need better proof if you want to convince anybody.




. Sure, It's possible but when something makes no sense and lacks proof the chance is so small that it's pretty safe to assume that it's incorrect.  




Think of it as a decent observational comparison to a popular cat in a box related meme that speaks in proverbs about thinking in correlation to a box. 


My theory is correct because as little as we know about the universe, possibilities and what may or may not exist, it's the most sensible theory out there given all the unexplainible things that do and have happened without logic or reason to explain them and because more times than not sometimes the best solution/answer is the easiest. 


I agree it's better to be safe than sorry but sometimes that's the exact opposite of what should be done. 

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Look, you have no proof for this very unlikely scenario and it isn't healthy to believe that a TV show is real for no good reason. You are being completely illogical and this is dangerous. I am not uncreative. I'm not trying to say you should be an emotionless zombie. I am actually a feeler and perfectly capable of being creative. I just know how to be logical too. While it is theoretically possible for MLP to be real, it's extremely unlikely from what we know about how the world works, and your explanations for why it's likely are very illogical. You're actually committing a logical fallacy. It's called an appeal to ignorance. You are saying that because something cannot be disproven, it must be true or likely. If you can give some real evidence that My Little Pony actually exists I'll believe it (or at least believe that it's likely), but the fact of the matter is that you can't and it isn't healthy to believe in a TV show without evidence. Your theory is not the most sensible theory out there or most people would believe that stories that people made up are true.

Also, without any evidence to back up your claim, it isn't even a theory. It's only a hypothesis.

  • Brohoof 3
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My theory is correct because as little as we know about the universe, possibilities and what may or may not exist, it's the most sensible theory
A theory is proven with evidence and not how much sense it makes, not that your theory makes that munch sense but still. 
  • Brohoof 3


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I would say you were hallucinating. Trust me, they can seem very realistic. Hallucinations don't only happen to psychotic people or people who use drugs. Were you sleep deprived? Are you eating well? Maybe nothing triggered it. If you keep getting hallucinations, you might want to talk to someone about it. 

  • Brohoof 1


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Whatever the case I find this interesting. I am skeptical but who knows what could happen. Magic is science that we just haven't learned or figured out yet. Fictional ideas and worlds could be real. I've seen some theories that are like this. Like The Tulpa Effect, where if enough people believe in something we'll be able to see and perceive it. This is my opinion on the matter, but be careful. I could be wrong, I could be right, but I'm just spilling what I know :P

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A theory is proven with evidence and not how much sense it makes, not that your theory makes that munch sense but still.



Look, you have no proof for this very unlikely scenario and it isn't healthy to believe that a TV show is real for no good reason. You are being completely illogical and this is dangerous. I am not uncreative. I'm not trying to say you should be an emotionless zombie. I am actually a feeler and perfectly capable of being creative. I just know how to be logical too. While it is theoretically possible for MLP to be real, it's extremely unlikely from what we know about how the world works, and your explanations for why it's likely are very illogical. You're actually committing a logical fallacy. It's called an appeal to ignorance. You are saying that because something cannot be disproven, it must be true or likely. If you can give some real evidence that My Little Pony actually exists I'll believe it (or at least believe that it's likely), but the fact of the matter is that you can't and it isn't healthy to believe in a TV show without evidence. Your theory is not the most sensible theory out there or most people would believe that stories that people made up are true.

Also, without any evidence to back up your claim, it isn't even a theory. It's only a hypothesis.



Reminds me of a recent conversation where a facebook friend objected to something you'd think most people would also be against. Turns out he, attempting to do good, needed help too. Funny how that works. 


Riddle me this, since morale is now a part of the question; Why is it those seeing a wrong and trying to fix it by pointing it out, or those who see a possibly volatile situation, step in seeing a way to compromise that's beneficial to both parties, end up being sentenced?  



And why for the love of faust is it so hard for "it may or may not have happened, with or without logical proof" so hard an end for this discussion to reach? Yes science and logic proves the severely low chance of probability, on the other hand, none of us were there and we don't know the exact details of what actually happened, thus proving why it may. It's not like some movie you can rewind and rewatch i order to prove a percepted scene, it's life. We can only go with what where given and try finding the answers, whether alone, or as a group.


It's like finding a song knowing nothing but a few words. Sometimes searching those words will end in finding the exact song. Other times there's a dead end or a million other songs with similar lyrics and we ave to dig deeper and try different routes, even if that means having to try different words than the ones we thought were part of the lyrics. 

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Reminds me of a recent conversation where a facebook friend objected to something you'd think most people would also be against. Turns out he, attempting to do good, needed help too. Funny how that works. 


Riddle me this, since morale is now a part of the question; Why is it those seeing a wrong and trying to fix it by pointing it out, or those who see a possibly volatile situation, step in seeing a way to compromise that's beneficial to both parties, end up being sentenced?  



And why for the love of faust is it so hard for "it may or may not have happened, with or without logical proof" so hard an end for this discussion to reach? Yes science and logic proves the severely low chance of probability, on the other hand, none of us were there and we don't know the exact details of what actually happened, thus proving why it may. It's not like some movie you can rewind and rewatch i order to prove a percepted scene, it's life. We can only go with what where given and try finding the answers, whether alone, or as a group.


It's like finding a song knowing nothing but a few words. Sometimes searching those words will end in finding the exact song. Other times there's a dead end or a million other songs with similar lyrics and we ave to dig deeper and try different routes, even if that means having to try different words than the ones we thought were part of the lyrics. 

I didn't mean to brohoof that. I misclicked. Anyway, it seems like you just changed your position. You were saying that your "theory" that proves that My Little Pony is real was definitely correct.

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It's like finding a song knowing nothing but a few words. Sometimes searching those words will end in finding the exact song.
 It's more like finding a song without ever have heard it. And you end up searching random words in order to find it. And then claiming that a certain song is the one you're looking for because there's no proof that it isn't.




And why for the love of faust is it so hard for "it may or may not have happened, with or without logical proof" so hard an end for this discussion to reach?
Because it's not the answer I seek.




There are two possibilities here: Either they're talking to digimon, or they're talking to evil spirits pretending to be digimon
I can think of another way more realistic possibility, they are imagining themselves talking to digimons.
  • Brohoof 1


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 It's more like finding a song without ever have heard it. And you end up searching random words in order to find it. And then claiming that a certain song is the one you're looking for because there's no proof that it isn't.




Because it's not the answer I seek.




I can think of another way more realistic possibility, they are imagining themselves talking to digimons.


Below point proven. You're denying one of the main factors that brings forth even the possibility of being wrong. I'll reiterate; Things happen without logic or explanation. Does that mean they can happen? Yes. Does it mean it did? Unsure. Having someone report such an event is like hearing a song that sounds familiar and searching for it. It may turn out to be a song you loved, or it may be a song you disliked. What matters is that something happened to get your interest. Whether you search for the song or intentionally skip to the next station is the next step. Does't mean hearing the song in it's entirety isn't an option, because we prefer one or the other or because of what other's do with the music. Just cuz you "fits" in the box doesn't mean there isn't a whole room of other places you can "sits".  



I didn't mean to brohoof that. I misclicked. Anyway, it seems like you just changed your position. You were saying that your "theory" that proves that My Little Pony is real was definitely correct.


No I'm saying that no one is sure who is right, but that both parties are lacking vital information that would tilt the scale one way or another, giving reasons that add slight credibility to both sides. All you and your partner are giving me is a fridge pack that needs drinking. I'm trying to reason compromise, displaying how what we do an do not know apply to both sides of the scale. You two are obviously on the scientist side of the scale, where you don't believe without proof, appearing to straight up blast any zeppilids before they can prove friendly or otherwise. The otherside trying to offer anything up in their defense would be like playing snake with the tail maxed out, no where to go but the walls of one's own coils. Technically there isn't a debate if one side walls the whole question. Nothing gets done. Crack the proverbial fridge pack and enjoy a soda, you might be surprised. Who knows what knowledge or perspective the other side may have.

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Below point proven. You're denying one of the main factors that brings forth even the possibility of being wrong. I'll reiterate; Things happen without logic or explanation. Does that mean they can happen? Yes. Does it mean it did? Unsure. Having someone report such an event is like hearing a song that sounds familiar and searching for it. It may turn out to be a song you loved, or it may be a song you disliked. What matters is that something happened to get your interest. Whether you search for the song or intentionally skip to the next station is the next step. Does't mean hearing the song in it's entirety isn't an option, because we prefer one or the other or because of what other's do with the music. Just cuz you "fits" in the box doesn't mean there isn't a whole room of other places you can "sits".  




No I'm saying that no one is sure who is right, but that both parties are lacking vital information that would tilt the scale one way or another, giving reasons that add slight credibility to both sides. All you and your partner are giving me is a fridge pack that needs drinking. I'm trying to reason compromise, displaying how what we do an do not know apply to both sides of the scale. You two are obviously on the scientist side of the scale, where you don't believe without proof, appearing to straight up blast any zeppilids before they can prove friendly or otherwise. The otherside trying to offer anything up in their defense would be like playing snake with the tail maxed out, no where to go but the walls of one's own coils. Technically there isn't a debate if one side walls the whole question. Nothing gets done. Crack the proverbial fridge pack and enjoy a soda, you might be surprised. Who knows what knowledge or perspective the other side may have.


The other person is not my partner, and it isn't that I refuse to believe anything without proof. I don't believe in things that we know somebody just made up without actual evidence.

Edited by melody5697
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Things happen without logic or explanation.
Yes, but this discussion isn't about things happening without an explanation. This discussion is about your theory. Something that needs logic and an explanation, unfortunately it lacks both. 




I have reason to believe they're not imagining it.
Can I hear those reasons?


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Yes, but this discussion isn't about things happening without an explanation. This discussion is about your theory. Something that needs logic and an explanation, unfortunately it lacks both.  




It would seem to, yes. Do you know how many brilliant minds in our history have probably had that said to them? I'd wager at least 95% if not 100%. They've proven that not everything has solid logic or reasoning right away. What everything needs straight away is the minds to think of it. I admit it's a rough but of thought at the moment but it doesn't discount it's possibility, lessens credibility yes. 


The other person is not my partner, and it isn't that I refuse to believe anything without proof. I don't believe in things that we know somebody just made up without actual evidence.



Yes but HOW do you know? Admittedly there are more numerous reasons that seem plausible but that doesn't make them the exact reasons, more likely yes. There's no way to know exactly what happened without checking into every possibility, farfetched or otherwise. 

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