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movies/tv (SPOILERS) Episodes of Pokemon that you got/get emotional about?


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Just started a marathon of Pokemon on Netflix, and remembered how many moments in the show were actually tugging at my heartstrings.


Here is my list of moments that are sad or great for me:


1) Pikachu saving Ash from Spearows

2) Ash releasing Butterfree (plus the flashbacks)

3) James and Growlie

4) Kangaskhan kid (even though the episode is kinda stupid)

5) Ritchie and Ash parting ways in Season 1 finale

6) "Snow Way Out" episode

7) Meowth going back with Jessie and James off Golden Island (Orange Island episode)

8) Cubone reuniting with Marowak (Origins episode 2)


EDIT - just remembered some more

9) Team Rocket releasing Arbok and Weezing

10) Ash almost leaving Pikachu


What were/are your favourite moments from Pokemon?

Edited by SUPERFOX5

Regular YouTube: SUPERFOX5

Let's Play YouTube: SUPERFOX5 Gaming

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Any episode where a main character releases one of their Pokemon. They typically manage to get the emotion just right. Hence Ash releasing his Butterfree, almost releasing Pikachu, releasing his Charizard and releasing his Squirtle. Also when Team Rocket released their Arbok and Wheezing. 



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Any episode where a main character releases one of their Pokemon. They typically manage to get the emotion just right. Hence Ash releasing his Butterfree, almost releasing Pikachu, releasing his Charizard and releasing his Squirtle. Also when Team Rocket released their Arbok and Wheezing

Oh! I forgot about that one! First time I watched it though, was in Japanese, and it kinda stuck with me!

Regular YouTube: SUPERFOX5

Let's Play YouTube: SUPERFOX5 Gaming

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I have to go with team rocket releasing arbok and weezing as my "most emotional moment". Ash is an idiot with his releases and they made me more annoyed than sad once I recognized a pattern. That moment with team rocket though was really well written and done out of necessity to an immediate threat rather than the writers desire to nerf ash from ever winning anything.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree with CB, any scene with a character releasing one of their Pokemon is pretty emotional, in particular Butterfree, Charizard, and when Team Rocket release Arbok and Weezing, especially with what was at stake(they were with them all the time :(). The episode where Ash is trapped on that snow mountain with his Pokemon is also pretty hard hitting.



Also, I never thought the scene where Ash turns to stone in the first movie was sad, in fact I thought it was really dumb, even as a kid(especially the whole "fighting is evul" sappyness following before it)

Edited by Santa Megas
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'Bye Bye Butterfree' was the killer for me, cried every time I watched it. Ash defending Pikachu from the Spearows was another tearjerker, especially when Pikachu decides to help out. 

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Ash releasing Butterfree was the only one that made me tear up.


Butterfree was my favorite on his team.

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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