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How about a race Rainbow dash? Unless you're scared!


I coulda sworn you tried to chalenge me before.

Or were you just so slow I didn't even see you?






A cave troll of course :) I'm guessing you don't remember much of this, do you?


No. I....don't.



Hey Dash, I heard this guy calling himself Planetboom (and apparently a group named S4 League) think they're "Fast"


I think it's a joke, there's no way they could be faster than you, especially not when they take enough time out from practice to write songs about it.



What do you say?


Nothing wrong with boasting, long as they can back it up, of course.



((Oh, and hey, guys, 3rd quarter and all the homework it brings is piling up, so I'll have to likewise spend more time on it. I encourage you to bring Dashie questions to a different Dashie thread somepony else made, unless you're fine with week-long waiting times. >_<))

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Hey rainbow, Wanna some panda cheese?


I really don't get you humans and your weird commercials. There ain't anything in Equestria HALF that strange.



I'm not slow at all! If it makes you happy we'll even bet on it if you want!


Pfft, how much?

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I really don't get you humans and your weird commercials. There ain't anything in Equestria HALF that strange.


to be honest with you Rainbow...we have the craziest commercials....


btw, what do you think of Discord now that he's been reformed? i can actually picture you, him, and Pinkie being the ultimate prank team XD

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I'll let you decide on that one!


Loser's gotta clean the winner's house! Deal?



to be honest with you Rainbow...we have the craziest commercials....


btw, what do you think of Discord now that he's been reformed? i can actually picture you, him, and Pinkie being the ultimate prank team XD


Discord still kinda creeps me out, you know? I really don't want to be near him.




*Panda appears*

Just you know why...


Gah! What on Equestria?







I think you got some explaining to do...








That's not me. -_-

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sure it isn't...


Seriously, I swear! It reall'y isn't!



Do you approve of me, DeRpY, becoming a princess? (Twi said it would be fun)





So, Rainbow, do you play any instruments, and if so, how about a jam session?  I've been playing the drum set for seven years.


That's depends on what I get to play - you ain't seen nothing til you hear me with the guitar.



Which Wonderbolt is a better flyer: Soarin' or Spitfire?


I-I can't decide, they're BOTH amazing? Have you seen the way they fly?? I mean, come ON, there's no way I could compare them...

  • Brohoof 1
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Hey Rainbow Dash, say if Equestria made some kind of technology that could be used to make any pony fly. It wouldn't mater if you were a Pegasus or not. Would you approve? 


Sure - no machine is going to catch ME, anyway.

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I beat you in a race! So what do you have to say?


??? I haven't sen you all week.



Can I has some muffins?! Pretty please!


Uhh.....ask Pinkie, I ain't got any.



Hi! Omg your so awesome :3 I just wanted to ask, are you and soarin...you know ;)


Are we what?






What's that supposed to be, a camera on legs?



Hiya Dashie!!!! I'm a huge gamer, and you do everything awesome. So would you rather play halo or call of duty?

( please tell me why so i no you didnt ask pinkie pie to pick for you.)


I don't know what either of those two are....sorry kiddo.



I hear soaring single- do u like him?


Oh great, not again.



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