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FiM sequel show set a few hundred years in the future, good idea?


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What do you think of the idea of there being an MLP series that takes place several hundred years after FiM? The show would have completely new characters and all the characters in FiM would have basically been long dead, with the exception of Celestia, Luna, Discord, and probably even Spike if he's even still alive. Just imagine the possibilities for such a show. How do you think it should be done?

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What do you think of the idea of there being an MLP series that takes place several hundred years after FiM? The show would have completely new characters and all the characters in FiM would have basically been long dead, with the exception of Celestia, Luna, Discord, and probably even Spike if he's even still alive. Just imagine the possibilities for such a show. How do you think it should be done?


Therein lies the core problem with such a notion. A series in which so many beloved characters are dead would create a pervasive underlying sense of melancholy that's very much at odds with the optimistic, positive energy that a successor to FiM would presumably be meant to thrive upon. The presence of long-lived or immortal characters from FiM would only accentuate this by highlighting the connection to the previous series and making the absence of the deceased characters all the more apparent.


Further complicating matters is the fate of Twilight Sparkle, which presents essentially a no-win scenario. If she's dead from old age or some other cause, it will generate outrage from fans feeling that, by becoming an Alicorn, she's earned immortality. Conversely, if she's still alive, it will frustrate people such as myself, who feel that the Mane 6 ought to all be equally important and would prefer not to see one of them live on forever while the others are reduced to dust. If this is addressed by having all of the Mane 6 become immortal Alicorns (a move that would be almost impossible to execute well), people would complain that the CMCs deserve to live on, especially since their deaths would leave half of the Mane 6 with an eternal sense of loss. If they are brought back, it ultimately gets to the point where one has to question the point of setting the show in the far future at all.


There's a place for this sort of storytelling, even in children's animation. The Legend of Korra pulled a similar premise off reasonably well. But that series was of a darker, less idyllic nature that confronted concepts such as mortality much more openly than FiM, a series that still dances around the issue of Applejack's parents being dead. It would be possible for a successor to FiM to embrace such a darker approach, but it would come at the cost of much of what defines the original, which attracted its following in part because it presented an innocent, joyful alternative to the grit and somberness seen in so much modern media.

  • Brohoof 1
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it would be interesting, but I still think there's so much more the show can do with what we already know. Obviously Celestia, Luna and possibly Twilight and Cadance would be there, but over the past five seasons there have been so many characters and backstories introduced that the show could still delve into. One of the ones I'm most interested in is the past of Celestia and Luna before the Nightmare Moon incident. It would be a refreshing change to the system once the writers have taken all of the good stuff out of the current story.

Edited by Saroth
  • Brohoof 1
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I think it'd be cool. but there is still a LOT I want to see with our current cast before I'd ever be satisfied moving on.
I like the idea of maybe Twilight and Starlight Glimmer/Sunset Shimmer taking Celestia and Luna's place. Imagine an alicorn Twilight the size of Princess Celestia! 

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Eh..yeabh not really a fan of te idea. like someone else pointed out if it in the same unvers there there conversy over Twlight (franky on on the side that she NOT immortal, hell even Cadance aged for crying out loud)  They problaby just reboot mlp with new setting, new charactern d more toys!! cause hasbro

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Next gen series tends to be rather hit or miss, like Legend of Korra which was a miss. It can get compared a lot to its predecessor unless they avoid trying to make them walk the same line.


Though a FIM sitcom style show would be different.

Edited by Singe
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This has been my idea for a sequel show for a couple of years now.


Twilight discovers that the Crystal Castle is actually the starship Celestia and Luna came to Equestria in. Celestia gifts it to Princess Twilight, who refurbishes it, and assembles a crew with her as captain. Scootaloo is the hot young pilot who will fly the ship. It turns out that Derpy is the only pony in Equestria with the proper brainwaves to link with the ships computational mind. Aided by a powered winged suit designed and remotely supported by Rarity, Rainbow will scout ahead for planets supporting pony like life forms. Applejack will be in charge of life support and hydroponics. Pinkie will be morale officer, to keep the crew happy and occupied on the long voyage. Fluttershy will be First Contact officer, and oddly, security officer (The STARE works on aliens!) Applebloom is Zecora's assistant, seeking new potions and curatives to help pony kind. Sweetie Belle will assist Fluttershy, as singing holds the key to opening the hearts of the new friends they meet.  


Can you tell I've given this a bit of thought?

  • Brohoof 1
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Now this sounds cool, there could be many different possibilities at what would happen in the future.

I would suspect that every single head canon would be shattered into infinite pieces and scattered throughout the entire multiverse :pinkie:

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