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Which character would you want to see become evil?

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I'd like to see Rarity become Nightmare Rarity in the series, if that counts. Not permanently of course, but I liked her in the IDW comics xD



I'm sure that'll never happen though. 

  • Brohoof 2




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Celestia and Applejack have an uprising together, AJ because she's a main character given as much screen time as a background pony and Celestia because she's completely useless, always getting beaten by the villains and incapable of stopping them, and nopony writes her anymore.



No, but seriously, maybe Discord so he won't be as obnoxious. Better yet, Starlight Glimmer so they can kill her off in a child-friendly way.

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I think it would be really interesting to see either Twilight, Celestia or Rainbow Dash turn evil. (temporarily. xD)


We saw an evil Twilight in Friendship Games which I thought was a great twist, and could easily hint at her dark side manifesting in the show. Although maybe people would see that as just reusing the Friendship Games plot. 


Celestia would make sense because, as someone said, we've seen Luna's evil side, and since Celestia is so genuinely good and kind, it would be interesting to see her taken over by evil. Because she's someone Equestria relies on in times of need, and if SHE succumbs to darkness, then everyone's pretty much screwed.


And Rainbow Dash... well, I just think it might be quite a cool and very likely twist on her character. I think she could easily be tempted by darkness if her loyalty was tested or her dream was offered to her in a similar way to the Shadowbolts scene in the pilot episode. 

  • Brohoof 1

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We already saw Twilight turn evil, and to be honest I'm freaking tired of plots revolving around twilight. So another "Twilight turns evil and IS SUPER HAX!!111" doesn't intrigue me at ALL.


Rarity was actually pretty freaking cool as Inspirarity, and I liked the nightmare rarity Plotline. So I'd never turn down more Evil rarity because she's so damned HAMMY as a villain that she's great. But we've already seen that twice by now, so it might get old, yeah?

Evil AJ... I just can't really fathom seeing this. AJ is just such a bedrock of "goodness" that I can't see her being a good character. She's more or less the paragon as far as who she is.


RD's got TONS of flaws, but she just doesn't seem like she'd be good evil material either, yeah? This may sound strange, but RD seems "petty" evil, rather than really big evil. Like I can see RD descending into petty criminal actions like vandalism or small scheme theft, but nothing really big, yeah?
So I just can't see a truly "evil" RD working.

PInkie would work as I can see her going full on insane if she were evil ala the maneiac.


Fluttershy... I could see working as I could see her being a "Wooby destroyer of worlds" kind of character if she was emotionally broken in some way, or manipulated by another villain mentally after breaking her.

but Honestly, I don't see any of the mane six working well as a villain at the moment. The only one I could see having the chops to be an actual threat, power wise, is twilight, and I think that would be boring as hell. (I mean, AJ can kick stuff, and RD's fast but she's not really superman level as she's matched by Spitfire and there's a buttload of wonderbolts)



I'd enjoy seeing suri polomare come back as a villain trying to use the inspiration manifestation spell to revitalize her career and being corrupted by it; it would be a good callback to inspiration manifestation and work for her getting revenge ala the alicorn amulet.


I'd also enjoy seeing Wind rider and Lightning dust team up for revenge against RD in a more minor, personal kind of revenge thing rather than true supervillainy.

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Starlight Glimmer, have her be a redemption that doesn't take and she returns to being a villain.  


Of the Mane 6 though, I'd probably like to see Fluttershy go SSJ2 like Gohan did against Cell and become rather sadistic and have to need her friends to bring her back from the dark side a bit. 

  • Brohoof 2

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

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Wait.. What if Derpy became evil? O_O


Then God help us all. :okiedokielokie: 


Actually though, this is an interesting question as we actually have some precedent for it. After all, the show began with a fallen savior as its antagonist. There's long been a fascination in the fandom if it was Celestia that turned corrupt, seriously just google or search on derpibooru or devientart, "Nightmare Eclipse, Nightmare Star" or some variation with Celestia. Plus, in the comics, it was actually Rarity that became the successor to Nightmare Moon's power. Plus there was Spike letting his greed take over . . . and Pinkie going mildly insane . . . and the sin against all that is good that is Flutterbat. You know this is disturbingly common when one thinks about it.


So this is actually something that could still happen and we could see a dark reflection of some of our faves. Personally, I always find this trope the most effective when it's the most humble and virtuous character that gets this treatment. Everypony is saying Twilight, but that's kind of predictable isn't it? I mean she is a princess and we've already seen an evil princess and she's also had to grow into the hero that she is. How about a character who's character development hasn't necessarily made them into a better and more moral person as much as improved aspects of their internal life? Aspects that could now allow them influence they did not have before? Somepony like . . . Fluttershy?



  • Brohoof 1
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I think it would be really interesting to see either Twilight, Celestia or Rainbow Dash turn evil. (temporarily. xD)


We saw an evil Twilight in Friendship Games which I thought was a great twist, and could easily hint at her dark side manifesting in the show. Although maybe people would see that as just reusing the Friendship Games plot. 


Celestia would make sense because, as someone said, we've seen Luna's evil side, and since Celestia is so genuinely good and kind, it would be interesting to see her taken over by evil. Because she's someone Equestria relies on in times of need, and if SHE succumbs to darkness, then everyone's pretty much screwed.


And Rainbow Dash... well, I just think it might be quite a cool and very likely twist on her character. I think she could easily be tempted by darkness if her loyalty was tested or her dream was offered to her in a similar way to the Shadowbolts scene in the pilot episode. 

I'm not so sure everyone would be doomed if Celestia became bad. She's sort of useless, nowadays. Or she's portrayed as a punching bag for villains to depict their power. Of course, I'm sure the show would suddenly give her the nearly all-powerul trait back should they want her to become evil.



What I mean by this is: Celestia is supposed to be the supreme ruler. She's meant to be possibly the greatest power in Equestria. When there's a villain or a catastrophe, she's either useless or she's a pushover used to show how powerful he villain is. If the show wanted her to turn evil, they'd probably make her powerful to the point of being nearly unstoppable, which she already SHOULD be as a good pony.



Anyhow, I'll stop boring everyone to tears. >.>

  • Brohoof 1
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Then God help us all. :okiedokielokie:


Actually though, this is an interesting question as we actually have some precedent for it. After all, the show began with a fallen savior as its antagonist. There's long been a fascination in the fandom if it was Celestia that turned corrupt, seriously just google or search on derpibooru or devientart, "Nightmare Eclipse, Nightmare Star" or some variation with Celestia. Plus, in the comics, it was actually Rarity that became the successor to Nightmare Moon's power. Plus there was Spike letting his greed take over . . . and Pinkie going mildly insane . . . and the sin against all that is good that is Flutterbat. You know this is disturbingly common when one thinks about it.


So this is actually something that could still happen and we could see a dark reflection of some of our faves. Personally, I always find this trope the most effective when it's the most humble and virtuous character that gets this treatment. Everypony is saying Twilight, but that's kind of predictable isn't it? I mean she is a princess and we've already seen an evil princess and she's also had to grow into the hero that she is. How about a character who's character development hasn't necessarily made them into a better and more moral person as much as improved aspects of their internal life? Aspects that could now allow them influence they did not have before? Somepony like . . . Fluttershy?



The real problem with Rarity as nightmare moon in the comics was that it explicitly WASN'T rarity as nightmare moon, it was another being possessing her body.


So it kind of ruined the whole "Rarity turns evil" aspect when you have a seperate being bodysnatch her, yeah? Kind of why I feel inspirarity was a much better evil rarity-- It actually WAS rarity and was based off her thought process, just insane.

  • Brohoof 2
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The real problem with Rarity as nightmare moon in the comics was that it explicitly WASN'T rarity as nightmare moon, it was another being possessing her body.


So it kind of ruined the whole "Rarity turns evil" aspect when you have a seperate being bodysnatch her, yeah? Kind of why I feel inspirarity was a much better evil rarity-- It actually WAS rarity and was based off her thought process, just insane.


True enough, but the Nightmare didn't just take her over, it had to work into her mind and build on her insecurities. You are correct though in that the inspiration is a more fruitful example of "same character but with the moral compass switch off." She was just one example of my actual point though.

  • Brohoof 2
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I'm not so sure everyone would be doomed if Celestia became bad. She's sort of useless, nowadays. Or she's portrayed as a punching bag for villains to depict their power. Of course, I'm sure the show would suddenly give her the nearly all-powerul trait back should they want her to become evil.



What I mean by this is: Celestia is supposed to be the supreme ruler. She's meant to be possibly the greatest power in Equestria. When there's a villain or a catastrophe, she's either useless or she's a pushover used to show how powerful he villain is. If the show wanted her to turn evil, they'd probably make her powerful to the point of being nearly unstoppable, which she already SHOULD be as a good pony.



Anyhow, I'll stop boring everyone to tears. >.>

Yup. Just look at Discord. Since he belongs to the good guys he starts to fail.


He sends Twilight and Cadance to a dangerous creature without purpose. He has never seen a creature like this before and shows even fear. Tirek just grabs him and steals all his magic while Discord suddenly forgets how to teleport away. The alleged mightiest creature just got bucking owned.


I'm not sure anymore if i dont want to see Celestia turning evil. Then at least she would get something done for over thirty minutes before she gets floored by the power of friendship. And Discord would totally suffer the Worf effect again or he has to go to vacation during this time. :P


AJ and Celestia arent similar anymore, by the way. Celestia has become a background princess while AJ stopped to be a background pony. :derp:

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I like it when the evil characters are interesting. There are some evil characters that I just love because they are well designed, interesting characters, and there are some who are there just for the sake of having an evil character.


I honestly can't think of many characters in MLP who are not already evil/have an evil side to them who would make a good villain. Maybe Celestia, but there would have to be a good reason for her turning evil, because they have shown no hint of any dark side to her, unlike Luna.

Shining Armor turning evil would make an interesting plot, but they set up his character where the only way I can see that happening is by possession, or something like that, which I don't think makes a very interesting villain. Besides, the real villain would be whoever is responsible, not the character being possessed. 


I think it would be smarter to just introduce a new character, or bring back an old villain.

Edited by El Duderino
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I'm not sure anymore if i dont want to see Celestia turning evil. Then at least she would get something done for over thirty minutes before she gets floored by the power of friendship. And Discord would totally suffer the Worf effect again or he has to go to vacation during this time. :P


AJ and Celestia arent similar anymore, by the way. Celestia has become a background princess while AJ stopped to be a background pony. :derp:

I'm actually fine with this idea because the chance for Celestia to blast somepony is long overdue. It's even better if the other alicorns, the Elements of Harmony, and Discord are all somehow not enough to beat an evil Celestia.


However, taking into account the show's portrayal of Celestia, getting thrashed immediately after turning evil wouldn't surprise me. I'm still hoping for the former, though.

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