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open Fallout Equestria: Aftermath (Rp)


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"Ohh, weapons?," Kronos said with great interest, "I wanna see what's up with that." However, he didnt get far before the turrets started aiming at him. Crap, he thought, I freakin forgot that jerk got the turrets aimed at me. Goddammit. He turned back to the couch and plopped himself next to Lupus. "Well fuck," he told Lupus, "I forgot that we're stuck here."

Edited by Kronos
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"Need me to grab you anything?" Foray asked, standing up and stretching momentarily, before a short yawn interrupted her. "I was planning on heading down there anyway... maybe there will be a workbench there..."


And hopefully enough parts to get my .44 properly outfitted...


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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"Need me to grab you anything?" Foray asked, standing up and stretching momentarily, before a short yawn interrupted her. "I was planning on heading down there anyway... maybe there will be a workbench there..."


And hopefully enough parts to get my .44 properly outfitted...

"If you can find maybe a more decent pistol or even an assault rifle for me, that'd be great." Kronos replied, "Also, if you can, look around for maybe some combat armor for myself. I could really use some right at the moment. And maybe some for my new friend Lupus there." He jokingly finished with "Thanks, babe."

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"Mm-hmmph," she snorted disdainfully, sizing up the two ponies and estimating what kind of armor they'd need. "Fine then, I'll pick up some stuff for you two on my way out. And Kronos... if you want to keep using that mouth of yours, you'd better stop calling me 'babe'. I'd just as quickly shoot your eyes out as I would any dime-a-dozen raider, but we're in a metal room and I'd like to keep my hearing."


With that, she turned and descended deeper into the bunker, following the commotion that the other ponies were making, until she too appeared at the doorway of the weapons stash.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Well, at least I'm not the only one who doesn't find this... freaking singing annoying...


Foray had managed to remain sitting silently in the dark corner for a bit, and while the other ponies were caught up in their less-than-practical activities, she'd taken the opportunity to grab a bite to eat from White's pantry. She'd been surprised to see stasis-contained apples in stock, and not just any apples, but ripe, luscious red apples. She pondered taking all of them for herself, but decided against it, instead simply opening one and eating it quickly and quietly before returning to the main room.


A bit bored with her situation and a bit frustrated that she couldn't find White's workbench -- she was doubting that he even had one -- she sidled up against her old partner Quiet and asked, "How's it going?"

"Huh? Oh! Um Hi foray. I'm fine, obviously not much is going on right now. Stitting , waiting for something interesting develop I'm just......annoyed, you're hearing their singing too right? Those ponies are irritatingly terrible, *sigh* Anyway you fairing any better?"

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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The instant that the 10 minutes had passed I opened my eyes and stood up straight after leaning on the wall. "It's been 10 minutes. Time to follow directions."


I left the room and turned right, before continuing down the hallway and taking the first door on the left. I began walking down two floors, then I arrived in a corridor. On the way down the corridor, I saw a room with a violin piled on top of some other things. Ignoring it, I continued down to a large shutter door. "Here we go I guess." I said as I pushed onto and kept puthing on a button on the wall to the right of me. The shutter lifted and a room full of weapons was pulled into view. "Oh-ho-ho! Nice!"


I released my push on the button and stepped inside looking around. Holy fuck.


Crackshot decided to follow the red mare down the hallway, wondering what could possibly be so important that White needed them down there.


He passed a room, idly making a mental note of the violin case perched on top of some pre-war junk, and walked on.


He spotted the mare inside a room, past an open shutter door. As he walked in, he saw racks upon racks of weapons. Pistols and rifles of almost all kinds were hung up on the walls, some displayed on tables.


His eyes widened slightly as he stood beside the mare. "Oh... fuck the hell yes."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Mm-hmmph," she snorted disdainfully, sizing up the two ponies and estimating what kind of armor they'd need. "Fine then, I'll pick up some stuff for you two on my way out. And Kronos... if you want to keep using that mouth of yours, you'd better stop calling me 'babe'. I'd just as quickly shoot your eyes out as I would any dime-a-dozen raider, but we're in a metal room and I'd like to keep my hearing."


With that, she turned and descended deeper into the bunker, following the commotion that the other ponies were making, until she too appeared at the doorway of the weapons stash.

"Hey, c'mon, Foray, I'm just joking, sheesh," Kronos told her as she left before turning towards Lupus, "Damn, can't anyone take a freaking joke around here?" He drifted off into another dream of his, contemplating his past when he was in the walls of his home in Ragnarok.

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Crackshot decided to follow the red mare down the hallway, wondering what could possibly be so important that White needed them down there.


He passed a room, idly making a mental note of the violin case perched on top of some pre-war junk, and walked on.


He spotted the mare inside a room, past an open shutter door. As he walked in, he saw racks upon racks of weapons. Pistols and rifles of almost all kinds were hung up on the walls, some displayed on tables.


His eyes widened slightly as he stood beside the mare. "Oh... fuck the hell yes."

Going ahead of the unicorn Hazelnut followed the red mare's instructions to the letter, after reaching the destination Hazelnut found not an ambush but instead an armory that would have made his quartermaster jealous, It was a vast armory with at least one of almost every weapon created by equestria, ranging from rifles, pistols, shotguns, and various grenades. The ranger though not wanting to let his guard down released the inner colt inside of him as he happily inspected and handled every weapon he could get his hooves on. After a few minutes bullets and shells littered the floor under him as he unjammed multitudes of rifles and shotguns. Though he was excited about the arsenal none of the weapons could hold a candle to his current equipment in sheer destructive power. The unicorn finally caught up and walked into the armory with a simple statement of satisfaction. "Even if there is quite a good amount of weapons to go around, I don't think the owner would appreciate us grabbing too much." The ranger declare to anypony in the armory who could hear. The ranger appreciated the increase of combat effectiveness the weapons would bring his allies, it would most likely save him some 40mm grenades. "Speaking of which, where is the bastard anyway?"

Edited by Ranger22
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His eyes widened slightly as he stood beside the mare. "Oh... fuck the hell yes."


"I'm not usually a fan of guns." I said, pausing for a moment to turn towards Crackshot. "But, if I'm being perfectly honest Shut." I turned back to the room. "This looks fucking amazing."


The violin appeared next to me, having being taken from the room by my magic and levitated towards me. The fuck.


Art by DoeKitty

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"I'm not usually a fan of guns." I said, pausing for a moment to turn towards Crackshot. "But, if I'm being perfectly honest Shut." I turned back to the room. "This looks fucking amazing."


The violin appeared next to me, having being taken from the room by my magic and levitated towards me. The fuck.


Crackshot nodded once, then blinked and looked at the mare.

Shut? The hell.


He wasn't even going to begin questioning how the violin got there.



Going ahead of the unicorn Hazelnut followed the red mare's instructions to the letter, after reaching the destination Hazelnut found not an ambush but instead an armory that would have made his quartermaster jealous, It was a vast armory with at least one of almost every weapon created by equestria, ranging from rifles, pistols, shotguns, and various grenades. The ranger though not wanting to let his guard down released the inner colt inside of him as he happily inspected and handled every weapon he could get his hooves on. After a few minutes bullets and shells littered the floor under him as he unjammed multitudes of rifles and shotguns. Though he was excited about the arsenal none of the weapons could hold a candle to his current equipment in sheer destructive power. The unicorn finally caught up and walked into the armory with a simple statement of satisfaction. "Even if there is quite a good amount of weapons to go around, I don't think the owner would appreciate us grabbing too much." The ranger declare to anypony in the armory who could hear. The ranger appreciated the increase of combat effectiveness the weapons would bring his allies, it would most likely save him some 40mm grenades. "Speaking of which, where is the bastard anyway?"


He raised an eyebrow and watched as Hazelnut went at the guns like a colt in a candy store.


He focused on some rifles hanging on the wall that hadn't been touched yet - long ones, outfitted with folded tripods and scopes.




He trotted over and took a look at one of the rifles, looking at the mare through the scope.


Decent range... what's this?


He spotted a switch on the scope, and flicked it before looking through again. She had gone from a pony to a blob of shimmering red, orange and yellow.


"A thermal scope!" He breathed, "Luna spank me with a moon rock, this is exactly what we need!"


He fastened the rifle's strap around himself so it rested on his back, and levitated another rifle off before looking at the mare.

"Hey," he called to her, "I've got your 'real gun' right here."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Crackshot nodded once, then blinked and looked at the mare.

Shut? The hell.

The hell is that look for? I cocked my head a little in confusion.


He spotted a switch on the scope, and flicked it before looking through again. She had gone from a pony to a blob of shimmering red, orange and yellow.


"A thermal scope!" He breathed, "Luna spank me with a moon rock, this is exactly what we need!"

On the outside I was stood there, with a blank face devoid of all emotions. On the inside, I was laughing to much. I have no idea what the hell that means, or who the hell Luna is, but that's bloody brilliant!


He fastened the rifle's strap around himself so it rested on his back, and levitated another rifle off before looking at the mare.

"Hey," he called to her, "I've got your 'real gun' right here."


"Oh. Now that, is a gun. I don't suppose there are pistols anywhere here."


Art by DoeKitty

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Hazelnut's ears peaked inside his helmet as he heard his companion's conversation going off in the background. He smiled as he heard the red mare's discomfort with weaponry, ironically humorous in the sense that she lived in a world where a gun was your best friend. But what really sparked the ranger's interest was in the mention of thermal scopes, a fairly rare enchantment last time he heard. Sufficiently interested Hazelnut walked over to his companions and inspected the weaponry the unicorn recommended. The rifles wouldn't be of any help due to their range but the scopes were as good as gold at the moment. @https://mlpforums.com/user/31802-unicorncob/  "Nice find unicorn, but the mare is right, she can't particularly wield anything larger than a pistol. Do you know anypony besides us that could use those rifles?" The ranger asked the unicorn, still curious on the owner of the bunker's location.

Edited by Ranger22
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Hazelnut's ears peaked inside his helmet as he heard his companion's conversation going off in the background. He smiled as he heard the red mare's discomfort with weaponry, ironically humorous in the sense that she lived in a world where a gun was your best friend. But what really sparked the ranger's interest was in the mention of thermal scopes, a fairly rare enchantment last time he heard. Sufficiently interested Hazelnut walked over to his companions and inspected the weaponry the unicorn recommended. The rifles wouldn't be of any help due to their range but the scopes were as good as gold at the moment. @https://mlpforums.com/user/31802-unicorncob/ "Nice find unicorn, but the mare is right, she can't particularly wield anything larger than a pistol. Do you know anypony besides us that could use those rifles?" The ranger asked the unicorn, still curious on the owner of the bunker's location.

"Well excu-u-use me! Here I was asking for a couple of pistols as a backup for close range attacks and you come along out of nowhere, claiming I couldn't handle a sniper? Whats up with that? If I was any more like the rest of you, I believe the right reaction would be to grab the gun in question and point it at your sorry excuse for a face!"


Art by DoeKitty

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"Oh. Now that, is a gun. I don't suppose there are pistols anywhere here."


Crackshot glanced around the room, and his eyes locked on a rack and table of pistols just behind the mare. He gave a nod ahead to direct her.



"Nice find unicorn, but the mare is right, she can't particularly wield anything larger than a pistol. Do you know anypony besides us that could use those rifles?" The ranger asked the unicorn, still curious on the owner of the bunker's location.


"These rifles are equipped with tripods," he explained, showing the folded up pegs on the barrel, "I have a plan to take out their snipers, but I need another gun to do it, and she can always use another survival skill."



"Well excu-u-use me! Here I was asking for a couple of pistols as a backup for close range attacks and you come along out of nowhere, claiming I couldn't handle a sniper? Whats up with that? If I was any more like the rest of you, I believe the right reaction would be to grab the gun in question and point it at your sorry excuse for a face!"


He turned to the mare and fixed her a stern look, though not as stern as it could be. "Hey, relax. When the rain lets up, I'll take you outside and show you how these bad boys work."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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White stood back, having followed the group from behind shortly after they left for the armoury. Standing behind them as they inspected the arsenal of weapons he had stored here. He grinned to himself behind his mask and took a step forward.


"It seems like everyone is enjoy this little surprise I had for you. I promised that I would deliver you weapons and that is exactly what I have done. These are some of the most high-grade, well preserved, pre war military weapons you will find in the Wasteland. My armoury is completely open for all of you in this room. And what you see here is not all I have to offer. Along the back wall are boxes willed with broken parts and scraps. Back outside in the two rooms adjacent to this one, you will find a weapons crafting bench and an armour modification bench. We don't have a power armour station here Paladin Smart Ass. Once the Radiation storm up top lets up, feel free to take whatever weapon you wish and take it out for a test fire. We have enough ammo. Just note, I don't have everything here. We lack powerful ordinance like missiles, grenade belts. I also don't have any laser or plasma based weapons. Guns or Grenades. We do have a surplus of Frags and Pulse grenades, so take all you want of them. And I think some of you had doubts about this armoury being true. Didn't you?"

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@@Child Of Darkness


Foray perked up the instant White said "parts and scraps", and rushed towards the back wall to observe the boxes he'd spoken of, ignoring pretty much everything else he said in the process. The boxes had been rather well-organised, each labeled with tags, and she instantly locked on to one labeled "pistols". Flinging the box open, she began to dig through the parts rapidly, like a foal searching through a toybox for their favorite toy.


Of course, a few moments later, she realized that with the sheer amount of pieces in the box, she wouldn't be able to find anything she needed, at least not for a while. Turning back towards White and grinning sheepishly, she asked, "Uh... so, do you have parts for a .44 bull barrel?"


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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The ranger was caught off guard by the red mare's sudden outburst, didn't expect her to have a reaction like that, the ranger thought to himself. Still, despite her claims the ranger still had his doubts about the skill of the pony in question. Hazelnut had survived as long as he did by making sure those around him proved useful or got out of the way, the red mare would not be an exception. "I don't care for boast, unless you can prove to me otherwise you'll just be a liability," the ranger said ignoring the mare's threat. @https://mlpforums.com/user/31802-unicorncob/"And you, you better hope you can train this mare to have some degree of competence, otherwise the whole plan is at risk," the ranger gruffly stated to the unicorn. The ranger didn't want to take away a potentially useful weapon to his allies, but if no pony showed skill he would have to.


    Before the ranger could say anything else the stallion with the pipbuck made his entrance and gave more information about his stockpile. Truth be told the ranger had his doubts about the stockpile. But like many times before in his life he was proven wrong, at least it wasn't as bad as finding out about Maple's pregnancy, the ranger thought to himself. @https://mlpforums.com/user/17121-child-of-darkness/ "You say it as if you need a power armor station to work on a suit. Only an idiot would need one of those damned things to work on his power armor," the ranger confidently stated. "Another thing, your boasts about the armory are as hilariously accurate as they are wrong. Feel free to ask me about my insight if you don't understand," the ranger offered as he searched through the stockpile shoving as many pulse grenades in his saddlebags as he could.

Edited by Ranger22
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@@Meson Bolt, "Yeah, those parts should be here." White walked over to the back wall and pulled out on of the boxes from roughly the middle of the large number he had. Inside was several components for Revolver type hang guns, ranging from grips, barrels and sights. " This should have everything you need, if it doesn't feel free to take some scrap and make something yourself.


@@Ranger22, White tilted his head back and looked at the Paladin. Chuckling slightly. "Oh, and I suppose that from the description I gave you can find out something that I false about my statements? That is indeed what you are insinuating of course. Do tell Paladin Fuck Wit. What's so wrong about my storage of weapons?"

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"And you, you better hope you can train this mare to have some degree of competence, otherwise the whole plan is at risk," the ranger gruffly stated to the unicorn. The ranger didn't want to take away a potentially useful weapon to his allies, but if no pony showed skill he would have to.


Crackshot simply raised an eyebrow at the ranger, and adjusted the rifle so it stayed on his back.


"It's not her competence that I'm worried about," he grunted, nodding to the mess of bullets the Steel Ranger had left on the floor, "I'm sure she can at least pick up after herself, Paladin."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@https://mlpforums.com/user/31802-unicorncob/The ranger chuckled as he heard the unicorn's joke, "Why aren't you worried about it? Her skill with the weapon your giving her could be the deciding factor whether or not we live or die in the upcoming battle. I can respect your faith in the mare but I'm simply being realistic. Just, make sure she's ready alright," Hazelnut said with a sigh before refocusing his attention on the unicorn with the pipbuck, I really need to start learning names.


    @https://mlpforums.com/user/17121-child-of-darkness/"Ignoring your embarrassingly juvenile insult I'll oblige you on your request. Simply put, your weapons are not some of the most high grade military equipment in the wasteland you cocky little pony. First of all the line between military and civilian grade weapons were very thin in pre-war Equestria. Ironshod and other companies sold their guns indiscriminately, with the only limit being the amount of bits a pony had. I can assure you civilians back then had access to everything in this bunker, just under a different serial number. Everypony had a gun, that's why there are so damn many units scattered across the wasteland. So adding military as a description especially with the types of weapons here, isn't exactly impressive. Good preservation and high grade go hoof in hoof, after all a high grade weapon is a well preserved one. I won't deny their quality but saying that they are some of the most well preserved is just pushing it, I've seen traders with better quality stuff than this. Two hundred years never does anything good, but your weapons aren't the only ones that can boast about surpassing their expiration date. These are merely observations so don't go overreacting like I've seen you do uh...what's your name again?"

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@@Child Of Darkness


"Thanks White..." Foray replied, still facing nose-first into the box of parts, digging like a dog would for a bone.


It took her a few minutes to find a .44 magnum bull barrel, but she also seemed intrigued with a medium thermal scope she'd found. Pulling back and sitting down, she turned the object around in her magic, scrutinizing it. She didn't know what a thermal scope looked like -- heck, one could argue she was ignorant of their existence, although that one would probably have their head bashed in -- but it looked much more advanced than any other scope she'd seen.


Staring through it produced a blurry image of blue, complete with red luminescent crosshairs. Had she looked at her own self, she would've seen a brilliant yellow glow surrounding her, but as it was all she could see were her hoofprints on the floor.


Huh, funky... must be some sort of advanced recon scope... or something. Clicks right in to my pistol too. May as well keep it on hoof... maybe somepony else know what this thing is.


Still fondling it while she headed back to the room with the other ponies, she held it up and asked, "Uh... so, anypony know what this fancy scope does?"


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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He passed a room, idly making a mental note of the violin case perched on top of some pre-war junk, and walked on.   He spotted the mare inside a room, past an open shutter door. As he walked in, he saw racks upon racks of weapons. Pistols and rifles of almost all kinds were hung up on the walls, some displayed on tables.   His eyes widened slightly as he stood beside the mare. "Oh... fuck the hell yes."

....And still not one damn bow and arrow in site, *sigh* I knew I shouldn't have left mine in Appaloosa. (Quiet walks to Crackshot).




"While you're over here fan-colting over some guns, do you mind keeping an eye for an Bow and Arrow? I don't use any type of firearms unlike ya'll."


  Still fondling it while she headed back to the room with the other ponies, she held it up and asked, "Uh... so, anypony know what this fancy scope does?"

"Um.........Foray, I'm pretty sure it does what all Scopes do."


OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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He turned to the mare and fixed her a stern look, though not as stern as it could be. "Hey, relax. When the rain lets up, I'll take you outside and show you how these bad boys work."


What an odd description for a weapon. C'est la vie I guess. "All right, thanks." I'll learn how to use these in seconds! I thought as I took the weapon in my magic and span it slowly in front of me, taking in every detail. I already know how it works.


My magic reached out and grabbed two pistols from the rack as well as some spare ammo while I was looking at the sniper. I noticed them coming to me and setting down inside my saddlebag, confused. But, I didn't do that?


Along the back wall are boxes willed with broken parts and scraps. Back outside in the two rooms adjacent to this one, you will find a weapons crafting bench and an armour modification bench.


My ears flicked up upon hearing the word modification. Oh I am so using that later.


The ranger was caught off guard by the red mare's sudden outburst, didn't expect her to have a reaction like that, the ranger thought to himself. Still, despite her claims the ranger still had his doubts about the skill of the pony in question. Hazelnut had survived as long as he did by making sure those around him proved useful or got out of the way, the red mare would not be an exception. "I don't care for boast, unless you can prove to me otherwise you'll just be a liability," the ranger said ignoring the mare's threat. "And you, you better hope you can train this mare to have some degree of competence, otherwise the whole plan is at risk," the ranger gruffly stated to the unicorn. The ranger didn't want to take away a potentially useful weapon to his allies, but if no pony showed skill he would have to.


"I'm not sure if you noticed, 'paladin', but I didn't boast. Nor did I threaten you. And questioning my competence. I'm a fucking time traveller, so why don't you go over there and think about how I can break the laws of the universe itself, and you can't clean up over yourself." I said gesturing to the mess he made.


White tilted his head back and looked at the Paladin. Chuckling slightly. "Oh, and I suppose that from the description I gave you can find out something that I false about my statements? That is indeed what you are insinuating of course. Do tell Paladin Fuck Wit. What's so wrong about my storage of weapons?"


Paladin Fuck Wit. Heh.


"It's not her competence that I'm worried about," he grunted, nodding to the mess of bullets the Steel Ranger had left on the floor, "I'm sure she can at least pick up after herself, Paladin."


"I believe his name is Paladin Fuck Wit now."


The ranger chuckled as he heard the unicorn's joke, "Why aren't you worried about it? Her skill with the weapon your giving her could be the deciding factor whether or not we live or die in the upcoming battle. I can respect your faith in the mare but I'm simply being realistic. Just, make sure she's ready alright," Hazelnut said with a sigh before refocusing his attention on the unicorn with the pipbuck, I really need to start learning names.


And my patience is the deciding factor in whether or not I shoot myself in the head right next to you.


"While you're over here fan-colting over some guns, do you mind keeping an eye for an Bow and Arrow? I don't use any type of firearms unlike ya'll."


Ahh. A bow and arrow. What an old but fascinating piece of junk.


Art by DoeKitty

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Kronos sat there on the couch with his jaw slacked open, contemplating. Suddenly, as he was thinking about espionage and subterfuge, he had a slight idea.


"Psst, hey Lupus," he asked as he turned towards Lupus, "Is that AI of yours capable of hacking into security systems?"

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@@Ranger22, "If the line between military Grade and Civilian Grade weapons was very thin, doesn't that mean that the difference between High End military weapons in terms of Ballistics and what the civilian population had access to was also very similar? I guess what the point I'm trying to make is that it doesn't seem likely that Civilians would have weapons that should have been in the hooves in the military. No matter the situation, the best weapons and the majority of the weapons would be in the hands of the military. It would be too counter productive to let civilians have them, which would impact the amount of weapons available for use in the front lines and defence force. Civilians may have had guns, but I don't think they would have access to Miniguns, .50 Cal Rifles, Fully Automatic or High impact rifles, grenades would never be distributed among the general public. Your point falls rather short of the mark, Civilians pre war may have had PDW grade weapons, but something more suited for heavy use or that was needed in the hands of the military, IE: Most of what I own here. Just because I don't have the stupid explosive weapons you adore so much, doesn't male them fall any less of the mark of being High-Grade military weapons. And if you question how well preserved they are, simply inspect them and you'll debunk yourself. Yeah sorry my armoury isn't up to the standards of an Elitist Metal Brained Techophile. And clean up this damn mess. I'm being generous giving you access to my armoury, despite my detesting your very existence. Have some manners and maybe not make a mess out of my armoury. Do they not teach decency when you're a Squire?"


@@Meson Bolt,  "Nice find. That is a mid distance thermal imaging scope. Capable of highlighting heat signatures and providing an aim increase over long distances, I wouldn't attach it to the .44 since its more of a close range weapon, but keep the scope with you, it may come in handy later on."

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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