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searching The Next X-Men

Dapper Charmer

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Yamet you can post if you want this is not a restricted narative meaning it can cros cut between stories so tell us what you're doing while the xmen gear up do you see the news? Then once the xmen and their pilot show up to rp and they are enroute tell us what you are doing then and when the battles gong on tell us something then if need be just not too much or it will advance to much time and not seem like it is going on simultaneously. Just post something wait for us then post etc etc until characters cross paths again.


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Ok, this might be a long shot so that's why I'm posting the idea here first. Would it be ok if Blitz basically turned his body into electricity, interfaced with the helicopter, and basically fly it to where Tesla's character is? It would make sense, considering the fact that Blitz can control electricity, but I don't want him to seem to powerful at the start or go into an ability that he wouldn't have. Of course, it would take a massive toll on his body.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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@Drago Ryder You could do but we have a pilot his name is deadpool and the rper for them is awol so is our the current leader so I would wait and see how many active people we have and if need be recon some things if people are still inactive.

Edited by Film Reel


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