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private escape the lab


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Kyubi nodded slightly and looked back towards the room she had come from. "Something happened to me when I was in there. It was like I was in control of my body, yet I wasn't." She said, looking at the ground. The bat pony had an idea of what had happened, but wanted to hear the guards explanation.


@Drago Ryder


Orion nodded slightly and bit Kyubi with enough force to pierce the scales on her neck and nothing more. He then got back on the ground and glanced at her. "Sorry about that. Needed to make all of that look believable." He said, before walking to a more shaded region of the enclosure.

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The guard said as he shrugged his shoulders, 

"Maybe you're reverting back to the natural self, one that can't talk, or maybe it's what people call animal instincts."


@@Drago Ryder

The guard opened the door and started walking towards them, holding a pole so he didn't have to get close.



Taylor rolled his eyes and said,

"When am I going to meet her and shouldn't she be dust by now." 

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Gale noticed the guard and followed Orion. She had a lot of questions for him, and knew that he might be similar to her. "My name is Gale, by the way. Who are you?" She asked. The dragoness felt sore from the area where he had bit her, but figured that it was necessary to keep the facade hidden. She was worried about the guard, though.

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@, Cresent stopped looking at the circle nervously like a dog unsure if there's a field mouse in a bush or not.


"and say we do that" the batpony looked at his hind legs then back at the creature.  


"no what ever I woke up in right, I mean what was that stuff anyways. wings like mine are hard to dry you know" Cresent finished still not trusting the creature too much.  

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The guard said as he shrugged his shoulders, 

"Maybe you're reverting back to the natural self, one that can't talk, or maybe it's what people call animal instincts."


@@Drago Ryder

The guard opened the door and started walking towards them, holding a pole so he didn't have to get close.



Taylor rolled his eyes and said,

"When am I going to meet her and shouldn't she be dust by now."


Damien was getting tired of this, "This is the last question I'm answering, Celestia is kind of like a god. Most Alicorns, I don't know if I count, are immortal. And I'm getting tired of having this conversation, I feel like I'm being played here. So we're either getting this over with now, or I'm leaving, and nothing will stop me from escaping this hell-hole."

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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Kyubi nodded slightly and looked at the guard. "It may have probably been the first one." She said, somewhat nervous of how she could change. While it may have sounded nice, the bat pony didn't want to revert back to a more primal form of herself. "I guess it would make sense, though. It probably started when I was accepted into that herd."


@Drago Ryder


Orion glanced at Gale and gave a slight smirk. "My name is Orion, and no. They don't have dragons here. Either we came from the same world, or there a lot more universes that have dragons in them." He said. The dragon then noticed the guard approaching them and gave a low growl.

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Gale nodded slightly and stood next to Orion, watching the guard. She didn't want to leave him just yet, but knew that suspicion would be raised if she resisted the guard. She could feel her body tense and was somewhat conflicted as to what to do when it came to the present situation.

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The guard said after thinking about it,
"Yeah, maybe."


@@Drago Ryder,

The guard hesitated a little, then kept walking toward them, with the pole in front.



Taylor said as he got up and placed the book back, 
"You need to calm down, otherwise, the other guards will hear you."

He walked over to the machine and turned it on.



The scientist said, 
"None of that, and it's just liquid to preserve the body. Now step up."

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Kyubi nodded slightly and tried her best to clear her thoughts. "So, what other tests am I going to be put through?" She asked.


@Drago Ryder


Orion stepped in front of Gale as the guard drew closer, and didn't exactly like the fact that he had a weapon. As soon as he noticed the stick, he automatically went on the defensive and scrapped his claws against the floor. He may not have any lightning, but he could still fight if he needed to.

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@@Acnologia,The guard said after thinking about it,"Yeah, maybe." @@Drago Ryder,The guard hesitated a little, then kept walking toward them, with the pole in front. @, Taylor said as he got up and placed the book back, "You need to calm down, otherwise, the other guards will hear you."He walked over to the machine and turned it on. @@cwhip9,The scientist said, "None of that, and it's just liquid to preserve the body. Now step up."

"No. I won't calm down. I know what game you're playing. You pretend to care about me, but in the end you're only after the same goals as everyone else here. You, are a wolf in sheep's clothing. And I won't be eaten." After saying that, Damien flapped his wings in one powers stroke and knocked Taylor over with a gust of wind. He then bolted out the door and started flying down the hallway at top speed.

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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@reader8363 @Acnologia


Gale's eyes widened as she watched Orion stand in front of her and didn't really know why he would put himself in that position. "He either thinks I can't fight because of earlier, or he just wants to stop him from possibly taking me out of his area of the enclosure." She thought. The dragoness then backed up, still tired from when she wrestled with Orion.

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The guard said as he left the room,

"Senses and some others that I don't really know of."



Taylor fell on his but, then got up and ran out the door after Damien.


@@Drago Ryder,

The guard slowed his pace and said,

"Calm down, I was ordered to keep an eye on Gale, and I have to follow to where I can see her."

Edited by reader8363
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@@reader8363,  "so you guys thought I was dead then, not sure if I should be saying thanks or not" Cresent went towards the circle his parnioa slowly dying down. Yet he still had a hundred questions for this creature, one of the many was this creatures lack of fur. Most be warm where ever realm he was in, or was it planet.


"so is this lab on a planet or am I in another realm of some sort. It randomly happens to me sometimes....seriously it would help both of us if I know if I'm in a different realm or not. Mall could be worse then what you saw before hoof" Cresent said standing in the circle, looking at the creature waiting for answers....  

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Kyubi nodded slightly and already knew what the results of this test would be. She then gave a slight nod. "Ok. I'm ready to go to the next area." She said.


@Drago Ryder


So, that's what he was here for. At least it was better than what Orion had originally thought. "I won't hurt her, if that's what you're thinking." He said, deciding to speak in front of the human. "If anything, she's probably safer with me than any of you." The amount of disdain in his voice was palpable.

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Gale wasn't expecting Orion to speak in front of humans, but figured that he had to at one point considering the fact that he was here for a lot longer compared to her. Granted, maybe they could solve this peacefully. "It'll be ok, Orion. It not like he'll see anything worth reporting." She said.

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The guard said as he left the room,

"Senses and some others that I don't really know of."



Taylor fell on his but, then got up and ran out the door after Damien.


@@Drago Ryder,

The guard slowed his pace and said,

"Calm down, I was ordered to keep an eye on Gale, and I have to follow to where I can see her."

It wasn't long before Damien found a map of all the floors on the wall. He examined it closely and then said, "Alright, so if I'm on the bottom floor BF 3, then I need to take the elevator up to BF 1 to find who's in charge of this nightmare." Fortunately there was an elevator just down the hall from where he stood. He pushed the up button on the wall and waited. When it got to his floor, he was lucky enough to find it empty. He got inside and mashed the BF 1 button with his hoof. Some cheezy elevator music started playing as he waited to reach the desired floor.

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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The elevator opened up to show a group of guard getting on at bf2



A tube slid up and started filling up with clear liquid. The scientist said as he left, 

"You are in another world. Have fun here."



The guard led to a different room and said,

"I know your hearing is really good, and you're blind, so I'll do your touch."


@@Drago Ryder

The guard said firmly, 
"I know you might be able to watch her, but I can't disobey orders."

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Orion sighed and thought for a second. "Fine. I guess you can stay, but keep at a distance if you have that thing." He said, motioning towards the stick. The dragon then motioned for Gale to sit and looked at her. "So, what exactly have they done to you in terms of experiments?"


Kyubi nodded slightly and was curious as to what the test would entail. Instead of asking him, though, she just simply waited for the test to start.

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@reader8363 @Acnologia


Gale was happy that a fight had broken out and sat down when Orion told her to. "Aside from taking a few samples, they did a few tests on my muscle sensitivity, physical characteristics, tested certain scents to see how I would react, and basically send me in here." She said.

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@,The elevator opened up to show a group of guard getting on at bf2 @@cwhip9,A tube slid up and started filling up with clear liquid. The scientist said as he left, "You are in another world. Have fun here." @@Acnologia,The guard led to a different room and said,"I know your hearing is really good, and you're blind, so I'll do your touch." @@Drago Ryder, The guard said firmly, "I know you might be able to watch her, but I can't disobey orders."

Right when Damien felt the elevator stop at a floor that was not his intended destination, he flew up to the ceiling of the elevator and stuck himself there with his legs outstretched. As the guards walked in the elevator, they failed to notice the Alicorn on the ceiling. 'I hope they don't look up.' Damien thought.

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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@@reader8363, Cresent just glard at the creature walking out, "yep bleeding that one dry after this, now then" Cresent decided stop trusting these creatures  


"you know maybe you just got to I don't know LISTEN TO ME"


Cresent looked around confused hearing the familer voice and then seeing another batpony. This one looked like him save the eyes and the voice was higher pitched.


"The hell are you doing here?" asked cresent


"As much as I want to see you drown in the tube you do realize you die I die right?"


Cresent eyed the water rising soon realizing the lack of movement. "riddle me this then, how?" said cresent


Mall face hoofed "for night mothers sake think the first tube you dolt!"


Cresent blinked a bit then realized what mall was getting at. "bit me sideways fine but this is the only time we work"


"good im hungry now lets get out" Mall said almost gleefully sounding

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The guard said as he grabbed a stick,
"do you need  help or can you do by yourself?"


@@Drago Ryder,

The guard said as he leaned on the pole,

"Why does it matter what test or experiment happened



The guards talked about a scientist screaming about a creature that attacked a scientist for getting too close



A syringe came out of the bottom and drew blood out one of the hind leg

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@@Acnologia,The guard said as he grabbed a stick,"do you need  help or can you do by yourself?" @@Drago Ryder,The guard said as he leaned on the pole,"Why does it matter what test or experiment happened @,The guards talked about a scientist screaming about a creature that attacked a scientist for getting too close @@cwhip9, A syringe came out of the bottom and drew blood out one of the hind leg

'Hmm, maybe there is somepony else here who can help me out.' Damien thought. 'He can clearly fight based on what these guards said.' Just then the elevator dinged at BF 1 and the guards got out. Just as the door was about to close, he snuck out behind them, going in the direction that the map he'd found said the Main Scientists' Office should be.

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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@reader8363 @Drago Ryder


Orion simply glanced at the guard and gave a slight shrug. "I was just a bit curious." He growled, before flicking the pole with his tail, knocking it out from under the guard. "By the way, you should watch what you support your body with." The dragon then turned his attention back to Gale and nodded, before running towards the door.


Kyubi tilted her head slightly as she noticed the guard was now holding a stick of some kind. "If you're asking if I can feel what I touch, then yes. Blindness enhanced my other senses past what they would normally be." She said.

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@reader8363 @Acnologia


Gale was surprised that Orion had lashed out at the guard, but she also saw this as her chance at escape and followed the dragon. "Hopefully this doesn't come back to haunt us later." She thought, before turning her attention back to the other dragon and their escape attempt. They could discuss plans after they were far enough away from the guards.

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