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Place in order which main villain did the worst crime down to the least

cider float

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1. Celestia  :P  banned sister to moon for a thousand years, wiped her existence from public knowledge, froze a troubled soul in stone for more than a millennium...

2. Tirek

3. Sombra

4. Chrysalis

5. Nightmare moon

6. Discord

7. Starlight Glimmer

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1. Starlight Glimmer - destroying the world + messing with the timeline

2. Tirek - mass terror, assaults on ponies, trying to destroy the world

3. Discord - introducing a state one can probably call destroying the world

4. Sombra - taking over a kingdom using terror and violence, tyranny, enslavement

5. Queen Chrysalis - invasion, identity theft, violent actions, mind control

6. Nightmare Moon - coup.

  • Brohoof 1
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Discord - Betrayal is the worst. Its thanks to him that Tirek got this far.

Tirek - The closest thing we saw to pure evil.


Queen Chrysalis

Nightmare Moon

Starlight Glimmer

Edited by Twily
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1. Starlight Glimmer - Enslaving a village, using mind control techniques on them, and stealing the very essence of their being, all over petty reasons. Then she messed with the very fabric of time, and tried to make a future where everyone was dead become true.

2. Tirek - Nearly destroying Equestria.

3. Discord - Torturing ponies, making the world a chaotic mess. Helped Tirek.

4. Nightmare Moon - Nearly killed her sister and caused eternal darkness. This would have been devastating to the environment, and very well could have caused the death of countless lives. 

5. Queen Chrysalis - Abomination. Evil for what it is.

6. King Sombra -  Enslaving a kingdom with dark magic.

7. Sunset Shimmer - Went on a bratty rampage and tried to kill the main six.

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1. Tirek--Just too evil and destructive.  

2. Chrysalis--Scheming and highly dangerous. Elegant in her way but menacing.

3. King Sombra--trying to destroy an entire kingdom, not nice.

4. Starlight Glimmer--Messing with ponies' individuality, not to mention some pretty elaborate schemes. I like her badness though.

5. Discord--More naughty that evil. Gotta kinda like him.

6. Nightmare Moon--I see nothing wrong with her at all. Justified all the way.

  • Brohoof 1
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1. Tirek. I'd consider him a criminal rather than an enemy combatant. He wanted to destroy the world and really had no reason to. They should have blown him up just like King Sombra.


2. Discord. Self-serving takeover of Equestria, but was at least more lighthearted than other villains and had a reason, being the embodiment of chaos, the opposite of harmony.


3. King Sombra. Corrupted by hatred (some backstory would have helped here) and enslaved the whole of the Crystal Empire. In "The Cutie Re-Mark", he was shown to have had aspirations of world domination. Would be #2 if he actually succeeded.


4. Starlight Glimmer. Her evil was more localized in "The Cutie Map", but it's very easy to assume she aspired to world domination as well. She nearly destroyed the timeline for no reason other than a petty vendetta against Twilight, but in her defense, she had no idea of the consequences. Starlight's evil was noticeably more subtle and insidious than the other villains.


5. Queen Chrysalis. Terrorized a major Equestrian event for food. Handily defeated.


6. Nightmare Moon. Attempted to usurp power over a petty grudge. However, "The Cutie Re-Mark" partly vindicates her; Equestria would still be safe, only it would be transformed into a more orderly, imperialistic, and xenophobic society with an iron-fisted ruler.

  • Brohoof 2
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1. Tirek - He sucked the magic out of all the ponies in Equestria just so he can gain power, and judging by the alternate timeline, Tirek would then DESTROY everything. That's the biggest crime in the book!


2. King Sombra - Enslaved the Crystal Empire. Use his army of crystal ponies to take over all of Equestria. In his alternate timeline, many ponies probably died.


3. Queen Chrysalis - Ruined the first royal wedding, impersonating a princess, using an army of changelings to take over a city and hold everypony hostage and steal their love.


4. Starlight Glimmer - Forced ponies to live under her rule by pretending to be equal. Used time-travel to get what she desires and destroy Equestria in the process. Though it was unintentional, and she did all that because she was desperate for friends. I sometimes have those thoughts, so her crime doesn't seem as bad as the other three. At least she's trying to make other ponies happy, even though she's mainly doing it for herself.


5. Discord - Attempts to change Equestria into eternal chaos. However, his chaos is funny, and he doesn't hurt anypony physically, just mentally.


6. Nightmare Moon - The only thing she wants is to make Equestria eternal night. I don't think anything else changes. Other than no sun, everything seems to be the same, so her timeline is pretty safe.

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1. Tirek

2. Sombra

3. Discord

4. Nightmare Moon

5. Queen Chrysalis

6. Starlight Glimmer


I'd put Starlight in the #1 slot, but Tirek was pure evil and pretty much wanted to destroy everything and everyone. Starlight, on the other hand, only wanted to destroy Twilight's friendships.


She may have just flat-out ended Equestria in one of the realities, but I decided to put Tirek out there because he wanted to destroy it and tried to accomplish that, whereas Starlight didn't want to nor did she try to, it was a side-effect of her actions.


Now if the poll was "Who caused the most damage?", Starlight gets #1, hands down. :P

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  1. Tirek - He's just pure evil and probably the least redeemable character as of now.

Queen Chrysalis - Her future in Cutie Re-Mark is the most terrifying one to me, even more than total destruction by Tirek.

King Sombra - War is terrible, but there might be ways to recover.

Starlight Glimmer - She had the power to destroy the world, but she's low because that wasn't her intention.

Nightmare Moon - No sun, no vegetation. Pretty screwed up. But since Equestria is full of magic, maybe plants can grow in some different way, like that one flower of truth from The Cutie Pox. Plus, ponies seemed kinda happy under her rule, I mean, they were scared of her, but they also respected her a lot.

Discord - I think his future is hilarious and fun. That's it.

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1. Starlight Glimmer: She nearly destroyed the ENTIRE timeline as we know it, thus basically dooming Equestria to chaos, death and destruction. Yet, she got the most lenient 'punishment' out of all of them.


2. Tirek: Stealing all magic in Equestria which is essentially their lifeblood? That is pretty evil, to say the least. At least HIS punishment made sense.


3. Chrysalis: She actually fought and defeated Celestia, and then imprisoned her, that is pretty hardcore.


4. Sombra: While he didn't exactly do a whole lot of threatening things, he at least terrified all of the crystal ponies.


5. Discord: His version of Equestria was purely in chaos, sure, but he didn't seem to 'hurt' anyone, other than making Luna and Celestia look rather dumb.


6. Nightmare Moon: Did she even do anything???


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1. Starlight Glimmer flat out started a cult, brainwashed others in a reducation camp, had several instances of attempted murder, tried to force her ideology across Equestria, stalked and spied on Twilight and the mane 6, resisted arrest, broke and entered a princess's castle, actively tried to ruin Twilight's life by royally screwing up the fabric of time and space leading to many different apocalyptic timelines including one which is a baren wasteland where pretty much every living creature in Equestria is dead because of her. Speaking of this,  I am pretty sure that Starlight Glimmer already violated a lot of human rights in the Cutie Map alone, let alone the unfathomable amount of pain and suffering she inflicted to the ponies in the different timelines.

2. Tirek stole all of the magic and thus life essence of every pony in Equestria in order to become a gigantic monster.

3. King Sombra enslaved an entire empire for over a thousand years, and has practiced and perfected the dark arts.

4. Discord started baby's first Weirdmageddon 

5. Queen Chrysalis had a military invasion and attacked and imprisoned a world leader.

6. Nightmare Moon didn't really do anything.

Edited by cmarston1


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1) Starlight ruined life for ponies across a dozen dimensions

2) Tirek's wrath affected and destroyed all

3) Discord turned an entire world to chaos

4) Sombra's war included conscription

5) Chrysalis waged conventional war

6) Nightmare Moon I can't bring myself to dislike much

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