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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

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Kira Dogeikage

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@@Illiad Easle, @@Acnologia,

Banner rushed over after she had set her bag down next to Chain's "Give me that" Banner started reading it with great initiative and finished reading after about a minute "What does it say?" Chain took it out of her hands "Basically what you were talking about, these elves don't want to hurt anyone here and are bringing the fight to an assumable unjust system that would declare war on them...also the elves side wants the whole bias against creatures to be erased" Chain hands it back to the Knight "I think we need to find more about this before we do anything, sometimes sides that do things for the right reasons don't always end up on the better side after the fact, this thing does not exactly go in depth on what will happen after this war and I would hate to help a cause that makes the downfall for all the kingdoms in this world" Some other people in the room looked like they were interested in it as well "I think some are agreeing with that man as some look pissed" Banner pointed the dragon and others in the room "Dame right! Why would they just invade like that!" "Some families have those guards as family, why would they take them away from us!?" "Starting a war to make peace? Ridicules!" it felt like the room was divided between the loyal, the indifferent, and the non loyal, some even showing there true race was not human. Banner turned to Kyubi "Oh, everything got so hectic I forgot about making an impression, nice to meet you" She held out her hand to Kyubi

(OK I forgot Orion was a dragon for a second...sorry)

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"Well, sir, do you know of King Fenrir? He and his Holy Paladins were going to launch a war on the Dragonborn, then they were going to set their sights on Vilum. My allies and I created a resistance comprised of members of every race, including powerful mages, and members of both the Dragonborn and Elven high councils. Fenrir wishes to wipe out all that could possibly oppose him. We decided to make the first move in this war, catch him off guard, and end this with as few casualties as possible. First, however, the resistance needs to gain a foothold here in Idalum. Also, between you and me, some of the other, more powerful mages and I sense dark forces approaching, and the kingdoms need to be united to stop them. Most Humans wouldn't ever listen to us mages, though those with powerful magical ties, such as the Elves and the Dragonborn sense it as well. Dark days approach, and we must be ready to meet them," Agravain said, his tone becoming very grim towards the end. "I must go, though, I sense my allies may need me," upon uttering these final words, he bolted downward towards the ground at the speed of a lightning bolt.


@@Illiad Easle@@Yoshikupo@@Acnologia@@Child Of Darkness@@Drago Ryder,

Between the dire wolves, the Elves, Jack, and Allendune, the guards were decimated, those who remained were cowering in their boots, having dropped their weapons. However, the knights and the paladin remained. The five knights of the town had surrounded Allendune and Jack. Jack looked up to see the bolt of light just in time to grab Allendune and teleport out of the way of the incoming projectile, and not a moment too soon. As Jack and Allendune were teleported several feet from the knights, the bolt crashed in the middle of them, knocking them back a few feet and onto their backs. Where the bolt had landed knelt a man in black robes with gold trim, the glow around him starting to fade. "The cavalry has arrived," said Jack. Shortly after he said this, the man stood up and a blade appeared in his right hand, as if from nowhere. "Tell me," he said to the knights, "Have you ever fought a mage?"
Edited by Jellal Fernandes


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Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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@Jellal Fernandes @Yoshikupo @Illiad Easle


Orion gave a low growl, but decided that it would be best not to interfere any more. If anything, he could just join the resistance if what Agravian said was true. The dragon then turned his attention to where he saw the dragoness head into the clouds, not really knowing what to do.


Kyubi gave a slight smile as she shook Banner's hand. Unfortunately for her, a piece of her cloak fell down, revealing her skin color. Of course, that wasn't a dead giveaway that she was a dark elf but it was a hint at the very least. She then turned her attention towards the black knight and pulled out a small throwing knife, before twirling it in between her fingers. "I've heard a few stories of such laws and what the punishment is for using magic. Considering the fact that there are children present, I'm just going to say that they're nothing but superstitious idiocy."

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Gale and Blitz could both tell that the town was lost at this point, but that something else was also going on. Very few civilian casualties had actually occurred and most of the attacks targeted the guard. "This is only a guess, but I think this has to do with the anti-magic regime the current king of this country has set up." Gale said.


Blitz had nodded slightly and knew what he had to do. The neko had been experiencing nightmares for the past few days and call it instinct, but he could tell that something big was coming. "If they want to free the mages, then why don't we give them a hand?" With that, the dragoness dove out of the cloud cover, a cone of air forming behind her, and opened her mouth. As she sped forward, a high pitched screech reverberated through the air, before she fired a shaped charge of oxygen/acetylene fueled flame at a guard tower the elves hadn't managed to occupy. The last thing she needed was archers to shoot her down.

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@@Acnologia, @@Yoshikupo


The Black Knight looked about the room then shrugged, "I guess that's it then." He and Midnight turned to leave the house before he looked back over his shoulder, "I'm going to see what I can contribute, anyone who wants to follow me out is welcome."


With that they left the house to assess the situation. It seemed that the only real threats were the well armored fellow knights and the extremely well armored one, most likely a champion of sorts. They were opposed by the troublesome pair from earlier and a new one who had entered from the sky.


@@Jellal Fernandes,


He approached at a somewhat leisurely pace though still with a sense of urgency, sword drawn though resting on his shoulder, and his cape billowing softly in the light wind of the area. "Oi!" He called out to the two groups, "What's your stance on magical creatures? It will determine which of you gets the pleasure of my sword at their side."

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"I think I'll have to pass Knight, as of right now I don't know what to do" Chain then heard Kyubi "I would have to agree, magic can be used for good and evil depending on what it is used for" Chain cleared his throat "Although I still need my questions answered about after the fact" "A.K.A Chain is worrying because he hates chances" Banner butted in "That's not it! I'm just trying to get as much information, I bet I'll side with the whole 'free race, free magic' side because its the best thing at this moment but that is at this moment not the future where everything could go even more to crap" It felt like Chain was speaking from experience. Chain sat down next to his bag "I'm not going to say anything more in front of these people but you know how I feel about you doing this" Banner sighed then turned to her new acquaintance "Since Chain won't respond to me anymore, I feel like I should get to know you" Banner sat down beside Kyubi "Are you traveling? Because me and my friend are, we were going to go deeper into the kingdom but this whole thing started and now I think were going to be fighting for the people now"

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@@Illiad Easle@@Yoshikupo@@Acnologia@@Child Of Darkness@@Drago Ryder,

Agravain, Jack, and Allendune rushed towards the downed knights. Allendune stabbed one through the heart with his glaive, Agravain did so with his sword, and at the tip of Jack's staff emerged a spike, which he impaled through a knight's heart as well. Then a dire wolf lifted one up with its mouth, shook him around, snapping his neck, and then took him back to the group who started feasting on the dead knight. Finally, one of the Elven knights came along and stabbed the final knight through the heart with his sword. It was then they heard a voice.
"This is the end of your little siege," it said. The voice belonged to a man in heavy armor, a Holy Paladin. "You think you can just take this town? Your attempt will be noted, and your bodies will be returned to your homeland," he said to the Elves. "You two, however," he said, looking towards Jack and Allendune "Will be tried for treason, and you, my little mage," looking now at Agravain "will feel the wrath of a Paladin." Upon speaking those final words, Agravain collapsed and started convulsing in agony, his screams conveyed pain beyond anything imaginable. This was the power Paladins held over mages, as well as magic races. He then turned his attention towards the Elves, and the same happened to them, though to a much lesser extent. The Elves quickly fainted, though Agravain remained awake to suffer.
Edited by Jellal Fernandes


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Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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This whole siege just been a annoyance to Shana. The plan she had formulated to actually do what she wanted without drawing attention had been ruined, but in it's stead, a town of Humans had been attacked by Elves. Not exactly her idea of a fun day, but she couldn't help but feel happy that this arrogant race had been taken down a notch and put in it's place. At least for now.


Climbing up some walls and standing atop of the roofs in the area, Shana felt no need to hold back on her powers now and let her true form out. While her physically appearance beside her eyes didn't change, the aura of magic she gave off was entirely different than before. Much more powerful and much more dark. Anyone within about 300ft would be able to sense her as she was. Looking down off of the roof, she saw a group of non-humans being assaulted by the towns Holy Paladin. A formidable opponent for any magic user and equally deadly to magic creatures. Since at the moment she had no counter to the Paladins indirect attack against magic, fighting him would be pure stupidity, during daylight, suicidal and while Hungry, just why?


As it was, she would stand outside of the Paladins range and observe for now.


"Come on, wound the Paladin. Bring him to the brink of death. The blood of such a pure and holy spirit must be so clean and powerful. I wonder how much power I could gain from it."

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@Drago Ryder member='Yoshikupo'] @Jellal Fernandes


Kyubi glanced at Banner and nodded slightly. "Let's just say that I don't exactly have a good relationship with most of my species." She said, conscious of those around her. "I'm looking for someone to help with that, though."


Orion heard the screech and saw the flame, causing a surge of emotions in him. "It is her." He thought to himself, before noticing the paladin. The man didn't seem to notice him, so it would've been best if he had just left. Of course, that wasn't the way he rolled. Using the cloud cover to his advantage, the dragon fired a stream of electricity at the Mage. It wasn't really magic based so much as rapid and specific contortions of his muscles in order to direct negative ions from the clouds. The fact that the armor the man wore was mostly metal didn't really help the paladin.

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@@Jellal Fernandes,

"What the hell!?" Banner said seeing the group of elves and mages outside "What the hell is happening?" He looked out side to see the paladin "Ah!" He couldn't move and was in great pain "Kyubi I'm going to take the piece of crap do-" Lightning hit the paladin as she said that "Was that, a dragon?" She questioned then turned to Kyubi "Well I'd love to help but first" Banner ran out to the street where the mages and elves were. She picked up Agravain thinking the lightning was a perfect opportunity. Whoever he was he needed help fast.

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@Jellal Fernandes @Child Of Darkness


Gale noticed the lightning and felt a few long since buried memories surface, and the dragoness gave a low snort. "Looks like someone had a change of heart." She thought to herself, before turning her attention to the paladin. He could easily block her flame, so the best thing she could do was land next to Shana.


Blitz dismounted his companion and looked at the scene in front of him with a look of disdain. "This is torture." He muttered to himself, before glancing at Shana. "We should leave. Knowing them, we'll be targets for the inquisition."

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@@Illiad Easle@@Yoshikupo@@Acnologia@@Child Of Darkness@@Drago Ryder,

The stream of lightning caught the Paladin off guard, and the fact that it wasn't magic based caused him serious injury. He collapsed to the ground in agony before passing out. Jack and Allendune took this time to start removing the Paladin's chestplate. Upon doing so, Allendune raised his glaive and pierced it through the Paladin's heart, swiftly ending his life. "I must say, I foresaw us dying by his blade. What an odd series of events that was that granted us such an upper hand, I mean, it's a fairly sunny day today, so few clouds," Allendune said. "Wait a moment, where's Agravain?" said Jack.
Agravain continued his contortions until the Paladin passed out. After that, he started coughing up blood before saying to Banner "Get me to the jester."
Edited by Jellal Fernandes


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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@@Jellal Fernandes,

"Your bleeding abundantly, me and my friend have potions" Banner sighed and placed him on the ground "But I know where this will go if I bring you over there so just take these" Banner put 4 small healing potions in the strap of his pants "I don't know how this Jester is but" She turned back to the battle field "I'll bring you back" She started taking him back over to where the battle took place

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@@Jellal Fernandes,


Midnight stumbled when the magic was removed, causing the Black Knight to roll off of his back. The weight of his armor was all the more apparent, making it difficult to move until the paladin was dead.


The Black Knight was also blinded by the Paladin's anti-magic as he couldn't do his detect life spell to see. Though his vision returned quickly once the paladin was dead. He checked Midnight quickly before he rushed over to the dead figures. "I suppose that answers my question."  He retrieved the paladin's sword, comparing it to his own. It was expertly crafted to be sure, much longer and wider as well.


He decided to keep the sword, placing it through his sash as a makeshift holder on his back before returning his own sword to his side. "Well then, what now?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Drago Ryder, "Your concern is noted. But" Shana tilted her head up at Blitz, her eyes should have gave him the answer to the what he said, "I have something to do."


With the Paladin as good as dead, Shana leaped from the roof she was sitting on, landing close to the Paladins body and in full view of everyone else. She studied the corpse intently as she dragged on of her fingers across the corpses chest, collecting blood on the tip of her finger. When she had enough, she drank whatever blood she had scooped up with her hand. It was dead blood, cold and not very filling. Even though she could feel the lingering effect of the power a living Paladin would have.


@@Jellal Fernandes, She stood and turned towards the group, he usual smile gone, replaced by a more stern look, more disappointed than angry. Her eyes locking onto the man who stabbed the Paladin, dealing the final blow. "You just had to go and kill him didn't you? You spoil sport. Ruining all the fun, all the strong ones are dead now. So, I'm gonna ask out of curiosity since my day was sort of ruined. Do you know anything about this attack and who is behind it?"

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@@Illiad Easle@@Yoshikupo@@Acnologia@@Child Of Darkness@@Drago Ryder,

Jack quickly ran up to Banner and retrieved Agravain from her. He quickly reached into his coinpurse and pulled out the tiny box that was his briefcase. The box expanded to it's previous size, and Jack started rummaging through it before pulling out an herb and feeding it to Agravain. Agravain slowly started to gain his composure, though still very weak.
Allendune looked at Shana and said to her "Do you have any idea how powerful a Paladin is? Who knows if we would have received another chance to take him down. I did what was needed, as for who was behind this attack, well my friends and I called upon the Elves, we're part of a resistance, you see, I can tell you a bit about it in a moment, I believe the Elves wish to say something."
"People of this town, please know that no harm will come to you. We are members of a resistance against your current King Fenrir, who wishes to wage war on us Elves and the Dragonborn. Upon learning this, we began collaborating with some members of your kingdom and formed a plan to start pushing into Human territory. No civilians will be intentionally harmed, please, remain calm and return to your usual lives. My troops will clean up this city and defend it," said one of the Elven knights.
Edited by Jellal Fernandes


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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Who knows if we would have received another chance to take him down. I did what was needed,
 "Alright, you make a fair point. Was just a personal gripe." Shana shrugged and sighed as her attention was drawn to the sound of something else.


Elves speaking of some sort of rebellion against the tyrannical humans. Well, that may not be 100% accurate, but close enough for her. At first glance this seemed to be terrible for her: More restrictive travel, higher guard alert, basic difficulty she didn't need. But at a further glance this wasn't too bad of a plan. She might just actually follow these people and see what happens. By this point, Shana had her smile back on her face and was back to her cheerful attitude.


@@Jellal Fernandes, "So, you're part of an Anti-Fenrir resistance collaboration between the non human races or anyone that exhibits magical abilities. Well I can't argue with the motivation or the reasoning behind the cause. You do seem to be trying to be tactical about it, keeping in the light in the vision of the population as an attempt to be considered more along the lines of 'good guys' to everyone. I can say your goals seem noble, a better world for all to live in. How interesting. If you're going to be fighting against the Human population, I may just have to tag along for the ride. Though don't get me wrong. I'm working for mostly personal gains. But another powerful ally never hurts does it? Haha."

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@@Jellal Fernandes,

"What was that you gave him? Is that elf root? I've heard how it can heal and how its put into potions but I thought it was kind of weak so I don't think its that now that I think about it" Banner asked Jack "Also my friend would like to ask some questions to you, oh there he is" Chain slowly exited the building looking slightly in pain but could still walk "What the hell did that guy do to me? He looked my direction for a second and my body felt like it was being destroyed from the inside" He said trying to be heard but not yell as he walked closer clutching his chest "Can he do that to all magic users?"

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@@Child Of Darkness,


"Know, this, friend, if you should turn on us, you will have not only every mage, Elf, and Dragonborn against you, but my friends and I as well," he said in a very gruff manner. "Now that that is out of the way, I am Allendune, at your service," he said in a much kinder tone with a bow. "Pleased to make your acquaintance. What, my fine lady, might your name be?"




"This, my friend, is dragon bloom, it can restore magic power to mages and magical creatures, though it's extremely potent to those who do not need it or do not possess magic. Though it looks like elf root now, it's beautiful leaves are unmistakable, truly the most beautiful of all plants, though those leaves leave terrible burns, and the plant must be handled with extreme care, and if you don't remove the leaves before consumption, you will be burned alive from the inside out," Jack said to Banner. He then looked towards Chain "Paladins have the ability to alter the magic, including that flowing through the veins of magical creatures and mages. The more in tune with magic they are, the more powerful the effect, as was seen by the Elves and my friend here. While my other friend and I possess magical abilities, and thus have magic flowing through our veins, we have such little magical ability that it hardly affected us. We've been training him for this for months, though there is nothing that can compare to the real thing. He got a bit cocky. I'd offer you some dragon bloom, but the fact that you can move is a sign you don't need it. Take some of this cave sumac, though. It should restore your body to it's rightful state within an hour or two."

Edited by Jellal Fernandes


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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@@Jellal Fernandes,

"Oh thanks" Chain took the cave sumac "It great that you have a plan for all this but I have had a question bugging me for a while, what happens after you and your friends take the land? I mean the land cant just stay at where its at right after its done and have be expected to follow things. What if underground paladins try and reclaim what was taken? What governing system will you have? Like a monarchy or democracy? I just want to make sure you at least have a loose plan because if you don't then everything will be worst off" Chain asked Jack "Don't forget the important question, what are you and your friends names? He is Chain and I am Banner" Banner interrupted "Also don't ask him why he questions it, its his thing to know it all" "I am not a know it all!" Chain retorted as he looked back to Jack

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@@Jellal Fernandes,


The Black Knight overheard the discussion on the Paladin's affects and was somewhat relieved. It certainly explained why it hadn't hurt him directly, as Scepters didn't have magic flow through them so much as summon magic as it was needed, though Midnight would potentially be very effected by the Paladins as magic was a large part of his very being and longevity. Perhaps it would be a good idea to keep him away from the Paladins with his safety in mind.


The Black Knight took a special interest in the dragon bloom, if this burning was the correct form of burning it could be very useful to him. He approached the small huddle so he could participate in the discussion.


@@Yoshikupo, @@Jellal Fernandes,


"Forgive me for the intrusion, I couldn't help but overhear you mentioning that the leaves of Dragon Bloom cause burns. Is it a fire burn with heat? Or an acid burn? Either of those would make for great weapons if used correctly. And as to your plans for the future, we too are curious about what you will replace the current establishment with. I can't support someone who doesn't plan for the long term goals.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Jellal Fernandes


Gale landed a short distance from the others and walked towards them with Blitz still on her back. For now, the two would simply listen before deciding whether or not they would join their cause. "Hopefully this won't backfire on us. Then again, it may help my own problems." Blitz thought to himself.

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@Jellal Fernandes


Orion landed on the ground and glanced at Gale. He could feel a few memories surface, but pushed them to the back of his mind as he glanced at Allendune's group. "You're just lucky I had enough lightning. Otherwise, I don't think I would've been able to take the guy down." He said. "Either way, I might as well join up with you lot, considering the fact that I don't have anything better to do."


Kyubi walked out of the house and looked around, before moving closer towards the others. "To be honest, I never expected something like this to happen. At least not with the elves. They normally tend to try to keep the peace." She said, before pulling back her hood, revealing that she was a dark elf. "That being said, I can understand the conviction of war in such a circumstance."

Edited by Acnologia
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@@Jellal Fernandes, "Threats one second, manners the next. You most certainly are a strange person. Nice to meet you Allendune. I am Shanalott Windbreaker. Sellsword and Master Blade Dancer. Pleased to make your acquaintance." Shana gave a light bow to Allendune,before turning her eyes to everyone else who was around. To say they were a rather interesting mix would be a very accurate description. She should spend at least some time with them in the future to learn a bit about them, or at the very least their names.


Shana's throat became very dry at this point, she felt her blood slightly boiling and she was feeling very hungry. She hadn't fed for a few days, any longer and she's go into a Blood starved state, not a nice experience for anyone. She looked at Allendune before speaking again. "Well, do whatever it was you were doing. I'll find a way to catch up later. I have some business I need to get over with. Bye bye." Shana took off from the main roads and down the side ally ways, hoping to find maybe a Guardsman that has ran and was hiding away from the Elves or even a civilian in the same state. Either way, she skipped down the side ally ways as she looked for someone, humming a little tune from her childhood as she went.

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 @@Illiad Easle@@Yoshikupo@@Acnologia@@Child Of Darkness@@Drago Ryder,

"A democracy? There hasn't existed a democracy since the ancients, I'm surprised you're even asking about what form of government there would be. However, our plan is to convene a moot between the Elven and Dragonborn high councils to elect whom they believe to be a suitable leader for humanity to prevent any wars and to rebuild what is destroyed. However, after that, it is up to the people what they want. After all, is that not the point of a revolution? To benefit the people?" Allendune rhetorically asked the group surrounding him. "I personally hope for a council of representatives of every race, of every economic class, to intelligently share their opinions on what to do. Also, to answer your questions about underground Paladins, well, there will be no such thing. Paladins are specially trained individuals, not just anyone can be a Paladin. We will take out the Paladin hierarchy and the rest will take care of itself. As for our names, I am Allendune, the jester is Jack, and the mage is Agravain," Allendune bowed, "at your service. I am sure my colleagues would have given you the same respect if it weren't for the current situation," he then turned towards the Black Knight. "Dragon bloom's leaves are far too volatile to be turned into a weapon. They can only be handled with dragonscales and dragonbones, as they melt through most everything else. Miraculously, they don't harm the nature around them. That's how magic works though, isn't it? It doesn't always have to make sense. As for the kind of burn, it's a bit of both, really, upon contact with the leaves, most substances catch fire and melt."
The Elf began to speak again. "Any and all individuals who wish to join the resistance must meet in town square within the hour. My allies will take you to the resistance base." Through some magic or another, the entirety of the town could hear these words.
Edited by Jellal Fernandes
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Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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