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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

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Kira Dogeikage

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@@Jellal Fernandes,


Midnight thought about the practical applications of Dragon Bloom, it would certainly make for an industrial grade smelter, easily re-purposing metals as well as being the perfect fire starter. Dragonbones and Dragon Bloom leaves would need to be acquired before they left.


The Black Knight got back on Midnight. "We'll ride with your cause, for now. What's your plan of attack? We don't do public forums and I get the feeling that the announcement was for more regular individuals."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Jellal Fernandes,

"Is that good enough?" "yeah, I guess it is, just hope people don't get corrupt or blinded by something stupid when they get the position...we might as well join but Banner seems better for this, she's basically a general or a top fighter" "Oh your making me blush" He said in a monotone sarcastic voice and headed to the where the elves said to go. Chain got his things from the building before and joined Banner "Banner!" Chain yelled as he throw an apple to her. Banner reacted and caught it "Guessing our big money issue is slightly fixed, plus I really wanted something juicy right now" She took a bite

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@Jellal Fernandes @Acnologia


Gale gave a slight glare as she noticed Orion, but decided to not talk to him just yet. If anything, she could at least try to make amends with him. The dragoness then glanced at Blitz. "So, I guess we're going to get stuck in all of this, right?" She asked.


The neko simply gave a slight nod and smirked. "At least this way we can bring a bit of equality to the world." He said, before glancing at Allendune's group. "For he record, my name is Blitz Ryu and the dragoness is Gale."

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@Jellal Fernandes


Kyubi thought for a moment as the elf spoke. If she helped unite the three kingoms, then maybe she would be accepted back into her own. The dark elf then glanced at Allendune and the others, before giving a slight nod. "I might as well throw my lot in with all of you." She said, giving a slight smile.


Orion nodded slightly. "Looks like everyone's joining the revolution. Might as well do the same." He said.

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"Oh god, oh god. This is bad, the Elves attacking us are one thing but now a Vampire shows up? Damn, come on, think. What did I do?" One lone guard that had managed to avoid being killed or captured was hiding out in the back ally ways of the town. He was cowering for his life, knowing all too well that he would most likely killed or forced into imprisonment if he surrendered to the Elves. On top of that, a small Vampire girl seemed to be toying with him, scaring him and chasing him around. For now at least it seems as if he had lost her. Sitting down, surrounded by crates, hidden from view the guard was taking a moment to catch is breath.


Before he could rest for long, Shana dropped in from above, crouching in front of him. Now at eye level with each other. She quickly moved to put her hand over his mouth to muffle any sounds that would escape from him. "Now now, screaming is a bad idea. If those Elves find you, they'd take you away from me. And we can't exactly have that happening. No we can't. So be a good human and shut up." Before long, Shana had sunk her teeth into the man's neck. The bite paralysing him as she started to drink his blood. 


Not long after, Shana's sense of power had returned to her, amplifying her abilities to a greater extent. Now to finish the process. As usual, the man was still alive after all this. If he was left alone now, he too would turn. So before that can take place, Shana drew her sword and cast an enchantment spell. Holy light. It was a little uncomfortable to use this but it was needed. Plunging the sword into his chest, the holy light burned away at the corruption, leaving the corpse just a pile of cinders and ashes in seconds. "Much better." Now feeling much better, Shana left the ally ways and tried to find her way back to the group she had made an alliance with earlier, forgetting to clean her sword and mouth.

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 @@Illiad Easle@@Yoshikupo@@Acnologia@@Child Of Darkness@@Drago Ryder,


Agravain was soon able to rise to his feet, though a bit shaky at first. He looked around to see a few people joining, not many though. It was about what he expected. Allendune spoke up. "Individuals gifted with magic and those who possess fighting abilities above average are to come with me," he said.

Edited by Jellal Fernandes


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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@@Jellal Fernandes,


The Black Knight turned with Midnight to move over to Allendune, both he and Midnight possessed magical abilities after all and they at least considered their fighting abilities to be above average.


Midnight was actually surprised how easy it had been to remain silent, though it seemed the pair of Equestrians had their suspicions of him.


The Black Knight was honestly excited to be part of a struggle again, ever since he had freed the zebrican slaves he had missed the thrill of liberation and true combat against evil.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Jellal Fernandes,

"Great, for a second I thought we would be split up" Banner made a sigh of relief as she and Chain walked over to Allendune.


@@Illiad Easle,

"I see that we meet again on the same side, its good to, I feel like we could do a lot of talking about our past considering how close it is" Chain said walking over to The Black Knight "I mean we are going the same way so talking is inevitable"

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@Jellal Fernandes


While she wasn't that adept in magic, Kyubi was deadly at close range and nearly impossible to hit, so it would make sense for her to go with Agravian's group. "If it's possible, we could get the support of the dark elves." She thought to herself, before pushing the idea to the back of her mind.


Orion sighed and knew he would probably be more useful with the A-team, so he decided to head towards Agravian.

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@Jellal Fernandes


Blitz knew that he was good with both sword and magic, but didn't know if the rewards for being in Agravian's group outweighed the risks. They would probably go on dangerous missions, be put on death's door multiple times, and be prime targets for the inquisitors. Gramted, most of that could happen on any other adventure, and he would technically be part of a revolution. The neko then gave a slight shrug, before heading towards Agravian, with Gale in tow. He noticed that his companion seemed to be a bit hostile towards the other dragon, but didn't really ask about it.

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The Black Knight turned to face Chain as he addressed him, "I suppose we may as well, there is certainly much to be learned from the comparisons behind our histories and reasons for traveling in the manner we are. Perhaps by working together we might actually accomplish our objectives faster?

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"Agreed" Chain nodded "Hey look, its Kyubi" Banner said pointing to her "Well I think she has magic, doesn't look like a total fighter...then again she could be swift and deal damage like that" Banner was contemplating it "I see you got you crush of the week" Banner turned to Chain "And your starting a bromance with a Knight and his horse over there" They bickered a little like if they were brother and sister for a while till Chain ended it and turned back to The Knight "So should we actual talk now and not have, SOMEONE, interrupt us?" Chain wanted Banner to hear that



After that whole bickering with Chain Banner went over to Kyubi. "I see your going the same way as me and my friend, what's your deep dark secret you keep from the world that's only going to be relieved now? Or are you just a good fighter like me?...or both" Banner jokingly said the part about the secret.

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Shana caught up with the group roughly about the same time Allendune made his small announcement. If the next part of her life was going to consist of her following this resistance around and working with them, for partly mutual benefits and partly personal gain, she would have to get to know at least some of the people she was going to be working with, provided her thoughts are true that this group would be remaining together. It may be best to start with someone she can find some similarities with, it would be a good start.


@@Drago Ryder, Shana walked up along side the other Neko, slightly bumping into his side to get his attention. "Hey, looks like we'll be working together on this little resistance thing. Reassuring to know that I won't be the only one of my kind here."

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@Child Of Darkness


Blitz gave a slight smile as he glanced at Shana and nodded. "Yeah, same here." He said. The neko felt a bit weird,like he was a bit lighter, but decided to ignore it for now. "I've been traveling for a while now, so it feels nice to have an actual direction for once."


Gale glanced curious at Blitz and could tell that something was off. It didn't take her long to realize what it was, though, and a slight smile spread across her lips.

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 @@Illiad Easle@@Yoshikupo@@Acnologia@@Child Of Darkness@@Drago Ryder,

Agravain stared at the female neko as he stood up, noticing the blood. He decided he wouldn't say anything yet, perhaps she would let the group know herself. If she didn't want it to be known, and it didn't harm the group, there was no reason to make it known. He then looked towards the dark elf. He wasn't sure what to make of her, he'd never seen one before. He then looked at the knight and his horse. Something was off about the two, he could sense it, though he didn't know what. He then looked towards the other neko. Nothing stood out about him, just a regular character besides the cat ears. He then looked towards the other two figures in the group, the ones who pulled him away from the battle. They seemed out of place, they didn't feel like they belonged, he wished to learn more, but didn't say anything. Finally, he looked at the two dragons. There was a connection between the two, he could sense it. Perhaps they were friends in the past, maybe mates? He would find out in time. He then walked over to Allendune.
"Listen up people, we are the main force of the Grand Magic Resistance. We are the first and last lines of defense. We are the strike team. We are the most important people on this side of the war to come. Our tasks will not be easy, and we cannot fail, or else everything falls apart. Our team is responsible for doing things that the average fighter can't. This includes fighting Holy Paladins. It is very possible that all of us will die, I hope you are willing to take that chance," Allendune said. "I am one of the Resistance's commanding officers. Being an ex-knight and a would-be Paladin, I know the strategies of both groups. Jack over there is the spymaster, he is the eyes and ears of the operation. He may have lost his memories, but many people apparently owed him favors, he has several connections to all sorts of people, giving us intelligence in every city." "Oh you, you're making me blush," retorted Jack. Allendune carried on as if Jack had said nothing. "Finally, we have Agravain. This man is the most powerful mage anyone in the Resistance has ever seen, though he still needs more training. He is our champion fighter. What was witnessed today is nothing compared to some of his other abilities. He is also the son of the Resistance leader, the Archmage Davis. He is to be protected at all costs, you've seen what a Paladin can and will do to him," he concluded. Meanwhile, Agravain pulled his hood up and looked down, as if he was trying to hide himself away from the others in the group, his machismo attitude from the fight had completely disappeared.
Edited by Jellal Fernandes


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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@@Jellal Fernandes,


The Black Knight nodded, he was proud to once again be leading the charge against some great evil.




He turned to face Chain, "There will be plenty of time to talk while we're traveling. There isn't much of a hurry, the way things look we may be here for a long time before we find a way out." He was of course referring to dimensional shards, without which they wouldn't be crossing to another world any time soon.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Kyubi glanced at Banner and gave a slight smile. "I guess you could say a little bit of both, along with a few personal reasons." She said. "I can do a few enchantmets, along with having four enhanced senses, and being deadly at most ranges so long as I have the proper equipment.


@Drago Ryder


Orion noticed Gale was walking behind most of the group, and decided to approach her. "Hey, can I talk to you for a second?" He whispered.

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@@Illiad Easle, @@Acnologia,

"Your right, I don't feel like leaving anytime soon" He said knowing he did have a shard but not knowing he was referring to it "Seems like there getting the important people out of the way" Chain looked to Allendune "It feels like he's eyeing us up, then again why wouldn't he, we are his forces"


"Nice, I took as the agile one but enchantment is also a very tactical and powerful...I don't even know how magic works, Chain tries to explain it but I just don't have the whole feel of it" It sound like she felt a bit left out "But I get throw fine with my extensive use in almost every weapon imaginable, even tools that aren't meant for it I can use to my fighting advantage" She sounded a lot happier "I bet my mind can think faster then some of those mages in combat" She was smiling under her helmet "Now that I think about what I said about the whole 'deep dark secret thing' I guess I kind of have one as well"

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@@Jellal Fernandes


"Question!" Shana raised her hand as high as she could while looking towards Allendune. "You say we are fighting against the human empire, that much we can agree on. But a solid reason behind your victory here today was the element of surprise. It was obvious no one was expecting an attack or what tactics it was you would use to do such a strike against a town. Now that you have made an offensive, the element of surprise has been lost and by the time any force reaches another human settlement, a status of alert will have spread throughout the empire. Humans are also naturally talented in the arts of warfare and have already developed methods of countering our greatest asset being magic. So the question is, what makes you so positive that an inferior powered resistance force consisting of magic users and less skilled war creatures against an army as large and powerful as the human empire? I don't know where everyone else stands on it, but I don't want to fight for a cause that has lost before they even being."

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 @@Illiad Easle@@Yoshikupo@@Acnologia@@Child Of Darkness@@Drago Ryder,


(From now on I will wait until everyone I tag posts or for two days before I post again.)


Allendune looked towards Shana. "We plan to attack and take control of smaller, less defended towns first. They're easy to capture and will allow us to gain ground, resources, and troops. At the same time, the Humans will lose these. Take control of the farming towns, the Humans have to surrender. Besides, there's always a way to surprise your enemies," he said. "Now then, everyone, let's get a move on. We've a lot of ground to cover before nightfall." Allendune, Agravain, and Jack started heading towards the gate that led to the forest on the outskirts of town.

Edited by Jellal Fernandes


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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@@Jellal Fernandes,


Are they seriously planning to walk the whole way? Do they not have horses here?


The Black Knight pondered this as Midnight turned to follow the trio.




"Personally, we'd like to get moving as soon as we can. As worthy as this cause may be, we have our own mission to accomplish. As, I would guess, do you.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"I indeed have my own missions and I'm hoping that if I help around here then I can get to it quicker" Chain started walking the way they are supposed to be going as he talked



"Looks like we have to get moving" Banner said looking at Allendune "We can join up with my friends over there or just talk to ourselves on the way" She motioned to the Chain and The Black Knight

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Kyubi nodded slightly and looked into the sky. "Yeah. I guess we all have our secrets." She said, before she turned her attention back to Banner. "To be honest, I would like to meet your friends and I do like talking to you, so I guess I'm split either way." The dark elf then gave a slight laugh and felt a bit more comfortable.

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One of Gale's ear plates flicked as Orion spoke and she glanced at the slightly larger dragon. "Fine. What do you want to talk about?" She asked, slowing her pace so the others in the group wouldn't hear them.


Blitz sighed as he followed Allendune and the others, and walked more to the side of the group, looking out into the surroundings. "Hopefully all of this works out." He thought to himself.

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@@Jellal Fernandes, "Well, your plan seems to mostly work on the presumption that humans will play on defence only, but I suppose your plan does have some holding. Fair enough though. I'll help out for now." Shana quickly moved to follow Allendune. Where they're heading exactly she didn't know. But she was happy to join the ride.

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