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Kira Dogeikage

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 @@Illiad Easle@@Yoshikupo@@Acnologia@@Child Of Darkness@@Drago Ryder,


 "The Humans have no choice but to play on the defensive, they don't know what they're dealing with yet, they don't know how strong our forces are, they don't know where we're stationed. They don't know enough to attack yet. Unless they have some form of magical communication, word hasn't even left this town yet," Allendune replied to her. Agravain spoke up now, his voice soft, but it was able to be picked up by those listening. "I didn't sense any arcane connections in this town, and no birds were sent out, so the attack is only known by those in the town. We didn't sack the village, so there's no smoke to signal an attack, either. We're still unknown to the Humans outside of this town." Following these words, he raised his right hand and made a fist. At the same time, his eyes starting glowing a neon blue. The dire wolves immediately looked up from their tasks and ran towards Agravain. He then pointed to the forest and they ran to it. Allendune, Agravain, and Jack turned to follow them.

Edited by Jellal Fernandes


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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@@Jellal Fernandes,


Midnight followed after the trio, a bit hesitant to be near so many large predators, even he and Sir together might not be strong enough to defeat them if the situation ever called for it.


The Black Knight pondered silently what he had heard, this war was progressing eerily similar to the one that had lost him his first homeland. It wasn't until a few dozen small towns had fell that the capital had even heard of an attack. He sincerely hoped he was aiding the just cause. "And what of the villagers? Are they going to be confined to this city to prevent them from spreading the word themselves? Or will any potential traitors to this cause be executed to prevent such? This village will not survive long without the trade that had kept its market thriving."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Jellal Fernandes, @@Acnologia, @@Illiad Easle,

Wolves? Controlling a pack of wolves? That seems like it could be used as some sort of reinforcements, not a bad idea if he can control them well. Chain thought "I was wondering about the supplying as well, but I think you'll say that you will start trade and things between the elves and other races you are working with, right?"


"All I'm hearing over there is a bunch of clarification on what happens after we attack" Banner says to Kyubi "I think it would just be boring over there, I don't care about the little details like that because I know that sometimes it doesn't have an impact on anything that we do and others have it covered...how I know is based on my trust and since I know what these people are like, there goal, and there actions, I can form trust that they have it covered" Banner crossed her arms

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Kyubi nodded slightly and debated with herself on whether or not to tell Banner about what her life was like before she became a assassin for hire. The only reasons she could find on not doing it was that it would open up to many old wounds and possibly make her an outcast in the group, and both were good enough to keep her secret just that. "Yeah. That makes sense, though I doubt I'm that interesting." She said, a light smirk playing across her lips.


@Drago Ryder


Orion sighed as he looked away from the dragoness next to him and tried his best to push the words he needed out of his mouth. "I'm sorry for what happened earlier. I just didn't want any of you getting hurt or worse." He said. "So, how's he been doing?"

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"That doesn't really matter, your a new face and didn't latch on to Chain first, your basically the most interesting person to talk to that wouldn't make me seem like I was interrupting something" Banner mentioned to the other groups around them, most in twos or threes and the ones alone don't look like they want to be bothered "My next little question I want to ask you is what you know about other worlds"

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Gale didn't exactly expect an apology from Orion, but she still wasn't about to forgive him just yet. He would have to prove himself, aside from just joining the same group as her. "It looks like you've changed a bit, but you shouldn't be apologizing to only me. You hurt all of us, even if they won't show it." She said, a hint of regret in her voice.


Blitz listened to each of the individual conversations occurring within the group as he walked. The only person who interested him was Shana, and even he didn't know how to feel about her. The neko then felt a strong surge of his own magic and felt a bit sick. "Just push through it, at least until tonight." He thought to himself.

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@Yoshikupo @Drago Ryder


Kyubi thought for a moment before giving a slight nod. "My grandfather used to tell me stories about something like that. I always thought that they were made up, though, but they were entertaining to say the least. As for your friend, I'm blind so looks wouldn't really matter to me."


Orion nodded slightly and looked at the ground. "Yeah. I figured you'd say that. I still need to pay a visit to mom's grave, so I figured it'd be best to start with." He said.

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Shana was curious to know why a trio had ran off after some wolves. She thought about following them, but decided that staying with the main group would be for the better. She had to establish some relationships and security within the group. Safety in trust after all.


@@Drago Ryder, She could feel power surges coming from one of her new companions, it was worrying to her. Uncontrolled magic is dangerous, a hazard, both to the wielder and anyone close. Best course of option would be to try and help, plus it may assist in establishing a trust. "Hey, I can feel those surges from here. Are you sure you've got your own magic under control?"

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@Child Of Darkness


Blitz glanced at Shana and nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine." He said, not wanting to worry anyone. His magic did seem to enter a more calm state when he looked at Shana, giving him the impression that it the fluctuations were tied it his emotional state. "So, Shana, right? Where are you from?" The neko was somewhat curious about the female, and he definitely wanted to know more about her.




Gale gave a coy smirk, and gently tapped Orion on the skull. "Good, because I don't want have to drag you there unless I have to." She said. "Anyway, we can talk more about thos kind of things later."

Edited by Drago Ryder
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@@Drago Ryder, Shana tilted her head back and rested her hands behind it while thinking about the question. "Hmm, now that you mention it. I don't really know where I'm from. Somewhere up north I can guess that much. I can't remember anything from the times before I started wondering around the lands. I think I was too young to form memories of home. All I know is somewhere up in the cold north. Hence the bushy tail." Shana dropped her tail out from under her dress and started swaying it as she walked. "What about yourself?"

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 @@Illiad Easle@@Yoshikupo@@Acnologia@@Child Of Darkness@@Drago Ryder,

Allendune noticed that the group hadn't been following them. "Come on, people," he yelled to them, motioning towards the forest. "The base is this way." Jack and Agravain stopped, waiting for the rest of the group to start heading in their direction. They still had to navigate through this forest and make it to the next by nightfall, and it was almost noon.
Edited by Jellal Fernandes


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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@Child Of Darkness


Blitz didn't know if he should've told Shana about his memory loss then and there, but at the very least he could've made it so that the others didn't hear. Hiding it wouldn't make things any easier for him when the truth eventually came out. The neko then got a bit closer to the female. "To be honest, I can't really remember much past a few weeks ago." He said. "I would assume that I would probably be from the northern regions as well due to the coloration of my fur, but I could be wrong.

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@@Jellal Fernandes,


Midnight himself gave a skeptical look, given they had been following them since they first called. Regardless, he moved to follow the trio of humans a bit closer than before, still keeping to the opposite side of the trio from the wolves.


"If you had a map of sorts I would think a bunch of us could take faster routes, especially those of us with mounts to carry us.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Jellal Fernandes, @@Acnologia, @@Illiad Easle,

"I agree with The Knight here, but I guess not everything can be planned right?" Chain sighs "If you want to go ahead then you can, I think I'll stick back with Banner anyway" He said to the Knight as he walked over to Kyubi and Banner.


"I just like the idea of other worlds and being able to travel throw them...also I met a person that was blind like you that could fight, it was weird at first but I guess it doesn't matter since you sound like a powerful person" She then heard about how they had to move and saw Chain coming to them "Seems like your going to meet Chain now while we start moving" "I bet you and your friend have been hitting it off nicely, I don't mean to intrude but our other friend has a horse and we don't" "If we ride one then its like an inception thing" Chain looked to Kyubi "Does she know?" Banner looked back to Kyubi "I don't think it matters to her that much" The two were walking throw the conversation

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@Drago Ryder


Orion couldn't help but give a light smirk. "And I thought I was the sly one." He said, before realizing that they could be ambushed at any moment. The dragon then flew into the air and into the clouds, gaining a good vantage point on any possible threats and giving himself time to think.




Kyubi couldn't help but blush at the compliment that Banner gave her, hoping that it wouldn't show. "I'm not that strong in certain regards, but thanks." She said, before listening Chain and Banner's conversation. "Also, I had my suspicions about you two being a bit different. Echolocation gives a decent image of most shapes to those who can't see, so I could tell that you weren't exactly humanoid. Banner's question only added to my curiosity. That being said, she's right. I don't care. If anything, that makes you two the most unique adventureuers I've met, and I've been doing this gig since I was..." There was a slight pause in the dark elf's voice as she spoke. Should she tell them more about her past? If anything, she could just say that she couldn't remember and knew that she had been receiving marks since she was a teen

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"Covering something up? or are you deep in thought? I know I can get that way sometimes when I need to remember something" Chain remarked noticing Kyubi cutting herself off "You know if its the first one then if she's not comfortable talking about then we shouldn't force her to say it" "I know that, I was just trying to guess why she cut herself off...also if are trying to remember then you might as well like to know that we are part equestrian and mammalian" "Or half horse and half human" Banner clarified "He likes to use the big words around new people to impress them" "I do not!"

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Kyubi shook her head and gave a light smile. "No. It's fine. I just got lost in thought." She said, trying to hide how nervous she was. If she wanted these people to trust her, then she would have to eventually reveal parts of her past. It was better that they find out from her than someone else. "Either way, I've been doing this for everyday of my life since I was 12."

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I bet I was right. "Well then you must be a great travel partner, I mean we have been to some weird places but I bet you have at least more stories then us as are adventure has only been around...I cant quite say, months turn into weeks and weeks turn into days to us" "We have done this since I turned 22 and only half a year has pasted, Chain just wants attention and see if it is like that to others, he made the exact opposite complaint to me one time" Banner interrupted "Well sorry if I was not used to the adventure when I said that" "You still haven't gotten used to it" Chain huffs and looks away

Edited by Yoshikupo
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@@Drago Ryder


"Hmm. I see. Amnesia is a difficult thing indeed. Particularly if it's recent. Now the question I always ask myself when talking to someone with amnesia or some form of memory loss is this: Was the loss of memory an accident, or did that person seal them away? Arts of memory magic are common practice in some places of the world and locking memories it's not a very hard spell. On a willing person at least."


This had honestly caught some of her attention. She knew her own reasons, but she couldn't help to be curious. Maybe this guy had a dark past that he wanted to forget about, something to cover up until the time was right, or maybe it was just a complete accident. So didn't know for sure now, so she couldn't do much.

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@Child Of Darkness


Blitz nodded slightly, but didn't really move any further from Shana. "That would make sense. If my memory loss is due to magic, then it could be easily undone, assuming someone knows what they're doing. If it's from something else, I guess all we would need was time." He said, before flicking his tail impatiently. He knew he may not have liked what he would see, but the neko needed to know who he was before. "I think the next step would be to describe the symptoms. For one, I can still learn and remember relatively new information with minimal difficulty. I can also use magic, which is strange all things considered."

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Kyubi couldn't help but laugh slightly at the banter occurring between Chain and Banner. "To be honest, I'm not really that interesting. I'm just trying to make a name for myself." She said, happy that they hadn't asked her about why she had started at such a young age. "By the way, it's evident that you two are close as friends. Something like that should be cherished, especially in this world. Some say friendship is magic."

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@Illiad Easle


Gale watched Orion for a few more seconds, before turning her attention to the group as a whole. She could see that Blitz and Shana were getting along well, giving the dragoness more material to tease her friend with. She also noticed that Midnight wasn't exactly talking with anyone, so she figured talking with him would be a good way to burn time. "Hey. Need someone to talk to?" She asked, giving a slight smile.

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"You have no idea how powerful that magic is" Chain says looking back with a smile "That's why were chatting with you and the others, not just because we can use your power, but so we can give and take when helping one another" "That's a kind thing to say" "Now your complimenting me?" "I give credit where credit is due" Banner looks to Kyubi "Also if you found that funny then your going to be incapacitated by us, that is like a normal conversation with us"

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@@Drago Ryder,


Midnight spooked a bit when the dragon suddenly approached him, faltering in his step slightly before returning to his typical rhythm. He looked about, the Black Knight shrugging before Midnight gave an audible sigh. He hadn't spoken since soon after he had arrived, but since it was a talking dragon perhaps it would be safe.


"Sure I guess. I'm surprised you thought of me as a possible conversation partner." His voice was cool and refined, much like the way a ruler would speak to an adviser. He didn't turn to face the dragon, keeping his eyes pointed forward at the trio they were following. "I don't believe we've been formally introduced. I'm Midnight, and the armored one on my back is Sir, though he'd prefer if you called him The Black Knight. I must say I've not encountered a dragon like yourself in my travels."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle


Gale gave a slight nod as a slight warmth rushed to her cheeks. The closest thing she could describe it as was a blush, but she wasn't quite sure. The dragoness didn't really act surprised when Midnight spoke, though. The world itself was still a mystery in multiple ways, so it wasn't really that big of a deal to her. "Thanks. I haven't exactly met another pony like you either." She said, giving a slight smile. "My name is Gale. It's s pleasure to meet you both."

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