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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

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Kira Dogeikage

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@@Drago Ryder,


Midnight smirked at the compliment, "You'd be hard pressed to find another like me, as far as I've seen I may just be the only one of my kind, born of a peculiar set of circumstances leaving me quite different from the rest. There are many like me to be sure, but none of them are enough like me for me to call them the same."


He shook his head in the direction of the pair of armored individuals (@@Yoshikupo) Still keeping his eyes on the path ahead, "Take those two for example, they too are traveling under their own peculiar set of circumstances, they hide what makes them different so they can be accepted."


An eye glanced at Gale for a moment before returning to the road, "I'm sure you too have your own reasons for your travels with this group today. If you would care to share them I would be willing to share my own."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Kyubi smiled slightly and nodded. She was honestly starting to enjoy the idea of spending time with a group. "Banner's right, though. Power, when in the right hands, can do great things. Granted, it can also be used to cause destruction, but let's not think about that." She said, moving a bit closer to Banner. "As for your banter, I can't wait to see what you have in store."

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@Illiad Easle


Gale gave a slight nod and looked into the sky. "That is true. Every living thing in this world and possibly others are unique in their own special way." She said, thinking about the last bit of what Midnight said. Eventually, the dragoness glanced at the pony and knew what she was going to say. "That seems fair. To be honest, I'm just traveling to help Blitz, the male neko talking with the female of the same species. He saved my hide a few months ago, so I decided to help him with his own problems. Memory loss being one of those."

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@@Drago Ryder,


Midnight smirked again, though it was barely visible under his helmet, "My differences run a bit deeper than the differences between individuals in a population, it's more that I look and seem like a member of said population, but am fundamentally different. For instance, while wearing this helmet and armor I look no different from any other horse, and back home even without the armor I simply looked like a larger version of the native species, yet I am fundamentally different from them. But I digress, It is hard to really explain without going into a bit more detail than I am willing to, given I just met you and all. Though I suppose I do owe you my reasons for travelling now."


He took a deep breath as he prepared to talk some more, "Like you I am travelling to help Sir, you've met him as he's still sitting on my back, and he's really the only family I've ever known. We've been together through countless struggles, and we aim to continue that trend until one of us finally moves on, though I don't see that happening any time soon since we're both biologically immortal, IE we can't die of old age... At least, as far as we know."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle


Gale gave a slight nod and could understand why Midnight would be so secretive. She was also a bit curious about the black knight, but she wouldn't get into it right now. She was surprised to say the least when Midnight mentioned his immortality. "That makes sense. After a while, I couldn't really think of living without Blitz. I guess we have the same relationship as you two." She said, giving a slight laugh that seemed to warble as it passed through her throat. The dragoness was also reminded about Orion and their shared mother, causing a few bad memories to resurface.

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@@Drago Ryder,


Midnight risked looking away from the road to look at Gale, a slight smile on his face. "I suppose you two do have a similar relationship. Perhaps in time it will grow as deep as the one I have with Sir." He looked back to the road ahead. "So, what do you think about this whole war business? We're new so we don't know much about what's going on in this world." 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle


Gale noticed Midnight looking at her,smiling, and felt a slight warmth form in her chest. "Feel free to stop me if you heard something similar to this at any time.The king of the country we're in outlawed magic, killing those who use it and keeping those who don't pose a major threat under strict watch. Of course, this hatred spread to the country's people." She said. "As for why I joined, I'm not about to sit back and watch people suffer for no real reason. Yes, there are bad people who can use magic, but that doesn't make up the whole population of mages." The dragoness then glanced at Midnight fully. "So, why did you decide to come along."

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@@Drago Ryder,


An unseen eyebrow raised no Midnight's helmeted head. "Well, I've never encountered a ruler who wanted to outlaw magic before, though where I've been magic is a fairly important part of everyday life. As to why Sir and I have decided to come along, primarily we need a few magical artifacts and we can't exactly get them if magic is outlawed. Secondarily, we also strive for liberation, freeing and aiding the oppressed has been our mission in life, so this quest lined up with our goals quite nicely." 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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 @@Illiad Easle@@Yoshikupo@@Acnologia@@Child Of Darkness@@Drago Ryder,


As Agravain, Allendune, and Jack entered the forest, Agravain sensed an odd presence. It was too soon to tell if it was malicious, only with time would it reveal itself. "Alright folks, there is a very specific way to get to where we're going. This forest has many protective magics setup by the Elves and Agravain, stick behind us so as not to get lost or worse."


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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@@Drago Ryder,


"Hmm, I'd need to have a look to be sure. Though the process is very invasive and dangerous. I don't think you would have the levels of trust required for me to preform a memory scan. The fact you can use magic is actually not much of a surprise. Most non human creautres have a natural atunement to the arcane. Depending on how advance the levels of magic you can use are, then it would be interesting. But more to the topic at hand."


@@Jellal Fernandes,


"I sort of trust you, but I'd still like to know where we are going? I didn't know of anything down this way last time I was here."

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@Child Of Darkness


Blitz nodded slightly, feeling foolish for not realizing that. If anything, he meant it as a hint that his amnesia didn't seem to affect procedural memory. "To be honest, I'd be willing to try it just to see what happens. As for trust, I figured that would build over time." He said.


@Illiad Easle


Gale was surprised to say the least by Midnight's revelations, but didn't really show it that much. She was a bit curious as to where he came from, but she figured she could ask him another time.


@Jellal Fernandes


Both neko and dragoness glanced at Allendne, before giving a slight nod, before returnin to their own conversations.

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The two had some conversation with Kyubi as they traveled with the rest of the group, well mostly Banner as Chain was looking at The Black Knight most of the time seeing him talking with a dragon "You know you can go over there right? I'm not going to stop you and he is in distance to catch up" Chain sighs as he realized it was too obvious and walked away "So as I was saying, The only way to win the poker match against that kind of luck was cheating" She looked over to Chain to see his distance from them "And I was a little to good to think of it but Chain did it without a second thought" Banner kept sharing stories with Kyubi


"Hey, I see you made a new friend" Chain said approaching the two in a jog "I didn't know that there were talking dragons here but its not like I have anything against it" He said trying to leave no misunderstandings

(Sorry I was not responding)

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@@Jellal Fernandes,


Midnight rolled his eyes as the holed in his mask changed to a red glow similar to the glow from The Black Knight's face plate. As the magics in his helmet activated he could now see any enchantments and magics before he would run into them. Nonetheless, he decided to follow the trio a bit closer than before, still keeping a fair distance from the wolves.


@@Drago Ryder, @@Yoshikupo,


The Black Knight looked over at Chain as he approached, though before he could speak Midnight shot a response over his withers, "And I didn't know there were talking equinoids anywhere yet here you are. You did guess correctly earlier Chain there was something different about me and it is that I am just as, if not more, intelligent as anyone else here."

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

Chain gave a slight smirk "I'm not going to brag but, I called it" Chain turned to the dragon "I wasn't interrupting anything was I? I tend to do that sometimes" He looked a little down "Anyway, do you mind telling me your name?" He then realized that the dragon may not know his name "If they didn't tell you" He nodded to the Midnight and the black knight "my name is Chain, over there is Banner and Kyubi" He pointed with his thumb

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To be honest, Kyubi had found Banner's stories to be interesting and a good way to pass the time as the group headed to whatever camp Agravian and his friends had set up. She didn't really mind the wolves. If anything, they reminded her of home. "Sounds like you two had quite the life. Almost makes me a bit jealous of you two." She said, giving a sly smile. This was one of the few genuine times that the dark elf had ever relaxed, and she wasn't about to let it go to waste. "I still remember the first job I got. Had to take care of some thugs for a town. I wish I could've seen the looks on their faces when they learned a blind dark elf had actually helped them." Kyubi then laid her palm on the hilt on one of the many daggers hidden within her outfit, but she shook whatever dark thoughts had been forming out of her head. "I guess if you want to make a name for yourself, go big or go home."


Orion rolled his eyes as he landed and followed the group though the forest. There was no point in ditching the group now that he had come this far, and it was probably for the best that he stayed. If anything, he could help to some extent.

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Gale gave a slight shrug as she glanced at Chain. "I'm sure all living beings are capable of speech. It's just a matter of wheather or not it's understandable." She said. "Dragons, for instance, have a language that only they can understand, yet they use English when in the presence of other species." She said. The dragon then glanced back at Banner and Kyubi, before noticing Orion following them. "It's a pleasure to met you, Chain. My name is Gale, by the way."

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@@Acnologia, @@Drago Ryder,

"It does make sense, A dog barks and a cat meows" Chain ponders it for a second "Well its great to meet yet another ally to get to know, and one that seems nice"


"Your right, I knew that even when I was a child" Banner said proudly "I mean if I wanted to go far as a protector then I had to...I'm still protecting to this day, in fact going on this adventure is still protecting the place I love and the the people I like" She smirks like she just did the best thing in her life and takes off her helmet to reveal her face

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Kyubi nodded and couldn't help but glance at Banner for a few seconds after she took off her helmet. The dark elf then cleared whatever thoughts had formed in her head before looking forward, a light blush forming on her cheeks. "If you don't mind, could you tell me a bit more about the world you came from? Assuming that there is a way back, whatever happens here could very well spill into your own." She said, trying to divert attention away from the way she acted.

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"The think is, we want somethings to spill into it, the whole mission is to gather powerful warriors, artifacts, anything that could help the empire...hell they said we could try to make trade routes if possible" Banner said trying to remember what Celestia said "Anyway the world I come from has ponies rule the world, well most of it, there are talking dragons, griffons, changeling which are a pain in the ass, and many more creatures that also control land but...there are a lot of insane things in the world as well that could very well destroy the Equestrian empire and that's why they want help from other dimensions from how bountiful the resources are" Banner explained this like she had said it multiple times before "And it brings in a bunch of things for the citizens to try and go places they could only dream about going" She said with a happy expression that slowly faded "Of course it could also bring the undoing of everyone if it fell into the wrong hands, so that's why scouts like us are sent first with limited supplies"

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@@Yoshikupo, @@Drago Ryder,  


Midnight noticed that he was no longer being involved by the conversation as was perfectly content to just listen, he turned his attention back to where he was walking so as to not misstep or trample anyone in front of him. He just hoped that it wasn't too far away from here, and that wherever they were going would be a bit more interesting than this forest.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Kyubi nodded and thought for a few moments on what to say before proceeding. "It sounds like our world and your own are parallels for each other. Either way, that's not exactly what I meant. Given the current circumstances, I don't think opening the gate between our worlds would be for the best. I mean, we have a magiphobic, militarist, king who wouldn't think twice about conquering your world and killing off everyone in it, and the people here aren't exactly better than he is." The dark elf then shrugged, knowing that while what she said may not be what Banner wanted to hear, it was definitely the truth. "As for after this is all said and done, it may become more feasible. Celestia knows that interaction would only benefit both worlds."

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@Yoshikupo @Illiad Easle


Gale gave a slight shrug as she continued to walk. "Blitz and I were just in the right place at the right time." She muttered, glancing back at said neko. The dragoness had also noticed that Mifnoght had left the conversation, and figured that she would probably talk to him later. Now that she thought about it, she didn't really know that much about him aside from his amnesia. Yet, he seemed familiar in a way.

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@@Acnologia, @@Drago Ryder,

"Glad that so many people could have had that moment at the same time" Chain said looking at the people around "Quite unique people too"


"I mean you are right, plus even if this goes horribly like another world I was in, we can always retreat to my world and close the portal so that they can't get in...of course this world may never be seen again since only Celestia can make the connection that will link worlds and she forgets a lot of them because of how many ponies she sends. She has a book full of all the certain magic she puts in it but it's like picky thing with magic like that, making connections to similar worlds, having the world be at the time period other than the one were in or having it be the right world but far off on location. Hell it could be on another planet entirely" She explains "But lets not worry about that, the only thing we should think of now is to do our best to make the best of the world, right?" She tried to make a lighter note

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Kyubi couldn't help but give a light smile as she looked into the sky. "Yeah. Everything will probably wprk out in the end." She said. To be honest, the dark elf wasn't really sure about that.


@Child Of Darkness @Jellal Fernandes @Drago Ryder @Illiad Easle


As time passed, Orion silently observed the group. He wasn't oblivious when it came to relationships, and he could definetly see some forming, mainly between Blitz and Shana and Kyubi and Banner. If anything, the way they acted gave it all the way. "Looks like things are going slow, not like we won't have plenty of those moments." He thought to himself.

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There was a silence between the two again as Kyubi said that "That's the reaction I normally thing of when I tell people" Banner sighs "Trust me, there's no way that I'd let that happen without some sort of pain on the end with worst ideals...one time me and Chain came back to a world safety" She lied throw her teeth "I promise that we could do it a lot easier than you think"

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