CapnKrunk 307 May 6, 2012 Share May 6, 2012 (edited) There is this one guy.But I took him off my freinds list on facebook because he kept on putting hate comments on every single one of my photos.Like "YOUR Gay" or "Shut the *uck up".He really rustled my jimmies. Edited May 6, 2012 by Flutter Derp (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thebeardedone 0 May 6, 2012 Share May 6, 2012 I cant say I have ever met a hater though than again I make sure that no one knows that im a brony. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kenny 232 May 6, 2012 Share May 6, 2012 Haven't met any IRL, just a few trolls on the internet. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xanthous 44 May 6, 2012 Share May 6, 2012 (edited) Haven't met any IRL, just a few trolls on the internet. I'm rofling, really. Also, hi k3nny. Also, Mark SuperCool from that website as well. I mean, <--- look at his posts. You'll have a good laugh. (irony: the guy who initially banned him is a nonbrony who happens to respect the show. The admin who disabled him is a brony) Edited May 7, 2012 by leictreon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jokuc 8,174 May 6, 2012 Share May 6, 2012 Once I met a guy, and he said that the show..... was..bad! Hah, seriously I haven't met that many haters Just a few on youtube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spas-ticShotty 3,584 May 6, 2012 Share May 6, 2012 Haven't met any IRL, just a few trolls on the internet. I was more interested in the add asking for unblocked adds . I've seen a comment on a video on YouTube that had some pony references (It was a custom story from Amnesia, and PewDiePie was playing it ), and the comment read "God damn bronies, how low must you fat, autistic fucks get?". To say the least, the word "autistic" made me pretty upset (In a mad sorta way), having Asperger's and all that such. That guy is probably intolerant about fat people and autistic people (And bronies, obviously). Thats pretty sad -_- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marcusaralius76 151 May 7, 2012 Share May 7, 2012 The only hater I ever met was a guy from my college. But he had the hygiene of roadkill and his grades were worse than his smell, so I had NO problem taking his shat. I'm rofling, really. Also, hi k3nny. Also, Mark SuperCool from that website as well. I mean, <--- look at his posts. You'll have a good laugh. lol, deactivated account. Bronies:1 SuperCool:0 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Otter 1,942 May 7, 2012 Share May 7, 2012 My friends are, for the most part pretty nice, and I tend to overestimate their reactions. I keep thinking they're gonna laugh me to death, but that's unrealistic. If anyone even mentions it at all, the biggest reaction they'd probably give is "Oh. Weird." and leave it at that. how even is otter and how can it be if Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Nefarious 195 May 7, 2012 Share May 7, 2012 Don't really have too many "haters". I have a friend that makes fun of the show but I don't consider her a "hater" because she has a friendly way about her. I would say Ghost but I can't since I've never actually "met" him. The only person I know IRL that I would consider a hater is totally extreme and one day she made threats on my life and said some stuff I am not going to repeat. I have not spoke to her since, and she is rude to just about everybody. The only other hater I know said I was gay but since then he hasn't really said anything else. So I don't really know that many haters. You really haven't caught on yet haven't you? Ghost is not a real hater, he is a troll. He is trolling the trolls by troll baiting. CALL AN AMBERLAMPS! I NEED AN AMBERLAMPS! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Poniak 2 May 7, 2012 Share May 7, 2012 IRL, I actually have one hater and I have to spare room with him, no he's not my brother, he is just my roommate (1 of 3), he doesn't usually give hate on ponies only, but everything. Anything you like, he will hate that and make laugh of it. But is not that bad sometimes, when we're all alone, he seems to be a nice guy. I think he even doesn't hate some things, he's just a person, who likes to make you angry because... he like that.. typical troll. I hope, someday he will change this, I wish it for him. Peace Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PyRE4243 51 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 (edited) Ok I just had a rather annoying experience with a hater who just sprung this out the blue at me on skype... I actually thought he was a friend at the time too.. Anything with <<< Infront of it means he is quoting me by the way. (My skype name is Luna (Bill) just so you don't get confused) It is kind of explict but I have tried my best to censor the explict words but I may have missed some. Read at your own risk Person: how are you? Person: h-ow are you? Person: *um *um Person: *um *um Person: i suck so much at this Luna (Bill): ok then Person: Prematuer Ejaculation Person: Prematuer Ejaculation Person: what? you gonna go have s*x with your ponies and cry in a corner ? Luna (Bill): Nope, now if you don't mind Luna (Bill): i'm going to ignore you and watch the new episode of mlp Luna (Bill): Kthxbye Person: haahahahaha Person: yo8u g*yboy Luna (Bill): And how is that so? Person: Luna (Bill): <<< i'm going to ignore you and watch the new episode of mlp Person: Lol Luna (Bill): What? Person: your cool! Person: Person: Luna (Bill): <<< i'm going to ignore you and watch the new episode of mlp Luna (Bill): Ikr? Person: Luna (Bill): <<< i'm going to ignore you and watch the new episode of mlp Person: Luna (Bill): <<< i'm going to ignore you and watch the new episode of mlp# Person: Luna (Bill): <<< i'm going to ignore you and watch the new episode of mlp Person: Luna (Bill): <<< i'm going to ignore you and watch the new episode of mlp Person: Luna (Bill): <<< i'm going to ignore you and watch the new episode of mlp Luna (Bill): What are you trying to get at here? Person: that mlp is for 8 year old girls mate Luna (Bill): Is there a problem with liking that show? Person: tbh Bille yh Luna (Bill): How? Person: Luna (Bill): <<< i'm going to ignore you and watch the new episode of mlp Luna (Bill) It isn't harming anyone? Elliott Cooper: yes Luna (Bill): Precisely. Person: go and feed your pony Luna (Bill): Wat? Luna (Bill): How does? Luna (Bill): Wat? Luna (Bill): I don't even know how to respond to that Person: it is turning innocent men into puny little girls Luna (Bill): Just so you know Luna (Bill): A few are in the armed forces and are serving to help us. Person: wat? Luna (Bill): They are putting their lives at risk for us. Person: what the f*** are you on bout? Luna (Bill): They can be twice the men you are. Luna (Bill): So don't even go down that road bro ^.^ Person: soz bro Person: hunz Person: bbz Person: suga t**s Person: Luna (Bill): <<< i'm going to ignore you and watch the new episode of mlp Person: Luna (Bill): <<< i'm going to ignore you and watch the new episode of mlp Person: Luna (Bill): <<< i'm going to ignore you and watch the new episode of mlp Person: Luna (Bill): <<< i'm going to ignore you and watch the new episode of mlp Luna (Bill): I don't even know what this guy is trying to get at Luna (Bill): O_O Person: Go and feed your pony sugar ti**ys Luna (Bill): How... Luna (Bill): How does that even Luna (Bill): Insult me? Luna (Bill): Eh. Person: this guy has a name babes xx Luna (Bill): I won't bother Person: oh have you ran ut of feed xx Luna (Bill): Ok then bro, you can say whatever you want i'ma ignore you now, bye bye This kinda ruined a pretty good day overall =/ So I just wanted to know, has anyone else come across anything like this? Edited November 17, 2012 by Lanzuis 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Loper324 4 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 (edited) Yeah, I have on Omegle. I've just played it off and actually had someone enjoy my argument and they decided to watch a episode and said they were sorry and add me on steam, we are near best friends now. I love the way people can be assimilated into the herd. Edit: Oh and Bravo on handling the situation at hand with no hate. /) Edited November 17, 2012 by Loper324 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Champion RD92 8,658 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 Wtf??? No offense, but that guy sounds like a complete moron. One of my friends actually said something like this when I told him I was a brony. And he was my best friend for like pretty much my whole life :/ 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
longgone 873 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 He was kind of shocked when you said there were bronies in the armed forces YOU: They're putting their lives on line for us;they're twice the man you are HATER: Wat? So, bro... I thought he would realize he made a mistake. But I lmao'd when he said "go feed your pony" and "are you all out of feed?" 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Homura Akemi 974 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 Good job, there. I don't really like Omegle. It just more of a I'm bored to death and I'll do anything to kill it kind of thing. I prefer Cleverbot. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PyRE4243 51 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 He was kind of shocked when you said there were bronies in the armed forces YOU: They're putting their lives on line for us;they're twice the man you are HATER: Wat? So, bro... I thought he would realize he made a mistake. But I lmao'd when he said "go feed your pony" and "are you all out of feed?" I lol'd when he said that too - I find it very immature I mean, that insult doesn't even make sense O_O he went off saying other stuff too but I just completely ignored him Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Loper324 4 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 Good job, there. I don't really like Omegle. It just more of a I'm bored to death and I'll do anything to kill it kind of thing. I prefer Cleverbot. Who; me or him? 'His' hater was on Skype. My Hater/Best Friend was on Omegle Wtf??? No offense, but that guy sounds like a complete moron. One of my friends actually said something like this when I told him I was a brony. And he was my best friend for like pretty much my whole life :/ I'm sorry to hear that, and there is no reason to call anyone that. Hes just your average hater not a moron, I'd see you would handle this a little brash like Rainbow Dash. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Homura Akemi 974 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 Who; me or him? 'His' hater was on Skype. My Hater/Best Friend was on Omegle I'm sorry to hear that, and there is no reason to call anyone that. Hes just your average hater not a moron, I'd see you would handle this a little brash like Rainbow Dash. Mainly you, but both, I suppose. I mean, dealing with people who hate on things is something we all have to encounter in life. "“Hatred is the coward's revenge for being intimidated.” - George Bernard Shaw Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dusty Soul 2,612 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 Yeah that is pretty stupid, I mean his comebacks didn't make any sense. LIke "Go Feed your ponies" What the heck, ok, Good job there anyways. 2 Soundcloud-------------------Facebook---------------------------Youtube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Loper324 4 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 Mainly you, but both, I suppose. I mean, dealing with people who hate on things is something we all have to encounter in life. "“Hatred is the coward's revenge for being intimidated.” - George Bernard Shaw I've had many, that's just a notable time I was attacked by a hater. I'm sorta a closet brony, I've told a hand full or two of my friends I'm one in real life, but none of my family yet. I've also threw a few hints out there to my family, but they haven't noticed. Anyways were I'm going with this is, I thought one of my friends would hate me for liking MLP but it turns out he likes the show too, his favorite 'pony' when I asked him was Discord.... I quickly corrected him but he knew, he didn't really know much about the show other than discord was evil and told me about some indie music. I love that quote by the way, I was about to put something up like that. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gone Airbourne 21,977 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 This kinda ruined a pretty good day overall =/ So I just wanted to know, has anyone else come across anything like this? Hey now don't let something/someone like this ruin your day! Ignore all the hate and such its annoying yes but just ignore it thats the best solution. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PyRE4243 51 November 17, 2012 Share November 17, 2012 Yeah that is pretty stupid, I mean his comebacks didn't make any sense. LIke "Go Feed your ponies" What the heck, ok, Good job there anyways. Yeah, that insult kinda made me incredibly confused, I don't really think it can even be classed as an insult, it sounds more along the lines of a mental breakdown? xD 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Asuka <3~ 867 November 18, 2012 Share November 18, 2012 Lol, he wasn't successful. That was kind of funny actually, how you pretty much stopped him right in his tracks. What a dumbass. I've encountered quite a few in my lifetime (my entire graduating class), and I've never had any success. Do you have any tips/tricks that could could help me? It seems like you're pretty good at it. 1 #1 Asuka fanboy. Signature created by Thunder Bolt. Former names: Dash Is Best Pony, TrixieLover97, and Twilightlicious 666 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Faceless 101 November 18, 2012 Share November 18, 2012 You're not a proper brony until you've had some hate spread your way. You can think of it wither four ways: 1) A challenge to prove him wrong. 2) A way to politely show him that bronies are civil people. 3) A way of VENTING ALL YOUR ANGER ON THEM! 4) A thing to ignore. I sort of go on the first road, not very good with the second. DO NOT DO THE THIRD ONE. You just don't prove them that we are about L&T. I am now friends with a non-brony who I argued with. He doesn't watch the show but at least he doesn't slate people anymore. If you choose fourth option, this can be tricky. You must be vigilant not to reply, and not give in to the argument: "You're ignoring me because you can't argue with me!" Whatever you do, remember you are proud to be a brony and you will L&T the hay out of them! 1 We all go a little mad sometimes... Strangers think I am quiet. Friends think I am outgoing. Best friends KNOW I am insane! Faceless Flyer: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brook 663 November 18, 2012 Share November 18, 2012 What a wonderful asshole that guy was! Qouting you repeatedly and unnecessarily will surely show you! wtf is happening to man-kind -.- Ask me anything! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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