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The Down Trotten

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@@BabylonSister,@, @@Hazard Time, @@J.R.,  


As Rhetoric was flooded with a stream of questions he smiled a tad bemused "Well, where to begin... Well the Madam in red" he pointed to the more sophisticated mare first "made a good point, I haven;t introduced myself and that's terribly rude of me. So first and for most, My name is Rhetoric Rash, it's very doubtful you've heard of me before and if you have... frankly I'm surprised. I was a potato farmer, then a after a attempt at getting into Celestia's school for gifted unicorns... Well I became the traveling disgruntled vagabond I am today. But who I am is not as nearly as important as some other things which some of you have been so kind to ask." 

he paused to both catch his breath and to take a look around at his party "To put it simply, I feel the ponies around us have become complacent, they have allowed the Princesses to rule without question and that has lead to some dire mistakes and poor leadership. Of course I don't think simply over throwing the Princesses is the only answer, in fact that's the most risky and most unstable, but they need to be challenged by their own ponies for things to change.... And if they do not rise to the challenge, then more drastic measure should be taken for the sake of this country of ours." he heaved a sigh and paused again, it was within these moments he could lose all of these potential allies or even gain a few enemies 

"I have even thought of the possibility of simply ignoring the Princesses and starting a community... maybe even a kingdom of our own where we rule as we see fit, not some two 1000 year old princess who never die and can't possibly relate to their subjects. I can't do any of this alone of course, so hence I have taken the gambit of those silly fliers that have brought you all here...."

"And thats only scathing the serfice really but you asked and I told you as best as I could" he looked at the odd crowd gathered around him and waited to see what would become of the small party now 

  • Brohoof 3


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@The Down Trotten, @, @@Hazard Time,

Ice listened in closely on every word. So it was true. The whole thing about ruling Equestria and stopping the princesses. This had to be reported in case an uprising would occur. However, he had to stay casual and quiet, mainly because of the fact that he didn't want anyone else to know of what he was trying to do.


​"Well the way I see it..." Ice spoke nonchalantly, still holding his hooves behind his head in a casual manner. ​"Sounds like there's multiple ways of addressing a situation like this. Whether it be practical or impractical. But from my point of view, I think everyone has some sort of thought or ideal that they feel is best in order to run something. And, well, this is no different. It's up to whoever got the balls to pull it off in the end, though."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Light Star listened intently, considering the proposal. It actually didn't sound half bad, and anyways, who needs thousand year princesses? But how to handle it? An idea sparked in Light Star's mind, and not an exactly pleasant one either. 


"I say we should just fight. Fight for freedom, fight for what we deserve." 


'Make me your Queen'

Sig by Wheatley

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The pegasus glanced up and noticed three new ponies had joined the meeting. She managed to keep herself stoic as she recognised one of them.


Isn't that Ice Blizzard? One of Celestia's students in combat? What would he be doing here?


The Baroness, and a pony close to the Princess. This was getting truly intriguing.


She leaned in, making sure to keep her face covered, and nodded every so often, taking in the details.


Rhetoric Rash... good, I have a name to go on.


This 'rebel' seemed pretty harmless for the moment, but if she kept silent, she might attract suspicion. She had to get involved.


"S-so, say you wanted to overthrow the Princesses," she spoke up, "how would you do it? And, um, w-what would you do different in their role...?"

Edited by Unicorncob
  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@ Rebels  (I figure its easier than mentioning everyone in earshot. And I don't know how to ACTUALLY tag users anyways, so its just as well)


Nix turned to the mare proposing combat


"How exactly is a small force of ponies like us supposed to face the princesses? Even if we gained a large following we would surely be stomped out by the guard alone, with nothing to show for it. No... For now, at least, we must be tactful and tread lightly. For surely, even now, there is someone against our cause present. The Princesses have grown complacent, yes, but they know enough to keep people on the look out for causes such as ours. And that is exactly why we call for reform!"

She spoke tensely, but in hushed tones, so as not to draw the attention of anyone other than those gathered at the table  


"Have we not the right to convene peacefully without fearing for our lives or reputation? Without bring spied upon!?"

Nix was tempted to slam her hoof on to the table. Thankfully she restrained herself, hoof shooting into the air, but coming to rest quietly on the table top once again.

Edited by BabylonSister
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@@BabylonSister @@Unicorncob @ @@J.R. @@The Down Trotten


The baroness could only guffaw at the direction the discourse had taken.


"Seriously, you all, who said anything about a revolution?" she questioned, running a hoof through her mane.  "That's hardly something that's necessary, or even practical.  All that we are discussing at this table is change."


Carnelian's smug grin began to disintegrate as her eyes met each of the other ponies'.  "For example, I want a change in the autonomy of the Crystal Empire.  For over a decade, leadership was nested in the hooves of a single foreign tyrant whose legitimacy to the throne was as nonexistant as his crystal sheen.  Shall I regale you with the stories of how we languished?  How our culture was nearly stamped out in one generation, an entire nation with a rich history reduced to servitude?




"And now, one decade and a millennium later, we once more find ourselves ruled by tyrants.  The Crystal Empire is neither vassal nor client state to any!  In ancient times, before there even was an Equestria, we were a power to be reckoned with!  We held the torch of civilization, of culture!  Were it not for our endless fight against the savage windigos and barbarous Yak tribes of the north, the entire continent would have been consumed by chaos!"


Realizing that she was near to jumping out of her seat, the baroness sat back, wiping a small bit of spittle off her lips.  "The Crystal Empire deserves its right to independence, and the throne belongs to a crystal pony.  That's all I have to say on this subject."

Edited by Hazard Time
  • Brohoof 3

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@,@@Hazard Time, @@BabylonSister, @@J.R., @@Unicorncob,


Rhetoric once again had to intake the large amount of voices and different ideals being thrown at him, some had questions, others had resolutions. Fortunately for the time being he still had control over the situation, and he addressed the group once more with a hearty laugh 

"Settle down now, please, as mentioned before this isn't a secret meeting so please feel free to speak your mind, we aren't conspirators, as the Madam in red stated we are merely ponies who seek change. Now as for the subject of overthrowing the Princesses... That is a rather extreme notion and frankly I would hope to avoid such trouble, and if it were to come to that, i would hope it would be by popular demand rather then a violent coup of a small minority, as that would only lead to yet another tyranny that I will not abide by." he pushed his mane back in a moment to collect his thoughts


"now I heard one of you saying that we should fight? I highly disagree, for  practical, logical, and moral reasons. There are only a hoof full of us,  I doubt many of us are fighters to begin with, and while I disagree with the Princesses they have been doing a decent job all things considered. Completely overthrowing them would cause a power vacuum that honestly would be insane for us to fill up." 

"One more thing, The Madam in Red has addressed what she would like to see changed, and I for one can see why, but what about the  rest of you? What are the changes you wish to see to this land of ours?" he wanted to get the pressure of him a tad and scout out his potential allies 


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@The Down Trotten, @@Hazard Time, @@BabylonSister, @@Unicorncob, @,

Ice blinked and closed his eyes at the idea. Thank god they weren't thinking of going to war. Maybe this group of older folk wasn't so foolish after all. Regardless, he had to speak his mind. Of course, being the youngest one there, he had to throw in a bit of snark. ​"Well I dunno about ya'll...but I don't feel like gettin' shot today. Not now, not ever.". ​He sipped his water, and put the glass down, ​"Now that that's said, I think Equis could use more cold weather. Ya'll would not believe how many times I've walked outside and 78 feels like 102. Nearly cooked my ass off the last time I sat in the sun."


​The earth pony snickered into his hoof, got up, turned the chair around, and sat in it facing everyone with the chair facing the wrong way. Obviously he wasn't serious. He was simply trying to liven things up, and continued speaking with his tone of American slang. ​"Eheheh. But for serious now, I think Equestria could do without all these bad guys just attacking us. Just Discord, then Tirek, then Nightmare this corruption that left and right. Bad guys are getting less and less intimidating the more we curbstomp. Villains need to step up their game, or begone with themselves. Seriously, I mean, there's more worthwhile challenges from other ponies and creatures in the forest now. They aren't scary anymore. Whaddya ya'll think?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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The pegasus remained quiet as the group started to act up. She had to play the part of a meek pony, so she couldn't raise her voice for silence.


Thankfully, Rhetoric had managed to calm things down and get the meeting flowing again. He at least just wants to make small change in how Equestria is run, and not be the head of a full blown revolution.


She hoped.


"Well, I guess we could use better Royal Guards," she murmured, wanting to pitch something in, "I mean, the ones we have are good... but, I suppose they could get better training...?"


Nothing wrong with sprinkling a little genuine opinion, is there? It wasn't like Captain Shining Armour was around to hear it.


Besides, the Celestial Paladins received much more advanced training. The likes the Royal Guard probably should have.

  • Brohoof 2


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@@The Down Trotten, @@DwhitetheGamer,


Heavy hoof beats trotted down the forest path leading the large red Pegasus War to his destination, a town in the southern part of the land named Dopplesluander. He had left a few days ago from his temporary residence in ponyville at the surprising request of the princesses. He was shocked at first when receiving the letter of summons but then found it only logical that this was a test to prove his loyalty and worth to the country. He had left the very next morning for the town, packing his armor and weapon than flying most of the way. Only now that he approached the town he had landed dawned his armor and placed his sword at his side, he needed to look professional when he addressed his unit.


Yeah, his unit, if this summons hadn’t been interesting enough Celestia had placed him in charge of a small group of ponies to look into a magical disturbance. While he had never led a military unit, he had been in charge of his family most his life, running them as if they were in the army. He believed he was qualified for the position but slightly nervous as the mission was riding on him. He understood that being the commander was not to take the credit for a successful mission, but to take the blame if things went wrong and it was something he was prepared to do. He hoped the ponies she had placed him in charge of where qualified and with that willing to listen to an artificial pony.


He made his way to the outskirts of the small town, it was eerily quiet and still. This town was located in the middle of the swamp and War wondered why any pony would want to live out here? It seemed dangerous; ponies probably got lost in the mash or worse sunk into it to never have their bodies retrieved.  As he looked about he noted the train tracks looked underused as if ponies didn’t travel in and out often by train nor must anything be shipped. Usually, a settlement was started due to some resource in the location so he wondered what brought ponies way out here, maybe the privacy, maybe he would learn a bit more about the place from this ‘disturbance’


Whatever it was he wasn’t going to learn anything from standing there. He entered the town checking his letter for the list of ponies he was to lead, they must be in town or had yet to arrived since no pony seemed to be waiting for him. The first on his list was an Earth Pony called Copper Strikes, he decided to track him down first.

Edited by PonyOfWar
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@@PonyOfWar@@The Down Trotten,


Copper was looking like he admired the town for what it was, and he was, to a certain extent.  But he knew soon he had to carry on with the mission, and to figure out what was going on.


He decided to turn around and found another pony, who looked like a business pony.  Then he recognized the other as one had been part of the royal guard, though he didn't know his name.  He trotted over to him and asked, "Hello.  What brings you here?"

  • Brohoof 1

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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He had been looking at his list and hadn't been paying attention to the pony until spoken to, rolling up the note he placed it in a saddle bag before addressing the pony. "Greetings, I am called War, I'm looking for a few ponies here on royal business. Would you happen to have met a pony by Copper Strikes?"

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Copper smiled as his name was brought up and responded, while placing a hoof on his chest, "You're looking at him."


Then he looked around, seeing if anypony was paying attention.  Then he leaned in closer and spoke in a softer voice.  "Are you here for the same reason I am?  The magical occurrences here?  Because if so, I may need help in finding such things."

  • Brohoof 1

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@Unicorncob @Queen Twii @J.R. @The Down Trotten @Hazard Time


Nix gaped slightly at the young blue pony. After a short pause she said quietly


"Wh... What?" she cleared her throat


"You're joking. Yes, You're joking" she chuckled quietly.


"Maybe you have something, oh, I don't know, relevant to add to the conversation?" a tense polite smile pulled across her face

It was a stressful evening, and she didn't need this foal wasting their time. Swasn't paying enough mind to keeping things cordial.

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@@BabylonSister, @@Unicorncob, @@The Down Trotten, @@Hazard Time, @,

Ice rolled his eyes. Clearly the fun police had attended this meeting, and weren't allowing any sort of humor. ​"Sorry, madam, I didn't realize you hated jokes. But in any event, I'm serious. Every single major threat to Equestria has been somehow defeated at one point or another, and quite frankly I don't see why they keep trying. If there was anything I'd change, is that I'd forcibly kick out everyone who wants to oppose it. I mean, we don't want this place to fall apart or anything do we? Not to mention the Royal Guard suuuucks." ​he facehooved, ​"I agree with the cloaked Pegasus mare. If we want Equis to stay protected, the Royal Guard needs to have better standards as well." ​He looked at the mare who was irritated with him, ​"Just 'cuz I joke around, don't mean I'm stupid, ma'am. There's some serious issues going on here, so someone has to--I dunno--get the attention of everyone in the group by making a joke and then state a case? I mean, if that's not your method, you do you, but that's how I roll. And right now, the most important issues at hoof are the Royal Guard standards, and eliminating possible threats. The girl in the cloak is onto something, though." ​He looked at her, ​"You raised some good points. Got anymore?"

Edited by J.R.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Light Star slightly closed her eyes to slits. Her boredom and irritation was growing, and she had to make sure she didn't fall asleep at the meeting. There were so so many jokes being told, so much nonsense. The unicorn rolled her eyes at the lame excuse for entertainment. 


"Hey, when is the actual meeting getting started? This is getting boring," Light Star complained. This 'Ice Pony' wasn't helping at all. "Boredom," she muttered under her breath.


'Make me your Queen'

Sig by Wheatley

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The pegasus blinked at Ice, not expecting him to take her side right away.


...unless he already figured it out? But she thought her disguise was perfect!


Though, better an ally to discover her, she supposed. Plus, hearing her idea had approval made her blush under her hood.


"Well," she began, sounding a little more confident to fit the mood, "perhaps more guards can be set across Equestria? More garrisons, more patrols, more safety from attackers."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@BabylonSister@Unicorncob@The Down Trotten, @@J.R.@Queen Twii,


Royal guard strength?  Crystal Empire independence?  The gears were working in Carnelian's mind, and the genesis of a plan began to take root.  A smile came across her face while she continued to listen to the discourse.


"I must agree that the Royal Guard requires more expertise, but I can say from experience that it will never happen," she stated.  "Politics trumps common sense, I'm afraid.  Why, it would take an incredibly large debacle for the current military authority to greenlight more extensive training.  A very large debacle, indeed."

  • Brohoof 1

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War was surprised when the stallion introduced himself as the pony he was looking for, "oh" he uttered before catching himself. It was at that moment he studied the pony, a blue earth pony with a really spiky mane and I spiky... thing he couldn't really make out of a cutie mark let alone understand the talent that went with it. The pony had spoken in a very casual tone, not what he would have expected of the guard and didn't seem to carry himself like a soldier, at least not one on a mission. He was a little sceptical that this was one of the ponies Celestia had placed on such a task. Perhaps this was a con-pony jumping onto War's confusion for a chance to make some bits. If he were a solider where was his armor or weapon, he really didn't look like a military pony.


He believed Copper was being truthful after he mentioned the occurrence, although he felt the stallion was behaving rather nonprofessionally, leaning into his commanding officer and ignoring proper etiquette. War didn't know what to make of the pony but if this was, in fact, a pony he would be leading things didn't seem to be in his favor. Maybe this was all some scheme to mess with him, maybe he was meant to mess up and get himself banished to Tartarus. He shook his head to clear his mind of the thought, that would be ridiculous.


He was a little annoyed that the pony already admitted he needed help looking, what if War had not been summoned, what was Copper's plan? Apparently to look around until he happened upon it since he was whispering, indicating he felt that the mission was a secret one and had no intention of asking the locals about the issue. While to War that was the first step in any mission when he hadn't been ordered into silence.


Though still concerned about this pony's qualifications for a royal mission, War began, "Yes, I am here about the magical disturbance. But may I ask what rank do you hold and what is your military experience? Also if you have any knowledge or skills that may be beneficial to the current mission reveal them now. If you have found any information regarding our objective while present in the village share that info now." He gave the pony before him a stern commander like look to make sure he got his point across, this pony needed to explain his presence and use to the mission and he needed to be convincing if he wanted the Pegasus to take him seriously for the rest of their task.

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@, @@Hazard Time, @@Unicorncob, @, @@Unicorncob,

Ice could almost sense the bad air that emanated from his presence. He had to be a tad more serious if anypony here was going to accept him, let alone pay any attention, so he spoke a bit more quietly. ​"Yeah, it'd make sense if there were more guards around. Perhaps in the places where no one hardly goes for maximum defense." ​He heard Carnelian's words and mulled them over, ​"Well, if the training part can't be done, maybe we can at least have more boots on the ground in more areas like the cloaked mare said. That way we can at least broaden the defensive horizons of Equis. That'll do something right?" ​he stayed quiet, allowing anyone the chance to agree or disagree. Maybe now he wouldn't be bashed and shut down for supposedly sounding stupid.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@,@@Hazard Time, @@Unicorncob,  @@J.R.,@@BabylonSister,



Rhetoric smiled already the gears of change and progress were beginning to turn albeit slowly... although the madam in red had said something in a particular way that made him twitch a bit, but he would have to deal later, if at all "Alright good, good! We're getting something where... but before we go any further, this is a public meeting after all, and no one here should feel the need to hide, if we want to get anything done we have to trust and know one another yes? Obviously we all want change do we not, so surely it won't be much trouble your names and some backround? I've been up front with all of you, so I feel it's time you all do the same. if you don't feel comfortable with that then I kindly ask you to leave, I can;t work with ponies who won't be honest with me with the simplest of things"  


It saddened him he had to think like this but the current air of the situation was one of suspicion and secery and for the present moment he didn't want that, so he had to pull that power play "Of course you could lie, I doubt anyone of us would know, but thats entirely up to you"  

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Copper returned from his leaning stance to a more military-type stance as he felt the commanding tone of this pony.  He nodded at him saying, "I currently have a few months worth of military experience, and I do humbly apologize for my leaning in towards you.  I'm used to doing that since I had a normal life."


Next, he shook his head.  "I have no information right now about the magical occurrences, mostly because I don't trust the ponies here to tell me the truth.  I do, however, have some stealth abilities that'll allow me to sneak in places, if need be.  "


He kept a straight face throughout this, and kept his eyes on War throughout, lest the other mistakes mistake his ability to abide with upper ponies.

  • Brohoof 1

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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The pegasus cursed under her breath. The leader wanted her identity.


Every fibre of her being told her to reveal anything except who she really was. And so, that was what she'd do.


Luckily, she already had a name prepared. After all, why have a disguise if you weren't going all the way?


"My name is Cosmic Cloud," she murmured, and pulled her hood over her face some more, "and, um... I have an embarrassing manecut that I'd prefer not to show..."

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Nix raised an eyebrow at the shy mare, but didn't question her.


"I'm Nix Savant. You can just call me Nix if you prefer." She removed her hat and placed it on the table in front of her.

(She would never admit it, but her most used nickname was knickknack. : P )


"I'm an inventor, tea enthusiast, and I try to be a jack of all trades. Living in seclusion, you kind of have to be." She sat a bit taller and adjusted her very long mane; mismatched eyes scanning the table for the next member of the party to introduce themselves.

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War made no reaction as he allowed Copper to make his case, ah, War understood. He was green. Though he wondered what he meant when he said 'Normal life' and what that had to do with learning. Did all regular ponies lean in to speak, if so War hadn't picked up on it, regardless it seemed Copper had a rather odd reason for not speaking to any pony and that needed to be addressed. He noted he was skilled in stealth or so he claimed, maybe it was related to why he was chosen for this mission, either way, War would need to see him in action.


"Why are you not in uniform," he knew his own armor was not common military grade but rather his own personal set, however, he expected even if this pony did not own a set himself he would have been issued one." I guess there is nothing that can be done about that now but I trust if we encounter any violence you can handle yourself. But considering you don't have bodily protection or a weapon try to keep any acts of heroism to minium, I don't want a pony mortality wounded on my watch, especially one that put himself in harms way without proper gear. I'm I clear?" 


"Furthermore, what seems to be the problem with the locals that leads you to assume they are untrustworthy, have they given you any issues and have you attempted to discuss it with them before making the assumption?"

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