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I need to know everything about Pinkie Pie!


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Pinkie Pie is amazing. I need to know everything about her. The reason why is because I am trying to write a song about her, but I don't know very much about her. Btw, I'm really bad at writing songs lol. I can write stories... just not songs. I just felt like trying something new.

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I rank Pinkie Pie the 2nd fastest among the mane six since she could keep up with Rainbow Dash. Applejack could be as fast as Rainbow Dash when they're on foot only but with wings included Pinkie Pie could catch up with RD.


One of Pinkie Pie's abilities is her twitchy tail that could help her detect trouble before it happened similar to Spiderman's spider sense. The issue is that this ability has been ignored for quite some time. 


Her full name is Pinkamena Diane Pie.


She used to work at a rock farm with her family which includes Maud Pie, Igneous Rock, Cloudy Quartz, Limestone and Marble.


She works at the Sugarcube Corner as a baker. She also takes requests to throw parties or does them herself.


Pinkie Pie is one year younger than Fluttershy


She inspired Cheese Sandwich to become a party planner like herself


I'll come back to you when I can think of more.

Edited by cider float
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Even when she decides she needs help, she is stubborn enough not to accept help when offered if it is offered in the "wrong way." 


She makes an interesting counter-point to Applejack in this regard.  This showed up with Cranky Donkey also. 

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Pinkamena Diane Pie is a baker who works at Sugarcube Corner in Ponyville. She grew up on a rock farm, where they literally grow rocks, and her family consists of her parents, Igneous Rock and Cloudy Quartz, and her sisters: Maud Pie, who doesn't show her emotions, Limestone Pie, who runs the farm and is very protective of it, leading to her being irritable, and Marble Pie, who is shy and not particularly talkative. When she was young, Pinkie saw a Sonic Rainboom in the sky - revealed to be performed by Rainbow Dash - and this inspired so much joy in her that she decided she wanted to inspire joy in others, leading her to discover her love of throwing parties and to gain her cutie mark. Formerly, Pinkie was the bearer of the Element of Laughter. She has a confetti cannon which she brings everywhere, and it's very important to her. Applejack may or may not be an extremely distant relative (like, so distant that it no longer counts), which Pinkie has decided to roll with. She has a "pinkie sense," an inexplicable series of tics which allow her to detect all sorts of occurrences, especially danger. She lives in Sugarcube Corner - yes, her workplace - and has a pet alligator named Gummy. 

Edited by AlexanderThrond
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-Pinkie Pie likes to play pranks on people just not on Fluttershy.

-Pinkie Pie is adept in the use of many different instruments in fact she can play multiple ones at the same time.

-Pinkie Pie has the greatest appetite of the mane six most of what she eats are cakes and sugary treats.

-Pinkie Pie does not like it when others don't show up to her party.

-Pinkie Pie got her cutie mark when Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom send a shockwave across her rock farm and that was also when she threw her first party.

-Pinkie Pie was the first member of the mane five that Twilight met when she arrived at Ponyville.

Edited by cider float
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Wow guys! I was not expecting to get so many comments! You guys sure know a lot about Pinkie Pie. I swear, My Little Pony is the best show ever. I'm gonna make up a song now and I'll make another post once I finished it. It may take a while since It's very hard for me to write songs... I'm gonna give it a try anyway.

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She's one year younger than Fluttershy


When she's very angry or upset her hair goes straight and she goes crazy, we call her Pinkamina when this happens.


She knows a lot about parasprites and how to deal with them.


She can break the fourth wall.


She Loves her party cannon which she uses to fire confetti into the air at random intervals.


She once cloned herself and there may be one or two clones still out there.

Edited by Battenberg
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