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@@Dakcka, @@Arid_Blitz,

Lucius had arrived back at the guild a little later than Perpe, and proceeded to go into his room and continue what he had been doing that previous night, given though he defiantly seemed distracted by something. Malygos on the other hand had was walking down a corridor with a few papers in his hand when he bumped into Perpe "Oh... i'm sorry I didn't see you there, your one of those people my bro brought round yesterday aren't you? My name is Malygos, it's a pleasure to meet you." As he introduced himself to Perpe he gave her a polite bow "Um... may I ask why you're still here? I thought you guys had all left earlier, Oh I know, you must have forgotten something! I can help you look if you like." Malygos then looked at Perpe with a big beaming smile on his face, needless to say the cuteness level was high enough to kill, but what would also be strange to Perpe would be that Malygos was just like a smaller, nicer Lucius, if they were the same age you wouldn't have been able to tell who was who. 


Vanderbilt took a set and tugged on his collar a bit "Vell you are lucky you didn't meet the man in real life, Malik Darkflare vas the type of man who if you upset would kill you then and there, he vas manipulative, and black hearted. In my thirty-seven years of life, I have never met a man as inherently evil than Herrn Malik." Vanderbilt than began to chuckle "Vell Malik vasn't the kind of person to do things small, he was all about unnecessary shows of power, I can't think of a reason that he would go underground. After he disappeared, Alexander, Lucius and Malygos vere left on their own in the Darkflare's main residence, given something happened due in that time that changed Herrn Lucius for the vorst, believe it or not he used to be rather sveet and innocent." Vanderbilt the scowled at Antonio "Indeed, it is true that I do not like you going after Lucius, however I do not believe in tampering or destroying evidence, I assure you that I vork honestly... and if there is any chance that Malik Darkflare is alive, I vill make sure to personally rectify it, legally or illegally... I lost almost everything I cared for because of that man, nothing vould give me greater pleasure than to see him rot. 

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As Techno was typing he got an email ad about the grand magic games that were coming up...


TU: The grand magic games... That's actually really interesting and I should probably sign up to it soon as I'll be able to put my magic abilitys to the real test. But for now I've gotta get this cloning program finished and actually it seems to already be ready for testing! I don't know for sure how long I've been typing away out here but I guess I should actually test it by attempting to clone myself. All I need to do is select myself in the program interface and run the system to create a clone of myself!


Techno then selected himself and activated the program. What spawned next to him was the complete opposite to what he expected...


HE: Ahh!! Thank you for spawning in the long lost destroyer Herobrien. I can finally continue my destruction corse on this new world thanks to you Techno deciding to be a stupid idiot again like you usually are! I might aswel get started so goodbye for now!


Herobrien then run off at full speed just like Techno could...


TU: What did I just do?! I need to stop this now! No I can't despawn him! It must be because he's already have protecting himself against external attacks. And there's where I messed up big time in the program...


Techno then saw the coding error that he made the was an inversion node that was programmed for the wrong task in the system. Now Herobrien was running in the direction of the guild that Techno encountered earlier...

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@@Skylord Nexus,


Perpe bumped into Malygos and paused as he spoke to her about helping her find what she's lost. "You are SUCH a cutie! Oh gosh!" Perpe pet Malygos on the head and smiled. "I didn't lose anything, but thanks for the offer! How about you and I run away together, you're like your brother but so much more adorable!"


She shook her head, getting her composure back. "Master Malygos, I would like to join your guild. I promise I'd be an asset to your guild!" Perpe smiled and clenched a fist.


"We'd be so much stronger than Brume's petty little guild... Ehehehe..." She looked back up. "So how about it? The Guild part.. Not the running away with me part." She smiled and blushed.





Brume nodded at Draco and shrugged. "I'm sure after we get enough lumber and funds that we'll have enough to have our own houses, but for now it seems like we only had enough for the second story and a certain amount of rooms." Brume began to walk away, but happened to glance over at the plans that Draco had for his house. 


"Wow! That place is amazing! Urgh... I am SO making myself something like that after we do enough jobs." He walked into his room and looked around at the beds. There was a set of bunk beds, as well as two queen sized beds beside eachother. The room had a beautiful living area with a couch, small coffee table and a chair, all of which had a beautiful view out the large window in the room. 


There was a built in bathroom with a shower, luxury sink and obviously a toilet. Brume put his hands behind his head and walked over to the bunk bed. "I'll take the top bunk I guess." He began to crawl into the bed before hearing a familiar voice. 




"Hi! This is already my bed, sorry, Brume!" Leege said, petting Brume on the head before he flailed out of the top bunk onto the floor on his back. "OW!" Brume yelled, rubbing his head. 


"I'll take the bottom bunk I guess..." Brume stood up but Leege suddenly leaned upside down off the top bunk, so their noses touched as Brume stood up. 


"Leege!" Brume blushed, as Leege smiled. "Sorry, I'm not bunking with a boy! The bunk will be all smelly and stuff!" Leege pulled herself back up and squeezed Taigor close. 


Brume sighed and turned around. "Says the girl who literally pissed herself in the street yesterday... But hey! It's fine! And also, what are you doing with Taigor?" He turned and tilted his head, looking at Taigor wiggling around. "Brume- Help... Me..." Brume pulled Taigor away from Leege by the tail and brought him over to one of the aforementioned beds. 


"Looks like we're sharing, buddy." He took off his shirt and his pants, leaving him in nothing but his boxers and he leaped into bed. "I don't wear clothes when I don't have to. So until dinner I'm going to be in my undies." Brume grinned, leaning back on the bed. "Wait.. How did you get here? Wasn't Rouen carrying you here?" He tilted his head. 


"Yup! Rouen and I went real fast though, I think he was embarrassed to be carrying a half-naked girl with him or something." Leege sighed and jumped off her bed. "I'm gonna go downstairs to get some milk from the bar!" She happily cried while she skipped out of the room. 




Merri skipped into her room by herself and looked around. The room was much smaller than the Master's Quarters, but it was still rather large. It had a beautiful view out onto the flower field, and off to the side she could even see the forest. The room also had a cute little sandbox in the corner, obviously they knew who this room was going to. 


Sadly, the rooms that weren't the Master's Quarters or The Previous Adviser's Quarters (now Rouen and Dawn's room) didn't have bathrooms, so she would have to use the community showers that were just down the hall from her room. She shuddered at the fact that anyone could see her naked if she forgot to lock the door. 


"Well time for a nap-" She said, about to lay down but she noticed out in the distance a man in the forest. It was one of her new guild mates, Canteen, was it? She looked over to see him watching some rustling bushes. "Oh gosh... Am I about to see him get eaten by a bear?" She sat down in the bean-bag chair that she was given and watched from her window. 




Dawn entered her room, of course it didn't have to be anything special, as it's not like she was going to be sleeping in it or anything. She noticed that there was a nice leather couch, as well as a king-sized bed that could be pulled apart to make two smaller beds. The room also had a bathroom, being the previous Adviser's room and all. 


"I really outdid myself here." Dawn smiled and sat in a chair. The room had one large window beside the bed and a smaller window near the door. One window overlooked the entrance of the guild hall, while the one near the bed looked out onto the neighboring beachfront. 


Dawn left the room, leaving the key in the door so Rouen could have his key, and walked downstairs to the request board. 


"All just simple crap... Rescue my daughter, kill this bear, come to my restaurant... Hm? Ohoho... OHOH... this is perfect." She walked over to the counter, where the bartender whom was filling in until the guild got settled in. 


"I'll take this request please.. It reads 'Wipe out the Bandit Camp living on the mountainside.'" Dawn smiled and was approved, she disappeared in a blast of light, off on her first job. 

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Malygos blushed as he was patted in the head, and retracted his head downwards, adding to his cuteness "Um thank you, but um I don't really want to go, plus if I did, my bro would be mad. REALLY mad." Malygos then became very distressed and began backing off a bit waving his arms in front of his wildly, adding to his adorableness "No-no, you don't need to be so formal, really. If  you're here about that, then my bro already approves, I may be the guild master, but it's like... for show, my bro is the one that calls all the shots." Malygos then began walking bake the way he came "Hey, come on you should meet the others, it's important you know each other well." Malygos then opened a large set of doors which lead into some kind of large rec-room, there were chairs, tables, a bar, snooker tables, and quite a few other tables for various games.


One tall man with brown hair came forward to meet Malygos at the door "Greetings young Malygos, what can we do you for, did you leave something here when you left?" Malygos shook his head and smiled "Actually the opposite, i'm bringing something here, namely... a new member!" A look of surprise came across not only the mans face, but also on the faces of the other three people in the room. The man then looked past Malygos and saw Perpe; he quickly moved over to her and got on one knee, lifting her hand and kissing it.


Guild Profile:

Name: Lance Steelstrom

Magic: Requip

Quirk: Is a knight

Codename: Temp (for Templar)

Special 'skill': Chivalrous Spirit

Note: Look out for him, otherwise he will be your worst Knightmare.


"Out of the way lover-boy." A lightning infused karate chop then sent poor old Lance flying off to the side and into the wall. In his place stood a young women a little taller than Perpe, with long blonde hair "Hi, nice to meet you, you might wanna look out for him, he doesn't mean bad, he's just a 'chivalrous gentleman', or as we call him: a womaniser."


Guild Profile:

Name: Gale (no last name)

Magic: Lightning

Quirk: Tom Boy

Codename: Sparky (go on, i'll give you three guesses why)

Special 'skill': tends to karate chop Lance...a lot.

Note: A shocking Personality


"Hey sparky! I think your clothes are on fire!" smoke then started coming from the bottom flared bit of her clothing, she then ran off a bit, quickly took it off and began patting it to put the fire out, shouting at the perpetrator "You know, this is why Lucius doesn't like you!" A man with red hair, probably no older looking (or worse looking ;) ) than Lucius came around the corner and sniggered "Hey hows it going, listen, and listen good no mater what Lucius say, i'm the best around here, ya got it Princess?" The man put a finger just under Perpe's cheek and lifted her head up a bit and went to kiss her."


Guild Profile:

Name: Jack 'Phoenix' Fellfire

Magic: Hellfire

Quirk: Pyromaniac

Codename: Flamehead (As well as 100+ more given to him by Lucius [Redacted for decency sake])

Note: Flamehead be name, flamehead by nature


However before he could, a hard his from a whip hit him across the face, sending him spiralling into the wall, and poor old Lance.


Guild Profile:

Name: Franziska (Yes as in Phoenix Wright)

Magic: 'Debuff'

Quirk: Split Personality/Sadist (Her that is, she's the one that split off personality, but I wouldn't say that to her face)  

Codename: Franziska (We were to afraid of her to give her one)

Note: No pun this time, i'm too scared. (please send help!)


Well good, that should take care of him, a look of pure disgust, and maybe a little pleasure was on her face, however she seemed to have a complete shift in personality and instead smiled at Perpe "Nice to meet you, it's gonna be so cool to have another girl here, before it was just me and Gale."


Guild Profile:

Name: Alexis Farstone

Magic: 'Buff'

Quirk: Split Personality/naïve

Codename: Petal (Don't ask, we were really drunk when coming up with her code name)

Note: The only thing we wish was far when it comes to her, is Franziska.


Alexis then waddle over to Gale who had since put out the fire on he piece of clothing. Malygos then went to leave "Ok there you go miss, I know they may not all seem like it, but they are all nice people, if a little quirky. Feel free to mingle... Welcome to the family!" A corridor then appeared in the wall which Malygos went through, and which seal behind him, Perpe was now alone with these people.



Guild Profile: Side note:

All guild profiles come from the desk of, and are approved by: Lord Lucius Calbian Copernicus Darkflare The Third. 

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@@Dakcka, @Arid_Blitz,

Draco walked towards the communal showers after hearing Brume compliment his housing which made him blush a deeper red. When he got in he stripped down placing his pack close to him but still so it won't get wet. He turned on the water as the soothing hot water hit his sore skin and muscles. And he forgot to lock the door but honestly he didn't care. Back in Draconia there was public bathing areas. Plus why should he be ashamed of his body even though there was a scar running from his right his to his left shoulder. jagged  but fairly new. He began to sing to himself as he washed his body of the grime of the days work.

Draco honestly didn't care if the others heard his voice or not. His thoughts were of elsewhere. His home which he couldn't go back to banished because of his honesty. Yet here he was apart of this guild he's funded with money left over. Maybe in time he could fall this place his home like he has any choice. He smiled to himself as he felt better when he was showering himself off.

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Looking at Vanderbilt Antonio smirked a bit "Well think of it, underground and having a few people assist you so a big thing could seem small. A person goes missing almost all the time, imagine one in every town going missing in a month. Small to the untrained eye." he smiled hearing that he wont destroy the evidence and didnt like the fact he was going for Lucis "I know you don't like I wish to get Lucis but, a man of the council and trying to rebuild our reputation I must investigate. How many people he bribed or murdered it is Justice sometimes people must pay for the crimes they committed no matter how much it hurts." he began to move some papers around as he wondered about Malik "He was a monster from what I heard, experiments and other things. If we find out he is alive and we catch him he will be brought legally in...unless he resists and we need to put him down."


Rouen was spent as he had used a brief moment of his demonic second form to jet their way to the guild. He was actually stumbling around some "Ugh...shower...bed. Maybe sleep in the shower." he said removing his jacket and shirt, removing his pants and boots he went into the shower. Hearing someone in there singing he came upon Draco "If you are gonna be in here singing lock the door." he went over sitting down on the floor turning on the hot water letting it pour over himself

As the rustling stopped Canteen went towards the bush before something fast came up attaching itself to his face and sending him backwards onto the ground flailing "AH GET IT OFF." he was on the ground being scratched and hit with something hard before getting it detached from his face. More rustling came as pink blurs came running at him and a scream could be heard.

A few moments after the attack Canteen was running towards the guild as small wooden spears were being tossed at him, rushing past everyone he went inside and through a few doors locking himself in one of the closets. Leaning against the door he slung down to the floor chuckling some "Those damn furry things, should of took a branch to them all." he sat there as he brought his new stolen leather bag up feeling it was heavy "Ooof, guy must of had this loaded with his stuff...wonder if there is anything valuable in here. Opening it up he saw yellow fur before something attacked his face and he let out a scream "AHHH."

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@@Skylord Nexus,


Perpe blushed as Lance went to kiss her hand, but suddenly had her eyes widen when Gale karate chopped him. "Heh.. Thanks.. Your guild has a lot of interesting people..." Perpe mumbled as suddenly Gale's clothes caught fire. She made the most unamused face ever when Jack when to kiss her. She flinched slightly as a whip hit him.


"Hm.. Thank you." She smiled at the one who had hit him with the whip. "Thank you to all the men in this room for trying to hook up with me, but I'm sorry as I'm already going to be wed to Malygos, so it's too late." Perpe smiled and messed up Malygos' hair. "Kidding." 


She noticed a poster on the wall. "Grand Magic Games? What's that?" Perpe skimmed through it and her face immediately lit up and she zoomed over to Malygos.


"Plleeeasssee let me join the team for the Grand Magic Games, Master! I promise I'll get you all that reward money and buy you ice cream or something, just PLEASEE I want a chance to stop Brume's face in!" She licked her lips. "He'd better make it in to this tournament... He'd better..." She laughed evilly and sat down on the floor.


"In all seriousness though, I would like to apply to be in the team of five to represent Polaris Flare." She leaned back against a wall and kicked her legs up one over another.



@@Arid_Blitz, @@dragon4111,


Hearing some lovely singing, Merri decided to tread out from her room to find the vocalist behind it. She saw a very foggy room in the Guild Hall, the sign to say what room this was is covered by the thick mist. She sighed and walked in, noticing clothes off to the side in a pile. Merri thought twice but decided that this place must be separated by males and females, so even if she couldn't SEE the person singing, she knew they'd be in the male section.


She tossed her clothes off into the pile and wrapped her neckband around her head. She let out a slight yelp as the water hit her skin, and it took her a second to actually get used to the warmth. She turned to the singer, noticing that he was in the same shower area as her, and so was one of her other guild mates.


"Is this the... males.... OH... NO..." Merri slipped and fell face first onto the hard floor before running out, grabbing Rouen's clothes instead of hers by accident. "I'M SORRY!" 


She ran out into the hallway and looked down at the pants that she could probably hide in they were so big. "W-what... Oh... these must be Rouen's... that guy is huge... Oh no..." Needless to say, Merri walked around, using Rouen's shirt as pants and wearing his huge heavy jacket so nobody could see her body.




Leege chugged a glass of milk and fell backwards off the bar-stool. "Yowch!" She got up and rubbed her head, noticing Canteen quickly running in. "Canteen! Hey! Wait up!" She stood outside the closet he was in. 


"Mr. Canteen... uh... You alright in th-" She was cut off by his scream. "I'll save you! U-uh!" Leege jumped up and kicked a hole in the door of the closet, inserting her foot right into Canteen's face. "Woops I missed the little creature... BUT IT'S SO CUTE!" 


Leege didn't even care about personal space and climbed into the closet too, cuddling the little fluffball. "He is such a cutie-wutie! What's his name?! Can I keep him?!" Leege snuggled with it before looking back to Canteen with a smug smile. 


"You must be a real meanie if these things didn't like you." 





Brume walked outside of the Guild Hall to see Starry off in the distance. "Heyyy! Starry! You're rooming with me!" He sprinted over and slid in front of her. "You're rooming with me, Canteen and Leege. Canteen is kinda a weirdo and Leege will probably not give you any form of personal space, so I'm the only normal one there." Brume grinned and fixed his jacket. 


"I'm pretty sure dinner will be made soon, you want to come back and eat with the guild?" He smiled and started walking back to the Guild Hall. "See ya soon." 

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Draco walked out with a towel around his waist as he saw a woman run out with a shirt far too large for her. "Well that just happened," Draco stated as he grabbed his now clean clothes and his pouch. He walked out to see Merri. "Hello," Draco stated with a friendly greeting as he walked to a room to get changed in.  "I do hope you like the view of my arse miss," Draco stated with a joking tone to his guild mate.


He was currently humming the song as he walked towards the room. He looked at Merri and stated "If you wanted to join me you could have just asked my lady," Draco stated as he smirked at her as he walked into the room. He began to put on his clothes at a nice pace. He smirked slightly as he finished putting his clothes on. He walked out to Merri and said "You might want to get your clothes ma'am," he stated with a grin on his face. "Of course if you're into exhibitionism," Draco stated with a chuckle. "I'm not one to judge anyway," he stated as he walked away. He hada manor to build near the lake after all. Alittle bit of home.

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Once Shadow was done getting everything for the guild, he headed there and made sure that everything was put away. After that, he decided to cook for the guild to celebrate the founding of the guild. He got everyone out of the kitchen, locked the doors, got started cooking while adding seasoning and herbs to the mix and drinking the strongest booze that he grabbed.



Starry had her mask on when Brume ran up to her. She nodded and followed, if Leege got in her way tonight, she would just trap her in a crystal. Seeing her brother today put her in a bad mood. When she walked into the guild she threw her mask on the table and sat down while covering her face.


Opus drove till he saw the guild and parked behind it. He left a trumpet inside the car and took the other one in. He got on the stage and started practicing his trumpet.


Dark was sitting across from the red rock guild, making sure nothing happens. He was sure that nothing would happen on its first night, but who knows when it comes to guilds. He wrapped him up in his cloak as he stayed by a flame sword that's light was hidden by a trashcan. 

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Rouen sat on the floor of the shower as he heard the people around him, not really registering anything as he felt his eyes closing on him. Almost two days with no sleep, very little to eat, and turning demon twice in fights really drained him. Leaning his head down his eyes shut on him as a light snore could be heard coming from him.

Canteen tried to yell out "No, I got..." he was cut short as his face had Leege's foot in it. Falling back in the closet he watched as she climbed in grabbing the furball calling it cute and if she could keep it "No you are not keeping that little critter...I dont think it likes me." he said watching the critter now gnawing on Leege's arm trying to free itself from her strong hold. It was a little yellow critter, pink polka dots all over it, large eyes looking at Canteen as it's large tail swished around angrily.

It began to squirm out of Leege's grasp chittering as Canteen was making a fist "Damn thing attacked me with a pack back in the forest." he threw his fist at the creature missing by inches his fist now making contact with Leege "DAMNIT HOLD STILL."

Rouen soon woke up drowzy from the short nap in the shower, turning off the water he began to get up walking out of the shower area no towel or anything on. Looking to see his clothing gone he shrugged some dripping water everywhere, he walked through the hall till he came into Brume's room walking over to the bunk bed he lifted the cover to lie down on the mattress

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Techno then further read the GMG ad email...


TU: So you have to be in a guild to be a team in the GMG. I think I have a solution to that plus it involves me doing something that I should of done to make things easier for me at home years ago and that's cloning myself. But I first have to still fix a number of things in the current program so I don't end up creating a second Herobrien by accident but still that first operation of the program was only a test in the end.


Techno then did a lot of configuration to the program...


TU: Okay so I've fixed the inversion issue and I've set it up to make the clones have randomised appearances but except they are of course going to be the same body size as me and it's to make it less obvious that they are clones plus they aren't going to be as intelligent as me so they are more dependent on me for certain things so they don't become too self conscious and become 100% independent like Herobrien did and they try to resist me but I don't think they will actually do that because their personalities are going to be mostly the same as me. So I think I should spawn in only five of these things for now as that's enough but I might create more later and their names should be T1 to T5 so I guess I should get this started now.


The clones then appeared in line the the right of Techno...


T1: So are we a new guild now!?


T4: Uhh... It's about time I got into action!


TU: Alright guys just calm down for a moment! So as you all know I'm Techno and we are a new guild that will shape the future of this world and of course I can't do it alone so that's exactly why I created you guys! Of course you will need to know about the first major mission and that's competing in the grand magic games! It will be a real challenge for all of us but we can do it if you follow my instructions! Ohh and your most likely wondering what our guild name is so for your information it's digital-nation! Now where going to go to the GMG site to sign up so common guys lets get moving! But first I need to put this computer away so just give me 5 minutes.


Techno then teleported home taking his his computer with him only to return back to the group 5 minutes later...


TU: Sorry about that guys but since that's over and done with let's go!


The group then walked off to the GMG application centre. When they got there...


TU: Okay guys don't talk about anything as I'll take this alright.


Techno then walked in to the front desk...


TU: Ahh hi! We were going to apply for the grand magic games as a new guild team and we're a team of 7. I've only got five of us outside but the others are still being prepared at my place. Now I'm the guild leader Techno and our guild is called Digital-Nation. So is there any other information that you need or are there any more conditions I need to know of.

Edited by Techno Universal
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@@Arid_Blitz, @@Dakcka,

A look of dealt was on Vanderbilt's face as Antonio spoke "I'm not sure, it just doesn't seem very likely him. Vhere is the motion, vhat could he be planning if he is still alive... I just don't think it's possible." Vanderbilt then glanced up at Antonio, a dark look on his face "Vhat you heard of him is right, there is no denying the fact that he vas an amazing spell creator, and a genius atop of that, but his methods... they vere abominations against humanity, there things he vould do to people, even people close to him. Calling him a monster is too good... he vas the king of the monsters."


The only sound that came from Lance and Jack were grunts as they were still both slumped in a pile after being hit into the wall. At Perpe's talk Malygos once again slid his head down into his collar and blushed, he then though saw Perpe's attention get drawn to the poster for the Grand Magic games "Oh well that's a poster for-" Malygos then jumped back and gave the cutest little yelp as Perpe began talking to him, "Hey, first of you don't have to call me master, just Malygos is fine! And well, I would, but well it's my bro's decision. As a said before, it's my bro that calls all the shots." Jack then  got up off of Lance and dusted himself off "Besides, that would only be if we were even applying, we've been trying to get him to sign us up for the past four of them, but he always says no. I mean the bastard just dismisses any talk of it, heck I don't think anything short of kicking his door down would even get him to listen to us." A devilish smirk then spread across jack's face "Hey, do any of you guys fancy kicking the bastards door down?" Gale shrugged "Yeah i'd be down with that, you in Alexis?" Alexis smirked and whipped the air ,obviously not Alexis, "Oh, let's get to it!" Lance also made an incoherent sound that resembled a yes. Jack then smirked again and looked at Perpe "So, you wanna com too hot stuff, or do you wanna do 'something' else." Jack then gave we a flirty wink before heading off with the rest towards Lucius' room. Malygos watched them walk down "I don't think that will end well."

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Merri blushed and let out an uncomfortable squeal as Draco asked if she was into exhibitionism. "I-I'm not! I just walked into the wrong shower, that's all!" Merri walked away, struggling to even carry Rouen's overly-heavy jacket.


"Subsume would be so disappointed in me if he found out I walked into a boy's shower... Or... maybe he'd beat them up... I don't know... It's been so long... Subsy, I promise I'll find you soon!" Merri mumbled to herself, walking into her room and putting Rouen's clothes in a pile on a chair, opting to sleep nude instead of in a huge heavy jacket. 


"I had a big lunch.. I can miss dinner tonight..." Merri fell asleep on top of the covers, curled up into a ball. 





As Rouen laid in the bed, suddenly a small bump came from under the bed and Leege leaped up on top of him. "Rouen!" She put her nose way too close to his. "You're in the wrong room! You're with Dawn in the Adviser's room, remember??" She leaped up onto the top bunk and then swung down. "Weee!" She landed on her feet, regaining her composure.


"I smell food being cooked! You wanna go eat dinner?" Leege asked, looking over to Brume and Starry walking into the Guild Hall. "Yayyy! I'll see you in the dining room!" Leege zoomed out and slid over to Canteen again.


"You still have to apologize for punching me! I think it's gonna bruise my poor little face!" Leege dragged Canteen out. "We're gonna go have dinner! Yayyy!" Leege happily skipped down the hallway, not taking caution while dragging Canteen by the hair. 



@@Skylord Nexus,


Perpe sighed as the others went to Lucius' room. "I hope they can convince him, but I don't think all of them will make it out alive." She looked over to Malygos. "Hey, cutie, could you maybe convince your brother to let us participate? I'm sure that he'll change his mind once he sees your cute lil' face" Perpe swooned but quickly looked to the wall blushing.


"Don't tell Lucius that I think you're way cuter than him, kay? I don't need him killing us both." She coughed and winked. "Let's go and convince meanie-pants to let us participate!" She followed the others to their doom.  

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Draco chuckled as he climbed up the the roof. He would get to work on his house tomorrow when he was well rested. He smirked to himself as he felt relaxed. No one trying to kill him or wanting a chunk out of his arse. Though he could understand that he made afew enemies of powerful people in his homeland just for doing his job. But he was safe...technically safe honestly he would keep his weapons sheathed and deal with anything that comes his way.

Slowly he pulled out his ocarina and chuckled as he wondered if he could still play it. Well no time like the present after all. He began to play an old tune from his homeland. a gentle song that slowly swelled into something victorious. He smiled to himself as he played. He was laying there playing his ocarina like the old days. He hoped the others liked it he really did. For it helped his troops calm down after a stressful day afterall. He slowly got up as he stood up while still playing his song. He lost track of time as he stood in the sunset playing for his guild mates.

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Looking at Leege tiredly he patted her head some "Bed, I'm gonna sleep I havent for days now. You can have my food." he shrugged as she got out of the bed. Yawning he just rolled over onto his side not caring this wasnt his bed. If someone wanted him out they would have to fight him for it. Rouen closed his eyes and was out like a light starting to softly snore

Canteen was placing a few bandages on his face from the scratches he received hearing Leege he groaned "Ok Sorry your face got in the way, you should of held the little furball tighter so I could of just crushed it. Glad it ran off, if you want another go into the forest and get one." he let out a meep as his hair was grabbed and pulled along behind Leege to go eat "Ah I'm coming let go." he struggled against her grip but couldnt get loose

Looking at Vanderbilt he nodded his head "Yes, the stories of his spell creation were incredible real visionary. His methods were just way out of line. If he is alive why not continue research? Over ten years he could achieve quite a bit and his motive? Well because sadist dont need one really." he set some paper aside as he thought leaning back in his chair "If I were like that, creating spells and other creations, using people as guinea pigs I wouldn't want to stop." he began to look up at the sky closing his eyes "Personally speaking, I would continue and gone underground hiring mercs to do stuff for me. Supply buys, kidnappings for test subjects etc etc. Keeping an eye on the world from the shadows as my experiments went unquestioned." slowly he opened his eyes some "Till the time was right. A giant chessboard set out before me as I am neither the king nor queen, just the player so I am always in control."

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@@Dakcka, @@Arid_Blitz,

Malygos shrugged "Given my bro has been close to killing them before, mostly Jack, but he was always able to restrain himself... although now I think about it they have never actively kicked his door down while he's working, so yeah, they're probably gonna die." Malygos then shook his head at Perpe "I'm afraid I really can't advise him on this, don't get me wrong he always listens to me and stuff, but he worries the others have 'corrupted' me. Now if you were to ask Alexander of the other hand, my bro always listens to him, he acts like an adviser." As Perpe will have reached the group, she would see jack forming a large fire ball in front of the door to Lucius' room, Gale noticed her and walked over "I know right, not exactly kicking is it? Truth is Jack just likes to mess with Lucius, they've known each other for the longest, they go way back, like eight or nine years." The fire ball then seemed to reach it's peak power "Ok everyone, time to show that bastard why he should listen to us." As the fireball headed towards the door, they quickly swung open and revealed a magic circle just bigger than the fireball, as both met the fireball gained a dark purple colour and was shot backwards towards Jack, sending him flying off into the wall. Lucius walked out of the doors, reading glasses on and all "On the contrary, I do listen to you, in fact it's hard not to when your talking so loud right outside my door you twit!" Lucius that began to rub his temples and let out a heavy sigh "However I have given it some thought and-" but before Lucius could continue Gale quickly ran over and Alexis and pushed her into Lucius, causing both to fall into the room, Gale and Lance then quickly held the doors shut, shouting in "Ok Franziska, beat a yes out of him!" from the inside sounds of a whip hitting stuff came out, as well as numerous sounds of pain from Lucius. After five minutes Franziska walked out, a triumphant look on her face, briskly followed by a badly beaten Lucius, a look of pure angry on his face "I was going to... say yes... anyway... YOU ABSOLUTE TWITS!"


Vanderbilt had a clear look of annoyance on his face as Antonio spoke "Yes, but vhy vould he need to go underground, now i'm no idiot, I know Malik vas planning something big, but from vhat I could tell the plan revolved around the Darkflare's ancestral castle, vhy vould he need to go underground? If anything you vould imaging he vould spend more time there than ever!" Vanderbilt then calmed down a bit listening to Antonio's 'chessboard' and chuckled "You know, it's funny, if I didn't know any better i'd say I vas talking to Malike himself." Vanderbilt then stood up "I'm just going to go get us some coffee, at the rate ve're going, ve'll be hear all night." Vanderbilt that began to walk off "Although there is one more thing that bothers me, assuming Malik is one player... who vas the over?" On that rather ominous thought, Vanderbilt went off out of the room to get some coffee. 

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Meanwhile with Herobrien. He arrived at the place where Rouen and his gang were staying expecting them to come in contact with him the next morning...


HE: So this is the place where Rouen and his gang are staying. Good thing that the information about them got jumped from Techno's database to my system when he created me. The footprint signature trail seems to lead here so they must be in there somewhere.


He then noticed a random wooden board half berried in the ground next to the path to the front door. He then picked it up and carved the following message using magic into it...


If you want to have Techno killed. Please touch me to activate me. PS: I'm not Techno even though I may look similar to him.


Herobrien then posed himself next to the pathway holding the board in front of him and he was facing the towards the path. He then froze himself in that position...


HE: I'm really giving them an opportunity to get rid of Techno here but I also want that so I guess it's going to be a win-win for all of us. It's probably going to be a while until they notice that there's a new statute in their yard.


Herobrien then waited until the next morning...

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@@Arid_Blitz,  @@reader8363,  


Leege plopped Canteen down on a chair in the large dining hall, it seemed like almost everyone was going to bed without dinner. This was kinda lame.. Leege didn't know how to cook, and whoever was in the kitchen cooking yummy food had the door locked. What a meanie, she thought. 


"Don't worry Canteen! I have a plan!" Leege ran upstairs, coming back down with her backpack. She took out a box of crackers, most of them covered in lint or other mysterious substances from being in the backpack for so long. 


"Eat up! Momma used to buy me these all the time!" Leege ate one, smiling warmly at him. 



@@Skylord Nexus,


Perpe slid in front of Lucius on her knees. "Please, Lucius! You have to let me join! I know you're probably going to join yourself, but you NEED me! I'll be an asset! I bet Brume will join, and I really want to prove who is the better Slayer, finally!" She got into the classic begging pose.





Dawn landed on the roof beside Draco, suddenly. She was carrying some guy who looked terrified out of his mind by the collar of his shirt. "This guy is one of the bandits I was sent to go and fetch. He's pretty cute, don'tcha think?" She patted the bandit on the head, recieving a sudden dagger in the gut as a response. 


"Sneak attack, eh?" Dawn brought her foot up, kicking the man in the chin so he fell backwards off the roof. "To hell with him then. Here I was thinking I finally had a pet." She sat beside Draco and listened to his music. 


"Hmm.. I've never heard that before, and I've heard literally every song, ancient or new, in Fiore. Is that from where you're from?" Dawn didn't bother pretending she enjoyed the music, as she was indifferent to anything that didn't involve her, but she was genuinely curious to the origins of this song. 


Dawn suddenly grinned and looked to the beach, which was now darkened from the sun setting over it. "We should all visit the beach tomorrow, it'd be great bonding for the guild." Dawn shrugged and looked to Draco. 


"Plus, it's not like it'll stunt your building progress or anything, as I can help you actually build your house if you want." She looked down at the beach, getting visions to her brother, and frowned again. "I'm going to go retreat to my quarters for the night. Goodbye, Draco. Sweet dreams." Dawn gave a small chuckle before jumping down onto the bandit on the ground, landing her foot in the region where no man would want a falling psycho to land on. 


"Oopsies! Sweet dreams to you too, hon! The guards should be here in twenty minutes." 

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"Aye it is," Draco said gently as he went to grab her hand. "Stay it's a beautiful night out," Draco said gently as he was sitting on the roof. "Aye we should go to the beach of the lake it looks very nice to me," Draco stated calmly as he eyed the bandit. "I think his ribs are broken," Draco stated with abit of a chuckle. "Schadenfreude at it's finest," Draco stated simply as he gently wraps his hand around her's. "I can sense your hurt. Let me bandage you up," Draco stated with a gentle tone. ""It might be poisoned," Draco stated gently as he just felt relaxed right now. "As to your question it lays with he guardian of the sea. A sea dragon if you will," Draco stated with a grin on his face.


"There are those who are smaller but beware their reach is long," Draco stated with a chuckle. "Anyhow," Draco stated as he pulled out a healing sale and bandages. "Let me at least bandage you up my lady so that you won't bleed out," Draco stated as he went to work on her stomach. He grinned slightly to himself as he gently bandaged her up. "Well you look lovely in the moon light,"

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Dawn made an unamused face as Draco stopped her from walking away, and made a confused frown when he called her beautiful. "Is that what humans do to flatter eachother? I see no point in trying to lull your way into a relationship with me, Draco. You are here trying to escape, and I'm here for business, and that's it." 


She pulled her hand away and held out the hand he bandaged. "Your bandage means nothing to me, either, I'm afraid. If I lost all my blood it's for nothing but cosmetics at this point I'm afraid." Dawn pulled out her sword, placing it to her wrist and holding it up for Draco.


"I'm not human. I'm a monster. Immortal. Immoral. My magic has turned me into nothing but a husk, Draco. Any piece of mind I had has deteriorated, trust me." She clutched the sword tight as it glowed with her bright light. "This isn't my way of saying I have something wrong with me. This is my way of saying that there is no point in getting close to me." 


She brought her blade down, swiftly cutting her hand off at the wrist, having it fall onto the ground at her feet. "If I sew it back on in no time the skin will repair itself. Think of my immortality as a lesser version of the Black Wizard Zeref's." 


Picking up her hand and placing it back on the wrist, using her mouth to hold it still as she sewed it back on.


"Draco. If you truly seek romance I'd suggest speaking with a girl. I'm nothing but a monster. Truth be told, if any of you got in my way when I kill my brother... I would end your miserable lives." Dawn stood up, feeling refreshed she finally released her distaste for humanity.


"The only things that could kill me now are stripping my magic from me, using a magic of something stronger than my magic, or my brother's magic. But I don't plan on dying any time soon. Goodnight, Draco." Dawn leaped onto the roof and vanished in a blast of light.

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Shadow finished his glass and filled another one up and added it to the sauce. He placed dinner on the plates, unlocked the door, and had tentacles carry the plates to the dining room. He poured himself another glass and walked behind the tentacles. When he walked in to see three people, he said as he sat down, "Where is everyone, I was sure they would be hungry after the fight they were in. Oh well, I guess I can feed it to the wild animals outside. Leege, could you take this plate to the guard outside, he's in the alley across from us. I know he's keeping watch on us, but he'll probably be hungry." He picked up the utensil and started eating dinner. 


Starry looked at the plate in front of her and about to say something when her stomach growled. She closed her mouth and started eating. The food was interesting, she could taste the wine that was mixed into it, it was strong, but it was complimenting the rest the sauce was made with. She didn't come up for air until the plate was half empty


Opus stopped practicing and ended to his room to think about what happened.

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Getting put into a seat Canteen grumbled some before seeing Leege run off to get something, returning he saw her offer some crackers with stuff on them. Shrugging some he took one up nibbling it before grabbing another and set it inside his shirt pocket for later. The moment the food came out he smiled some "Leege can wait to deliver the food, we are all hungry." he chuckled some tilting his head some "Well the others I think are sleeping, most of them were busy fighting. I was more or less playing seems I played too rough with them." as he began to eat the food he leaned back a bit in thought about something "What are we gonna do now? We are a guild hooray what the hell does that entail?"

Having slept a few hours Rouen awoke getting out of the bed yawning along with a good stretch making his spine pop. Standing up he looked at his naked form and chuckled some "I should get something on and see what people are up too." he didnt get much sleep but, it was enough for now. His stomach was growling anyways as he went down the hall opening up doors till he found his clothes, putting on his pants at least before heading downstairs rubbing the back of his head

Smiling some at Antonio he nodded some "I may sound like him, because to catch him one must think as depraved as he would." smiling he bowed his head "Yes some coffee would be nice, two sugars please." he thought about what Vanderbilt had said about the castle, lost in thought he tapped his pen some on his desk "No..." standing up his chair fell back onto the ground "Damnit why hasn't anyone seen it." he began to move papers looking for something "VANDERBILT DO WE HAVE A BLUEPRINT OF THAT CASTLE?" he had thought about it and if the case was the castle was the key he wouldnt of left, he would be there still...at least he hoped so

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Lucius smiled and pet Perpe on the head "There, there princess, we can discuss this a little later ok?" Everyone else there had a look of pure shock on there face, Gale then whispered something into Franziska's ear "Hey, um did you hit him in the head too hard or something, I've never seen him this sympathetic in my life... it's a pretty good improvement." Lucius then dusted himself of a bit "Ok everyone, guild meeting, throne room, half an hour! I have some business to take care of so see you then, in the mean time why don't you guys go do some... group...building? I think that's what they call it, or whatever you do whilst your leaching off of my money." Gale then pick Perpe off the floor "Ok then, we have thirty minutes of Lucius free time, fancy a game of something?"


Vanderbilt nodded at Antonio impressed "Yar, very true. I can see vhy you got my ol-... er I mean vhy you got vhere you are today." Vanderbilt was coming back with the coffee's when he heard Antonio, he quickly placed the coffee's on the table and chuckled "Oh no, there is only one whole blueprint that exists today, and that is under lock and key, inside one of the most secure vaults ever conceived, inside a fortress that can change near enough eternally, and all that is in the hands of Herrn Lucius... although." Vanderbilt then went into deep thought "No, there is another, or at least so it's said. You see vhile the first and true blueprint is under the control of Herrn Lucius, there may be another, you see the Darkflares' had some kind of rule for protection saying that only one copy of the blueprints can exist at once, however back around four-hundred years ago one of them made a copy, vhen discovered the blueprint was torn apart into five piece's, split apart and given to the ,then, five heads of the family, where as the sixth kept the original copy, I vould be villing to bet that if ve vent to the main estates of the five heads, ve could ,theoretically, find the pieces and put them together and have a full blueprint, of course there is no guaranty that they are there or in one piece, the Darkflare's faded into a single bloodline based at said castle... Mount Zavius around two-hundred year ago. I hate to say, that is your only chance" 

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Before Leege could answer Canteen's question with a most likely stupid response, Brume entered the room, sitting down and putting his legs up on Leege's lap. "Easy. A guild means that we're like a family. We protect each other while also doing jobs to make money." Brume took some food with his hand and shoved it in his mouth.


"Hey, I was thinking that we all go to the beach tomorrow, how about it? It'd be great for bonding and the weather here is amazing." He leaned back and noticed Leege nomming on his toe.


"OW! Hey! Cut that out!" Brume wiggled his toes around as the leech drained some blood through his feet.


Leege stood up and stretched, wiping some blood off her mouth with her finger before licking it off. "Hey, I've gotta eat some to replenish my magic too, kay? I'm gonna go upstairs and take a catnap until morning!" Leege skipped away, humming a little tune as she did so.


"That girl has got so many issues..." Brume sighed and looked over to Canteen, sighing further when he remembered they were in the same room.


"Rouen crashed in our room, meaning Starry is rooming with Dawn. Canteen you're taking one of the two beds in the room, I'm taking the other. If I see you in my bed I will not hesitate to... scream and probably cry a little..." Brume sighed and stood up. "Sorry for sighing so much.. I just really need to sleep. Meet you all at the beach tomorrow afternoon. It gives you all a chance to buy a swimsuit if you want, and to hang out with your fellow guildmates." 


He began walking out and turned around. "Canteen, could you babysit Leege tomorrow? When I say that I mean just make sure she doesn't get attacked by wolves or something on her way to the store... Thanks." 





Dawn walked into the Guild Hall, looking around every-so-often. She sat down on a bench, thinking over her conversation with Draco.


"Why did I feel so inclined to share that much with him... Does he remind me of... NO. I can not and will not think that way. Especially not against my acquaintances. If anything that would just make me rage if I notice a resemblance. It's simply the way it is, sorry Draco." Dawn stood up and walked into her room, laying on the couch and leaving the key in for Starry.



@@Skylord Nexus,


Perpe smiled at Gale as she proposed playing a game. "Sure, I'm all ears. What's this game you want to play?" Perpe sighed and tilted her head. 


"If it's some sort of mind game count me out.. Never my style." Perpe sat down and kicked her feet up, looking to Gale and trying to avoid eye-contact with Jack and Lance. 

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Draco walked into the guild hall with a grin on his face. He smelled the food being prepared. He noticed dawn and just waved at her with a smile on his face. He didn't think of her as a monster he just thought of her as a broken woman who can be fixed. Draco heard Brume speaking of the beach with a raised eyebrow. "That sounds lovely Brume," Draco stated with a chuckle slightly. Draco walked over to the job board "So about these s class job how dangerous are they?" Draco asked with a raised eyebrow. He grinned as he noticed an s class that had a familiar beast he used to hunt along. He was now grinning to himself as he looked at Brume with a smile on his face slightly.

"Well Shadow are you going to tell me what these S class jobs are all about?" Draco asked as he was looking over the board. afew fixing appliances. Some people were freaking lazy. "So have you people know of the Devilihjo," Draco asked with a chuckle. "It's a nomadic beast that is alway hungry. Of course there's this one here from the sounds of it is a savage devilihjo," Draco stated simply.

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