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The letter said, "Dear Council, For the past few years, I've collected info on the stuff that disappeared from random shops all over Fiore. I placed some surveillance lacrimas and a wanted poster to see if I could catch him. I'm happy to say that the lacrimas caught him dropping it off with a note saying that I should keep quiet about it. When I looked over the info, they all say that there wasn't any fingerprints at the crime scene. I've seen that he uses the shadows to grabbed the object and clean off his fingerprints. What I picked up from others, his name is Shadow Beast and he's connected to the thefts and who knows what else. Signed, an innocent victim."


Shadow came out of the kitchen to see that Canteen holding the letter from his coat. He slipped into the shadows and came out right in front of him, holding a knife, then he said, "What do you think you're doing?"


Starry opened her eyes to see that she fell asleep, She took a gulp of it. She grimaced from the taste. It tasted like grapes dipped in water from someone's shoe. She stood up to see that it dulled the pain, but it was still there. She took her cloak off and headed outside. The sun wasn't up yet so it was the perfect time to be outside. She opened the door and headed down to the beach, she jumped into the water and created a raft of a dark crystal so it didn't reflect any light. 

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The group then got to the stadium in Crocus where the GMG was taking place. Herobrien then instantly boost jumped up and into the stadium only to be bounced back out by Techno putting a magic bounce-back disk right in Herobrien's path...


HE: Do you think that's going to be enough to STOP ME!? I'm going to unleash my destruction EVEN IF IT INVOLVES TURNING YOU INTO A BLACK HOLE IN THE UNIVERSAL BINARY TIME SYSTEM!!!


TU: Okay. One I don't know how it's possible for you to get those ideas into your head and two your just going beyond the limits of your program like I couldn't even create a black hole like that if I wanted to currently as it's simply not programmed into my system currently and it's probably not in your system too.




TU: Nope... That's not in your program too.


HE: DAMIT!!! Uhh well there's still one thing you fergot to mention and that's jumbling up your system's primary DNS system.


TU: You wouldn't do that as it would make me self-destruct destroying this world and killing both of us in the process.


Meanwhile T3 was already onto his computer connection experiment directly next Techno and Herobrien with over 30 computers that he'd dug up out of Techno's storage room back at his house. Then something mysterious and unknown happened to Techno that ended up absorbing all the computers, clones and Herobrien into Techno...


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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Brume blinked as Draco offered him to meditate. "Heh.. No thanks... I'm not really one for peace and quiet.. But hey, I was going to spar with R-" he was interrupted by Rouen speaking, somewhat startling him. He was surprised he did not see someone of Rouen's size walk over to the water.


"I hope you're ready to spar!" Brume blinked and made out a confused groan as Rouen began to chant something about water. "I'm not waiting for anything!" Brume leaped forward, bringing his knee up and doing a slight spin so as he doesn't get hit suddenly while in the air. "Water Dragon's Talon!" Brume yelled, as water engulfed his leg and was brought down towards Rouen. "Draco~ You wanna play too?!" 





Merri jumped in front of Canteen suddenly as Shadow pulled a knife. "H-Hey! Shadow, we're all guild mates here! I'm sure Canteen didn't mean anything foul! I think... I hope..." Merri bit her lip and backed up a bit so she could use her own body to block Canteen.


"Maybe we should work this out with words! Canteen please explain yourself!" Merri smiled nervously as him, hoping that the answer wouldn't provoke a knife penetrating her flesh.




Leege yawned, looking in the mirror to see her hair was messy and that she didn't have her usual groomed hair-do. She shrugged, as she always asked Jenny, the star of Blue Pegasus to do her hair. Leege was fine with being dolled up if it meant Jenny would stop complaining about her hair.


"Hehe... Jenny isn't here now..." Leege smiled, looking to her hair which was long enough to almost reach her rear-end and was long enough on the front for her messy hair to cover her eyes. She skipped happily over to her bag, noticing all her clothes were dirty. "I'm sure Brume won't mind..." She mumbled as she put on Brume's jacket and tanktop, as well as his swim trunks he had worn the other day.


She gasped and looked in the mirror. "I look so grown up! Hehe!" She skipped downstairs, past the altercation with Canteen, Shadow and now Merri, to the kitchen and grabbed a half-eaten sandwich that Merri had left. "Mind if I eat this? No? Okay!" Leege took a bite and quickly spit it out on the floor.


"Who eats sand in a sandw- Oh! Hehe! I get it! Nice prank, Merri!" Leege happily frolicked to the cupboard, grabbing a vile of blood that had been left for her, and slipped it into her pocket. It was a bit of Perpe's blood that she had carefully gotten out in her sleep.



@@Skylord Nexus,


Perpe groaned a bit as Alexis muttered ship names. "Lucius.. Make her stop..." She quietly let go of him and slid over to Alexander. "Hi Alexander. I'm gonna stick with you if that's okay, cause people think Lucius and myself are an item or something." Perpe sighed and put her hands behind her head.


"Are we almost to this hotel? We've been walking for like... ever.." She groaned like a child. 


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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@@Arid_Blitz, @@Dakcka,

Vanderbilt stared at Antonio for a long moment and cocked his head a bit "To be honest I did not expect you to sving that vay, not that I judge of course, any love is good love no matter who vith or chat gender the lovers are." Vanderbilt then gave Antonio a solemn nod "Indeed, in my many years of service I have leant that the council is a fickle thing, and vhen they are done vith you they cast you aside. After Malik shot me they took everything away from me, my commission, my medals, and shut me up in that library, goodness they almost took my knighthood. So now I do vhat I can to get my own back in my own little vay, I challenge vhat they say vhen I think it's wrong, like with Herrn Lucius."


Lucius quickly glanced down at Perpe and whispered from the side of his mouth to her as to avoid being heard "I would, but anytime you do something like that, her personality switches to Franziska and whips you, I learn to live with it at this point. Honestly this is probably the best ship she's given me, she's shipped me with Alexander before... oh and also, Jack. Ironically enough this is about the only thing me and him agree on, it would never, ever happen." Alexander smiled and looked down at Perpe "Oh why hello there Miss Perpe, I trust to are doing well?" Alexander then looked from Perpe to Lucius then chuckled a bit "Why, I think you two would make a cute couple ,if you don't mind me saying so, Lord Lucius certainly seems a lot happier than usual, as well as more mentally stable... thank you, for the first time in almost ten years, Lord Lucius seems honestly and truly happy." Although oblivious to the conversation that had just happened, Lucius turned around to face Perpe after her groaning "Well as a matter of fact we are." In front of the group was a reasonably sized building that was extremely luxurious on both the inside and out "Ok when I said hotel I may have lied a bit, I may instead of meant town house... mansion? thing. Anyway make yourselves at home, and then go out or what ever and do your best not to get into trouble." Everyone then began to enter the house, Gale and Alexis then grabbed hold of Perpe and rushed inside ahead of the boys, mid run Gale turned and looked at Perpe "We should hurry up and get our rooms first before the boys get a hold of them."

Edited by Skylord Nexus
  • Brohoof 1

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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Chuckling a bit he nodded some "I keep my sexuality very secure to be honest I am bisexual but, I could never replace the man I am with now." he bowed his head a bit to the love being love and not judging him "Thanks, If someone were to use him or a member of my family as leverage it would be bad." coming up on a place he tilted his head "I am glad you do question their ethics and sorry you were stripped of your medals." slowing down he came to a full stop looking up at a place "Is this the place?" Antonio looked at Vanderbilt before back at the place "I have a bad feeling about this place."

Canteen stood there as he read the message, it was interesting read before he heard Shadow. He didn't even bother to look at him or really acknowledge him "Reading a letter that doesn't belong to me. The hell does it look like I am doing? I found it on the floor so, it is free game to look at." he grinned some seeing Merri step between them trying to be a mediator in the confrontation "You know if you don't want people to read something, keep it out of view." lowering the paper down he saw the knife and licked along his lips some "Aww you got a knife, how cute. Did you steal that? According to this you are quite the thief though what do I care what you do in your spare time." taking the paper he pushed it stabbing it onto the knife letting it hang there "Are we done or are you going to use that knife for something? I suggest on my dinner."

Looking at Draco offering him to push his hand into his aura he smiled softly at him "I lived in flames for a few months. And Canteen may be a jackass, he is now your guild mate. Note you and him share this magic...you should share your knowledge. He may need it for the games or to help with jobs." reaching his hand into the aura he felt intense heat, gritting his teeth he chuckled some "It burns, like placing my hand into a fire or extremely hot steam." he clenched his fist before pulling it out having it smoke some, upon hearing Brume he turned to be greeted with an attack blasting him backwards.

Hitting the ground Rouen skidded a bit before coming to a stop against a boulder. He slowly got up coughing a bit "That is a water dragon slayer? Impressive, though I think your form could use some work." he ran towards Brume he brought his right hand back and swung it at Brume's face aiming to stun him, if he did he would follow it up with a combo of four body blows with his fists followed by a very hard uppercut towards his chin "You outmatch me in speed however...what is the point if you are faster then me when you cant hurt me?"

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Shadow growled softly as he pulled the letter off the knife and muttered to himself as he jammed the letter into his coat, "Why don't I mess up your dinner. That'll be a surprise for some." He walked into the kitchen and when the door closed, he threw the knife into the wood. the knife struck into the wood and buried to the hilt. He sighed and sat down. He painfully took his shirt off and looked at the cut on his chest. He didn't want anyone worrying about him, so he acted like nothing's wrong and the bottle he gave Starry, was the last one, but she needed it more than himself. He took the bottle of alcohol and started to clean the wound. 

Starry rolled off the raft into the water, letting it dissolve into the water. Then dived down to see if she could touch the bottom of where her location, but she only made it halfway there. When surfaced, she looked at the beach and she could've sworn that she saw herself standing there.
[isn't a future one, it's a character I might add.]

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@Arid_Blitz, @Dakcka,

Draco just sighed to himself as he looked at Rouen. He stood up letting his aura die down. He walked towards the guild hall quickly towards where he saw Canteen and Shadow at a stand off. Draco sighed as he looked between the two and Merri. "So what did Canteen do this time?" Draco asked as he walked towards the three people. "Canteen you and I will need to talk," Draco stated as he crossed his arms slightly as he looked at Merri. "Well what has happened?" Draco asked as he stopped beside the woman.

He could feel his blood pressure rise as he looked at the two arguing men with a raised eyebrow. This wasn't the time for petty squabbles what with the Grand Magical Games coming closer. "Do I need to separate you two?" Draco asked with a joking laugh as he shook his head slightly. He looked at Shadow with a raise eyebrow. "Are you alright Shadow?" Draco asked simply.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@dragon4111 @Arid_Blitz @reader8363

Brume attempted to do an elegant dodge to Rouen's onslaught, but he failed in his endeavors. Although he managed to dodge the blow to the face, Brume was swiftly hit by Rouen's body blows and uppercut. Brume coughed, falling back to the ground on his back. 


"True, you might be bulky as all hell, I'll give you that.. But my speed does give me a wicked advantage in this situation.. You ready? Here's where I make a comeback!" Brume leaped into the air, using his Water Dragon's Roar directly at Rouen, followed by blasting water out of his feet to lunge forward at him, aiming his knee for Rouen's face. 



Leege happily frolicked outside to see Rouen and Brume in combat, slightly confused, she hopped forward, in front of Brume babbling on about a comeback. "Hey! What's going on he- EEK" Leege let out a pathetic squeal as Brume fired forward at her, not realizing she had stepped in front of Rouen. 

As he was about to land his knee, Leege sunk her teeth into his thigh, forcing Brume to hit the ground. "Ow! Ow! Leege! Stop! I was about to clobber Rouen!" He flailed around as Leege enjoyed the blood she was not consuming from his thigh. 

"U-Uh... Rouen! The thing is- I mean- To manipulate water! It's about purification! Regular water can only go so far, but if you learn how to purify the water with your heart yadda yadda, you can manipulate it- How much is she going to drink?!" Brume socked Leege one in the head, forcing her to fall over. 

"Brume! I was drinking there! Now it's spilled!" She sniffed, trying to hold in tears, but stood to her feet wiping the blood off her mouth. "Rouen, listen to Brume and try to use a new form!" She stumbled over to the carriage and laid down in the back, waiting for the others. 


Merri sighed and sat in the back of the cart, looking down at the heap of blood-sucker on the ground. "You excited for the games?" Merri sighed, leaning back. "I'm certainly pretty excited, but I'm kinda nervous too, y'know?" 

"I'm glad that Brume thinks of me as strong, but I do wonder if he chose me because I'm strong or if he chose me as a last resort. I mean.. I'm not even very adept in magic, someone like Dawn or even yourself would be much stronger than I would. But if he wants me to fight for the guild, I have no choice but to do my best! I hope that other teams don't take the games too seriously and hate me, because I'd sure love to make friends! Other girls from other guilds look really nice, like take the Sky Maiden; Wendy Marvell for example, you know, from Fairy Tail? She looks friendly, but at the same time I'm afraid that the tension between other guilds will get to us and we'll be hurt in the process..." 

Merri tightened her grip on her knee, looking up to the sunrise. "I'll do my best. If not for Subsume, then for the Guild." 


@Skylord Nexus

Perpe smiled at Gale and followed her into the hotel, running to the counter in front of them, ready to be a hero and ask for the room, but her lack of social interaction reared it's head and she let out a small groan. "G-Gale... I-I... R-Room...Three...People..." Perpe nodded awkwardly and waddled behind Gale.


  • Brohoof 1


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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@Arid_Blitz @Dakcka

Vanderbilt just looked at the skyline, lost in thought, completely missing whatever Antonio had said, but snapped back to reality when they arrived. He hopped out the vehicle and nodded at Antonio "Indeed, this is the place, just as creepy as I vould come to expect." In front of the two was a large manor house, although still looking luxurious it still appeared rundown, windows were full of dust blocking any view inside. Vanderbilt nodded in reply "Indeed I vould say you'd be a fool not to get a bad feeling here." He then went over to what seemed like the main doors and placed a hand of it, closing his eyes and seemingly focusing on something. After a minute or so Vanderbilt backed off and turned to Antonio "There is some kind of ruin or seal protecting this door, I vill need books on both in order to counteract the effects and get us in."


Gale snickered a bit as Perpe awkwardly waddled behind her before going to the counter herself and getting a key for a three person room, she then began walking down a corridor "You know, you remind me a lot of Lucius... your just as socially awkward as he is." Gale then began breaking down into a laughing fit for the next five minutes as they walked, before reaching a door and proceeding to open it. The room itself was extremely big and must have cost an absolute fortunes. Gale just dropped her stuff onto the floor wherever while Alexis went and hummed a random sound as she unpacked her stuff and neatly packed away her stuff. Lucius then barged into the room, giving no regard for common decency "Ok, we have the baths all night, make use of them when you want, break anything and I'll break you, got it?" It was then a pillow came flying into his face from Gale "HEY! YA PERV! KNOCK!" Lucius was about to go storming in there but was grabbed by the collar by Alexander and was dragged out, arms and legs flailing in every direction "Apologies ladies, I'll remove Lord Lucius for you." Alexander and Lucius then disappeared out the door and presumably to their own room.

Edited by Skylord Nexus
  • Brohoof 2

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@Dakcka @Skylord Nexus @dragon4111 @reader8363

Canteen stood there as Shadow growled and walked off, talking about ruining his food "Aww looks like he got upset." he looked at Merri as she walked off, followed by Draco walking in "Ugh what now? It's almost time to go, I have not ate or even slept cant this wait?" hearing about what he did, instantly he was deemed the instigator of this situation. "All I did was find a letter on the floor, read it and Shadow pulled a knife on me sooo how am I the bad guy?" he thought a bit as he put a finger into the air "OH RIGHT I'm not I didnt pull a knife, nor did I do anything bad. Wow Draco no wonder you hardly have friends. Did you do this stuff back at home?" he tilted his head at him smirking a bit "Did you accuse others of misdeeds?" he turned to face Draco fully placing his arms up behind his head in a relaxed manner "What do you need though I have to grab a few things before we head out."

Aiden snuck into the kitchen and took a towel placing food inside of it, he began to tie it up before running out to the carriages jumping into the one with Merri and Leege, landing on Leege's stomach before jumping onto Merri's lap with his makeshift bag of food. His tail brushing against Merri's face as he chittered a bit his leg still having the gauze around it

Looking at Brume as he attacked he brought his arms up to defend against the water...sliding back along the ground as he tried to dig in with his heels. The moment it stopped a hard knee was coming up towards his chin, bracing himself for the impact Leege was now between them and took out Brume biting him. Dropping his guard he looked at Leege "LEEGE what have I told you of biting people who are your friends? You ask first." being told of the way to a the water he bowed his head "Of course." seeing Leege get hit then stumble off to the carriage he smiled some lowering his hand to Brume "Here let's get going I'll grab my coat and yell at the others to get going."

Stepping out of the car Antonio looked at the manor, it was nice yet at the same time gave off a bad feeling. If it was cleaned up and repaired could be used for something "Well whatever is in here we can deal with and if anything the place is very nice we could have it fixed up and used for maybe a housing project for the homeless." he smiled as Vanderbilt went to the door and said of the needing of books on Runes and seals to open it "Very well." opening up his suitcase he dug out the books and placed them on the hood of the car "Need the gale force glasses? I only use them to find the info in a flash."

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@Skylord Nexus 

Perpe giggled a bit as Lucius was dragged out by Alexander, but she quickly leaped to her feet. "Gale! I-I think we should get to know eachother better! A-And you're real pretty and dress nice and all, so could you help me buy clothes today please?!" Perpe cleared her throat and stretched. "Plus, I don't wanna just take a nap all day..." She held open the door and tilted her head. 

"Want to come too, Alexis? Please?" Perpe smiled warmly and blinked. 


@Arid_Blitz @dragon4111 @reader8363 

Brume sighed and sat down in the carriage with Leege and Merri as it began to move. "Well, I'm very excited to finally get to Croc-" Brume hunched forward. "Oh gosh... I feel sick..." He made a face of holding in vomit and fell forward on top of Leege, Merri was laying down in her seat doing the same, her hand too weak to pet Aiden. He looked to Merri, noticing she was having the same dilemma and chuckled a bit. "Dragon Slayer problems, I guess? I thought it was just me!" Brume hunched over and Leege began to pet his head. "Brumey-Wumey, don't worry! I'll keep ya nice and safe cause you're so scared of carriage rides!" She giggled and pet Merri too. 

Brume woke up with not only a red haired maniac slurping the blood from his neck, but also to a beautiful city view. "Wow! This is really the city we're in for the games? It's so beautiful!" He stepped out of the cart, carrying Leege so as to not disturb her drinking. "We should probably focus on getting the uniforms that Dawn ordered, first. To the clothing store!" 

He began to drag Merri behind him across the ground, as she was still recovering from the effects of her motion sickness, and carrying Leege on his arm. 


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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Shadow dressed his wounds and decided that he'll need to rest, he did threaten one of his guild members, but he was sure that the letter was in his coat. He walked out of the kitchen of climbed up the stairs to his room. As muttered to himself as he laid down, "I'll catch up to them later. There's more than a few hours before they start."

Starry blasted the copy to see that it disappeared. She sighed and got into the vehicle while looking over her shoulder to see if she saw another one of her following her. 

V was catching his breath and looked down at his arm to see that parts of it were encased in crystal. He broke it off and clutched his arm to try to stop the bleeding. He muttered in Starry's voice as he headed up the hill, "Not now, I'm in public. If I change, I could cause more damage. 

(with the new server, I don't know how to mention.)

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@Arid_Blitz @Dakcka

Vanderbilt chuckled a bit "Vishful thinking mine friend, I vouldn't let an army come vith in ten miles of anyvhere owned by the Darkflares."Vanderbilt grabbed the book and began flicking through it "No thank you, I try my best not to relay on magical items if I can help it." Vanderbilt then stopped on a page with a rune on it and grabbed a pencil from his pocket, he drew over the rune, altering it and then placed it to the door. A large flash came from the door and it swung open revealing a large lobby type area with pieces of furniture under tarps and a grand staircase in the centre leading to upper floors "Vell... after you."


Gale smiled and she put an arm around Perpe's shoulder, eyes sparkling and a fist to the air "Alright we're gonna go clothes shopping, and we are going to find you an outfit that will be AWESOME!" Alexis the came in on the over side of Perpe doing a similar action "Yeah, you are going to look amazing, your going to be all pretty and stuff." Just then a small dark portal appeared next to them with Lucius in it "A chill went up my spine, that means you want money." Lucius quickly chucked a card through the portal "You know the drill, get them to charge it to the tab, and don't cause trouble!" A shout could them be heard from what must have been across which sounded a lot like Jack "Hey! What if me or Lance want to go somewhere and buy stuff?" Lucius turned his head away from the girls, his eye twitching a bit "You can have to card when you go to hell you bastard!" It was then a small fiery ball rolled into Lucius room and began to set everything on fire "Oh god, ALEXANDER! The clothes... no scratch that, everything's burning, HELP!" The last thing the girls were able to see through the portal was a lot of smoke and Lucius and Alexander running around like headless chickens. Gale shrugged "They're... probably fine." Lucius screams could be heard from the other room "See... completely... absolutely... ok they're not, lets just get gone so we can claim deniability." Alexis nodded and they both dragged Perpe out the room, out the hotel, and to the clothing store.

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@Skylord Nexus

Perpe awkwardly grabbed an outfit that she liked. "I'm gonna go try on our team's uniform as well as this outfit.. I'll be a minute." Perpe smiled and wandered into the change rooms, leaving Gale and Alexis behind. 


Brume put Leege down on a park bench and laid Merri on top of her lap. "You two be good while I'm gone. I just need to go pick up our outfits..." He stretched and walked over to the clothing store, it was very fancy, more so than he'd imagined. He immediately was drawn to a lovely blonde woman near the changing rooms, standing beside another woman. Immediately, Brume slid over to the two, leaning against a wall. 

"Well hi, ladies~! The name is Brume, Falcona. Yes, the Guild Master of Red Rock, have you heard of us?" He moved his hand through Gale's hair, no respect for personal space. "Well.. I was just out and about and couldn't help but stop and say hello to such a beautiful lady." As Brume was about to continue his flirting, a very loud bang came from inside the change room before a psychotic Perpe wearing a strange outfit came barging out. "

"Brume! Nooo!" A voice cried out, belonging to Leege, who had woken up from her nap. 


@Arid_Blitz @dragon4111

Dawn stretched and walked over to Rouen as he talked about getting going. "Well, I'll be in the second cart. Do hurry, I don't want to get lonely, now do I? Heheh.." Dawn chuckled and hopped up into the carriage, waving over at Draco. "Oh, do sit down, friend. The more the merrier." 





Edited by Dakcka


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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@Dakcka @Skylord Nexus @reader8363 @Dakcka

Draco fared no better than the dragons slayers as he actually threw up out a window. He didn't like it but one of the weaknesses to being a blood rager was motion sickness. Of course it wasn't because of draconian senses. For poor Draco he always had it. That's why he preferred to ride a horse himself than to ride in a carriage. When the carriage stopped Draco was the first one to get out of that.

Draco heard the mention of clothes. "Well I might have an armor that I could wear during the Grand magical games," Draco stated with a heave. "And it'll have the guild's mark," Draco said with a grin on his face as he wiped off his mouth. "Never again I'm riding a horse next time," Draco muttered to himself. "Canteen remember ride a horse or else," he said with a chuckle.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Dakcka @dragon4111 @Skylord Nexus

Watching Vanderbilt work he nodded "Aye I only do it when I need info right then and there. Otherwise what is the point of a book?" he smiled as he worked on the rune, getting it open he walked inside after Vanderbilt said after you "I am sure we could still use this place. If it's empty, after we deal with anything here we could use it I am sure right?" he said looked back at Vanderbilt. Antonio walked into the middle of the room taking out a lacrima he tossed it out, when it hit the floor it began to glow lighting up the room "Be a shame really if you ask me...but that is for later now where to from here?"



Rouen nodded as he went in grabbing his coat, yelling to the others "Time to go." he said before heading to the cart, climbing up to the top he sat on the roof "I'm going to ride up here, I have thinking to do." he sat indian style as he closed his eyes. He was focusing on his new form, his energy beginning to swirl around some before settling around him. The moment they got to Crocus he opened his eyes moving a hand to his head "I guess it is time to explore our new city." jumping off the roof he thought a bit "I think the clothes store is near here." he said starting to head the way he was told

Looking at Rouen he grabbed a few things from the kitchen and headed off to the carriage getting inside of it. Propping his feet up he leaned back against Dawn smiling some "You know for a crazed blood thristy, brother hating woman you are quite nice to lean against." he yawned as he began to fall asleep before the carriage got going. As they got to their destination he got up taking a few steps out of the carriage "Ah A nice rest, quite beautiful out too." he took in a deep breath before turning to vomit near one of the horses holding his stomach "Ugh...if this is from the gem going to kill that man after the tournament." Canteen wandered a bit in the city looking at the shops before coming to a clothes store "Damnit I need new clothes. Hmm." he picked up a can from the trash setting it on the ground in front of him.

"Ahem let me see." he washed his mouth out with a water bottle he took from the guild, taking a few sips he breathed in some "Mememememe" he coughed as he began to sing from a song from his youth when he was part of a band. Now he was without music, as he sang he walked up to people holding up his can for Jewel.

[sorry for the post with Sting going to be just a sorta copy of what his clothes look like from the wiki]


Walking through the city a man who was  slim, yet muscular, toned young man of average height with spiky blond hair, which is kept in strands jutting outwards in every direction, and a smaller, frontal cowlick (or tuft) of hair partially hanging over his forehead. He has slanted, slit pupiled, dark blue eyes; above the right one is a thin, diagonal scar. Sting's left ear is adorned with an earring which, in itself, is attached to by a prominent metal pendant that is crystalline in shape. His white Sabertooth mark is located on his left shoulder.

His outfit was Sting dons a blue vest with golden outer edges and inner edges covered by a prominent trimming of gray fur that appears similar to a feather boa over a short, cream top, leaving his muscular upper abdominals exposed. His arms are covered by dark blue gloves reaching up to his mid-bicep, with their upper edges being adorned by light gray bands hanging down several centimeters. He wears loose, cream-colored pants, similar to Natsu's, but held up by suspenders, which are attached to the pants' loops by square-shaped rings that are gold in color. Over them, he dons distinctive dark blue galosh-esque footwear that reaches up to his thighs and attach to the upper edge of his pants. The prominent soles of the "boots" are distinctive in their own right; it has rectangular protrusions pointing upwards on their front portion, reminiscent of square fangs. Walking past Canteen he tossed in a few jewel into the can walking off

Coming upon the other clothes store of Crocus he went in, he could see there already a few people in there, one of them happen to be a Dragon Slayer from the magic he felt off him. Walking up to the counter he rang the bell "I was wondering is Sabertooth's order ready for pick up?"

Edited by Arid_Blitz
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Starry got out of the vehicle and started walking through town, After that person that look just like her, she got really paranoid, thinking that she was going to see herself again. She slipped into a bar and ordered a drink. When the bartender gave her the drink, she grabbed it, gulped it down, and ask for another to calm her nerves.

V hijacked Opus' car and headed to the magic games. He changed his form and the blood stopped, but he already lost some. He kept muttering himself to keep it together. He altered his form to look like Dawn and started walking while looking for a quiet area to eat. 

Shadow woke up to see that his bleeding stopped. He got out of bed and headed downstairs to see that it was empty. He sat down at the table, reached into his coat, and read the letter. He sighed and threw it into the fire and watched it burn as he sat there.

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@Arid_Blitz @Dakcka

Vanderbilt looked doubtfully at Antonio "Vell, the problem is, is that you never quite know vhat kind of magics the Darkflare's have put into this place." As if on cue, the whole mansion seemed to react to the lacrima that Antonio released, and went dark, windows shielded, and the door closed it's self, shrouding the room in total Darkness for a few seconds before candles erupted with an eerie green flame "See? This is exactly vhat I'm talking about." Then, some kind of green magical protection of a young girl appeared and beamed at the two "Well hi them nya! I see you've broken into my home, I'm Lady Cecelia Liadrin Darkflare, the Lady of the First House Of Darkflare: Victus!" Her face then seemed rather sad as see continued "Unfortunately I have to dis-pose of you." She sat there thinking for a second, making sure her pronunciation was correct before continuing again "I really am very sorry, you seem like nice people and all, but I was told this is what I have to do." Suddenly, the furniture under the tarps began move, and their wood shifted into that of animals, one of them (A lion) pounced towards the two men, all the while the small girls just sitting there and watching, tears in her eyes as she tried to look away, but couldn't quite.


Gale looked at Brume ,disgusted, as he ran his hand through her hair, but she decided to play it cool for the moment "Oh yeah, I've heard of you guys, your a crappy new guild which was founded in order to keep a psychopath in check, and lacks even the most basic of self sufficiency because you are literally that crappy." Gale said, keeping her smile and she swung straight for Brume's face, it seemed that the 'moment' was very short. As Perpe barged out Gale chuckled a bit "Don't worry Perpe I've got this Perv handled!" It seemed the events just then were also enough to flip Alexis, and Franziska cracked her whip in the air and pointed at Brume "Unless you won't me to interject, I subject you leave us ladies alone!"

  • Brohoof 1

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@Dakcka @Skylord Nexus @reader8363 @Dakcka

Draco looked at Dawn and said "I'm going to get my outfit then I'll take you up on that offer," he was smiling slightly as he walked towards the clothing store quickly. As he got there getting in. He saw three ladies ready to fight guild master. He heard one of the girls insult his guild. His right eyebrow raised and he said "What makes you better?" Draco asked simply as he walked in slowly. He looked at Perpe with slight disgust.  He walked past his guild master to talk tot the receptionist. He grabbed his outfit which he shook his head. He preferred armor because this looked like it would come apart at the seams. He looked at the woman who swung at his guild master and said "So self sufficiency is that what you do? you lay around your guild hall not doing jobs for the common man?" Draco asked as he chuckled "You are pathetic," he stated plainly.

"Taken any big beasts down like the Devilijho?" Draco asked as he chuckled. "I'm guessing no," he said as he walked to his guild master. "Come along Brume," Draco stated.

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Skylord Nexus @Arid_Blitz @dragon4111 @reader8363

Brume blinked as Perpe came barging out of the change room, and was ready to break his face. "Hello, my dearest psycho! Still not changed from your days as a savage, I see?" Brume chuckled a bit, but was greeted with a swift punch in the gut from Perpe, and he fell flat on his face. 

"As Guild Master.. I'm not supposed to fight.. It could risk our guilds getting kicked out of the Grand Magic Games.. But if you-" Brume stopped by sniffing his nose a bit, and glancing over to the man at the counter, listening to him purchase his order. "A..Dragon.. I smell... You're a Dragon Slayer!" Brume slid up to Sting, holding out his hand. 

Brume gave a sweet smile, probably to the wrong man, might it be added. "I'm Brume! The Guild Master of Red Rock! You smell like Dragon! Let's be friends!" He winked and gave an adorable anime-esque salute. 

"Brume is a really nice guy! I'm Leege, Brume's best friend! I can eat blood sorta like how a Dragon Slayer can eat elements.. except... not... the same.." The Captain of the Brume fan committee called out, also giving a similar salute to Brume. She immediately turned to Gale. "You're a real bully, y'know? Brume-y was tryina' be sweet and you tried to hurt him!" Leege pouted and poked Draco. 

She looked up with a smile at Draco. "She's probably just jealous because we're all so tough! Hehe!" Leege admired the outfits that had been handed to her, and gave Draco's to him. "You can wear armor with it if ya want, but you've gotta be a cute lil' sailor boy either way! Hehehe!" 


Dawn followed Canteen and watched as a man walked by, giving him some jewel. "Canteen, you're such a sweetheart. I'm going to go explore Crocus though, y'know, in case my dear brother is visiting too. I'd love to sit down and have a brunch with him." Dawn cracked her neck and walked off down the street. 


Merri wandered over to Canteen, waving slightly. "Wanna come get ice cream with me? I'll pay!" She playfully stuck out her tongue and skipped toward the ice cream shop down the street. 


Perpe groaned a bit as she wiggled her fingers after punching Brume, and he ran off to talk to Sting. "Tch... What an idiot..." 




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Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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@Dakcka @dragon4111


As the image appeared before them Antonio chuckled some "Well it seems there is an automated system set up. Though to be fair this isnt a break in, just here for a map piece." he cracked his knuckles as things began to move "Dispose of us huh? Very well then I have no choice." as the wooden lion leapt at them he looked at it bringing his left hand up "Ice Bow Volley." as he said that a bow made of ice formed in his left hand, pulling back on the string of ice with his right hand he released it. As the string was released ice arrows formed rapidly firing out from the bow towards the lion along with around the room in different directions. "We will retrieve that Map, and your little toys wont stop us."

The moment all the people began to argue, bickering like little children he tuned out all the noise. When Draco went ahead of him grabbing items before his order he rolled his eyes some, turning he saw Brume near him offering him a hand in friendship along with Leege singing Brume's praises "I am sure you are quite the...slayer." he took a step back from Brume smirking a bit "However While I am indeed a dragon slayer...a WHITE Dragon slayer..you are merely a little Lizard to me." he looked at Leege before tilting his head a bit "Good to know you are not worth my time then whatever you name was...sorry I was trying to figure out which of you really speaks volumes for how LOW the guilds have gotten around here."

Sting pointed at Perpe and her little group "I never even heard of your group, nor do I care for your petty Bickering. You are all weak, if you were even EVEN a little strong you would of competed before in the games. Though why you showed up now is a wonder, did they make a children's gmg for you and this guild?" he pointed at Brume and his group "I Guess with how LOW the guilds have fallen lately they allow any has beens form a guild." Standing there he leaned against the counter resting himself a bit "Once other guilds find out Sabertooth is in the GMG the SMART guilds avoid it. So I suppose they allow the more...LOW KEY lazy wanna be guilds in just so they dont hand us the prize. It would be boring otherwise, then again feel sorry for you to travel all this way just to go home with nothing more then broken bodies and dreams." he pushed off the counter as his order was placed on the counter for him "If anything maybe after the games your guilds will disband finding out it was a mistake. Now if you'll excuse me I must be off before I lose my lunch from the Stench of weak people." taking his order he headed for the door

Canteen nodded at Dawn before hearing Merri "Sure." he took the jewel from his can pocketing it, walking over to her he smirked a bit "I think a bit of something sweet will be great, then I can get some clothes with the money I got." as he went past the other clothes store he could hear people in there and looked to see Sting, Brume, Draco, Leege...then he saw Perpe. His eyes narrowed kicking the door open almost hitting Sting walking past him he took his now empty can he reared back and flung it like a rocket  right at Perpe "You...You Ungrateful friend abandoning, sex crazed, stuck up heifer. How dare you even show your face after you betrayed Brume." he went towards Perpe his eyes on fire 

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@Dakcka @Skylord Nexus @reader8363 @Dakcka

"Calm yourself Canteen," Draco stated as he chuckled at Leege. "Really why a sailor?" Draco asked/muttered as he looked at Canteen "I will teach you what I know about blood ragers," he stated as he chuckled to himself. Though when he heard sting insult everyone. He looked at Sting and said in Draconian "Ishkhaqwi ai-durugnul, " But to Canteen it was like he was speaking the native tongue which was "I spit on your grave," To which Draco spat onto Sting's boots. he had a sneer on his face slightly as he spoke once more in draconian to Canteen "Your gem will act as a translator for you. So that we can have conversations. Plus this way we don't give any secrets to our enemies," Draco smirked slightly as he rubbed the back of his neck. He gently patted Leege's head "Leege if you ever need to feed on blood from me try not to do it when I'm in blood rager form," Draco stated with a chuckle. "I'm probably abit too spicy for you,"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Dark grabbed his bag and got a ride on the train. He looked out the window to see the landscape pass him by. He thought about the day when Starry ran off

Shadow got up once the letter was done burning and headed for the train. He sat down, pulled out a dagger, and started sharpening it. Once it was done, he decided to sell some stolen goods that he picked up on his travels.

After her fourth or fifth drink, she got up, walked out the door, and started unsteadily walk through the street. To her, the streets were swaying back and forth


V walked through the street then he couldn't take it. He grabbed Merri by the back and said as he pulled her to an alley, "Sorry about this and what comes next, but I can't stand it any longer." He started to change, altering Brume's appearance to something close to a demon with horns

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@Arid_Blitz @Dakcka @dragon4111

Cecelia glanced over to Antonio when he mentioned a map fragment, tears still in her eyes, but quickly turned away again, it seemed she was not a mire projection and obviously did feel emotion, perhaps there was a more peaceful solution to this? Then again maybe not. As Antonio's attack hit the lion, it lurched back, and went to pounce again, however before it could a vial of red liquid hit it and made it explode into pieces across the floor "There! I do you like my new healing potion? it's a real blast isn't it?" Vanderbilt said laughing manically for a second. Two more creatures, a tiger and a panther made up of what once was a dresser and arm chair then both lurched at the two "Um I think ve need a better solution to this, yar?"


Gale looked at Leege, pissed, as she rose a fist up in anger "Why you little-" only to be stopped by Alexis... or Franziska, it was hard to tell "I think it would be best if you didn't do that, she meant no harm... besides I don't think she interiorly understands social norms." Gale then turned away from Draco, completely ignoring him, only saying "Sticks and stone may brake my bones, but names will never hurt me. Perhaps you should keep that in mind and stop giving such a damn about what other people think." This statement, ironically enough, coming from the girl who almost hit someone over being called a bully. Gale then grabbed Perpe and Alexis and began to storm out the shop, dragging both girls with her, she only stopped when Canteen dashed for Perpe "Get. Out. Of. My. WAY!" Gale then swung at Canteen, her fist infused with lighting, hoping to hit the freak out the way and get on with her day.

  • Brohoof 2

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@Skylord Nexus @Arid_Blitz @dragon4111 

Brume and Perpe both had the same growl reaction as their guilds were insulted by Sting. "Hey! Take that back!" The two cried out in unison, but quickly ran up, clashing their heads together. 

"Let's see who wins in a real fight, squirt!" Perpe growled, Brume quickly retorting. "If you're going to corrode anything it's going to be that attitude!" The two both leaped back, Perpe beginning to walk out with Gale. 

She turned and grinned at Brume. "Well, we'll settle this in the games, won't we?" She was suddenly pelted in the side of the head with a can, making a confused and angry face she looked over to see Canteen. 

"Hey! What was that f-" She was cut off by Gale getting ready to swing at Canteen. "Oh.. brother.." 


Brume sighed and began to walk out as he noticed Canteen flinging a can at Perpe. "Hey! D-" Brume sighed as Canteen got enraged at Perpe. "We are so going to get kicked out of the games.." He walked out of the building, signalling Leege to follow him, and surely she did, carrying the guild's uniforms for the games. 



Merri let out a small yelp as she was pulled into an alley, and before her assailant could do anything she yelled out "Sand Dragon's Whirling Fist!" She spun her hand around, sand circling around it, and brought it up aiming for their face. 

"Brume?! Is that y-" She looked at the horns and sniffed. "You don't smell like Brume.. Imposter! Help! I'm under attack!" She flailed around in a panic before a bright light suddenly shone in front of Merri, and Dawn appeared in front of her. 

Dawn leaned against a wall and looked to the imposter. "You're not Brume, for sure. Might I inquire who you are? Answer truthfully or I might get a little bit mad." She smiled and put her hand on the hilt of her blade. 

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Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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