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(OPEN GROUP) Canterlot NIghts

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@Shadow Dancer

Crystal giggles and chirps more "Well i sure do hope that they do work out, I know both of them have been rather lonely. so having each other will be wonderful for them, and for little Lillyanna as well" she says, her wings buzzing as she is having her underbelly rubbed,she then leans in and whispers to him "Keep and going at this rate, and in the future you'd have another reason to rub my belly" she says with a soft giggle.

@Lil' Lovebug

"Hmm maybe a light pasta? or..a burger and fries? I know i'll be going with a burger with cheddar and swiss cheese and bacon" she says with a giggle before looking over to her little one who was still sleeping soundly, she smiles "May Lulu watch over you and your dreams as you sleep, my little angel" she says softly and uses her magic to retuck her in as she seemed to have kicked off her blankets.


Patience smiles and nods "teleport? that sounds so cool! sure, lets teleport there" she says as she holds onto his arm gently, and wiggling her little deer tail.

"Benefits of being friends with the owner" he says with a chuckle "But I won't be drinkin' too much, got to be sober enough to serve alcohol to the rest of you, as for your other question, Well you could mingle, try to talk with others or you could just sit here and talk with this 'ere gay stallion" he says with a chuckle and a wink.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Indicus smirked, "I don't need another reason to rub your belly, but it would never hurt to gain a new reason to do something that you seem to be enjoying." Indicus continued his ministrations, rubbing Crystal's belly 

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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@Orange Sparks

"A-alright," He stuttered, again flinching slightly at her hands gripping onto his arm, their warm and gentle touch surprising him the most. And he was also in close proximity with the level of fur surrounding her... chest area. He dared to not stare down at it.

Gathering his magic into his horn, he slowly incanted the teleportation spell in his mind. It was a simple process, teleportation, but it was definitely hard to master. One couldn't just simply go 'poof' and reappear somewhere else. There were rules to teleportation - rules that he only found out after his first teleportation under Princess Celestia's watch. Closely following these rules, he envisioned the park in Canterlot, a place he'd been too before to think, and to gather his thoughts under the shade of a tree.

Using these memories, he 'teleported' to the park, in a flash of pale brown light.

Under the night sky, he found himself seated on a bench, a streetlight casting down light on the two of them. Roiling grassy hills went far off into the distance, and it looked as if they were in the middle of the park's paved pathway.



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@Orange Sparks

"Ah, a light pasta sounds lovely. Hmm, excuse me." Satin adjusted her seat so that the back was to her left side and let her wings buzz to warm them up before letting their melodic, harp-like tone softly fill the air. "I thought some musical accompaniment would be nice. I hope you don't mind."

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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@Shadow Dancer

Crystal giggles and nuzzles him "You know what I mean darling, but please don't stop, it feel really nice" she says as she kisses his cheek softly. "I love you Indicus, so much" she says, resting her head on his shoulder.


"Oh wow, this is so romantic Starburst" Patience says as she leans against him and rests her head on his shoulder she continues to hold onto his arm and sighs softly "Just like how I imagined, well sort of, how about you?"

@Lil' Lovebug

Night smiles "I think some light music is a wonderful idea darling, go for it" she says and closes her eyes "This truly is wonderful, also know that if things go well, you're more than welcome to live at the manor"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Orange Sparks

"I'll think about it, but that seems a bit far in the future. I must admit that the prospect of leaving my small house is appealing." Satin sighed. She gazed at Night and smiled. "Thank you for the offer though, darling. I do appreciate it." Satin closed her eyes and rested against her chair.

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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@Orange Sparks

"...how about you?" He heard her voice call out then, as she leaned on him, as they sat on that bench in the middle of the park, under the shining pinholes of the night and the giant white ball radiating a modicum of warmth across all who basked in it.

His nerves were still shot, but now they seemed... normal? They weren't as over the stratosphere like they were in the club - which he admittedly would like to get back to - but it... he didn't know to fully describe it.

"I-I'm fine." He managed to say, not stuttering as badly as before. "The park is really nice at night." That sentence was the truth. Canterlot Park was the only place, except for Princess Celestia's castle, that he felt truly safe in. This was the only place where he could truly be alone, only with himself for company.

He could hear Chris snickering loudly within his mind, and blowing a rude raspberry at him.

And so, under these conditions, he asked Patience something that he wanted to ask before, and he meant 'before' as in a few minutes (or hours) ago.

"Why are you still here with me?"

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Still hugging onto his arm, Patience thinks for a moment, "Because I think you're cute and I'd love to get to know you more. Sure there were other colts and stallions at the club, but you're the one who caught my eye" she says and smiles "but how about you? Why are you still here with me then hmm?"

@Lil' Lovebug

Night smiles "Of course dear, but you know the offer is always there, I know daddy would love to have a mare of refined tastes in classical music in the house, he doesn't quite approve of what I listen to or what Lillyanna listens to" she says with a giggle.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Orange Sparks

Indicus smiled and while continuing to rub her belly he kissed her, "I love you too Crystal." Indicus kissed Crystal again using his hand to hold her back and pull her closer all the while managing to continue rubbing her belly.

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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@Orange Sparks

Satin opened her eyes for a moment and looked Night. "I'd definately have to meet them first and get to know them. I also don't know if i could live with family in the first place. I'd much rather have my own home to live in." She had other opinions of Night's family based on what she'd said of them during the night, but she kept those to herself, feeling that she should form her own opinion fist. She closed her eyes again, enjoying the ambiance.

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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@Raven Rawne

Bridge looks around the club and sighs as he returns his attention to the mare in front of him, "Well honestly,  it's all up to you, you could stay here and talk with me, or you could go to the dance floor, dance around and talk with the other ponies here, or even go to the other rooms and see the bands that are performing here" he says, losing his accent "As for me drinking while at work, it's part of the perks, plus my body can handle vast amounts of alcohol, but really I'm just working here as a favor to miss Dancer, as she took me in when I had no-where else to stay" he says with a slight chuckle, puts the necklace away and sighs somewhat boredly, "Honestly, I'd like to go see one or two of the other bands, but I have to wait for my break and for my stand in bartender" he says, getting out some peanuts and eating them.


Patience sighs "I'm sorry, that was a stupid answer, I'm n-not very good with making new friends who aren't f-from Ponyville or f-from my homeland' she says, looking down and sighing softly "the truth is, I just really wanted to make a new friend today while I'm here in Canterlot, and wen I saw you sitting there seemingly alone, I thought that m-maybe you knew what it was like to feel alone and scared in a place you've never been to before" she says with a soft smile, looking at him and then rests her head on his shoulder "I mean, I'm surprised that you e-even talked to me back at the club, I m-mean according to miss Fluttershy, Deer haven't been seen in Equestria in a very, very long time" she says and looks up at the stars.

@Shadow Dancer

Crystal smiles and closes her eyes "You know, Shaded may have been overly competitive and overly confident in his skills, but he truly was the best guard I had back at the Crystal Empire, he was very devout to his duties, very steadfast and honest, but it wasn't just that, he was also uncommonly kind, gentle and sweet, well...outside of work anyway, and even when he was in your unit, nothing much had changed" she says with a sigh and kisses his cheek "and the funny thing is, he did say to me once, that if he were to die, the only stallion he would trust to treat me right would be you"

@Lil' Lovebug

Night nods and chuckles "Understandable, in all honesty, as much as I do love my family, I try to spend not as much time with them, not too keen on what my daddy and big brother does, granted daddy is from...well he was born in a time when what he did was..well more..understood and accepted, but these days, sadly it's more cloak and dagger than what it used to be" she says and smiles "Hence why, whenever I can, I stay at my holiday home, it's not as big as the manor but it's my home" she says softly as their food arrives and she smiles "Oh and I hope you don't mind, I ordered us a bottle of raspberry wine"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Orange Sparks

"Oh, so you are a deer, that makes much more sense anyway." He teased, giving her a slight smile before craning his head downward.

"So what if you're a deer? You're still a living breathing thing, right?" He remarked at her comment. And he thought he was timid and socially awkward. 

Well, technically, he still was.

"In my book, at least that's something." He started, continuing with, "And yes, I know what it feels like to be alone. And also, you're mistaken. I'm not from Canterlot. I was born in Manehattan, lived in Canterlot for the remainder of my childhood, and currently live in Ponyville in a place known as the Sugarcube Corner." He cut himself short, knowing how long he had talked for. 

"I-I'm sorry. Do you have anything to say?"

Edited by CentipedeGhoul
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@Orange Sparks

"Ah, holiday home. My family owns a cabin just outside the city. Nice quaint place with a gorgeous tree not too far." She said smiling. She looked down as the table and said in a more hushed tone, "I haven't seen him in a while. I should." She gazed at the table for a bit longer until she was distracted by a plate floating into her vision. Her head snapped up. "Oh dear, I must have lost myself in thought there for a moment." She smiled at Night and bowed her head. Thank you for the food. And wine should be fine. I haven't had anything in a little while."

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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"Shaded was one hell of a soldier. His disguises saved us plenty of times." Indicus gave a sad smile. "He thought that highly of me, hmm. I feel quite honored and sad at the thought. Funny how you always go into a mission knowing it may be your last, expesially as a Black ops unit. But you seldomly think that everyone else but you will be doing their last mission."

Indicus gave Crystal another kiss, "That should be enough survivors guilt reminiscing for now." Indicus brushed his hand through her mane as his other hand kept up it's work on her stomach always just shy of going too high or low.


Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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"Oh I am sorry, but you say you live in Sugarcube Corner? I try to go there, but every time I do, I get frightened and run home crying" she says with a sigh "That's probably why I've never seen you before, I just have..bad social anxiety, even though it may not have seemed it, but a friend, one of my few friends in Ponyville put a spell on me just for tonight so my anxiety wouldn't get in the way" she says, fiddling with the drawstring of her jumper a little "I-I'm sorry for m-making assumptions about you" she says and then smiles at him "I mean, I just spend most of my time at home with miss Shy's critters"

@Lil' Lovebug


Night Dancer looks up to see a thoughtful look on her companion's face, she smiles softly at her and gently takes her hands in her own "Is something on your mind love? You can tell me anything, who were you thinking of seeing? an ex of yours?" she asks, she was getting nervous and so she took her hands away from Satin's and gets up, walks over to the window and sighs.

@Shadow Dancer

Crystal smiles as she kisses him back and looks up at the sky "it's getting quite late, do you have work tomorrow, or are you free to stay the night?"

Edited by Orange Sparks


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Indicus smiled, I work the club tomorrow night but I can still stay, Night won't be expecting everyone to be there right away." Indicus kisses Crystal again. "Besides storage spells are great for surprise sleepovers."

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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@Orange Sparks

"What? Nononono." Satin got up and waled up behind the mare. She leaned her chin on Night's shoulder and wrapped her arms around her. "It's nothing like that. Just an old friend of mine who died. He gave me everything I have now and is the reason I can be here today." She giggled slightly. "Thinking of the cabin just reminded me of him. I buried him under that tree I mentioned. I do find it cute how nervous you got though. I'm sorry."

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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@Orange Sparks

The crystal mare tapped her chin with an index finger, pondering over the options presented to her. Although she did raise an eyebrow at the sudden loss of accent, Crystal didn't comment on it. "Hmm, I thought being a bartender is an interesting job... Well, as soon as you have somepony interesting to talk to and they're not drunk off their flank. Guess the crystal's always shinier over there."


Lookig around and visibly thinking, Crystal Clear decided to pull up the anchor for now. She stoog up and smoother her attire, then nodded politely at the bartender. "I'll see if I'm not prsent in one of those other rooms for now, maybe I'll actually enjoy it for once. If that fails... guess I;ll come back and try to negotiate with you to buy that brandy for takeout and finish the evening at the hotel. As a form of, uhh, preserving the crystal pony culture, or something along these lines. Can't let it get mixed in some drinks now can I?" She laughed a bit and set sail to those "other rooms", hoping to find something actually interesting for once.

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@Orange Sparks

Starbursr completely understood everything she had just said, and his calmed beating heart had begun rapidly beating again as he crossed his hand over her shoulders and gently brought her closer to him.

In an attempt to calm her down, or in an attempt to show that she's not alone, he gave himself an excuse.

He certainly didn't need a friend. The world, and him, was fine with Starburst being alone.

"It's okay... you're not the only with bad social anxiety." He mentally facepalmed himself and added, "I give out the worst advice."

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@Shadow Dancer

Crystal smiles and nods as she stands up "Well then, shall we retire to my room?" she asks and then smiles as she feels a small weight on her tail and looks down to see one of the other kittens sleeping, curled up on it "Aaaw hello there Starpelt" she says, using her magic to gently levitate the small ball of fur to her arms and rocks her gently as she takes the kitten to Kitty's room.

@Lil' Lovebug

Night sighs and holds Satin's hands in her own "I'm sorry Satin, it must feel like I'm rushing into things, and I'm sorry if it does seem that way" she says with a soft sigh before she smiles and kisses the mare's cheek, then returns to the table and then begins to eat as their food was served "so,do tell me more about yourself my dear, and I shall then return the favor" she says with a soft smile.

@Raven Rawne

There were rooms for ponies and others to just mingle and eat and drink without the music being too loud, so that they could hear each other, then there were two other rooms where there were two separate bands performing at one time, namely The Cruxshadows and Third Realm. How-ever, right now the group known was Wolfsheim was performing in the room for The Cruxshadows with their song "The Sparrows and the Nightingales" and the DJ known as Laeether Strip was performing in the room for Third Realm with his version of the song "Where's the Revolution


Patience giggles as she cuddles up to Starburst "It's okay, you should hear some of the advice my eldest brother gives sometimes, honestly, it's like an old timer with some of the advice he gives" she says with a slight giggle and nuzzles him with a cute wiggle of her tail "So, what do you do? Do you just live at Sugarcube Corner or do you also work there? Knowing there's someone I even slightly know there now, may make it easier for me to go there without having too bad a panic attack"

Edited by Orange Sparks


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Orange Sparks

Satin took her place at the table again and started eating her food. "Don't worry about moving too fast, dear. I understand the longing for someone to love and love you. I'm just still relatively knew to this whole ordeal. It usually just goes nowhere or just a quick bit of love and done. You taste good anyways." She grins and lets out a small giggle.

"As for myself, I guess you have to know where I came from to know more about me. There's the long version and the not so long version. It's a bit late, so I'll give you the latter now. After being exiled from my hive, I met a colt, Ink Quill, in a Canterlot alley and we soon became close friends, after getting over the whole 'Oh no, a monster' bit. We'd meed a few times a week, and he eventually told me he was dying. I offered to take his place and we set up a plan involving the cabin I mentioned earlier. I was living in his closet and he'd teach me and let me read his memories until he became too sick. At night, we'd often sit under the tree on the hill, a white weeping cherry, and look at the stars, practice poetry or I'd practice my music. Sometimes a combination of those things."

Satin took a deep breath, preparing herself for what was to come. "Eventually he got too sick to try and trick the doctor that would come by every so often and we swapped places. I'd fake being sick but getting miraculously better while he was still suffering in the closet. I'd sit next to him and read to him while he lay there, still smiling despite what he was going through. One night, while reading to him...He.... Oh give me a second." Satin wiped away the tears that were forming near in her eyes and took a moment to try to compose herself enough that she could continue the story. "He looked at me, and weakly told me he was thankful for everything I was doing. Said he wanted to tell me something else, but that I'd figure it out later. Damn kid was gonna tell me he loved me but figured the pain would be too much. If only I could have told him I loved him too.... Oh, I'm sorry! That seems a bit inappropriate after earlier.

"He died in my lap, right there and I took him out back and buried him under our tree. I made sure to mark his grave by carving his cutie mark into the tree. After that, I took over his life until I was old enough to move out. I decided I was going to tell his parents everything, despite the consequences. Silly ponied accepted me and thanked me instead of shunning and hating me. Apparently Ink had given them a letter for them to open after a few years, but they'd opened it a bit early. They took me in as their daughter, and helped me get started on my career. Now I'm a freelance musician, with slight anxiety about who I am. I'm trying to fit into society. Bars are a nice place I like to wind down, even if I don't drink anything. I have a small house I pay for using my concert money. I love my parents dearly. And I often visit Ink when I get the chance to play him songs and read him some poetry I've written."

Satin pulled out the small black feather pendant from under her dress. "I also wear this a daily reminder of what he gave me."

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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Indicus looked at the kitten with a smile and followed Crystal, he stopped when he noticed he never took off his leather armor and decided to fix that starting with the arms and legs then the chest piece laying them on the couch. Leaving him in a plain grey tee-shirt and gray jeans.

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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@Lil' Lovebug

Night nods as she listens carefully to what Satin was saying, sympathizing with her at the loss of a loved one, as she had loved and lost twice, "I totally sympathize with you, I've already told you a little about Lillyanna's father, but not everything. He was the one to get me out of my so-called shell..sorry bad choice of words, but yes, he got me out of my comfort zone and got me to explore my options for career, he helped me budget and save up for the first club I ever opened by myself, he then also helped me get my holiday home, and well distance myself from the less desirable parts of my family" she says "I had known him a while, but he wasn't the first"

She then hugs Satin close to her "My first was a buck by the name of Blackspell, in a way, he saved my life. I was a young mare and very, very sick. I was very close to dying one night and in my sleep, but then this buck came out of nowhere in my dreams, and he put a spell on me to make the suffering and pain more bearable, and from there, we got to know each other, and soon after, we fell head over heels for each other" she says with a soft smile, remembering the times she had spent with him, "But there came a time when even the spell was't enough, and he made the choice to give me the device that kept him alive for so long" she says and takes out her dreamcatcher necklace "But doing so, he died in my arms, and me crying my eyes out. But I owe him my life" she says and smiles softly "But I know both of them would want me to move on and find new love, especially for Lilly's sake"

@Shadow Dancer

Kitty smiles as she gently places Starpelt among her brothers and sisters who were all happily cuddled up to their mother and purring in their sleep. "Such sweet little babies" she says noticing the smile on Kitty's face and how she was clutching her mobile, she checks it and smile, to see a very lovely love text message from Kitty's husband and him saying he will be home very soon and is on leave.

Smiling, she places the mobile on the bed side table and walks out. She hugs Indicus close and kisses him "well Starpaw is coming home soon, let's wait for him, so we can tell him that his wife and kittens are asleep"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Indicus returned the kiss, "Sounds good, I'd like to meet Starpaw sounds like an interesting guy. Besides it is better to not try to visit one day and get mistaken for an intruder on the off chance he is in the house while you and Kitty are out and about."

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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