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Into Darkness: A RWBY RP

Drago Ryder

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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

"Wait, how are you..." Just as Vince was stating his argument the bullhead began its descent onto its designated landing zone, almost causing Vince to lose his balance. He was baffled, how in the hell did this man time that so perfectly! It wasn't like they were given a schedule for when they reached Beacon, so how did he do it? Vince pondered these thoughts as he grabbed hold of an available rail to keep himself steady during the bullfrog's shaky decent. The sounds of the bullhead's engines and its metal hull drowned out the thoughts in Vince's head. Unfortunately, it didn't make the feeling in his stomach go away, not that he wanted to throw up his guts or anything. Eventually, the bullhead had fully landed and soon after the aircraft's doors slid open. Ignis had given a mock salute before he departed from the aircraft alongside a few other students, Yuki and Ghalan had done the same after grabbing their bags. 

Vince politely maneuvered past other student's as he found his storage compartment and pulled out his duffle bag. Opening it up Vince was content to see that his armor and other equipment were present and accounted for. Zipping his bag back up Vince threw it over his back and stepped out of the bullhead alongside the remainder of the passengers. Stepping outside Vince inhaled the fresh air of Vale, a much better alternative to the stuffy and limited air of the passenger compartment of the bullhead he thought. What was more impressive was the academy itself, to say the least it was a spectacle. The academy was large, with a main body surrounded by layers of walls and looming towers complimented by many archways. What stood out the most was a single huge tower that dwarfed the rest of the academy, Vince had assumed the headmaster may have been quartered there. 

The academy was massive and grand, a wonderful mix of the future and the past. Vince was going to call this place home for quite a while, at least he was going to stay in a real life magical wonderland. Vince couldn't help but smile just being near the presence of the academy, this was where huntsmen were created and he had the honor of standing alongside greatness. Wanting to see the other student's reactions Vince had scanned his fellow students, to his expectation most were just as enamored about the school as he was. However, Vince had also noticed that not everyone was having as a wonderful time as he was, finding that there were more than a couple of students already whispering about his two faunus acquaintances. Ghalan didn't take too kindly to that behavior and responded suddenly with a crude gesture and an open insult, Vince couldn't help but smile. Though he also couldn't help but imagine the amount of trouble he could find himself in. Personally, Vince found Ghalan's course of action brash and stupid. Ignis' course of action was more calm, mature, and level headed; the kind of response Vince believed was needed if faunus were to get more honest respect. Simply shaking his head Vince chose not to bother getting involved and tried to find a place where he could fit himself into his armor. 




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@Drago Ryder

Yuki felt a few human students eye her with a slight amount of vehemence, but nothing compared to what Draco and Ghalan were receiving. Of course, this was due to the crudeness of the former and the revelation of the latter. Either way, Yuki was interested in Draco and couldn't help but stare a bit at his scales and tail, along with the muscles hidden underneath the latter. She quickly cleared her thoughts just as he spoke to her and felt a bit nervous, not knowing how to react. "Umm, not really. I mean, Mistral has some good architecture, but that's all on a smaller scale." She said, blushing and hoping he didn't see her staring at him.

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@Acnologia @dragon4111 @Ranger22

Draco nodded slightly and had actually noticed Yuki staring at him. "I'm sure that Haven is similar." He said, trying to distract himself from his own thoughts as they, along with every other student, made their way towards the auditorium. That being said, a looping announcement played that directed any stragglers to the correct location. "So, what's it like in Mistral?"

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@Drago Ryder

Yuki thought for a moment before responding. "To be honest, I was born to a family of musicians so I had it better off than most. Either way, the people seem to tolerate faunus." She said. "So, what about you? I heard Vale is a good place for faunus. Also, if you don't mind me asking, what type are you?"

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@Drago Ryder , @Acnologia , @Ranger22

Ghalan smirked as he saw the students back off slightly but frowned as he looked behind him. Blasted Draco had to ruin his fun. He was ready to brawl. Nope that damnable dragon faunus took his fun away. He shrugged slightly as he looked around.He pulled out a bottle of liquid dust. He grinned as he looked at his sword's handle. He placed the small bottle into a receptacle for his fire dusk. he pressed a button as the container took the bottle into the hilt. "Hmm nice," he said as his tail swayed slightly.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Acnologia @Ranger22 @dragon4111

Draco debated on whether or not to actually tel Yuki about his past. She'd probably find out eventually, but he didn't want to worry her. "I'm a dragon faunus. As for my life, I'd rather not talk about that. My mom died when I was young and I have some... issues with my dad. Aside from that, it was decent." The last part may have been a lie, but at least he managed to avoid the question. With that being said, the dragon entered what he could only assume was an auditorium.

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@Drago Ryder

Yuki gave a slight frown as she followed Draco into the auditorium. She hadn't exactly expected the emotion of the conversation to turn in such a negative direction and felt a pit form in her stomach. "I'm sorry. I didn't know." She said. "I mean, I can't even imagine what I would feel if my parents died, let alone before I got to meet them." The fox faunus then looked at the ground and felt her ears flatten against her hair.

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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

To Vince's minor annoyance there didn't seem like there was anywhere that gave him the freedom of equipping his armor, there was simple too many students around him to make it possible without severely inconveniencing everyone in the room. With a sigh Vince decided to simply keep on moving alongside the other students, feeling a bit anxious due to his inability to equip himself fully for whatever trial he was about to face. To calm himself Vince implanted the thought that he would be able to arm himself right before whatever Beacon wanted to through at him, they had to at least let their students fight at their fullest right? With his mind at ease Vince walked into the large room where a countless amount of students gathered. The room filled with the consistent chatter of everyone's conversations, making it very difficult to hear  anything but one own thoughts.

The students in the auditorium were to say the least...diverse, young men and women all dressed in their own unique way, many wore casual clothes and others were fully decked out in their own custom gear. Their appearances were varied as well: varied heights, diverse physical profiles, and unique haircuts for just about every student or staff there. Many seemed to exhibit a large variety of emotions as well, the most common were nervous or very excited. Though despite everyone's differences it was vary apparent that Yuki, Ghalan, and Ignis stood out more than others. Upon a further examination of the room it appeared that there weren't that many faunus if any at all, Vince didn't expect there were only three faunus in the entire school after all. Ignis seemed to have still kept up his course of action, simply ignoring the stares and whispering of the other students. Yuki didn't seem phased what so ever, as if she hadn't noticed the other kids. 

Ghalan was another case, he was brutish and clearly looked like he wanted to confront any form of rumor or sign of hate with physical violence. Though thanks to Ignis' course of action the wolf looked to have cooled off. However, Ghalan's loading of his weapon with dust made Vince question his doubts about the former. Why the hell are you loading your damn weapon in the open at an opening school ceremony with countless students around you moron! Has no one thought you any weapon safety wherever the hell you were from?!? This thought screamed in Vince's head as he scanned Ghalan through his peripheral vision, Vince understood the frustration and anger faunus have to racism, in concept of course. But whatever Ghalan was doing was a good way to keep people hating faunus, presenting his entire race as nothing but savages, Vince had seen this countless times. Not wanting to be the cause for any possible fights Vince had kept his opinion to himself while keeping his face straight. Wanting to get the whole thing out of his mind Vince walked up to Ignis and Yuki. "So know what were gonna be doing here?"

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@Drago Ryder , @Acnologia , @Ranger22

Ghalan noticed Vince looking at him as he was doing his simple routine he had to keep his weapon loaded and ready. He just waved friendly like. He headed toward the auditorium with the other three. He chuckled slightly to himself as he looked at the annoyed faced Vince. "Curious to find out why I have to do that?" Ghalan asked with a grin on his face. "It allows me to control the flames or explosions," he explained quietly.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Acnologia @Ranger22 @dragon4111

Draco watched Vince and could almost tell what he thought when he looked at Ghalan. There was most likely going to be friction between the two if they were on the same team. The dragon faunus then turned his attention back to Yuki and placed a hand on her shoulder. "It's not that big of an issue. I mean, you didn't know, and I moved past that for the most part." He said, doing his best to give a comforting smile. The lies hurt, but he didn't want her to worry.

Draco turned his attention back to Vince when said human spoke to him and thought for a moment. "To be honest, Ozpin will probably give a speech or something. After that, I got nothing." He said, remembering what he read about Beacon beforehand.

With that being said, the lights in th auditorium dimmed as Ozpin walked onto the stage, tapping the provided microphone in order to get the attention of the students and make sure it worked. His assistant, Glynda Goodwitch stood off to the side. "I'll... keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge - to hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step." Ozpin thn walked off the stage as an announcment played over the intercom. 

"All students will remain in the auditorium. Room assignments will be provided tomorrow after the entrance exam. The showers are open."

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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Ranger22

Yuki nodded slightly, but still felt bad for bringing up bad memories. "Ok. I'll be careful next time." She said, before listening to Ozpin's speech. It seemed a bit discouraging to say the least and she felt the mood in the room drop, and the fox was also a but surprised that they would all be sleeping in the auditorium. "Huh, so we basicaly get a lock-in on the first day. I don't see howthis could possibly go wrong." Of course, she was referring to the fact that there were only a few faunus in a room full of humans. Any other possible scenario went completely over her head.

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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

"To be honest, Ozpin will probably give a speech or something. After that, I got nothing." Ozpin? To be honest with himself Vince wasn't particularly intimate with knowledge about Beacon. The only things he really knew were broad pieces of information given to him through brochures and advertisements, even the information given during registration were particularly sparse comparatively to his combat school back in Atlas. Though the classes available and the general expectation of aspiring students were made very clear at the very least. Ozpin, as Vince knew was the current headmaster of Beacon academy, and an individual Vince had not expected to meet on the first day. On second thought it did make sense, Vince alongside the other students here were a new generation of huntsmen, naturally the headmaster was to greet them. With his curiosity satiated Vince turned to the stage, where a tall and mature woman stood patiently. Before anything major happened Ghalan took the opportunity to whisper to Vince about his earlier dust loading.

"Ghalan...I was raised in the most technologically advanced nation in all of remnant, dust and weaponry is practically its main export. Of course I know why you have to load your weaponry with dust, my main concern was you openly loading fire dust in the open around other students, I'm certain you know the simplest of sparks can set off a lethal explosion right? Look, I'm not doubting your ability to handle your equipment or anything, I just think you need to consider your surroundings is all. This isn't exactly a good place for a conversation like this, if need be we'll talk about it later." Vince tried his best to whisper the entire rant, not that it was particularly effective. Truly, it was mainly Vince's past lessons on weapon safety that pushed his complaints outwards, on top of that Vince's concern for what Beacon staff would think of Ghalan loading his weapon after clearly trying to instigate something with other students. "Though I have to say thanks for at least wanting to explain what you were doing, I know you were not planning anything malicious I just want to make sure nothing happens due to a misunderstanding or accident." Vince had managed to quickly word off to Ghalan before the lights started to dim and someone took the stage.

Vince had now recognized the fairly tall woman as Glynda Goodwitch, the same woman who welcomed and introduced new students through the holograms available on the aircraft that brought them to the academy itself. She was very well composed, seemingly unfazed by the large crowd in front of her. There was something about seeing her for real that made her seem unapproachable, yet her greeting from Vince's trip to Beacon showed a completely different side of her. However, her presence was dwarfed entirely by the man who approached the microphone. Ozpin's speech was one that not only appeared to have gotten under every single person's skin, it also felt as if it had left a lingering presence around the auditorium. It was horrifyingly blunt, a completely different feeling to how enthusiastic the brochures and students were. Straightforward honesty was a common way of delivering a message back in Atlas, though unlike Atlas instructors Ozpin's speech had no hint no hint of motivation. After his speech Ozpin simply left without anything more, leaving Goodwitch to give further instructions.

After the speech Vince had managed to hear Yuki's complaint over the murmurs of other students. "I doubt anything will happen, everyone is tired and simply happy to be here, I don't think anyone has the energy to do anything like that. Besides, if anyone causes trouble here they have Goodwitch to deal with," Vince assured Yuki."It was up to me to take the first step..." The thought lingered in Vince's mind as everyone in the auditorium dispersed to join back up with their friend groups and unpack to make makeshift and sudden sleeping provisions. Not wanting to linger on the speech for too long Vince had begun to stake out a spot in the auditorium for himself and prepared a thick blanket and a pillow to be used later. "Guess it takes a while to process this many students, even the best schools are victim to logistics." Not feeling the need for his equipment Vince had stowed away his rifle and magazine pouches in his dufflebag. With everything set up Vince had brought out some of his spare clothes and headed off for the showers.


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@Drago Ryder , @Acnologia , @Ranger22

"Vince buddy here's a piece of advice people are people," Ghalan said with a grin on his face as he hummed to himself. He looked at Vince and said "Plus those boys started it. I'm the type of guy who retaliates ten fold," Ghalan stated with a mischivious smirk on his face. "My afraid someone might take the pretty fox from you dragon boy?" Ghalan asked with his eyes narrowing and his voice teasing.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Ranger22 @Drago Ryder @dragon4111

Yuki nodded slightly at Vince's words and relaxed slightly. "He's probably right." She thought to herself, before turning her attention to the two other faunus. "I'll be right back." With that said, the fox faunus headed for the showers. A warm bath would certainly help her relax.

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@dragon4111 [member='Ranger22'] @Acnologia

Draco simply watched Yuki and Vince head for the showers as the two different yet oh so similar species that made up the student body seperated into two groups. The dragon faunus then turned his attention to Ghalan. "I do not know what you are talking about. I simply wish for her to not be corrupted by the darkness hidng under the surface of this world, no matter the source. Finding innocence like that is... difficult to say the least." He said, feeling weird as he spoke. That had been happening ever since he began to interact with the two other faunus and human. They were different from the others.

@Ranger22 @Acnologia

(Feel free to control a student or two. Might as well add a bit of drama to this.)

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It didn't take long for Yuki to find a open shower and soon felt warm water wash over her skin. She noticed a few other faunus in the room. She could hear a few of them talking about a few students of the opposite gender and decided to tune them out. "Hopefully I get Draco on my team. He seems nice. Having Vince and Ghalan would also be nice." She thought, a slight smile forming on her lips.

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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

 I'm the type of guy who retaliates tenfold huh? Sounds like something a member of the Whitefang would say. Vince couldn't help but think of this as he made his way to the shower. Vince knew that it didn't automatically make Ghalan a member, but it still bothered him to know that someone actually had the mentality that particular faunus had. Judging from what he'd seen so far Ghalan had the potential to be dangerous, it bothered Vince knowing a huntsmen would be wandering around with that attitude. With a sigh Vince simply accepted the fact that if he became a problem he would be, until then it'd be best to be positive and not think of potential threats. With that though gone from his mind Vince finally pushed his way to the male shower room. It was an adequately sized room with multiple shower heads modestly separated by human sized walls. 

Multiple conversations could be heard, with the pitter patter of the shower water droning on in the background. Not wanting to stand around a whole group of naked men any longer than he had to Vince took a towel and disrobed himself(wrapping himself in the towel first), putting his clothes in a random locker. Choosing a stall Vince walked in, locked the door behind him, and turned on the water. This was the first time Vince had any form of hygiene since the before the airship, it was nice to finally get clear out the sweat and grime. It wasn't like Vince to get so worked up about someone, he guessed it was the increased feeling of responsibility now that he was at Beacon. After about a minute or two Vince had turned of the shower and dried himself with his towel. With his towel wrapped around his waist Vince got out and quickly dressed himself and left the shower. 

The auditorium seemed less packed now, mainly due to everyone grouped up in their own little groups instead of all being huddled around near the stage. Vince was satisfied to know his spot remained untouched by anyone. Humbly stepping past other students Vince had overheard a few of the conversations his fellow students were having. More than one conversation had to do with the faunus in the room, others about faunus in general, a hot topic was how a peaceful rally was interrupted by the Whitefang. Besides personal conversations and reunions the main topic in the room was what was in store for tomorrow, a question Vince had as well. What sort of test would a man like Ozpin have for his students. Besides that, how were teams going to work, how were they decided? There were many unknowns, unknowns Vince had to think about as he sat down on his little patch of heaven. 

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@Drago Ryder , @Acnologia , @Ranger22

Ghalan walked out of the shower after drying off his tail fur and his ears. He opened up his white book one that had gold stitching along the back. afew jewels was on his book's front spelled out Loveless. He smiled as he read it though he listened in and muttered "Bloody no good cowards," he growled slightly at the words. He herd about that protest turned into a slaughter of innocence lives. His eyes held rage he recited a quote for those gone out loud. He ignore the stares he got from the more hateful ones. But the ones speaking of the protest knew of the quote " My friend, the fates are cruel
There are no dreams, no honor remains
The arrow has left the bow of the goddess
My soul, corrupted by vengeance
Hath endured torment, to find the end of the journey
In my own salvation
And your eternal slumber
Legend shall speak
Of sacrifice at world's end
The wind sails over the water's surface
Quietly, but surely,"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Ranger22

After a few minutes, Yuki returned to her original spot wearing a white yukataka designed as nightwear and noticed that Vince was already finished. As she sat down, the fox faunus listened in on many of the conversations going on in the room. "So, the White Fang made their move. What are they planning." She thought, somewhat worried.

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@Acnologia @Ranger22 @dragon4111

It didn't take long for Draco to notice that he was the only one out of the group of four that hadn't bathed yet and sighed, setting his weapon on the ground. "I'll be right back." He said, before standing and heading for the showers. He could feel a few students glaring at him and a few faunus even moved out of his way. As he walked, memories began to replay themselves in his mind, mainly those from his younger years. The tears didn't start until he felt the warm water wash over his body, his clothes already off and his muscled body exposed. After a few minutes, he got out and put on his nightclothes, before heading back to the area where the first friends he ever had waited. 

(Time Skip: 8:00 A.M)

"Let me put the rumors of team formation to bed. Your partner for the next four years will be the first person you make eye contact with after you land in the forest." Professor Ozpin said. "After you are partnered, you will make your way north to a ruin site to collect a relic. After that, make your way back to this cliff by the time the sun sets. We will not send any rescue party."

Draco shrugged as he looked out onto the horizon. He, along with the rest of the incoming students, were on a cliff overlooking a forest most likely infested with Grimm. Before he could say anything, the dragon faunus was then launched into the air by the platform he was standing on and towards the forest. Draco's landing strategy consisted of digging his claws into the nearest tree and letting gravity do the rest. Once he was on stable ground, Draco withheld from drawing his weapon immediately and simply began to walk through the forest.

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@dragon4111 @Drago Ryder @Ranger22

Yuki honestly felt like she was about to puke. Of all the things that the entrance exam could've entailed, this was probably one of the most dangerous outcomes, "I just had to say that it wasn't dangerous." She thought to herself. The fox then watched as a certain dragon faunus was flung through the air and knew that he would most likely be fine. After a few more students were launched, Yuki herself was put in the same situation. The fox then drew her weapon and pressed a red button on the side of the handle, switching the lance into it's long bow configuarion. She then used the aura based projectiles her weapon fired to slow her descent and landed on the ground soon after. Yuki then put her weapon away, before heading into the forest. She could already hear the sounds of grimm, and the last thing she needed was a fight on their terms.

Edited by Acnologia
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Why the hell are we all standing on the edge of a cliff standing on top of a launch pad straight from a video game? Vince thought as he and a few other students stood on top of a large cliff face that stood conveniently on top of a particularly large forest that Vince swore he didn't see in the Bullhead. (The moment before) Vince was woken up early alongside the rest of the students stuffed inside the auditorium(Through the speakers no less). It was very apparent that many of the other students were not morning people, luckily for Vince he was conditioned to wake up at inconvenient and early periods of time back at his old combat school. According to the announcement everyone was to meet at a certain location and to bring anything they felt they needed. It was very apparent that this was going to be the infamous trial everyone was talking about the day before. Wasting no time Vince quickly prepped his weapon and armor. Swapping out his night vision scope and replacing it with a standard one, Vince also brought a few magazines of ice and fire dust rounds. 

After going over his weapon for any faults Vince began putting on his body armor, alongside any belts and ammo pouches that went with it. Finally, Vince grabbed a hold of his visored helmet, putting it on soundly and neatly. Vince felt rather cozy in his equipment, his armor keeping his body compressed while his helmet kept his breathing at a lmited pace. Overall, armor sucks and it made breathing a difficult task, of course when ones aura was down that armor would be the last line of defense, a trade off Vince was satisfied with. With all of his gear in check Vince left for the meeting point, giving his helmet a quick knock for good luck. This is it, one last trial before my real journey begins. Vince thought to himself as he followed other students outside, all of whom were armed and dressed quite uniquely. (Back to present)

After hearing Ozpin's explanation of what was to come Vince couldn't help but feel more than a little nervous. Not only were these students being launched into the air without parachutes, the news that the first person you see would be stuck with you for the next four years! On top of the other two who would make up your four person team. Shaking his head Vince wanted to be at his up most right now, better to think of a landing strategy instead of freaking out over something he couldn't control. With the start of the trial nearby a pit formed in Vince's stomach. Just as Vince processed the fact his feet were no longer on solid ground, it took all of Vince's discipline to not flail around like an idiot as he soared through the sky.

The view was actually pretty darn gorgeous, sadly Vince couldn't fully enjoy it as he tried to find the best way to land and not be turned into mush. Taking a deep breath Vince then quickly pulled out a green dust crystal from one of his pouches, loading it into his weapon after unholstering it. Converting it into its sword form Vince then concentrated his aura to use its effects. With the swing of his sword a powerful gust of wind burst out of Vince's blade, slowing the momentum of his decent. Using good timing, multiple swings, and the occasional boot on bark Vince had managed to bounce from tree to tree before safely landing in a bundle of bushes, safe but definitely not unhurt. I'm damn glad aura exist, but could whoever have created it at least make it so pain was nullified by it? Vince groaned as he rolled off of the bushes, trying his best to soothe his feet as he dusted himself off and rose from his less than flattering position. Converting his weapon back into its rifle form Vince began scanning the area around him. "Clear for now, I don't expect these woods to be empty if Ozpin says to destroy everything in your path." Vince mumbled to himself as he began quickening his pace as he started exploring the woods, his weapon now loaded with standard dust rounds instead of the wind dust crystal he had used earlier.



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@Ranger22 @Acnologia @dragon4111

Considering his semblance, Draco was taking his time with the entrance exam. Why? To be honest, there was no point in rushing through it and getting himself and a possible partner killed.  That, and he had always enjoyed the forests of Patch. They had become his safe haven, one away from ignorant fools and faunus that wanted nothing to do with him, and had become his hunting grounds when he had developed his semblance and created Hakume. "Looks like Vince is nearby. Yuki went in a different direction, so hopefully she finds a good teammate." He thought, his aura flowing off him in waves as his semblance activated. He could feel every atom of his being gain an incredible amount of energy and a light hum could be heard from within his sword's sheathe. The dragon then got into a starting position, before speeding off in the direction of said human, electricity seemingly trailing behind him. When he was only a few feet away, Draco stopped his semblance and glanced at Vince. "Hey, partner."

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@Drago Ryder , @Acnologia , @Ranger22

Ghalan looked at Ozpin with a deadpan stare. "What?" he asked as he saw his classmates get's launched " Wait WHAT!" he asked as he got launched ungracefully flailing through the air. "SHIIIIIIIII!" he yelled out as he hit a large tree rather hard. "Ouch," he muttered with a pitiful voice as he landed on his nuts with a sturdy branch. He whimpered slightly holding his crotch. He sighed to himself as he fought through the pain as he dug his sword into the tree falling but with his sword in the tree slowing his descent into the forest.  He heard Yuki close to where he landed. Grimm was nearby to her position so he ran quickly towards her. He was silent as he could be and when he finally caught up to the foxy lady...pun intended. He smirked as he snuck up behind her and gently whispered into her ear "Boo,"


A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Ranger22 @Acnologia @dragon4111

If it weren't for her enhanced senses, Yuki would've been more surprised at Ghalan's appearance, which most likely put him in a very painful position. That being said,  she did tense slightly, if only for a moment, and turned to look at the wolf faunus. "Oh, hi Ghalan." She said, smiling slightly. "Looks like we're partners."

Edited by Acnologia
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