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"Once a thief, forever a thief!" (1x1 with Mickey Adaptus)

Raven Rawne

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The colt was silent for a moment before answering.

"Yes I am certainly interested, there is no way I can turn this down."

But while he said those words something clicked in his mind.

'Why am I so scared right now? I haven't seen any pony following me. I hope...

He was shaking on his hoofs, his heartbeat increasing at a fast rate.

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@Mickey Adaptus

"Good!" Mr Silver clasped his hooves and motioned to his assistant, who, without as much as a word, went outside. The bat ponies didn't seem to be in a hurry to leave, but they kept quiet for now. It was the sitting stallion who broke the silence. "So I was thinking, young lad, perhaps you'd like to... earn some coin every once in a while? If these fine batponies say you would finish he job on yur own, then maybe I could give you some low key offers? Nothing too grand, or dangerous, just... simple things. Oh and, uhh, I don't believe I catched your name, unless you'd prefer to stay anonymous of course, I'm not pushing you into my employ in case it might look like that."

The bat stallion smirked. "Always on the lookout for new business associates, eh?"

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The colt smiled

"That sounds great to me, I accept. And forgive me for not introducing myself earlier, my name is Jack."

He then sighed for a moment.

"I might as well show my face now, it's rather rude to stay among you all like this."

He threw the hood of his cloak back.

It revealed a white unicorn with a white man blue eyes. Its face looked in a rather bad shape but what stood out where his facial features, showing small fans and ears similar to those of a bat pony.


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@Mickey Adaptus

"Very well then!" - Mr Silver nodded and the batponies smirked to sach other. The assistant returned with a go-bag, no doubt filled with cash and noticed the colt finally showed his face, even if it was rather dim all around, except for the desk. He walked over to his boss and put the bag on the desk, then retreated behind him.

"I believe it's your payment... Feel free to count it, if you wish, it's no offense." - he stallion chipped in as he pushed the bag to the outer edge of the desk. "So, Jack, I'm Silver Talent. We're at the back of my Antique Shop by Commander Hurricane Street, in case you were new to the block. And normally i don't just buy whatever ponies get, but rather... collect orders from interested buyers and hire silled ponies to obtain the objects. i'll just give your gem to a long time customer, that's why I bought it outright. Usually I contact my business partners in some way..."

"...like leaving a cryptic note in our main door lock, for example. Name's Gold Rush, but they call me Countess in the shadier parts of towm." - The mare seemed to warm up, somewhat, for once. "Second wind, her brother." - aded the bat stallion. "Younger, you forgot to add." - she corrected him with a smirk. The stallion just rolled his eyes.

Mr silver picked up the topic and pointed a hoof at the mare, gathering his thought. "That's why I like you, Countess, always to the point. So, Jack, is there a way to contact you? Something subtle et distinct to make you notice I'm interested in your... services?

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"I am interested, tough there is a slight problem."

He was silent for a moment.

"I do not have a home, so contacting is going to be difficult." he said with a nervous expression.

He shifted around uncomfortably.

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@Mickey Adaptus

"Yes?" - Mr Silver leaned closer to the colt over his desk, as he said something about a problem and fell silent. Once Jack spilled the news, he leaned back in his chair, thinking. "Well I guess it is a problem..."

Second Wind took a worried glance at his sister, who had a deep frown on her face. She felt him looking for initiative, and could've sworn the older stallion gave her a "do something" glance... She shifted and sighed, then poked her browher with the talon on her bat wing, making him wince slightly. not that e was surprised though.

"Maybe we can come up with something. Temporarily but still. Mr Silver, contanct Jack through us, if you need him. The usual way, please. Now please excuse us, but I've got some ponies to meet today and I can't be late... Pleasure dong business, mr silver, I hope we'll see again soon."

The stallion nodded politely and smiled. "Why of course, Countess, I'm sure we'll see each other soon enough. Farewell you three."

Gold Rush nodded at her brother to leave, and he, in turn, approached the colt ad leaned over to speak with him. "The meeting is over, so please go out with us. I think I know what she's got in mind though, so it seems you'll have a place to stay for a while, if you're interested." The ponies left the building, and the batponies were back in their shaded eyeglasses to protect from the glare. Gold Rush seemes somewhat annoyed as she kilked n empt bottle laying on the sidewalk of the small back alley the were in.Second Wind seemed calm and not really bothered by anything, maybe except for the heavy bag on his back.

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Jack nodded as an answer.

When they came outside he put the hood back over his head, gazing away from the sun glare.

During the walk he gave an annoyed glance to the crowd, some making loud noises.

He clenched his teeth when he heard one of the ponies shout troughs the crowd, trying to get other ponies to sign his petition.

His horn glowed under his cloak, as he used a spell to block out the sounds from his ears.


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@Mickey Adaptus

Gold Rush led the pack out of the alley and back onto the main streets. She remained silent, and Second didn't disturb her, glancing at the colt occasionally, as if he was tasked with keeping an eye on him. She finally sighed and slowed down to talk. "So I can pull some strings and see if my accosiates would want to take you in, Jack. Although keep in mind thatthey would be interested in your skills rather than do it because they have so big hearts. Until then, I guess you can stay at our place. Second will keep you comany and stuff."

The stallion nodded, already expectins as much. "well, seems reasonable enough, coming from you... I'll take care of him, if he's interested that is. Hey Jack, you listening?" - he poked the colt gently with a wingtip, since he seemed to be unaware of them talking or something.

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Jack looked up at the stallion.

"Aye, was trying to block out the sounds from those ponies among us, my ears can pick up their sounds a little bit too loud."

"But I managed to hear you guys loud enough to follow up, and thank you for all the help"

He was silent for a moment, thinking what words he would have to use.

"It is luckily not my first time that I am doing jobs for someone, tough I have never done it in such a way. It was rather different..."


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@Mickey Adaptus

The mare shrugged.  "It's noisy alright,  not like Hollow Shades at all, but I got used to it." She kept walking, leading the trio on the sidewalk towards Celestia knows where... Presumably home.

Second Wind, who was walking next to Jack was, as usual, more sympathetic. "For the first week I hated the place.  Went out of home only after dark and stuff. But soon enough we got clients in the day and I had to stallion up.  Thankfully they sell these tinted eyeglasses, makes it tolerable to walk in sunlight... You should buy a pair,  now that you have your money." He scratched hus chin with a talon on his wing. "Which reminds me,  the fridge is kinda empty. Any preferences? We buy mostly fruit and the like, but I take you may have different tastes from a regular bat like us."


They passed some stores and it was hard not to notice how his sister "window shopped" at the jewelry store... Probably guessed how hard it eould be to break in or something. The pedestrian traffic was normal for this hour, so they had at least some private space as some passerby tried not to be caught staring.

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Jack looked at Second Wind.

"It's all fine by me, I am not really a pony that has much preferences."

As Jack saw Gold Rush looking into the Jewellery store, he understood her curiosity.

He also looked inside, scanning the insides, trying to pick up every detail in it.

'this looks risky, but such things always have a risk, it all depends on the execution of the plan and the area around it.' he thought deeply.


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@Mickey Adaptus

The stallion raised a curious eyebrow over his shades and shruggged as they walked. "If you say so..."

His sister apparently overheard them, or came to the conclusion on her own, as she met their pace again, once she looked at whatever she did through the window of that jewelry store. Looking at the pocket watch she fished out of her getup with a wing, Gold Rush scrunched her snout at the reading and adressed her company: "Well shit, they'll close the shop soon, I'll go get something to eat and you two head back home."


She trotted off without as much as looking back, as if expecting them to take her words like an order or something. Second Wind glanced at te colt and shrugged again, urging him to cross the street, since they had the green light. "She's bossy, and with an attitude too, but she's okay. Wouldn't tag along if she wasn't, obviosuly. C'mon, we've got a long walk ahead of us, four blocks across. Don't wanna walk with that bag through the back streets now that the sun is going down and all..." He seemed to be weary of his cargo, opting for large, crowded streets instead of empty back alley shortcuts like yesterday.

He stayed silent for a bit, just causally observing his surroundings, maybe thinking about something? Finally, second spoke up. "So, Jack, I've been wondering how to make you comfortable in our little bat cave. There's no telling how long Gold will take to find you a better place, or if you'll accept it in the first place - we're not pushing you into our line of work or anything - but thankfully we have a couch in the living room and some blankets, should do for the first night at least... We're not having a lot of guests staying for the night... But if anypony asks, could you please pretend you're a nephew from Hollow Shades? We kiiinda have a reputation to uphold around the block, Gold would be mighty pissed if we put a dent on it." He smiled sheepishly at the last remark, leading the way. 

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Jack smiled at the last remark

"Don't worry, I can easily do fake that, besides, I am technically a half bat so it is not that far from the truth."

as they were walking, Jack suddenly saw 2 police ponies coming nearby.

He quickly went behind a stand and waited for the 2 to pass by, but to his annoyance, they suddenly stood still.

As a few second passed they still stood there.

A plan formed in his mind, he looked at the ground, trying to mask the glow of his horn.

He used his magic to levitate a nearby trash can and threw the trash all over the 2.

He said to Second Wind in a quiet tone "Quickly" as he fast-walked past them.


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@Mickey Adaptus


The stallion replied to the colt's remark about his heritage. "Eeeexactly, it's all in the details, Jack. Wouldn't work if you weren't visibly batty, obviosuly."

They walked a bit further, when they saw two Ponice offcers walking their way. secind Wind didn't even bat an eye at them, just slowly steered them to the other bank of the pony river, but Jack apparently had other plans... Second lost sight of him in the crowd and cursed under jis breath, having to stop and look around for him. Why now?! He saw a speck of cape near a newspaper stand, probably the cold hid from the officers. second suddenly realised he didn't ask if the colt is being looked for by somepony, or wanted even? That would be bad. Before he could reach the unibat, err, baticorn? The kid, just "the kid" - the aforementioned young individual unmistakenly caused the ruckus that ensued, when the officers got hit by a levitated trash can.

Second followed the colt away from the spot as the small crowd started gathering around the officers and the pony river got stalled. The stallion yanked his young comapnion off the main street into the mouth of a back alley, acutely aware of the heavy bag on his back, an hissed at him, looking positively menancing with those blank, black shades. "Have you lost your mind?! Causing trouble when we carry the cash?! Next time, just blend in and pretend you're not bothered by them in the least, hear me? I don't need any "distractions" to get home, got it?" He then exhaled deeply and ground his teeth, baring the fangs in the process. "You really gotta work on your screw up plans, first the window and now this? Ehh, come on, let's get home already. You're not wanted or something, aren't you, by the way?"

He peeked out into the main street, and, seeing the coast was clear, ushered the colt to follow. "We're not far away now, but Gold will beat us anyway."

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Jack looked at the ground with shame.

"I am sorry, I just wanted to give us an opening, I have done such things a lot before and it has worked pretty well in the past."

"This method works really well when you are forced to pickpocket for a living, it is not easy you know..."

He then looked up.

"But yes, I am wanted, wich is precisely why I wear this cloak in the first place."

he said as he followed Second Wind.

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@Mickey Adaptus

The stallion frowned, but his eyes remained hidden behind the shades, so it was rather rard to pinpoint what kind of frown it was... Second Wind spoke up as they crossed another street. "Ehh, guess I was kinda harsh back there. Never liked surprises while hauling stuff or sach, the only moments when I'm an easy target for the cops and whatnot. Hay, I could do without this hassle but, you know, reasons. Anyways, we're really close now, sure would be nice to get behind a pair of solid doors..."

They were indeed, close. After crossing the street, the sop/apartment was the second farthest one in the block. "No Keys - No Problem" said the neon sign, together with an open padlock picture. The shop's windows were all covered on the inside with heavy curtains, but the glass was pristine clean, and the OPEN sign on the doors was enough of a clue to tell that Gold Rush beat them, even though she had to go shopping! "Finally home, come on in." - the stallion held the doors open for Jack, then went inside himself.

A loud bell rand as the doors moved, announcing their presence. There was nopony in there, though. The room was covered in gloom, only a few dim lamps provided a hint of lighting. All in all, they were in a small reception room for clients - a sofa, a small table with two chairs, all rather cheap but not worn. Wooden floor, slightly creaking under the hoof. Blue and gold tapestry on the walls, fairly recent by the look of it. Second Wind went straight for the doors with a "Personnel only" written on them, leading deeper into the place, but the customers could use the electric bell to call for the shop's owners. "What took you so long?!" - Gold's voice called out as soon as the apartment doors opened. "What? I took the scenic route, okay? Besides, now it's your turn to make the disappearing act on the bag." The mare showed up from an adjacent room, with an unamused expression, and simply took the bag full of bits. "Be back soon." - she said and left the building the same way they came in.

Second Wind shrugged at his young companion. "it's just the way she is when things don't go her way. But she'll warm up to you, eventually. I'll show you around, come on." The tour was rather short, to be honest. On the other side on the "personnel only" doors, was a short corridor with a coat rack, opening to the living room -  couch, a dining table for four, a writing desk by another curtained window, with some half disassembled locks on it and two hefty toolboxes next to it. Some bookshelves and dressers too, but nothing really interesting. Next was the kitchen area, with an electric refridgerator, a gas stove, some cabinets and the like. The bathroom was most "opulent": the tub was obviously new, and fairly large, a centerpiece of a completely renovated room. Still no real luxury, but compared to cheap but well kept look of the rest of their flat, it stick out. There was no speeling room, however. Or beds for that matter. The stallion finally sat down by the dining table with a sigh, one he tour was over. "I'd recomend hitting the fride or the tub before she gets back, even if just to have some time to gather your thoughts. I reckon she'll want to know more about you, and so would I honestly, but, my sister kiiinda gets into interrogation mode sometimes, so just tell her if she starts prying too much. Anyways, welcome to our home, Jack."

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As they had arrived, Jack looked around curiously.

"Thanks." he replied with a smile.

As he sat down, he took off his cloak.

At first he hesitated, not sure if it was a good idea, but eventually, he did it anyways.

As he took off the cloak it really showed his ways on street life.

He was rather meager, so much that his underbelly seemed to be really small.

A dirty old bandage was wrapped around the part where his cutie mark was, as it was hidden behind the thing.

The rest of his body was dirty and looked pretty out of shape.

He then looked at Second Wind.

"Say, do you know what time it is?" he asked with curiosity.

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@Mickey Adaptus

The bat stallion looked curiously at his guestand had a hard time not to show that seeing how out of shape the colt was bothered him.

"Wha? Oh, the time? It's... nearly eight apparently." - Second Wind needed a moment to process the colt's question before fishing a pocket watch from under his clothes. Nothing fancy or expensive, but still. He tried to put his words correclty for another moment, then said: "I guess you would like to take a bath, then? Unless you asked for the time for some specific reason? Oh and, need any help with that bandage? We do have some clean ones in the med kit, and it looks like you should change it anyway..."


All in all, it was rather apparent that Second Wind felt out of his element, now that he saw just how badly the colt looked under that cloak.

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"Nah I am good, but thanks for the offer." he said.

He sat down and yawned.

"You guys must be really experienced in what you do from what I have seen." he said with a smile.

He shifted a bit around.

"Do you guys have any plans for tomorrow?" he asked.

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@Mickey Adaptus

The stallion put his watch back into the pocket it belonged to, and glanced at the doors. since nopony was coming, he shifted his attention back to the colt. "Well... we kinda earned our marks by tresspassing, so I guess we were bound to take this line of work eventually, but it's more of a means to a goal rather than an end itself, if you know what I mean. Lockpicking is usually profitable enough to go by, so if we put more effort into it, I guess we could have a modest life out of it, but it's not what my sister wants. And I have too expensive taste, heheh." He then remembered the second question. "Oh, right, well, we have our day job to take care of, but no evening plans We usually lay low for a bit after a job, just to avoid any extra attention."

The bell rang and soon after the apartment doors swung open, as Gold Rush entered without as much as a warning. She left the bag someplace, but had a pizza in it's stead. Second gave her a curious look: "You said you'll do the groceries, right?" The mare rolled her eyes and pointed at the kitchen annex with a wing, as she put the box on the table. "Go and check, I sure did. Just thought of something more to add, now that we have a guest..." She glanced at the colt and frowned. "I hope my brother showed you around, right? The couch should be okay for the first night, got some blankets and stuff, then we'll think about something... We'll have to talk over some cover story for you and things like that, so the neighbours won't get suspicious, but that can wait to tomorrow, I guess. Although I do recommend you clean yourself up. No offense, but I'll have foal care workers on my doors the moment somepony sees tou like, well... that." Second Wind nodded: "She may be rude, but she's usually right. Besides, I bet you'll feel much better with a clean coat and with that cloak washed."

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"Your brother actually came up with a good cover, that I am a nephew visiting from Hollow shades." Jack said with a smile.

He walked to the bathroom and unwrapped his old dirty bandage.

He frowned at the still infected wound that was on his flank.

"This doesn't look good." he muttered to himself.

He started cleaning himself up.

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@Mickey Adaptus

The mare flickered her ears and glanced at her brother as the colt disappeared behind the bathroom doors. He could probably hear them from over there,  unless they talked quietly. Not that Gold Rush even considered lowering her voice for the occasion...

"A nephew? Really?!"

He rolled his eyes and stood up to make the arrangements for dinner. "What? He looks bat enough. Besides,  nopony we know ever saw Hollow Shades, much less met with our family. I just thought it up on the spot when we were going here, that's all."

Gold Rush didn't bother helping him set the plates on the table,  but simply opened the pizza box and motioned for a knife to cut it with a wing. "Alright, it doesn't sound completely insane but, I don't know.  Got a reputation and all, and he..."

Second came by with the kitchen knife, shaking his head. "You know it's more than just good PR, you do those things because you care. Give him a chance to stand on his hooves okay?  Even if it means faking he's family,  still better than letting him ruin his life on the streets. Maybe we could get him an honest job even. I mean, apprenticeship."

The mare sighed and nodded, clearly outmatched this time.  "Don't make me regret this..."

They sat by the table, waiting for their guest and pondering what to do in their current situation.

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Jack was following the conversation, his already oversensitive ears had no trouble picking up what the 2 were arguing about.

'I guess I am not very used to hearing such conversations, especially when they are centred around me. Come to think of it, how did it all go so far? Last I remembered I was trying to steal something from a museum in order to pay back my debt to somepony, but now I am on the first steps of becoming a real thief.' the thought.

He looked at his infected wound and looked at it with disgust 'Perhaps it was not such a good idea to remove the bandage, after all, it would have spared me the sight of this abomination...' he tought with a big sigh.

He eventually wrapped a clean bandage around the wood and walked out of the bathroom and sat at the table, not looking up much.

He was not used sitting so close to others in the first place.

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@Mickey Adaptus

The twins glanced in unision as the bathroom doors opened. Gold still loked unimpressed, but at least Second nodded approvingly. "That's more like it, you look much better now." He pointed at the colt's fresh bandage with the talon on his wing. "Uh, you don't need that checked by a doc, maybe?"

Gold Rush loaded a slice of pizza on Jack's plate, then on hers, and finally Second Wind's. She pouted slightly, thought for a moment while "admiring" her plate, and suddenly asked: "Want to ask us something? You know, we may be strangers and all but, I'd like you to feel at ease while you stay with us. If anyting's on your mind, just shoot, okay?"

Second swallowed his first cut of pizza - he used both knife and fork with his wingtips, and ate small cuts, one at the time. "Good stuff, Mascarpone sure knows how to make them just right." He cocked his head towards the colt. "Told you she just pretends to be a mean bitch, didn't I?"

Hs sister gave him a cold stare, but said nothing, opting to start her own meal.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Yeah, that would best, this wound has been there for a rather long time." Jack replied.

He about to reply to Gold Rush's question when he heard Second Wind's remark and o boy was it unexpected.

Jack almost choked on his food from the surprise.

When he was done having his coughing fit, he managed to reply again.

"Well, I was wondering, what kind of jobs do you 2 do? I mean, do you prefer to do small cash in job or you have actually participated in any bank heist? That question has been on my mind for a while." He asked with curiosity.

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