Dark Qiviut 22,457 May 15, 2018 Share May 15, 2018 On 5/17/2017 at 10:44 PM, Dark Qiviut said: Season 5. Three of the show's five best episodes of all-time, good characterization on Pinkie and Fluttershy, a direction of having the Mane Six be teachers of friendship and lessons marks an intriguing direction in the franchise (and an idea that was really well executed, even in the lower-quality episodes. Three great changes to the status quo (DT becomes a good guy, CMCs get their Marks, Starlight reforms and becomes a mane character). Also, some of the deeper and greyer lessons and morals, which this franchise really needed. Season 2. At the beginning, the continuation of FIM's best streak (Green Isn't Your Color to Sisterhooves Social). Some really great songs. Some strong stories and episodes. Despite no season-long arc, DHX seemed to know what they were doing. While S2 started great, it ended on a whimper in Ponyville Confidential, MMMystery, and ACW. Season 1. This season started pretty rough, but after Winter Wrap Up, it took off. The stories were simpler, and not all of them age well, but the audience begins to get what makes each character unique. It has some of the show's best in Suited for Success, Party of One, and The Best Night Ever. Yet, it also has some of the worst in Boast Busters, Bridle Gossip, and Owl's Well. Unlike S2, it started flat and ended with a bang. Season 4. That season was up, down, up, down. It was a roller coaster. Some things they did right: Flight to the Finish, Pinkie Pride, and Testing Testing are the season's Big Three of episodes. There were other flashes of good episodes. The CMCs were good here, too. The problems: This is Pinkie's worst season (was flanderized and/or out of character way too often, especially 3's a Crowd, Filly Vanilli, & Trade Ya!); Twilicorn could've been replaced with pre-ascneded Twilight for several episodes and had no impact at all until Twilight Time; Rainbow Dash had Rainbow Falls (the show's worst-written episode, period); and Spikabuse was high here. Season 3: It had a great streak from Magic Duel to AFR, Sleepless in Ponyville among the show's best. This is also Rainbow Dash's best season; even in the bad episodes, she was great. The big problem: the pacing was rushed in a lot of episodes, especially in Keep Calm and MMC. Twilight's arc of ascending took place in only three episodes: the two-part opener and the finale. This season also had some of the worst in the entire show, particularly The Crystal Empire and One Bad Apple, the ladder the worst of the series. Season 6: Some good episodes in the lineup. The big problem: a lot of bad episodes and a lot of really bad characterization. Rarity, AJ, and Rainbow Dash all had terrible seasons and some of their worst appearances of the series. Outside of Viva and Apple Lies, AJ was awful, especially in Cart and PPOV. Rarity's character development felt completely ignored in some episodes, especially Spice Up Your Life. Newbie Dash dreams to be at least decent: It's the worst status quo changer of the entire show and with an awful moral condoning hazing to boot. DHX stuck to their habit of only developing and showing Starlight when the show needed to, and that really hurt her growth and To Where and Back Again, the show's worst finale. The best parts: the CMCs (again), Fluttershy, and especially Spike. The latter had both his best episodes, best appearances, and (by far) best season to date. Won't list season seven yet. Well, Season 7 is done, and S8 is about halfway there (if you watched the leaked episodes and take them into account). So, time for an update! Season 5. Three of the show's ten best episodes of all-time are a part of the list, including the best two-parter at the time (The Cutie Map) and the best villain song of the show (Our Town). Good characterization of Pinkie and Fluttershy, particularly the former for being consistent throughout. This season introduced a new, intriguing direction for the show that deserves to return: the Mane Six become teachers of friendship and use the lessons they learn to spread the Magic of Friendship abroad (and an idea that was really well executed, even in Party Pooped, which was okay). Although the show dispels the status quo, this season really shattered it in four great ways: Gilda redeems, Diamond Tiara reforms and redeems, the CMCs get their Marks, and Starlight reforms and becomes a mane character. Also, some of the deepest and greyest lessons and morals, evovling from S4's trials, which this franchise really needed. On top of that, an excellent episode celebrating the show and relationship with its fanbase (SoL). Season 7. This season has only a few drawbacks: inconsistent characterization of Pinkie Pies, a few average episodes, Feather Bangs (most of Hard to Say Anything, for that matter), and Fame & Misfortune (an episode so intellectually insulting and broken with two horrendous morals and equal contempt of both kids and adults alike — by far the worst written episode of the series). Other than that, this was really, really solid. Like S5, three of the show's ten best episodes aired here, including HoF-worthy Perfect Pear (with the best-written romance in the series), Shadow Play as the show's best two-parter, and Parental Glideance marking an excellent debut for Hamilton. But it has two major strengths: the high-quality characterization of Starlight, FS, and Twilight; and balancing the conflicts to not have one side entirely in the right or wrong. Starlight was really consistent with no bad appearances. Fluttershy kept progressing, and Twilight was great virtually all season. But the second half from Mane Thing to Shadow Play was the show's best run, and part of that credit stems to Josh Haber returning to the show. Currently the most consistent season. Season 8 (so far). It's safe to say that Non-Compete Clause and Fake It suck. In NCC, Dash and AJ had two of their worst outings of the series, while Fake It contains Fluttershy's worst characterization. Fortunately, the worst besides that is Maud Couple, which I've slowly warmed up to. When the episodes were good, they were excellent. Grannies Gone Wild is one of Dash's best episodes to date. Surf and/or Turf tackles divorce through the eyes of a child. Horse Play and Parent Map are fantastic. And there's more to come. Season 2. This season continued FIM's then-best streak (Green Isn't Your Color to Sisterhooves Social). Lesson Zero marked the first shift of the status quo, albeit retaining the friendship lesson structure from last season. Many of the songs are really good, some holding up well as they age (i.e., This Day Aria). In the middle of the Great Streak, aside from LZ, are Return of Harmony, LE, and Sisterhooves Social, the latter one of the ten best of the series. Along the way, Hurricane Fluttershy, too Despite no season-long arc, DHX seemed to know what they were doing. While S2 started great, it ended on a whimper in Ponyville Confidential, MMMystery, and ACW. And there were some really terrible episodes, such as Dragon Quest, MDW, PYHD, and May the Best Pet Win! Season 1. This season started rough. Sure, the pilot's okay, but Part 1 was way better than Part 2. Doesn't help when the first eight episodes include Griffon the Brush Off and Boast Busters, the latter one of the worst of the series. But after Winter Wrap Up, it took off. Did the season age well? Not entirely. WWU's animation is really rough, and some of the songs feel a little clumsy or shallow. Additionally, S1 is the only one to operate under an E/I rating, hurting some of the stories in the process. OTOH, the simpler stories allows the audience to grasp what makes each character unique. It has some of the show's best in Suited for Success, Party of One, and The Best Night Ever. Yet, it also has some of the worst in Boast Busters (again), Bridle Gossip, and Owl's Well. And Rarity sucked for a good chunk, too. Unlike S2, it started flat and ended with a bang. Season 4. Compare it to a roller coaster. Up, down, up, down, went the episodes. When it went right, it was excellent: Flight to the Finish, Pinkie Pride, and Testing Testing are the season's Big Three of episodes. Aside from that, other good episodes include Inspiration Manifestation, Twilight Time, and RTM (this one with my top moral of S4). The problems: This is Pinkie's worst season (was flanderized and/or out of character way too often, especially 3's a Crowd, Filly Vanilli, & Trade Ya!); Twilicorn could've been replaced with pre-ascneded Twilight for several episodes and had no impact at all until Twilight Time; Rainbow Dash had Rainbow Falls (the show's worst-written episode till F&M); and Spikabuse was high here. Season 3. Till S7, it had the show's second-greatest streak: All four episodes from Magic Duel to AFR are really good, Sleepless in Ponyville among the show's best. This is also Rainbow Dash's best season (with her best solo episode till Grannies Gone Wild); even in the bad episodes, she was great. The big problem: the pacing was rushed in a lot of episodes, especially in Keep Calm and MMC. Twilight's arc of ascending took place in only three episodes: the two-part opener and the finale. This season also had a lot of crap here, from Twilight and her friends putting Pinkie's life on the line and Twilight zapping the clones, who show some sapience depending on who. It also includes One Bad Apple, the worst episode of the series with the show's worst moral. Season 6. Every season has its good episodes, including here. Unfortunately, the best episode aren't good enough to crack nearly the top-10, but they were close. Unfortunately, when it went bad, it was BAD. A lot of episodes, including the okay ones, have awful characterization. Rarity, AJ, and Rainbow Dash each had some of their worst appearances of the series. Outside of Viva, AJ was awful, especially in Cart and PPOV. Rarity's character development was completely ignored in some episodes, especially Spice Up Your Life. Newbie Dash dreams to be at least decent: It's the worst status quo changer of the entire show and with an awful moral condoning hazing to boot. DHX stuck to their habit of only developing and showing Starlight when the show needed to, and that really hurt her growth and To Where and Back Again, the show's worst finale. The best parts: the CMCs (again), Fluttershy, and especially Spike. The latter had both his best episodes, best appearances, and (by far) best season to date. "Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megas 27,811 May 15, 2018 Share May 15, 2018 (edited) Man my rankings are really inconsistent but I think It'd probably go something along the lines of 7>5>4=3=1>2>>>>>>>6 Season 7 hit a lot of the right notes, and while it still had some missteps they were pretty minor ones, but it has some of the highest quality episodes in the show, with the family episodes being top 10 material. S5 was the highest standard for a while but had a weak finale and the misfortune of having both Princess Spike and What About Discord, so it kinda loses its top spot for that, still it also deserves credit for finally giving out a RariDash episode which I've been begging for for the longest time, and it was great Seasons 4, 3 and 1 I find myself flipping around, and honestly part of me feels like some people just rip on S1 just out of spite of sezunwunners, but I still think it had a lot of charm that adds to its appeal despite not aging so well. Season 2 is a bit on the overrated side, still has some great episodes, but a lot of its bad episodes really stand out and its good ones don't hold up as well compared to the strong episodes of later seasons. It was also my first introductions to horse drama with MMDW, Derpy, and the Wedding. The Derpy drama in particular and the shit storm the brony fandom threw about it was incredibly stupid and embarrassing I don't like talking about season 6 It's still too early to talk about season 8 yet, but if I HAD to it's probably after S2. Nothing, well, stands out at all, it has bad episodes it has good episodes, but that's all I can say. It's an average seaspm Edited May 15, 2018 by Whomps Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrond 3,263 May 15, 2018 Share May 15, 2018 (edited) On 5/17/2017 at 9:12 PM, AlexanderThrond said: Alright, then: Season 2. Exactly the correct balance between the simplicity of season 1 and the increased ambition and depth of later seasons, with more of my favourite episodes than any other season, and while it still has a few major stinkers and a relatively weak finale, it also has the highest percentage of episodes I really like out of all of them. Season 1. Sure, it's simpler and goofier, and it takes a while to really solidify its identity, but there's also a purity to season 1 which I don't think even season 2 attains, and while part of that is simple freshness, it's also way more committed to the friendship angle and has easily the best finale of the lot. Fewer all-time standouts, but still more consistent than any season other than 2. Season 6. It never quite regained all of the show's momentum, but for the first time since season 3, the show seemed willing to mess around with the format, and even many of its stale episodes had at least a decent level of humour. It had its share of dramatic episodes, but more often than not it emphasized humour and character development, and I liked that it would compromise plot to achieve those goals. Season 3. Like season 6, I just like how experimental this season was, both with the format and the themes of the show. It loses points for being so short and ending with two of my least favourite episodes of the entire show, but its brevity also means that it has very few stale episodes, and it was thankfully able to prolong the show's stagnation a little longer. Season 4. It's growing on me, but I still think this was the beginning of the end. This is where silly gimmicks started to take over, lessons began to repeat, and the quality of the show became even more uneven than it was from the start. I still like a fair few episodes here, but I'd be hard pressed to say how even many of my favourites push the show or characters forward. Season 5. Sorry. Yes, I get that this one aims to be more complex and mature, but it's not actually willing to put in the effort, and every single time it introduces a lofty goal, it makes it all the more apparent how stale the show had become, and it's the first time I could actually see the show's restrictions while watching. Plus, it often takes itself so seriously but its stories rarely justify that, and as such I find a lot of this season dull or even depressing. This isn't fair yet, but season 7 makes up the bottom. A lot of season 6's creativity is lacking here, and I've honestly only enjoyed two episodes of the nine which have come out. So far, there's a certain feeling of sterility to the whole thing, like the story editors are trying too hard to make stories which are "needed" for the characters rather than stories which would be, y'know, fun, and it's led to a season I'm finding especially dull. But it's not even half-done yet, so maybe I'm being hasty. Still, shouldn't front-load your season with a ceaseless stream of crap. Rewatched first three seasons, finished season 7, began season 8... so, something like this. Season 2. The back half of this season features a lot of episodes which don't work as well for me as they used to, but looking back, it still has the highest percentage of episodes I enjoyed, and when this season is good, it's almost always great. I always felt season 2 was a little more complex and daring than the first season, and these improvements make for a satisfying expansion on what season 1 offered, while only occasionally deviating from the show's original innocent charm. Season 1. It's a bit sketchy in the early half, but this is one of the show's most consistently funny batches of episodes in my opinion, and there's a definite appeal to watching both the writing and the show's technical qualities become more refined and confident over the course of the season. Plus, I still feel this is the closest the show has come to having a genuinely satisfying story arc, as several of the episodes come across like near-strangers forming stronger friendships, which in turn makes the final few episodes all the more satisfying. Season 6. At this point in the show, a lot of new writers were coming in who had less experience with the characters and often offered clumsier stories than I was used to, but at the same time season 6 was just filled with fresh concepts, and I found a good majority of episodes - especially in the first half - to be at least charming enough. It didn't break the show's formulas nearly as much as I wanted it to, but post season 2, this was easily the batch of episodes I enjoyed the most consistently. Season 4. I tend to consider this the season where the writers ran out of ideas, as all of the main characters essentially plateau and several episodes revolve either around weird gimmicks or characters learning things they already knew. Still, I enjoy a majority of episodes here, and the high points are perhaps the most polished and charming the show has ever been, even if they do very little to advance the characters or break the status quo. The "keys" thing is barely a running plot, but that's not such a big deal in a show like this, and after something as rough as season 3, this kind of pleasant safeness absolutely has its place. Season 8. Well, let's see where this goes. There's a lot here that has potential, and "Horse Play" is the closest the show has gotten to what I originally liked about it in a few years, but thus far it's pretty uneven in quality and hasn't done nearly as much with its changes to the status quo. Season 5. I don't predict a massive change in opinion here. In general, this season's concept about the mane six being teachers rather than students is really dull to me, and I didn't really enjoy any of the episodes which tried to emphasize this aspect. Like season 4, I just don't feel like the mane six evolved very much here, and this time the situations they were put in were a lot less creative. A lot of episodes here are more ambitious than ever before, but I felt they always had some fatal defect which made the show's limitations far more obvious than they had been in the past. Season 3. Huge comedown here. There's just a weird messiness to this season, and some of the show's worst impulses to come rear their head in this season. Characters with underdeveloped complexity ("One Bad Apple"), weightless spectacle ("Magic Duel"), stories so gentle that they have no impact ("Apple Family Reunion")... all have precedent here, and it ends on a totally unjustified change in an absolute mess of a season finale. The good episodes here are very good, but maybe its brevity is a good thing. Season 7. I honestly don't feel this season is any better with the characters than 6 was, and its stories are much more safe and predictable. The formulas and status quo were definitely different here, but I still enjoyed fewer episodes in this season than in any other, and I generally felt that the writers' priorities had shifted to emphasizing moralizing and bland worldbuilding over character in a way which I simply have zero interest in. Meanwhile, when the show actually did try to offer stories similar to its best years, I felt it went way too far and made the stories overly mild and simplistic. For me, too much here just didn't hold my attention. Edited May 15, 2018 by AlexanderThrond Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Celli 4,339 May 15, 2018 Share May 15, 2018 Season 7>Season 5>Season 4>Season 3>>>Season 2>>>>>Season 1=Season 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ganondox 899 May 16, 2018 Share May 16, 2018 (edited) From Best to Worst: 7 2 6 1 5 4 3 So far, Season 8 is coming across as around season 4-5 in quality. The first quarter was really weak, but the second quarter (the leaked stuff) has been pretty strong, with only the most recent episode being a letdown so far. I have graphs to support my opinion, so that means it's actually an objective fact. Here is the full data if you're interested: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1arm7IXGGG51UwrcsE3FdqYEY6IA8HOun0t98Dz9ieQw/edit?usp=sharing Edited May 16, 2018 by Ganondox Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bigbertha 415 July 22, 2018 Share July 22, 2018 1. Season 2: This season has many of my favorite episodes like "Lesson Zero", "Hurricane Fluttershy", "Sisterhooves Social", and "Ponyville Confidential". There are only 4 episodes that I don't like. Everything that worked about season 1 was pushed up to 11 with better jokes, stories, and characters. 2. Season 3: Yeah, I find season 3 to be underrated. Even my least favorite episode here, "Spike at Your Service" still had a few good jokes. The only other things I didn't like about the season were Discord's reformation and the moral in "One Bad Apple". Everything else was fantastic, especially "The Crystal Empire" and "Magical Mystery Cure". 3. Season 6: Looking back I realize that there were a lot of really standout episodes like "Gauntlet of Fire" and "The Saddle Row Review". The reason this season isn't higher is because many of the episodes don't have the same punch that a lot of seasons 2 and 3 episodes have. There are too many episodes like "Applejack's Day Off" and not enough like "No Second Prances". Additionally, while I thought Starlight's arc was done well enough, she would have benefitted from more episodes about her or at least more appearances as a side character. 4. Season 4: This season is interchangeable with season 6 in terms of quality, but this was a much less consistent season. The reason season 6 is better it didn't hit the same lows as this season did with "Rainbow Falls" which was a complete mess from start to finish. Although along with "Rainbow Falls", the season also had "It Ain't Easy Being Breezies", "Pinkie Pride", and "Inspiration Manifestation". 5. Season 1: This season does not hold up well looking back. Episodes were much simpler and Twilight's presence held back episodes like "Green Isn't Your Color" from achieving greatness. Even so, the season holds a purity and charm that no other season has and episodes like "Party of One" and "The Best Night Ever" still hold up as some of the best episodes of the show. 6. Season 5: There were a lot of terrible episodes in this season like "Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep", "Crusaders of the Lost Mark" and "The Mane Attraction". This season tried to take itself more seriously than other seasons and it rarely worked with more "Tanks for the Memories" than "Brotherhooves Social". One the other side though, there were fantastic episodes like "The Cutie Map" and "Make New Friends But Keep Discord" to balance it out to a meh season. 7. Season 7: This is the only season I dislike. The worst episodes were some of the worst of the series and the best episodes didn't compare to the best of other seasons. This season felt like the writers ran out of ideas as this was the least charming and least entertaining batch of episodes of the entire series. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
J.J 923 July 22, 2018 Share July 22, 2018 My Favorite Episodes of My Little Pony FIM.. Season 6- No Second Prances/To Where and Back Again(both parts), Where the Apple Lies Season 4-Testing Testing 123, Leap Of Faith, Pinkie Apple Pie, Princess Twilight Sparkle(both parts) Season 5- Cutie Map (both parts) Tanks For The Memories, Crusaders of the Lost Mark, The Cutie Re-Mark(both parts) Season 1- Griffon the Brush Off, Applebuck Season, Bridle Gossip, Over A Barrel, Party of One, Feeling Pinkie Keen Season 2- The Return of Harmony (both parts), May the Best Pet Win, Mysterious Mare Do Well, Super Cidy Squeezy 6000, Putting Your Hoof Down, Dragon Quest Season 3- Magic Duel, Keep Calm and Flutter On, Magical Mystery Cure Season 7- To Change a Changeling, Marks and Recreation, Fame and Misfortune, Season 8-Under Review Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Buttonmash1973 1,026 July 22, 2018 Share July 22, 2018 (edited) S8 is my favorite season until now. Season 2 and season 3 is also my highlights as I started around there. Edited July 22, 2018 by Buttonmash1973 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DonMaguz 1,023 September 10, 2018 Share September 10, 2018 Here's my ranking from favorite to least favorite: Season 7. - Loved: 'All Bottled Up', 'Rock Solid Friendship', 'Parental Glidance', 'A Royal Problem', 'Not Asking for Trouble', 'Discordant Harmony', 'The Perfect Pear', 'Fame and Misfortune', 'It Isn't the Mane Thing About You', 'A Health of Information', 'Uncommon Bond', 'Shadow Play'. - Liked: 'Celestial Advice', 'Forever Filly', 'Honest Apple', 'Triple Threat', 'Campfire Tales', 'To Change a Changeling', 'Daring Done?', 'Marks and Recreation', 'Once Upon a Zeppelin'. - Barely liked: 'A Flurry of Emotions', 'Fluttershy Leans In', 'Hard to Say Anything', 'Secrets and Pies'. Season 5. - Loved: 'The Cutie Map', 'Castle Sweet Castle', 'Bloom and Gloom', 'Amending Fences', 'Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?', 'Canterlot Boutique', 'Rarity Investigates!', 'Made in Manehattan', 'Crusaders of the Lost Mark', 'The Mane Attraction', 'The Cutie Re-Mark'. - Liked: 'Tanks for the Memories', 'Appleoosa's Most Wanted', 'Make New Friends but Keep Discord', 'The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone', 'Slice of Life', 'Princess Spike', 'Brotherhooves Social', 'Scare Master', 'What About Discord?'. - Barely liked: 'Party Pooped', 'The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows', 'Hearthbreakers', 'The Hoofields and McColts'. Season 2. - Loved: 'The Return of Harmony', 'Lesson Zero', 'Luna Eclipsed', 'Sisterhooves Social', 'May the Best Pet Win', 'Sweet and Elite', 'The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000', 'Read It and Weep', 'It's About Time', 'Hurricane Fluttershy', 'Ponyville Confidential', 'A Canterlot Wedding'. - Liked: 'Hearth's Warming Eve', 'Family Appreciation Day', 'The Last Roundup', 'Hearts and Hooves Day', 'A Friend in Deed', 'MMMystery on the Friendship Express'. - Barely liked: 'The Cutie Pox', 'The Mysterious Mare Do Well', 'Secret of My Excess', 'Baby Cakes', 'Putting Your Hoff Down', 'Dragon Quest'. Season 4. - Loved: 'Princess Twilight Sparkle', 'Flight to the Finish', 'Rarity Takes Manehattan', 'Three's a Crowd', 'Pinkie Pride', 'Simple Ways', 'For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils', 'Trade Ya', 'Twilight's Kingdom' - Liked: 'Castle Mania', 'Bats!', 'Rainbow Falls', 'Filly Vanilli', 'Twilight Time', 'Somepony to Watch Over Me', 'Maud Pie', 'Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3', 'Inspiration Manifestation'. - Barely liked: 'Daring Don't', 'Power Ponies', 'Pinkie Apple Pie', 'It Ain't Easy Being Breezies', 'Leap of Faith', 'Equestria Games'. Season 3. - Loved: 'Too Many Pinkie Pies', 'One Bad Apple', 'Magic Duel', 'Sleepless in Ponyville', 'Wonderbolts Academy'. - Liked: 'The Crystal Empire', 'Keep Calm and Flutter On', 'Just for Sidekicks', 'Games Ponies Play', 'Magical Mystery Cure'. - Barely liked: 'Apple Family Reunion', 'Spike at Your Service'. Season 8. - Loved: 'Surf and/or Turf', 'Horse Play', 'The Break Up Breakdown', 'Marks for Effort', 'The Hearth's Warming Club', 'On the Road to Friendship', 'The Washouts', 'A Rockhoof and a Hard Place', 'What Lies Beneath', 'Sounds of Silence'. - Liked: 'The Maud Couple', 'Fake It Til You Make It', 'The Parent Map', 'Molt Down', 'The Mean 6', 'A Matter of Principals', 'Friendship University', 'School Raze'. - Barely liked: 'School Daze', 'Grannies Gone Wild', 'Yakity-Sax', 'The End in Friend', 'Father Knows Beast'. - Disliked: 'Non-Compete Clause'. Season 1. - Loved: 'Applebuck Season', 'Swarm of the Century', 'Suited for Success', 'Stare Master', 'The Cutie Mark Chronicles', 'The Best Night Ever'. - Liked: 'Friendship Is Magic', 'The Ticket Master', 'Boast Busters', 'Dragonshy', 'Look Before You Sleep', 'Bridle Gossip', 'Fall Weather Friends', 'Feeling Pinkie Keen', 'A Dog and Pony Show', 'Green Isn't Your Color', 'Owl's Well That Ends Well', 'Party of One'. - Barely Liked: 'Griffon the Brush Off', 'Winter Wrap Up', 'Call of the Cutie', 'Sonic Rainboom', 'The Show Stoppers', 'Over a Barrel', 'A Bird in the Hoof'. Season 6. - Loved: 'No Second Prances', 'A Hearth's Warming Tail', 'The Saddle Row Review', 'Stranger Than Fan Fiction', 'Every Little Thing She Does', 'To Where and Back Again'. - Liked: 'On Your Marks', 'Gauntlet of Fire', 'Newbie Dash', 'Spice Up Your Life', '28 Pranks Later', 'Dungeons and Discords', 'Buckball Season', 'Viva Las Pegasus', 'Where the Apple Lies', 'Top Bolt'. - Barely liked: 'The Crystalling', 'The Gift of the Maud Pie', 'Applejack's "Day" Off', 'Flutter Brutter', 'The Cart Before the Ponies', 'The Times They Are a Changeling', 'The Fault in Our Cutie Marks', 'P.P.O.V.'. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steve Piranha 29,445 September 10, 2018 Share September 10, 2018 I would put S8 high on the list. It doesn’t have that many spectacular episodes, but the quality of decent has been constant, and has to be the season with the least duds, with Non Compete Clause being the only notorious one 1 Sig by Discords Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheAnimationFanatic 3,597 September 10, 2018 Share September 10, 2018 (edited) Here's my ranking of the Season" 1.) Season 7: Despite having a set of duds ("Honest Apple", "Hard to Say Anything", "Fame and Misfortune".), this season features some of the best episodes in the entire series ("Parental Glideance", "A Royal Problem", "The Perfect Pear"), tells a mostly cohesive story that does a great job at world building, and has a slew of very solid episodes as well. 9/10. 2.) Season 4: For the longest time, this was my personal favorite season until Season 7, with several all time great entries like "Twilight's Kingdom", "Pinkie Pride", "Testing Testing, 123", and "For Whom The Sweetie Belle Toils", the first episode in the show that ever made me cry. After the divisive Season 3 finale, Season 4 assured us all that not only would this be the same show that we all knew and loved, but that it would be even better. It had a fair share of duds ("Rainbow Falls", "Somepony To Watch Over Me", "Power Ponies"), but they were far outweighed by the gems. 9/10. 3.) Season 5: Despite not being quite as good as the previous season, Season 5 continued the trend of telling darker, more complex issues with nuance and subtlety ("Tanks For The Memories", "The Cutie Map", "The Cutie Remark", "Brotherhooves Social", "Amending Fences"), It paid off a long time story arc with a satisfying ending in "Crusaders of The Lost Mark", featured the most compelling villain (at the time), and develops many of the characters' arcs with "Canterlot Botique", and "Castle Sweet Castle". In spite of its misfires ("What About Discord", "Princess Spike"), and a wonky ending, Season 5 was still a very solid one. 8.5/10. 4.) Season 6: I was mixed on the ending of "The Cutie Remark" , and wary of Starlight Glimmer joining the cast as the "Sixth Ranger" of the team, but in the end, it won me over, and Starlight became one of my favorite characters. There were a few episodes this season that I flat out hated ("Newbie Dash", "28 Pranks Later", "The Cart Before The Ponies"), but there were also many episodes that ranged from solid to great ("Top Bolt", "The Saddle Row Review", "Stranger Than Fanfiction", "Every Little Thing She Does"). Plus, we got not one, but two great Spike episodes ("The Gauntlet of Fire", "The Times They Are A Changeling"). 8.4/10 5.) Season 8: The first half of this season was rather weak. Though it had a few gems ("The Break Up Breakdown", "Molt Down", "Surf and/or Turf", "Horse Play"), It also had many that were either mediocre or flat out terrible ("Non-Compete Clause"). However, the second half came in and bolstered it to an overall very solid season with a satisfying finale. (Episodes 19-23 is the most consistent in quality the show has been in a while. Heck, even Episode 24 is good too, imo). The Students 6 bring a liveliness that the show hasn't had in a while, each has their moments to shine. 8/10. 6.) Season 2: While Season 2 had many of the show's best episodes ("Sisterhooves Social", "Lesson Zero", "The Last Roundup", "The Return of Harmony", "Hurricane Fluttershy", "Hearth's Warming Eve", "A Canterlot Wedding"), It's on the lower end for me due to it also featuring some of the show's worst ("The Mysterious Mare Do Well", "Dragon's Quest", "Putting Your Hoof Down", "May The Best Pet Win", "Super Squeezy Cider 6000", etc). Yet, in spite of those duds (and there are a fair amount), Season 2 improved on the first season with slighty more mature stories and improved writing. It proved that the first season was not a fluke and that Friendship is Magic was here to stay. 8/10 7.) Season 1: It's easy to forget how important the first season Friendship Is Magic is. Lauren Faust essentially changed people's perception of My Little Pony by creating a show with likable characters, well written stories, and quality voice acting. What was originally mocked as a silly show for little girls became a popular children's show enjoyed by kids, teenagers, and adults overnight. That being said, it's not perfect. It suffers from the same growing pains that most tv shows do in their debut. The animation though impressive, is bound by the limits of Flash, several episodes are flat out duds ("Feeling Pinkie Keen", "Bridle Gossip", "Owl's Well That Ends Well", "Boast Busters", "The Show Stoppers"), and there are other episodes that, while not terrible, show that the writers are trying to find their footing ("Over A Barrel"). However, Season 1 still has a plethora of great episodes ("The Ticket Master", "The Cutie Mark Chronicles", "The Best Night Ever", "The Best Night Ever") that demonstrate the show's potential, and certain charm to it that makes it worthwhile. 7/10. 8.) Season 3: Undoubtedly the weakest Season of the show, in my opinion. Despite many good or great episodes ("The Chrystal Empire", "Wonderbolts Academy", "Sleepless In Ponyville"), it's marred by having several more episodes that are either okay or some of the show's absolute worst ("One Bad Apple", "Spike At Your Service", "Just For Sidekicks"). This was made worse by the fact that the episode amount was cut to only 13. While this made the good ones stand out more, it made the duds look even worse. And while the finale is decent, it feels rather rushed and would have made for an unsatisfying ending. Overall, Season 3 is just okay. 6.5/10 Edited September 16, 2018 by Theanimationfanatic "Work Hard! In the end, passion and hard work beats out natural talent." - Pete Docter Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheAnimationFanatic 3,597 September 14, 2018 Share September 14, 2018 My question is which is your favorite episode of your least favorite season and vice versa? "Work Hard! In the end, passion and hard work beats out natural talent." - Pete Docter Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megas 27,811 September 14, 2018 Share September 14, 2018 (edited) 3 hours ago, Theanimationfanatic said: My question is which is your favorite episode of your least favorite season and vice versa? Stranger Than Fan Fiction and Saddle Row for least favorite season dislike Honest Apple from S7 which is My favorite I Season 7 7>5>1>3>4>8>2>>>>>>6 Edited September 14, 2018 by This Whomps Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
O-78 28,607 September 14, 2018 Share September 14, 2018 1. Season 5 2. Season 4 3. Season 1 4. Season 7 5. Season 8 6. Season 2 7. Season 6 8. Season 3 1 Signature by @Mellow Mane Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheAnimationFanatic 3,597 September 16, 2018 Share September 16, 2018 I forgot to mention, but "Discordant Harmony" may be my favorite Discord episode. "Work Hard! In the end, passion and hard work beats out natural talent." - Pete Docter Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrond 3,263 September 18, 2018 Share September 18, 2018 On 9/14/2018 at 2:55 AM, Theanimationfanatic said: My question is which is your favorite episode of your least favorite season and vice versa? My favourite episode of season 7 is "A Flurry of Emotions." My least favourite episode of season 2 is "The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheAnimationFanatic 3,597 September 18, 2018 Share September 18, 2018 2 minutes ago, AlexanderThrond said: My favourite episode of season 7 is "A Flurry of Emotions." My least favourite episode of season 2 is "The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well." "Honest Apple" is my least favorite episode of Season 7. Conversely, "Wonderbolts Academy" and "Sleepless in Ponyville" are tied for my favorite episode of Season 3. 1 "Work Hard! In the end, passion and hard work beats out natural talent." - Pete Docter Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DonMaguz 1,023 September 18, 2018 Share September 18, 2018 On 9/14/2018 at 3:55 AM, Theanimationfanatic said: My question is which is your favorite episode of your least favorite season and vice versa? 'No Second Prances' favorite from S6. 'Hard to Say Anything' least favorite from S7. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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