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Nintendo's E3 Spotlight 2017

K.Rool Addict

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Probably the best showing at the conference. With Metroid Prime 4 ALONE I would have called it a good E3 for Nintendo, but with everything else considered... I have to say Nintendo has won E3 this year in my opinion.

No Borderlands 3? Gearbox, you have saddened me with that. :(

Edited by In Loving Memory
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On 6/13/2017 at 4:38 PM, K.Rool Addict said:

That sounds like semantics to be honest. 

I am allowed to present my opinions however I want as long as it doesn't go against the rules stipulated on this forum. I do not take kindly to inhibition of freedom of speech, in any form :P 

You're allowed to present your opinions any way you want to, and we're allowed to tell you that the way you choose to present your opinions could be improved.

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On 6/13/2017 at 0:48 PM, K.Rool Addict said:

 was like, HOLY SHIT, is it POSSIBLY true? Could it actually be what i think it is!? MOTHER 4 !?!?!?


Oh by the way, if you were a real Mother fan, you'd know that an official mother 4 is never happening. 


But hey, there's a fan game in the works!


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Only thing of merit in the entire "conference":


^Looks like we'll finally have a return to form for the 3D Super Mario series. Nintendo has been floundering around in mediocrity for far too long: 

Galaxy - disappointment

Galaxy 2 -^ ditto

Super Mario 3D Land - was "ok" for a handheld Mario game, but only just barely

Super Mario 3D World - was really fun for the first few hours (albeit insanely easy), but in the second half of the game, they just started recycling levels like a mofo. The thematic elements of the levels became super generic too. It's like all that creativity went right down the drain in the second half. Thankfully, they raised the difficulty to a level I'd consider "just right", but even then, better challenge does not compensate for lack of interesting level design :/


With Odyssey, it seems as though we are finally going back to Nintendo's roots in 3D game design. Super Mario 64 --> Sunshine --> Odyssey. Only time will tell if it can indeed hold up to the lofty heights of game design exhibited by those illustrious titles... from what they are showing us, it looks promising as all hell =^-^=

Also, with Eiji Aounuma confirming more Zelda games in the future will take direct inspiration from BotW's design philosophy, it seems within the realm of possibility if Super Mario Odyssey receives similar levels of praise / financial success, Nintendo may just make more non-linear mainline Mario games in the future! (\(^o^)/)

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50 minutes ago, K.Rool Addict said:

Only thing of merit in the entire "conference":


^Looks like we'll finally have a return to form for the 3D Super Mario series. Nintendo has been floundering around in mediocrity for far too long: 

Galaxy - disappointment

Galaxy 2 -^ ditto

Super Mario 3D Land - was "ok" for a handheld Mario game, but only just barely

Super Mario 3D World - was really fun for the first few hours (albeit insanely easy), but in the second half of the game, they just started recycling levels like a mofo. The thematic elements of the levels became super generic too. It's like all that creativity went right down the drain in the second half. Thankfully, they raised the difficulty to a level I'd consider "just right", but even then, better challenge does not compensate for lack of interesting level design :/


With Odyssey, it seems as though we are finally going back to Nintendo's roots in 3D game design. Super Mario 64 --> Sunshine --> Odyssey. Only time will tell if it can indeed hold up to the lofty heights of game design exhibited by those illustrious titles... from what they are showing us, it looks promising as all hell =^-^=

Also, with Eiji Aounuma confirming more Zelda games in the future will take direct inspiration from BotW's design philosophy, it seems within the realm of possibility if Super Mario Odyssey receives similar levels of praise / financial success, Nintendo may just make more non-linear mainline Mario games in the future! (\(^o^)/)

That's how I like my Marios made: on drugs :squee:. Seriously, I thought Miyamoto's days of creativity where over. Recycled ideas everywhere :dry: 

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5 minutes ago, Steve Piranha said:

That's how I like my Marios made: on drugs :squee:. Seriously, I thought Miyamoto's days of creativity where over. Recycled ideas everywhere :dry: 

^From what I've heard, Miyamoto let a lot of the younger memebers of the team have much more creative freedom with what they could do in Odyssey.

Check out this interview, btw. Miyamoto details how with the advent of the WIi, the mainline Mario series became more "casual" as the control setup of the Wiimote and nunchuck didn't allow for the complex controls necessary for a proper 3D Mario game:

^This was from last year's E3, btw :o I'm just so glad to see Nintendo hasn't forgotten their roots.

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Just now, Steve Piranha said:

That's how I like my Marios made: on drugs :squee:. Seriously, I thought Miyamoto's days of creativity where over. Recycled ideas everywhere :dry: 


This is the reason why I didn't buy Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam: it didn't have all the strange characters and locations which made the other games so great!

My favorite Mario games are the weird ones. The ones which use the same old Goombas and Koopas are fine, but when Nintendo gets creative with Mario, it makes for an awesome game.

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Now I hope we'll see a Paper Mario revival sometime soon. The soul was completely removed from that series with Sticker Star. =(

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47 minutes ago, Envy said:

Now I hope we'll see a Paper Mario revival sometime soon. The soul was completely removed from that series with Sticker Star. =(

Considering how we just saw Color Splash released last year, I highly doubt it. Also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gR11d5I-5RQ

^Pretty much confirmed that Nintendo doesn't care about returning Paper Mario back to its RPG roots since they think Mario & Luigi fills the role of RPG and any more dedicated to the RPG genre within the Mario space than that would be "redundant". Of course, we can always look forward to 3rd party devs for some extra diversity. Mario + Rabbids... yay(?) Q.Q

I just want partners back SOOOO bad T^T I couldn't stand Super Paper Mario for this reason, and haven't felt the need to buy a new Paper Mario game since. The character design in general from Super Paper Mario was pretty lazy (outside the main cast of villains that is; I'm certainly not hating on the illustrious Count Bleck or Mimi-ちゃん~<3) 


^The fans get it. Why doesn't Nintendo? >.<


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@K.Rool Addict Nintendo also initially talked about Super Mario Galaxy 1&2 as if they were the "open world" style sequels to Super Mario 64/Sunshine. If you notice, they completely and totally changed their tune with Odyssey, now properly lumping the Galaxy series with 3D Land/World and separating them from 64/Sunshine.

...So, actually Nintendo can change their minds. I don't know what changed their mind with the 3D Mario series, but I really hope it is able to happen with Paper Mario, as well.

When was Mario & Luigi last really an RPG series? I thought the series started going off in its own direction after Partners in Time.

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^I'm as surprised as you are. Especially when Nintendo released this image:


Before that, it seems like Nintendo all but forgot about the vast, open levels of prior 3D Mario titles. With Paper Mario, its entirely possibly the will renege on their stance ( I mean, Nintendo is a business; they'll likely cave to the fans cravings eventually since $$$ (or ¥¥¥) is what they want). It is very surprising to see 3D Mario go back to its roots considering how well the linear modern games sold... it makes me think Nintendo makes business and development decisions in a very erratic manner lol.

Welp, here's hoping the next console Paper Mario will be a true successor to 64 & TTYD. Pretty much all that can be said ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

13 minutes ago, Envy said:

When was Mario & Luigi last really an RPG series? I thought the series started going off in its own direction after Partners in Time.

Well, I would still call all the Mario Luigis technical RPGs. Now the inherent quality of each of these titles is certainly questionable, but that doesn't mean they don't qualify as Role Playing Games >.> Imo, Superstar Saga was perfection. Partners in Time was "alright". And everything after that was vastly inferior. I also really, REALLY hate the new artstyle for this series. Particularly, the spritework. The sprites in the older titles were just so expressive and cartoony-looking. Now, it just looks kinda bland...


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I felt the conference was a decent showing, but I am not entirely sure how people are getting that Nintendo won E3 by a landslide. I thought the new Kirby game looked super fun and the Yoshi game seemed alright too. Rocket League with Cross-Platform play is also a nice addition. Of course, Mario Odyssey looks incredible so that is another positive.

What bothered me though, were the empty announcements. Metroid Prime 4 was announced, which is awesome, but...all we got was a logo. Nothing more. Not even a slight teaser of any kind, just a logo. Then they announced a new core Pokemon game. And that's it. Nothing else. Not even a logo for that one. It felt like it was just tossed in there to ease the disappointment from the Pokken Tournament announcement.

It was a decent showing, for sure, and I liked some of the games on show. I do not think Nintendo won E3 by any means though. It was definitely better than Bethesda and EA at least.

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4 hours ago, Sir Floof said:


This is the reason why I didn't buy Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam: it didn't have all the strange characters and locations which made the other games so great!

My favorite Mario games are the weird ones. The ones which use the same old Goombas and Koopas are fine, but when Nintendo gets creative with Mario, it makes for an awesome game.

Actually, I heard the Reason why there were only Paper Toads as allies to save in Paper Jam was because whoever was in charge of that decision mistakenly believed that Mario's only race of allies were Toads, forgetting about all the Friendly members of the races that make up Bowser's army from earlier Mario RPGs.

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46 minutes ago, Envy said:

When was Mario & Luigi last really an RPG series? I thought the series started going off in its own direction after Partners in Time.

Mario & Luigi has always been an RPG series. Every game has the same RPG elements that were introduced in Superstar Saga.

Just now, WiiGuy2014 said:

Actually, I heard the Reason why there were only Paper Toads as allies to save in Paper Jam was because whoever was in charge of that decision mistakenly believed that Mario's only race of allies were Toads, forgetting about all the Friendly members of the races that make up Bowser's army from earlier Mario RPGs.

Do you have a source for this? I couldn't find anything.

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2 minutes ago, Sir Floof said:

Mario & Luigi has always been an RPG series. Every game has the same RPG elements that were introduced in Superstar Saga.

Do you have a source for this? I couldn't find anything.

Dang it! I know I read it somewhere on TVTropes, but I can never remember the Japanese name of the guy who made the bad decision. Sorry. But my point is that I think some new guy in charge of that aspect of the game development legitimately thought the only ally Paper Mario has ever had were the race of Toads. Because of this, we only got a single good race to help out instead of a variety of races to help. I think because of this foolish choice, there's a lot of gamers who hate the Toad species as a whole even more than before nowadays. I personally feel sorry for the Toad Race. Just my observation...

If I ever stumble onto the source of this tidbit again, I'll let you know.

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Just now, WiiGuy2014 said:

Dang it! I know I read it somewhere on TVTropes, but I can never remember the Japanese name of the guy who made the bad decision. Sorry. But my point is that I think some new guy in charge of that aspect of the game development legitimately thought the only ally Paper Mario has ever had were the race of Toads. Because of this, we only got a single good race to help out instead of a variety of races to help. I think because of this foolish choice, there's a lot of gamers who hate the Toad species as a whole even more than before nowadays. I personally feel sorry for the Toad Race. Just my observation...

If I ever stumble onto the source of this tidbit again, I'll let you know.

You'd think the guy would do some research (or at least play a Paper Mario game) before making such a decision. Oh well.

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2 hours ago, Kyoshi said:

I felt the conference was a decent showing, but I am not entirely sure how people are getting that Nintendo won E3 by a landslide.

^It's called insecurity. These fans see one thing they like and automatically "Oh, OH, you see that! Nintendo just won with that game alone! B-baka, I don't care if you don't agree with me! You're prolly just a Japanophobe!"

So, let's use Sony's press conference as an example here. I saw two games that I loved: Shadow of the Colossus and Monster Hunter Worlds. Yet, I am able to fully acknowledge that just two awesome looking games do not make Sony's press conference "the best thing evar". If they showed game after game after game that blew me the fuck away, it would be a completely different story. But just those two games aren't landing them a passing grade in my eyes at least. I mean, if you're at Uni, and you score a perfect 100% on two really big exams, does that mean you can get 50%-60% on every other assignment and still pass the class? I sure as hell hope not.


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On 6/16/2017 at 4:41 PM, Kyoshi said:

I felt the conference was a decent showing, but I am not entirely sure how people are getting that Nintendo won E3 by a landslide. I thought the new Kirby game looked super fun and the Yoshi game seemed alright too. Rocket League with Cross-Platform play is also a nice addition. Of course, Mario Odyssey looks incredible so that is another positive.

What bothered me though, were the empty announcements. Metroid Prime 4 was announced, which is awesome, but...all we got was a logo. Nothing more. Not even a slight teaser of any kind, just a logo. Then they announced a new core Pokemon game. And that's it. Nothing else. Not even a logo for that one. It felt like it was just tossed in there to ease the disappointment from the Pokken Tournament announcement.

It was a decent showing, for sure, and I liked some of the games on show. I do not think Nintendo won E3 by any means though. It was definitely better than Bethesda and EA at least.

They also showed a remake of a Metroid game from 1991 on the 3DS in the tree house showing. Which looks amazing by the way.

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On 6/16/2017 at 1:46 PM, Envy said:

Now I hope we'll see a Paper Mario revival sometime soon. The soul was completely removed from that series with Sticker Star. =(

Sticker star is like Mario Galaxy 2: has the name, but not the soul. They should let Intelligent Systems work on Paper Mario again


On 6/16/2017 at 2:56 PM, K.Rool Addict said:

Considering how we just saw Color Splash released last year, I highly doubt it. Also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gR11d5I-5RQ

^Pretty much confirmed that Nintendo doesn't care about returning Paper Mario back to its RPG roots since they think Mario & Luigi fills the role of RPG and any more dedicated to the RPG genre within the Mario space than that would be "redundant". Of course, we can always look forward to 3rd party devs for some extra diversity. Mario + Rabbids... yay(?) Q.Q

I just want partners back SOOOO bad T^T I couldn't stand Super Paper Mario for this reason, and haven't felt the need to buy a new Paper Mario game since. The character design in general from Super Paper Mario was pretty lazy (outside the main cast of villains that is; I'm certainly not hating on the illustrious Count Bleck or Mimi-ちゃん~<3) 


^The fans get it. Why doesn't Nintendo? >.<


Apart of the characters, and lack of partners (the pixls where uninteresting and had dumb personalities shown only once), most worlds where bland, and lacked the feeling of "different dimensions" (they where just differently themed worlds, AS IF MARIO HADN'T DONE THAT ALREADY :angry: . Ugh, I miss the partners, they had charm and charisma, even my least favorite (Flurrie), and it shouldn't matter if we have two Mario RPG series at the time, their only similarity is the genre, but their soul is each different  

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On ‎2017‎-‎06‎-‎16 at 1:41 PM, Kyoshi said:

I felt the conference was a decent showing, but I am not entirely sure how people are getting that Nintendo won E3 by a landslide.

The fans attribute it to the announcements of both Metroid Prime 4 and Metroid: Samus Returns though I feel that's a pretty weak argument as one is a remake of an over twenty-five year old game while the other was just announced and has nothing other than a tentative name. I don't think Nintendo won E3 as while they did have some great games, there were some that I had to question whether they would turn out well or not.

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5 hours ago, K.Rool Addict said:


^This post brightened my day lmao!

10/10 I lol'd mad hard xD 

You know what your fucking problem is? Your reaction to Nintendo's E3 is basically; "WAAH Nintendo didn't reveal what wanted! WAAH! I hate them and they are the worst company  in the world D,:"

We have a name for people like you.

Entitled. That's what you are. Entitled.

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highly disappointed this year. The only thing I took interest in was the latest Assassins Creed game - but I do every year as I love the series. 

Bethesda was a let down. Im still waiting for the next chapter of elder scrolls. Like buck do I want 4k VR games. -_- its just like when 3D MOvies came out. 

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Oh LAWD, more downgrades incoming -.-

^What is Nintendo taking cues from Ubisoft now? 

Srsly tho, this game looks downright depressing. Killed all my enthusiasm as soon as I finally saw some legit gameplay. I would go as far as to say, this game looks about as bad as Star Ocean 5 Integrity and Faithlessness... on the PS3! And even that game has a more solid frame rate (given there are less enemies on screen, but my point stands).

^Nintendo, can we have enough of this decade old tech pls? kthxbaaai~

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