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Everypony back off from the remote, it's time for The Wonderbolts Show, and Dashie's got her Wonderbolts Show pajamas on.


Also, gtfo I call cuddling her while she watches on the couch.


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  • Brohoof 6
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Cool thread bro, needs more Shining Armor and Twilight.


"Hehe! I'm gonna beat you now, Shiny! *runs up and headbutts in the chest"


"Uh oh, I'm sure in for it now! Whatever shall I do against the mighty Twiley?"


"Hehe, no evil big brother of mine is gonna beat me!"


"Oh, I'm evil now am I? *leans down and pushes his head against hers, effortlessly pushing her backwards*"


"Hehehe! No! I won't lose!"

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Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~
  • Brohoof 7
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Awww, poor Applejack :(. I get this depressed vibe from her when I see this pic

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Even the description shares this feeling (This is by WhiteDiamond, of course).


"Poor, sweet, adorable Applejack! :( Consistently placing last or very near it on the Mane Six ponies popularity polls, and the subject of "background pony" jokes and the like. I've never understood why more people don't care for her, because in my opinion she has a fantastic personality and a very appealing design. Who wouldn't want a pony like her as a friend, really? But even I, who decidedly adore her admittedly don't draw enough of her I'm ashamed to say, something I figured I should start trying to remedy now. So here she is, in all of her loose-hair (just because) lovable glory.


Go Applejack~ Posted Image"


I care for her :(......


:huh: Hmmm... looks like some sugarcube needs a hug...


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...and muffins... :mellow:

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Anyway, onto my cute pic for this post...

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Oh Derpy, you so silly... and CUTE!!!!! :wub: :wub: :wub:

  • Brohoof 3
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Found new Scootalove <3 A happy Draconequus I am.


"T-Thanks Rainbow Dash...y-you didn't have to come and help me, you know...I-I can handle myself."


"Pfft, you're just a filly, squirt. Somepony's gotta take care of you, might as well be me."


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Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~
  • Brohoof 4
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Behold everypony, the power of... HUGS!!!


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:wub: :wub: :wub:

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D'AWWWWWWWW!!!!!!! They are like apple pie!!!!!! :wub:

  • Brohoof 10
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"K squirt, time for bed. And don't even think about arguing with me, this time."


"Fiiiiine. Night, Rainbow Dash. You'll take me to that Wonderbolts show tomorrow, right?"


"Course, kid......wait, is that a...doll of me?"




"...Heh, well then. Night, kiddo."


"Night Dash!"


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  • Brohoof 5
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Three cheers for the Apples, Ponyville's first family!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!! :D


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Now remember everypony, with fall just around the corner, once the cold weather starts blowing in, always dress properly, like so...

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:wub: :wub: :wub:

And finally, always remember everypony, there is no problem that cannot be resolved with a hug!!! :)

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  • Brohoof 7
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Twilight Sparkle strike inbound!


The stages of Twi

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Sparkle knows style!

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The D'aww is strong with this one!

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And this one

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And of course, Twilight loves reading!

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I wouldn't be surprised if the next one became cannon.



I only have one last thing to say....


Edited by Prominer44
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