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private Bendy Roleplay (Rp)


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Maia looked back down the hallway she had came and hoped that Bendy wasn't still on her tail. She doibted tjat she'd be able to escape this time. 

Gale shifted slightly and glanced at Sorxir. She noticed that the mare still had a bit of ink and tilted her head. "Looks like they missed a few spots." She said.

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5 hours ago, reader8363 said:

@Techno Universal @Acnologia
Bendy turned to Kyubi and watched her as she approached.

Rose sighed and use Techno's shadows to bind and immobilize him, then she said, "You really aren't worth sacrificing."

@Drago Ryder 
Her thoughts were getting mixed together as she laid there

Techno then looked over at Rose looking a bit annoyed...


TU: Seriously I don't think you know exactly how many redundancy protocols and systems I have in place. If you knew about them you would be telling me to protect you from Bendy. Seriously your making a very dangerous move immobilising me Rose.

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@Techno Universal @Acnologia
Rose sighed and said, "Really, I know what I'm doing. I'm not letting you fight a demon made of ink, so you're going to drop the barrier, or I'll make a portal through it.

Bendy leaned down until it was eye to eye with Kyubi, figuratively, and smiled.

@Drago Ryder
Sorxir said as she picked up her head, "She didn't want to take the chance to injure me, so she left it there." Then she closed her eye and tried to quiet down the debate in her head on whether or not to get revenge.

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3 minutes ago, reader8363 said:

@Techno Universal @Acnologia
Rose sighed and said, "Really, I know what I'm doing. I'm not letting you fight a demon made of ink, so you're going to drop the barrier, or I'll make a portal through it.

Bendy leaned down until it was eye to eye with Kyubi, figuratively, and smiled.

@Drago Ryder
Sorxir said as she picked up her head, "She didn't want to take the chance to injure me, so she left it there." Then she closed her eye and tried to quiet down the debate in her head on whether or not to get revenge.

Techno then thought that Bendy would die if the barrier was taken down. Techno know that taking down the barrier would likely destroy the ink machine...


TU: I think it's about time I switch to the barrier then!


Techno then started to push himself to the very limit with attacking the barrier. He was trying to do every spell he could think of and as he was attacking the barrier it also seemed to be hurting Bendy and doing damage to him...  

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Kyubi was a bit surprised when Bendy smiled at her, and a light blush formed on her face. She then moved a bit closer to the creation of ink. "If you let the others out, I'll stay here and keep you company." She whispered. The bat pony didn't know if the creation of ink could do that, but she figured that she might as well try

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@Drago Ryder
Sorxir opened her eye once her mind calmed down and looked down at Gale. Then she made up her mind.

Bendy broke out of the shadow and placed a hand on top of Kyubi's head, and said through the ink as it dripped, "Poor, Kyubi, basically dragged here by watching the others. Am I correct?"

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Kyubi felt a chill go down her spine when Bendy placed his hand on her head, but that was just from the cold if anything. She didn't expect him to talk to her, though. "I guess. I mean, I probably would've came in after a bit more time, but they saw me beforehand." She said.

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After a few minutes of waiting, Maia decided to head bck the way she came. At the very least, she'd probably meet up with the others at some point.

Gale glanced at Sorixr out of the corner of her eye and waited for her to do something. 

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1 hour ago, reader8363 said:

@Drago Ryder
Sorxir opened her eye once her mind calmed down and looked down at Gale. Then she made up her mind.

Bendy broke out of the shadow and placed a hand on top of Kyubi's head, and said through the ink as it dripped, "Poor, Kyubi, basically dragged here by watching the others. Am I correct?"

This is when Techno snapped again and he then ran and slammed Bendy away from Kyubi. He had broken out of the shadow because of his strong desires at protecting everyone else who couldn't protect themselves...


TU: Things are seriously going to get worse for you Bendy if you keep going with this! I'm warning you on this one!

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Gale watched Sorxir leave and follow after her. The ink was telling her to follow the mare, and the resistance she was putting up at this point was minimal at best.

Maia heard a noise from further down the hall and sped up her pace. As she rounded the corner, she immediately ran into Sorxir. "Oh, hi." She said, after regaining her bearings.

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Kyubi looked at Techno and shook her head. "Calm down. I'm fine." She said. Granted, she did have a bit of ink in her mane, but that was besides the point. The bat pony then looked at Bendy. "It's ok. He's just a bit overprotective."

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2 hours ago, reader8363 said:

@Techno Universal @Acnologia
Rose sighed as she pulled Techno away from Bendy and said, "That was kinda rude, Bendy wasn't hurting her in any way that I know."

Bendy got up and stared at Techno.

@Drago Ryder
Sorxir stood up and took off towards the others.

TU: Well couldn't you see that Kyubi was the next one that Bemdy was going to haunt!?


Texhno then stared back at Bendy...

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@Drago Ryder
Sorxir skid to a halt from the ink dripping from her horn and said, "Hey Maia, By any chance do you know where the others are?"

@Techno Universal @Acnologia 
Rose looked at Techno with a confused look and said, "Haunt? Bendy's a cartoon character, not a ghost." She walked between the three and said, "I've dealt with some of the worst and my father taught me how to fight the princesses." She felt a cold sensation on the back of her neck, then she saw and heard stuff that were too quick. Once the sensation was gone, she stumbled onto her knees, panting.

Bendy turned his head between Techno and Kyubi, then Rose came in front of it. It reached out it's hand and grabbed Rose's neck, then it let go after a few minutes before sinking into a puddle of ink

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2 minutes ago, reader8363 said:

@Drago Ryder
Sorxir skid to a halt from the ink dripping from her horn and said, "Hey Maia, By any chance do you know where the others are?"

@Techno Universal @Acnologia 
Rose looked at Techno with a confused look and said, "Haunt? Bendy's a cartoon character, not a ghost." She walked between the three and said, "I've dealt with some of the worst and my father taught me how to fight the princesses." She felt a cold sensation on the back of her neck, then she saw and heard stuff that were too quick. Once the sensation was gone, she stumbled onto her knees, panting.

Bendy turned his head between Techno and Kyubi, then Rose came in front of it. It reached out it's hand and grabbed Rose's neck, then it let go after a few minutes before sinking into a puddle of ink

TU: See I told you what Bendy was going to do! Anyways R.. Rose? Did I just let her die to Bendy?

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Kyubi was surpirsed by the sudden turn of events and immediately made her way to Rose's side. "Are you ok?" She asked. The bat pony didn't know what Bendy did to her, but she figured that caution would be the best approach.

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2 minutes ago, reader8363 said:

@Drago Ryder
Sorxir nodded and said, "I'll help you find them. Then you'll get out of this place." Then she continued on the path

@Acnologia @Techno Universal
Rose said as barely rose onto a hoof, "I'm okay, just caught me off guard and I'm kinda weak at the moment."

TU: Ayways Rose you probably finally see the point I'm trying to make about Bendy here!

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Kyubi nodded slightly and helped Rose onto her back. The last thing they needed was to have someone fall behind. "We should probably get moving." She said. It was weird that Bendy hadn't exactly attacked them initially. He only did it when Techno did. "Maybe we could talk to him."

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Maia nodded slightly, not really seeing any other way out of this. The last thing she needed was to be attacked by a dragoness, mare, and Bendy. "It honestly could be worse." She thought to herself.

Gale followed behind Maia and Sorxir. If the gryphon tried anything, she could react quickly enough to take care of her.

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