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private The Inevitable War

Sir Xarthas VI

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@reader8363 @Driz @Krashface @Techno Universal @Sir Warith

Some backstory before the start. If you'd like more detail, say so in the OOC thread, or message me.

The Inevitable War:
Diplomatic relations between Ponies and Titans have been on the decline ever since the Titan-Slayer Clyssora was awoken from her magic slumber. Even though she vowed to never kill another Titan (at least for the foreseeable future), they do not know her true intentions, nor the intentions of the Ponies' leaders. There have been attempts to negotiate terms in which neither race attacked, and have been somewhat successful, but only in delaying the inevitable. The Ponies' leaders, Princess Celestia and Luna have decided to send in a small group of ponies, which includes Clyssora herself, to try and reason with the Titan leader. In fear of being seen as an assault force, the small group decides to sneak into Titan territory to speak to their leader.

The aforementioned group received orders from the Princesses:

"You are tasked with negotiating with the Titans. This is our last peaceful option left. If you are not successful, there will be war.
The meeting point is the base of the mountains, at the edge of the Neutral territory, north of Canterlot. Meeting time is 0900. You depart at 1000."


As the last training dummy is shredded by her blades, Clyssora decides she's trained enough this morning, and starts to get ready for the journey. She double-checks her saddle-bags, just to make sure the 'bottomless' enchantment hasn't worn off. Though she doesn't think that she'll never many supplies, it doesn't hurt to over-pack, so she almost fills the 'bottomless' bags with enough food, water, and other items to last a lifetime. Putting her sword on her back, she double-checks her equipment, and then heads out to the meeting point. When she arrives, she looks into the sky to check the time, and notices she's 30 minutes early. "Better early than late, I guess." she says as she takes a seat on a nearby fallen tree.


Link to OOC Topic: https://mlpforums.com/topic/169342-the-inevitable-war/
Edited by Sir Xarthas VI

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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6 minutes ago, Sir Xarthas VI said:

@reader8363 @Driz @Krashface @Techno Universal @Sir Warith

Some backstory before the start. If you'd like more detail, say so in the OOC thread, or message me.

The Inevitable War:
Diplomatic relations between Ponies and Titans have been on the decline ever since the Titan-Slayer Clyssora was awoken from her magic slumber. Even though she vowed to never kill another Titan (at least for the foreseeable future), they do not know her true intentions, nor the intentions of the Ponies' leaders. There have been attempts to negotiate terms in which neither race attacked, and have been somewhat successful, but only in delaying the inevitable. The Ponies' leaders, Princess Celestia and Luna have decided to send in a small group of ponies, which includes Clyssora herself, to try and reason with the Titan leader. In fear of being seen as an assault force, the small group decides to sneak into Titan territory to speak to their leader.

The aforementioned group received orders from the Princesses:

"You are tasked with negotiating with the Titans. This is our last peaceful option left. If you are not successful, there will be war.
The meeting point is the base of the mountains, at the edge of the Neutral territory, north of Canterlot. Meeting time is 0900. You depart at 1000."


As the last training dummy is shredded by her blades, Clyssora decides she's trained enough this morning, and starts to get ready for the journey. She double-checks her saddle-bags, just to make sure the 'bottomless' enchantment hasn't worn off. Though she doesn't think that she'll never many supplies, it doesn't hurt to over-pack, so she almost fills the 'bottomless' bags with enough food, water, and other items to last a lifetime. Putting her sword on her back, she double-checks her equipment, and then heads out to the meeting point. When she arrives, she looks into the sky to check the time, and notices she's 30 minutes early. "Better early than late, I guess." she says as she takes a seat on a nearby fallen tree.


Techno was in his lab watching over the group of ponies going to the Titans when disaster struck. Techno's computers in his lab then all shut off like if an EMP was preventing them from functioning while Techno also had most of his power blocked by the strange shealding...


TU: No this can't be! Everything in my lab is now dead and even it's blocking out most my power to! I guess I should just join the ponies on the surface then.


Techno then made his way up through the stairs to the surface from his lab and he then went to the group that was getting sent to the Titan's territory...


TU: I might as well just wait here for now as it's still another 30 minutes until we leave. Anyways I believe that's Clyssora sitting on that tree over there. She'll be really good with us knowing how she works!  



Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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@Techno Universal

Clyssora closes her eyes and starts to meditate, but feels eyes on her only minutes later. She decides to ignore it for now, thinking it's someone else in the group. As she meditates, she focuses on her magic, trying to strengthen it through willpower, which works, but is extremely slow. Focusing her minds eye on the direction of the eyes, she accidentally steals a little magic from Techno Universal. Turning her minds eye away, she acts as if nothing happened. "Maybe he didn't notice...she thinks to herself.

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Just now, Sir Xarthas VI said:

@Techno Universal

Clyssora closes her eyes and starts to meditate, but feels eyes on her only minutes later. She decides to ignore it for now, thinking it's someone else in the group. As she meditates, she focuses on her magic, trying to strengthen it through willpower, which works, but is extremely slow. Focusing her minds eye on the direction of the eyes, she accidentally steals a little magic from Techno Universal. Turning her minds eye away, she acts as if nothing happened. "Maybe he didn't notice...she thinks to herself.

Because Techno is always highly observant of everything in his system he did notice and he then started a telepathic conversation with Clyssora...


TU: Now I did notice that just to let you know! Anyways my system generates it's own magic so the magic you took was instantly regenerated when you took it. Anyways the only reason I'm joining you on this adventure is because the Titans are somehow blocking most of my power. Like I'm usaly so powerful to the point where I can create and destroy entire universes if I wanted to but now I can't do those things because of what the Titans are up to. Really all I want is for the Titans to drop their operations with blocking my power so I can actually do my job. 


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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@Techno Universal

Clyssora is slightly surprised by the sudden 'appearance' of another ponies' voice in her head. "Even in my time, I was never that powerful... And Titans are blocking your powers? I didn't think they were that advanced... Maybe they're planning world domination? I don't see why else they would bother you. Or maybe they're blocking certain kinds of magic, and yours just coincidentally gets blocked as well? Seems odd, though. Didn't think anypony knew of you, except for me... At least not in this time period.She looks towards the top of the mountain with distaste in her eyes...

Edited by Sir Xarthas VI

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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18 minutes ago, Sir Xarthas VI said:

@Techno Universal

Clyssora is slightly surprised by the sudden 'appearance' of another ponies' voice in her head. "Even in my time, I was never that powerful... And Titans are blocking your powers? I didn't think they were that advanced... Maybe they're planning world domination? I don't see why else they would bother you. Or maybe they're blocking certain kinds of magic, and yours just coincidentally gets blocked as well? Seems odd, though. Didn't think anypony knew of you, except for me... At least not in this time period.She looks towards the top of the mountain with distaste in her eyes...

TU: Well because I have been the main thing protecting equestria from evil since I created equestria in the beginning. Anyways who knows what fancy new stuff the Titans have invented recently plus the Titans are probably trying to make equestria open to attack from blocking my power but still maybe they are trying to steal all of you from me.


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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Rose flies toward the meeting area while checking her blade. It was a thin but strong blade, easily mistaken for a rapier, but it didn't have a guard on it and the sides were flat. She named it Thorn because that's what it reminds her of and it goes well with her name. She placed it into the sheath on her back and noticed two others there already.

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Sonar woke with a start, the beeping of an alarm clock stirring him from his lack luster slumber. Last night he had spent all night preparing for the mission to come. It didn't help the fact that it messed with his nocturnal sleep schedule.

He stretched a little feeling the bones in his body softly pop before rising from his bed. Trotting over to his equipment he paced back and forth inspecting everything to make sure it was ready to go. He went over his saddlebags checking the tightly packed and organized contents of survival gear making sure that nothing was amiss then following with the bedroll that was attached on top of the bags.

Next he moved on to his other equipment, he inspected the outfit before him that clung proudly to a ponnequin. His lunar guard armor. Though, it was not in its normal configuration. Instead of proudly glistening plate armor and full helmet in the colors of the princess of the night. There was a much more practical looking, dark colored and lacquered armor with a half helm. Using some strange fiber unknown to him it was woven and treated which, according from the quartermaster, made it lighter and more flexible among some other useful properties. Though he questioned it's usefulness in battle the quartermaster insisted on it, stating that it was the best Equestria had to offer and that he had orders from Princess Luna to make sure he received it. A small beam of pride flashed across his facial features as he recalled how he was given the opportunity to take on this task on behalf of his princess and as a representative of the Lunar Guard. He was determined not to let his brethren in arms down, especially not his princess to that he swore his utmost fealty to.

After giving its final inspection, he moved on to the last bits of gear. He looked through his utility sling and various pouches attached tightly on. Then coming upon the last item of his inspection. His sword. Though nothing overly special in its own right other than the high quality material it was made out of, it held much value to you personally as it was his sword. The sword that he used all throughout his career and tenderly kept in the best condition possible. Sonar pulls the blade from its sheath as it lets out a slight hiss then inspecting its condition and giving it a few quick test swings and thrusts as the blade whisked through the air.

Satisfied, he dons the equipment hopefully not for the last time. He then briefly remembers the orders his princess gave him before he set out to prepare...

The princess of the night looked upon Sonar after giving him the briefing. "...And remember thou must not let any harm come upon our subjects, as We are also tasking thee with ensuring the survival of thy party should negotiations go awry." You salute and reply in the motto of the Lunar Guard in affirmation to your princess "I serve the night, your highness..."

Sonar snaps out of his brief flashback then looking to the clock. Thirty minutes. He thought to himself then heading towards the meeting point.

Edited by Sir Warith
Changed a bunch of yous and yours I had put mistakenly
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Racing along the grassy path, Trinket was approaching the meeting point. The mare wore a simple lead breastplate, along with a pair of round safety goggles strapped onto her forehead. As she moved, she was panting heavily and clearly exhausted: all of the belongings she carried inside her saddlebag amounted to be quite heavy for her to carry. But at least, she believed she had everything required for the journey.

Upon getting close enough, she managed to spot a few ponies already gathering near a toppled-over tree trunk.

"H...Hey!! Hey there!!" She began jumping and waving to call their attention. Soon enough, however, her hoof collided against a small rock that stood hidden in the way. Immediately, Trinket tumbled over until her snout made contact with the soil. Likewise, her saddlebag went flying in front of her. Scattered all around the ground were her things: a number of mechanical tools and instruments - such as wrenches, screwdrivers and hammers -, small pieces of ore, what seemed like hundreds of bolts and screws, and of course, her trusty wooden mallet.

"Awwwww... Ugh..." The mare winced while rubbing a hoof against her snout, slowly climbing back up on her hooves. Right after finding her bearings again, she proceeded to collect all of the things she'd dropped. It would probably take a while.

  • Brohoof 1
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Rose's ears flicked, then she turned around to see the mare fall. She placed her sword on the ground, walked over to her, and said as her shadow helped with gathering the stuff, "Are ya alright? So you're a mechanic." She remembered her mother teaching her about parts as she worked on her father's legs and wings.

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As Sonar approached the meeting point, he heard movement in the distance in front of him. Upon entering a field with a few sparse trees a mare with a lead breastplate was trotting way infront of him. He countinued to trot along towards her and the group he noticed at the distant meeting point only to see the mare in question take notice of the meeting point then call out to them. You watched almost as in slow motion as she jumped about then hitting a small rock and biting the dust and spilling the contents of her bags.

You being the gentlestallion you are, flew up behind her as she began collecting her belongings. You notice she had quite a lot of stuff even more than you would ever consider carrying. You then clear your throat hoping to not startle her too much as you speak.

"Uh, would you like some help there ma'am?"

Edited by Sir Warith
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@Sir Warith @reader8363

When the others began approaching her, Trinket shot up and froze in place. She sent an awkward smile towards the two at the same time that her face attained a bright reddish color. Despite being somewhat used to embarrassing herself in front of strangers like that, the situation in question was delicate. A mission as important as the one she was partaking in couldn't afford those clumsy mistakes.

"Th...Thank you, I'm... I'm fine... S-Sorry about that." She said, scratching the back of her head. Her snout had a small scratch on it, which was bleeding slightly. Although it was nothing serious. With their help, the mare's belongings were soon gathered and secured back inside her bag.

1 hour ago, reader8363 said:

(...) So you're a mechanic."

"Y-Yes, I'm a mechanic... I work at Baltimare's station fixing the trains... a-and I'm a part-time inventor." She smiled amiably. "...I assume you're part of the negotiation party? I, uh... I actually got Princess Celestia's letter as well! Here..." She then reached inside her bag and pulled out the aforementioned letter, displaying it proudly to her partners.

Edited by Driz
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"Ugh, should have known to wake up earlier ." thought Rockshield, while trying to figure out where the meeting point was . While walking in what should've been the right direction, he started feel embarrassed by his situation and for not being clever enough for asking directions or finding someother of the group in Canterlot to walk with.

Clearly, orientation wasn't his speciality.

"I bet the rest of them is already there... I know I'm near there... I think ." 

Without another good idea, Rockshield was ready to call the rest of the group, shouting, but for fortune's sake, he managed to see them, already speaking to them. Without any second to loose, he started to accelerate his walking .

RP character: Dragonslayer Rockshield


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Sonar groaned internally a bit as he realized what he would have to deal with while on this mission. He didn't have anything personally against the mare, but her and the other civilians that would be joining only showed how difficult this task may become in the future if things went south. If it wasn't for the alicorns joining, it would of been near daunting of a task. Though the alicorns accompanying may have combat prowess, Sonar wasn't sure how they would hold in an extended survival scenario in a hostile environment...

Sonar then shaking his head a bit to dispel his rampaging thoughts about survival then addressed the mare.

"Baltimare? I'm from nearby, must explain why you show no fear or resentment towards a thestral ((bat pony)) such as myself."

Then grabbing the document from her extended hooves, Sonar examined it looking at its contents and the authenticity of its seal. Upon seeing it is real, he returns it to her with a slight smile.



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@Techno Universal @reader8363 @Sir Warith @Driz @Krashface

Feeling the presence of the whole group, Clyssora opens her eyes and stands at full height, being slightly taller than everypony else. "Seeing as everypony is here, why don't we take a moment to introduce ourselves. So at least we know who we're traveling with. I'll start." she says as she glances at everyone in the group. "My name is Clyssora, but I'm generally known as Royal Champion. I am approximately 90,000 years old, and originate from what is now called Canterlot. I have not been 'alive' for 90,000 years though, as I was in a magical slumber for about 60,000 years of my life. Because of the magical slumber, my magic power has been greatly reduced, and I am only able to do a few things such as item enchantments and levitation, for now. But my sword skills were not affected, so should we come to a fight, Ill be able to hold my own. The main reason I am going is because I'd like to try and personally persuade the Titan ruler that I am not a threat, and don't intend to be. I am also going because I have the most combat experience against Titans. My experience comes from the war 85,000 years ago. I defeated over 200 Titans, and earned myself the title 'Titan Slayer'. But, hopefully, it wont come to that." She explains her backstory while displaying a magic hologram before the group, showing her past.

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Rose forced herself not to roll her eyes, most ponies would think of it as an honor to be asked by Celestia to help, but for her, it was just another job and her father would've taken it all the same out of pride if he didn't retire and pass the torch to her. She said, "I might be able to help. My mother was a mechanic and great with gears." 

@Sir Xarthas VI
Rose rolled her eyes about the Clyssora's age and grabbed her sword from the dirt. She brushed it off and laid down next to the tree, waiting for Clyssora to finish.

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@Sir Xarthas VI

Sonar listened attentively to the ancient alicorn as she gave her speech. He then began thinking to himself as she spoke..

She is quite ancient and that is quite a title, royal champion and Titan slayer. It has a nice ring to it and I wonder what knowledge she has of ancient times in Equestria.

Sonar then glances at her weaponry.

Also I wonder if she would be inclined to instruct or at the very least give us some tips on fighting Titans. Though now it makes sense why they sent me.

He ponders upon her statement of her lack of her normal arrray of powers.

She may have much combat prowess but I do not think she will survive very long on her own outside of combat in this day and age, especially without her abilities. Now I understand why Princess Luna sent me, she understands more than most the difference in time period and unfamiliar environments may prove a bit much even for alicorns...

Sonar then clears his throat, bowing to the alicorn slightly then speaking confidently.

"Royal Champion, let me be one of many to welcome you back to the present. I am Sonar Vigilance of the Lunar Guard, Second Lunar Reconnaissance Squardron. I know that you may be somewhat unfamiliar with these current times, as much has changed but I am sure myself and the other ponies will be more than happy to see you through it."

He says with a small smile then glancing back to her weapons.

"Now seeing as you are in an expert in Titan affairs, I would ask that you impart any knowledge you can as I would like to know how to expertly combat them if the need arise."

Edited by Sir Warith
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9 hours ago, Sir Xarthas VI said:

@Techno Universal @reader8363 @Sir Warith @Driz @Krashface

Feeling the presence of the whole group, Clyssora opens her eyes and stands at full height, being slightly taller than everypony else. "Seeing as everypony is here, why don't we take a moment to introduce ourselves. So at least we know who we're traveling with. I'll start." she says as she glances at everyone in the group. "My name is Clyssora, but I'm generally known as Royal Champion. I am approximately 90,000 years old, and originate from what is now called Canterlot. I have not been 'alive' for 90,000 years though, as I was in a magical slumber for about 60,000 years of my life. Because of the magical slumber, my magic power has been greatly reduced, and I am only able to do a few things such as item enchantments and levitation, for now. But my sword skills were not affected, so should we come to a fight, Ill be able to hold my own. The main reason I am going is because I'd like to try and personally persuade the Titan ruler that I am not a threat, and don't intend to be. I am also going because I have the most combat experience against Titans. My experience comes from the war 85,000 years ago. I defeated over 200 Titans, and earned myself the title 'Titan Slayer'. But, hopefully, it wont come to that." She explains her backstory while displaying a magic hologram before the group, showing her past.

TU: I guess I should introduce myself then! So I'm Techno Universal and I'm actually the original creator of equestria. I composed this place around 4,000 years ago and back 4,600 years ago I was born as a human in a world called earth.


Techno was now displaying holograms of him as a human and his home city Melbourne in Australia.


TU: So back then I discovered universal energy and that's basically known a as magic here in equestria. Anyways I then preceded to manufacture trillions of robotic ponies that were to live along side the humans and perfect their society. In the end my operation was a massive success and then I proceeded to create equestria.


Techno then showed a hologram of him creating equestria...


TU: Now even though all of us may be machines we all still have full awareness and conciseness just like any real biological being would have. Plus the only reason why I'm going with you is because the Titans have somehow found a way to block my computer ps in my lab from functioning and it's also blocking most of my power. Anyways I believe I would need my massive cape for this adventure and I believe it's in the tree above me!


Techno then punched the tree for his massive cape to come down and to attach itself to his collar. It was around five meters long and it was navy blue with blue circuit patterns all over it...


TU: Now I'm ready for sure!    


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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@Sir Xarthas VI @Techno Universal

Rockshield was listening in silence her captain's story, and was amazed by the age of the alicorn and her knowledge about Titans. Then, he felt that was time to present to the rest. Without any sign of fatigue, he literaly planted his enormus shield of rock on the ground, and started to speak with his deep voice muffled by his helm.

<< Well then. As may or may not know already, I am Rockshield, send by the royal order of the Radiant Sun as your shield and expert in enemy crushing . Now, I don't know what a titan is, Captain, but I bet his head isn't harder then a dragon .But most importantly...>> with his left hoof, the stallion pointed it at Techno, and with a confused look asked:<< what in Dagghart's name is a human ?>>

RP character: Dragonslayer Rockshield


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10 minutes ago, Krashface said:

@Sir Xarthas VI @Techno Universal

Rockshield was listening in silence her captain's story, and was amazed by the age of the alicorn and her knowledge about Titans. Then, he felt that was time to present to the rest. Without any sign of fatigue, he literaly planted his enormus shield of rock on the ground, and started to speak with his deep voice muffled by his helm.

<< Well then. As may or may not know already, I am Rockshield, send by the royal order of the Radiant Sun as your shield and expert in enemy crushing . Now, I don't know what a titan is, Captain, but I bet his head isn't harder then a dragon .But most importantly...>> with his left hoof, the stallion pointed it at Techno, and with a confused look asked:<< what in Dagghart's name is a human ?>>

Techno then displayed a hologram of a busy street in the Melbourne CBD. There were people everywhere walking along the footpaths...


TU: Basically Rockshield Humans are thease beings in the hologram!


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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@Sir Warith @Techno Universal @Krashface

Clyssora looks to Sonar Vigilance with an amused look on her face "The welcoming is a bit late. I've been awake for 200 years. And as for strategies, we'll save that for the journey." she says. She gives a small wink to Sonar, then turns to Techno Universal "You created ponies 4,000 years ago? I am over 90,000 years old. Were the ponies killed off, and you re-created them?" she asks, with a curious look. Opening her saddle-bag, she takes out a small flask with a glowing yellow liquid inside. She pops the top and drinks the whole thing, and drops the flask back into her bag. Then, turning to Rockshield, she inspects his shield "Hmm... Would you be up for a little test? I'd like to hit you as hard as a Titan would and see if you could handle the power. I'd also like to see how you fare against my full strength, if you're up for it. Obviously, you'd be blocking with your shield. Don't want you dying this early in the mission." She drops her saddle-bags on the ground.

Edited by Sir Xarthas VI
  • Brohoof 1

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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1 minute ago, Sir Xarthas VI said:

@Sir Warith @Techno Universal @Krashface

Clyssora looks to Sonar Vigilance with an amused look on her face "The welcoming is a bit late. I've been awake for 200 years. And as for strategies, we'll save that for the journey." she says. She gives a small wink to Sonar, then turns to Techno Universal "You created ponies 4,000 years ago? I am over 90,000 years old. Were the ponies killed off, and you re-created them?" she asks, with a curious look. Opening her saddle-bag, she takes out a small flask with a glowing yellow liquid inside. She pops the top and drinks the whole thing, and drops the flask back into her bag. Then, turning to Rockshield, she inspects his shield "Hmm... Would you be up for a little test? I'd like to hit you as hard as a Titan would and see if you could handle the power. If you can, I'd like to see how you fare against my full strength, if you're up to it." She drops her saddle-bags on the ground.

TU: Well knowing how the dimensional system works in the DATANET it's probably just you were born in this universe in the far future but you were brought back in time when you were manufactured. Literally the possibilities are endless when you look at it from a multi-timeline and universe perspective. Anyways when I created equestria was the very beginning of this multi-verse network so yeah. Though my cape is actually really soft and warm even though it's indescribable and like a sheald in a way.


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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@Sir Xarthas VI

Sonar blushes a bit at his mistake as he did not know how long the Alicorns had been awaken. Though he maintains his composure and gives her a nod to her response. Then turning to Rockshield, he gives him a slight snort at realizing who was beside him. Unknown to most ponies, but among the various guards and orders established by the princesses, there was an intense rivalry between them to display their skill and prowess to their respective Princess.

Though I fear our mission is too important to let ancient rivalry get in the way of this.

Sonar then sits off at a nearby tree by himself and goes over his equipment again while listening intently on the conversation.

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1 hour ago, Sir Xarthas VI said:

@Sir Warith @Techno Universal @Krashface

Clyssora looks to Sonar Vigilance with an amused look on her face "The welcoming is a bit late. I've been awake for 200 years. And as for strategies, we'll save that for the journey." she says. She gives a small wink to Sonar, then turns to Techno Universal "You created ponies 4,000 years ago? I am over 90,000 years old. Were the ponies killed off, and you re-created them?" she asks, with a curious look. Opening her saddle-bag, she takes out a small flask with a glowing yellow liquid inside. She pops the top and drinks the whole thing, and drops the flask back into her bag. Then, turning to Rockshield, she inspects his shield "Hmm... Would you be up for a little test? I'd like to hit you as hard as a Titan would and see if you could handle the power. I'd also like to see how you fare against my full strength, if you're up for it. Obviously, you'd be blocking with your shield. Don't want you dying this early in the mission." She drops her saddle-bags on the ground.

<< Hah, I'm sure a Titan will be not stronger then a Ancient Dragon. And is a while my shield don't parry something of his might .>> Rockshield lifted his shield and prepared himself for the hit. The shield was covering all of him, and in his head, he gigled. << Come on, Captain: show me what a "titan" is capable of.>> 

Clyssora started to levitate at midair, and charged her horn, emitting so a blinding light.

Then, she shotted a mighty magic arrow, more powerful then any recorded and so strong that the impact on the shield created a huge, thunderous explosion that shaked the ground. When the cloud of dust and smoke disappeared, everyone saw Rockshield at 4 meters from where he was, and the shield was still intact. Contrary to what was around there, burned and incinerated .

<< Well, Captain .>> started saying from behind his shield the stallion, while lifting and walking towards Clyssora.<< I think I was wrong. Not even Dagghart's magic and fists where that might, but I'm happy to have you on my side for fighting this... monsters.>>

And so, he bowed with a respect only a knight should demonstrate.

<< And remind me to never bother you, ok ?>>

RP character: Dragonslayer Rockshield


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Clyssora giggles. "And to think that's my power when it's almost completely drained. Let's try that again, but this time I'm using my swords." she says as she unsheathes one of her swords. Rockshield holds up his shield once more, bracing for the impact, as Clyssora moves into a fighting stance. She gives pause for a moment, readying herself. Focusing on a single point on his shield, she swings her blade with such speed that it seems to disappear, before reappearing, stuck in the massive stone shield. "Hmm. I guess the shield isn't too bad, after all. That was one of my most powerful swings, and I only managed to lodge my sword into it." she says as she frees her sword, checking it for damage, and then sheathes it. "Oh, and don't worry, it's pretty hard to get on my bad side." she states as she puts her saddlebags back on.

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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