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Marble Horns - OOC


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Every pony that is into supernatural things knows the Slendermane. A tall, featureless white stallion in a tuxedo, sometimes said accompanied with black tentacles. Although so far there has been no proof of its existence, two stallions make comic strips for the newspaper called "Marble Horns", though it curiously stopped a few weeks ago. And recently, ponies have spotted a tall, slender figure near the Everfee Forest. And now, some ponies decided to actually investigate.

What is this?

This is my first RP, and it is about a web series called Marble Hornets. To put it simply, it is a web series based around the Slenderman myths. Keep in mind that this RP is going to have aspects from many other Slenderman-based web seies, not just Marble Hornets.


-Big knowledge over the Marble Hornets series isn't nescessary, only knowing a bit about Slenderman would be nice.

-I have the right to deny your character, though its problably not happening.

-The character(s) should not have much information over Slendermane himself, other than the info that was shown in Marble Horns.




-Techno Universal - https://mlpforums.com/roleplay-characters/techno-universal-r9672/

-Stardust Balance - https://mlpforums.com/blogs/entry/15056-main-oc-stardust-balance/

-Arctica - https://mlpforums.com/blogs/entry/22766-arctica-superion/

-Scripted Scribble - https://mlpforums.com/roleplay-characters/scripted-scribble-r10098/


Edited by Flinp
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4 minutes ago, Flinp said:

@Techno Universal Alright, lemme see...

Your in! I don't see many flaws in your character, so your accepted.

@Stardust Balance Your accepted too! By the way, I like the way you used a blog post instead of the character thing for you OC. Do you mind if I do the same for my charas?

Okay he's in! Anyways Techno would also probably be wearing his massive cape in the RP and it's really just to make things fun as I'll have him get so scared to the point where he wraps his cape around himself to try and hide himself! :)

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By the way, I forgot to say- Scripted Scribble has a magic pencil which lets him summon things or creatures if he writes them down. However, the surface that he is writing down has to be entirely white. He can also immediately erase the things he made. Hopefully everyone is ok with it.

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